Pulling Data From Access To Windows Form?

Feb 5, 2010

I am trying to insert data into two lables from an access database(2 different tables) by doing a search. I have code that wont work

Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click
Dim SearchPatient As String = txtNPatientID.Text


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Pulling Data From Access Database In .net?

Jul 21, 2009

database name = DataTable

Pulling data from Access database in .net?

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VB Pulling Info From Access?

Dec 15, 2009

how to pull information from Access and display it on a form with many different txtBoxes. For example I have 2 Queires written as well as the "Fill,GetData" for the tableAdapter. I just can't figure out how to say txtBox1 you use Query1 and txtBox2 use Query2. I'm getting data in my text boxes just not that information I need to be there so I have it bound properly as well as pulling from the right column of the data base. I'm using VB.Net 2005 and a Access 2000 Database if that helps/matters

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Connecting To Access Db And Pulling Results?

Apr 14, 2011

Im trying to pull 2 bits of information form the access db.

My db sting is:

Shared Function GetLastPost(ByVal forum As String) As String
Dim MyResult As String
Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:Documents and SettingsperkinjMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2010WebSites


but i want to get 4 bits of info from my db


and im not sure how to display this within my page_load

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Pulling Data From PDF?

Jul 6, 2009

I'm trying to pull data from a PDF to run calculations.What would be the best way to approach this?

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Pulling Data From A Listbox?

Jun 9, 2010

here's what I'm doing. I'm putting together a program that will allow employees that work under me to all submit shift reports in the same format instead of getting multiple different formatted text files.

I have a list box that they add "actions" they've performed throughout the day. It's populated by a combo box and some text boxes.I've got it all functioning minus one aspect...


Here's my problem... it's only outputting the FIRST set of items. The "Upgraded" accounts all list but the "Downgraded" and "Canceled" are not there.In a perfect world, I wouldn't ever need to worry about "Canceled" or "Downgraded" but... the world isn't perfect so,

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Pulling Data Into VB From SQL Function?

Feb 24, 2009

I have a table in my SQL DB that contains :- ID- Date From- Date ToI then have a SQL function that pulls out the Start Date (See code below)

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VS 2008 Pulling Data From Webpage

Apr 6, 2011

I am trying to pull wind direction, temperature and speed, data from this webpage, I have had not much success with it at all, I think that I have the correct method but get stuck on the HTML coding. the webpage is: [URL] I sort of know how to get to the HTML code, but get lost on how to define the ellements that are required. I have a screen capture of where I get up to.

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Asp.net - Pulling Data Into A RadioButtonList Including Randomizing ?

Jan 16, 2012

This is in ASP.net iwth VB.I have a quiz project that I've been assigned for work.This quiz project contains two main SQL Databases it pulls the info from. First is a Quiz table, which contains three columns: QuizID (Pri Key), Title, Description. This is where I declare the quizzes, indicated by the QuizID (1, 2, 3....etc)

The second table is the Questions table, containing the following columns: QuestionsID (Pri Key), Title, Answer1, Answer2, Answer3, Answer4, Answer5, CorrectAnswer, QuestionOrder, QuizID....The QuizID in the Quesitons table matches the QuizID in the Quiz table.Thus for QuizID = 1, it consists of all the questions with the matching QuizID in the Questions table. The CorrectAnswer I want to assign a simple value (1, 2, 3...etc).I need a way to take a set of questions (based on the QuizID) put them in some sort of table and randomize them (or rather shuffle them) so that each time this quiz is taken, it pulls all questions randomly, but not repeating any)...I then want the code to pull the question and coorepsonding answers to pick from in a radiobuttonlist. However, It only needs to pull the number of answers. Example, a True/False will only have Answer1 and Answer2. The other Answers will have the NULL value in it.

There needs to then be a way to go through each one of these questions that have been placed in the table (in that random order) using a "next" button. When a question and possible answwers are displayed, I alaready have code to keep the answers in the session to grade it at the end (using correctAnswer and selected answer.I have no specific way to bind the data to the Database. I have used SQLDataSource to make other connections before, but I don't know if this is the best way.

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DB/Reporting :: Connecting And Pulling Data From MS SQL Database?

Jul 21, 2009

I was wondering which way would be the easiest in VS2005 to connect to and pull data from a MS SQL database. I have already setup the database connection by choosing the datasource for a DataGridView but I'm not able to retreive any information.

The steps I have taken so far:

1. Make new form

2. Drag and drop DataGridView onto the form

3. Setup the data source and respective username password

Not sure where to go from here....

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Pulling Data From Excel Shows Improperly?

Sep 11, 2009

I just got put on a new project to design an app that will retrieve data from an excel data sheet that holds information from our VoIP server's call log. Conveniently, this call log is stored in a fixed location on the local drive that this app will be running on. After working on this for a bit, I knew right away I'm going to need someone smarter than I am...I got to the point where I can show data but heres the issue : Every time I am retrieving the date it shows it as, "08/27/2009 12:00:00 AM", how do i remove the unrelated time stamp? Here is my code in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition:

Public Class Form1
Dim cn As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim ds As New System.Data.DataSet()


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VB Application Pulling Data For Some Users, Not For Others On Same Machine?

Jul 14, 2010

When it is installed on a machine, it will run for all users. But for some users, it is unable to get some data from the database. I have found out that if it is run-as either administrator,or in winxp compatibility mode, it works. But if not, then some users have the problem.The database is in the same C: drive location as the exe, and it doesn't change from user to user.The computer is using windows 7 professional 32-bit.

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Insert Data From An Access Unbounds Form To An Access Table

Jun 9, 2009

I'm trying to insert data from an Access unbounds form to an Access Table using the follwoing code:

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Pulling SQL Data Into Text File - Some Fields Null / Blank

Apr 2, 2010

I am trying to pull sql data into a text file. The code works just fine, until some new data comes in from lazy employees and a couple fields (used for notes/comments) are now left blank. Originally I've never seen them blank so I didn't think anything of it.
col2 = myreader.GetString(1)
It will error if the field is ever null - I even tried using a case when:
case when note is null then '" & empty & "' else note end and set the variable emtpy = '', but vb still thinks that it's null and errors?

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VS 2008 Pulling Delimited Data And Putting Them In Combo Boxes

Jun 3, 2010

I have a PHP Page that displays airport information in a list in the following order


Using that delimited method of ";" then a break, how can i put all of those into a combo box. There are a few hundred.

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Print Preview - Pulling Data From Database And Printing Necessary Charges To The Invoice?

Jan 15, 2012

I generate a print preview, the only thing is, if there is enough data to fill like 2-3 pages I don't know how to generate a new page. It only fills the first page and that's it....

Private Doc As New PrintDocument()
Private Sub btnPrint_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrint.Click[code].....

most of the code it's just pulling data from database and printing necessary charges to the invoice, but if the invoice is more than 1 page then I don't know what to do because it only generates 1 page.

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Get The Sum Of A Column In A Access DB Using Windows Form?

Aug 19, 2011

Dim sumObject As Integer
With 123DataSet.Table1
If .Columns.Contains("ID") Then[code]....

I am using VB 2010 and Access 2007 I have a form and I would like to get the Sum of one of the columns called QTY but I am having trouble with the coding. I tried a number of ways here is what I have.

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Pulling Three Coloums Of Data From A SQL View Into Data Drid Day / Time-In / Time-out

Apr 15, 2012

I am pulling three coloums of data from a SQL view into my data drid Day,TimeIn,TimeoutI want to colour my datagrid rows red if timeout is null and green if both the timein, timeout have data in them.[code]

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Access A File In Windows Form App Whose Filepath Is Url?

Apr 15, 2011

I want to access this file which is in a particular url...[www.xyz.com/file]....when i type the address in browser im able to view all the files in that path..

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Access A Powerpoint Presentation Within The Windows Form?

Nov 17, 2009

I am designing a vb.net application and I want the user to be able to access a powerpoint presentation within the windows form. Can anyone direct me to a good site with good enough instructions for VB.net (not vb 6

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Windows Form Application Access Database?

Jun 28, 2010

Windows form application Access database Is it best practice to restrict user entry via keypress event
then validate all info entered & show error control message

or use dataset partial class columnchange as cannot restrict user entry here Could an experienced programmer suggest best way i actually prefer restricting keypress then loop through and validate all entrys
but want to be right

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Switch From ADO To ADO.NET - Regards To Data Access When It Comes To Windows Forms Applications

Jul 21, 2009

I have some friends who are 'old-school' VB6 database developers and I was telling them about .NET and its features, specifically ADO.NET. In our conversation, they brought up the following reasons why they would rather stick with ADO than move to ADO.NET: The Dataset is disconnected (What if power fails?)

The same amount of code still has to be written The new options of Dataset, BindingSource and TableAdapter seem confusing the same code is written programatically access the Database, all that changes is how that command is laid out. Why ADO.NET is 'better' than ADO with regards to data access when it comes to Windows Forms applications. What does ADO.NET provide that ADO does not? What does it do better than ADO? I'd like examples that do not involve LINQ.

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Using .NET Save Data In Access On A Windows Vista Platform?

Jul 1, 2010

We have developed an application using Visual Basic .NET as the front end and Microsoft Access as the back end. If we run the application on Windows XP we can write records to the database but when we run it on Vista it does not write records to the database.

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Access A Windows Application Form From An ASPX Page?

Aug 2, 2010

I have an aspx page and I want to access an application on the client after seeking user permission. Both the windows application and the website are to be made in VB.NET.

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Access The Start Menu From A VB Form For Both Windows XP & 2000?

Jun 21, 2010

How can you access the Start Menu from a VB form for both Windows XP & 2000?

I've done a lot of research and haven't found anything that works for this.

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Forms :: When The Form Is On Top, User Cannot Access The Other Application In The Windows

Apr 13, 2010

I only managed make the form always on top. But what I want is when the form is on top, user cannot access the other application in the windows.

For example : Some messagebox won't let users access the other application until the users hit the OK button.

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Make A Windows Form Application That Uses An Access Database

Jun 9, 2011

The problem has been simplified for the purpose of clarity. I want to make a windows form application that uses an access database. The application will store the list of person's basic details such as name, age and country. The database contains two related tables ie person(id, name, age, country_id) and country(id, country_name) My windows form contains TextBox, DateTimePicker, ComboBox for Name, Age and Country respectively. Now I want to make CRUD operation Programmatically (Not using Visual tools) in the same form with some navigation buttons.

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Windows Form To Show Contents Of Database In Access?

Feb 18, 2012

Any examples of of windows forms that interact with access databases in vb.net. What I creating is a form where you can enter data to a database and delete if need be. But display the contents of a database in a table or tree.

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Showing / Hiding A Form On Windows Server 2008 RD Web Access

Mar 21, 2011

I'm having an issue with my app where IE will get brought to the front of the screen when I am switching between forms. Basically I have a form with the man menu which consist of a few command buttons that will start up another form once a user clicks on the button. I do not want the users loading up multiple forms in my application, so once they load one form I end up hiding the main form. So my code looks as shown below when a button is clicked.


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Update Records In Access Database From Program2005 Windows Form?

Sep 29, 2009

With the following code i am able to update record in the first row. Can some tell me what i have to replace in this code to update a record for a selected row. I have a field "Sr_No" with primary key.[code]...

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