Push Raw Data To Network?

Nov 13, 2010

I've built an IPv4 Header/Datagram implementation and a TCP Header/Datagram implementation - I can verify that all my code is fine (checksums computed right, < 8bit values computed right, etc).

When I try to use System.Net.Sockets and I specify any ProtocolType (including Unknown), the Socket simply refuses to send any datagram where the Protocol Field value in the IPv4 Header doesn't precisely match the ProtocolType. No error or exception is thrown; the socket simply doesn't perform the send.

This means I can't use a raw socket to send customized IP or TCP datagrams, which means I can't communicate with servers that have customized implementations of these basic protocols.

All I need is to push this raw data to the network. I'm not married to System.Net.Sockets - be happy to just shove my data on the network, since the packet headers are fine.

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When Push Button Data From Excel(The Next Cell Data) Go To The Next Line In Textbox

Aug 8, 2010

I want when Push Button data from Excel(The next cell data) go to the next Line in Textbox.

Private Sub Button18_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button18.Click
Me.TextBox1.Text = wshTest.Range("B2").Value


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Push Data Into Crystal Report?

Jun 17, 2009

how to push data into crystal report?

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Push The Data To 3rd Party To Do Some Analysis Work?

Jul 19, 2010

I have a website where people do the data entry. I have data stored in SQL server.Now I need to push the data to 3rd party to do some analysis work.What are my options to do this kind of job?

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IDE :: Pull Data From Source Database, Manipulate It And Push It Into The Destination Database?

Jan 22, 2009

I have VS 2005 installed in my sytem fyi.We have two databases, say source database and destination database. The databases is in Oracle. Now we need to pull data from Source database, manipulate it and push it into the destination database on daily basis.We are planning to use VB .Net for this and would like to know if this is feasible. Using windows forms through VB .NET, is it possible to create a exe and schedule the exe on nightly basis to pull the data from source to destination.how to do this as for manipulation of data, there is no intermediate database for us?

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Multi-user Application - Updating All Clients When A User Updates Data (push Vs Pull)?

Aug 26, 2009

I am designing a fairly small application to manage a waiting area for a clinical department. There will be a receptionist who books appointments and updates exisiting appointments to say that a patient has "Arrived". In seperate rooms will be nurses who call patients who have "Arrived" and update the appointment as "In Session" and finally as "Discharged". The appointments are viewed in a flexgrid with nurses across the top and time down the left, patient names are displayed at the relevant times and the cells are shaded a colour to represent the current appointment status ("Booked", "Arrived", "In Session" and "Discharged").

I am using SQL Server as the back-end and Visual Basic 6 (I know) as my front-end.I have been told that there will be 2 or 3 nurses plus the receptionist logged in to the system but I would like to cater for growth.My question is what is the best mechanism to use in order to reflect the status change made by one user on the screens of the other users currently logged in?

I have been thinking about using a timer to refresh the data at a set interval but I do not want to keep hitting the server excessively (although what is considered excessive? we would be talking about a call for data every 60 secs per user). Plus the server could be serving data for many other applications so this is another consideration.Alternatively I have been thinking about sending some kind of message via Winsock to the other users notifying them of data changes as they happen. I don't have a lot of experience with this and am concerned about clients not receiving messages and users seeing old data. It also seems strange to me that once the days appointments have been retrieved from the database that "in theory" a client could go the whole day without having to query the database again to pick up changes - kind of scary.Some information on the data:We would probably be looking at around 100 appointments per day We capture patient name, date of birth, date and time of appointment and appointment status.What is the standard approach / best practice for this kind of scenario?

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VS 2008 Network App - Send Message Or Network Package To Some Of The Clients In The Network

Aug 18, 2009

Here is my idea so far: I have a bunch of computers connected in a local network. One of them is a MySQL server, one will have a vb.NET program wich will act as a "second server" and the rest will be different clients. What I want to do is that the "second server" will send out some kind of message or network package to some of the clients in the network, and they will execute a code based on what message it is, or what kind of package it is. I'll give you a simple example:


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Sending Data To Another Form In A Network ?

Jul 30, 2010

How i can send data from one form to another form through a network? i'm not asking for the codes, i just want to know what i should do to accomplish this task. i'm conceptualizing a game with the following details:

1.) there are two players, connected through a network
2.) they take turns looking for words from a puzzle of randomized letters
3.) after the given time has elapsed their words are checked and if both players has the same word, the word is removed
4.) the score is tallied

My question is, how do i get the words from the other form? specifically, how can the server form get the words from the client form? is it possible if i use xml? or can the server form access the variables of the client form? (i don't think it can, though)

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.net - Get Length Of Data Sent Over Network To TCPlistener/networkstream?

Jan 8, 2010

It seems the most obvious thing, but I just can't work out how to get the length of bytes sent over a network using a TCPClient and TCPListener? This is my code so far:

'Must listen on correct port- must be same as port client wants to connect on.
Const portNumber As Integer = 9999
Dim tcpListener As New TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(""), portNumber)


I need to get the length of the networkstream to set the size of the array of bytes I'm going to read the data into. But the networkStream.length is unsupported and does not work and throws an Notsupportedexception.

The only other way I can think of is to send the size of the data before sending the data, but this seems the long way round.

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Can Receive Data From Handpunch 3000 Via Network

Mar 7, 2011

How I can Receive Data From handpunch 3000 via network !?

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Respond To Data From A Local Network Port?

Nov 27, 2009

I am writing some software that should respond to commands from a port.

How do I set up a handler to respond when data is recieved at that port.

Do I need to do anything special, like respond or set up the port in the first place.

I don't have any experience doing anything like this!

CheersGuy Joseph - Intel Quad Q9450, 4Gb Ram, 3x500GB Hard Drives, NVidia 8800GT, Marian Marc 8, VB Express 2008

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Writing Data Of Network Stream To Form?

Jun 1, 2009

I have looked over this and can't see where i'm going wrong, all i'm trying to do is add an item to a listbox when i a tcpclient logs on to the server. Code in question... If i put a breakpoint in i can see that initialclientresponse is set correctly.

Public Sub ConnectClient()
Dim pendingClient As TcpClient
Dim InitialClientResponse As String


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VB Array Push - Add A Value ?

Mar 25, 2012

I am currently iterating through a loop and redimensionalising my array every time I need to add a value (as you can imagine this takes some time for a redim every loop) is there a way I can implement a push similar to ruby or java? This would need to save the processing time needed to redimensionalise the array every time I need to add a value to it.

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Cannot Connect To Network To Send Data Through Message Board

Nov 2, 2009

I have this codes here whereby my objective is to develop a writing network applications of programming, a means of sending data to a message board(messaging system). My problem is I couldn't connect it to the server's IP address and port num to send a data through a message board. However I could only display at Form2 txtReceive.
Text = HexConvert.Data_Asc_Hex(sData),

Whereby this code could only convert whatever data(txtSend) that is being typed in, could then convert hex decimal into a textbox(txtReceive). The final result that I would want to achieve is to be able to display the at the textbox(txtReceive) is the <"message protocol"> & <"hex message that is being typed"> & <"parity bit"> into the txtReceive box.

Form form 1, my codes are....
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Const portNo As Integer = 1234
Dim client As TcpClient
[Code] .....

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Create A Program That Will Send Data Across Network To Another Computer?

Mar 23, 2011

I want to create a program that will send data across my network to another computer. The data will be taken and used as sort of a command for the computer to load a webpage, or whatever I decide to do with it. I was familiar with the winsock control in Vb6.

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Make ODBC Data Source Available On Network Interface?

Mar 4, 2009

I used the ODBC Data Sources admin panel to create a "data source" for an ".mdb" file. This was very easy. I can access the mdb (database) file via an ODBC driver, locally. However I need to access this data source over the network. Can anyone please help me learn how to make this same database available on the host's network interface? Perhaps there is a tutorial, video, or some other documentation that explains how to modify a data source to make it available on the network. I am using Windows XP. I hope this does not require a special Windows server distribution.

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C# - How To Push Only The Updated Cells Using RDA

Feb 24, 2012

In my inventory mobile application , i use RDA.using the mobile device ,i update only the Barcode of a particular Item which is in the Item Master(.sdf file). then I push the tables to the SQL Server.there is a web application handles all the other functionality , including Item Master Changes.for and eg.

(1) I pull the Item master to the Mobile Device.
(2)change the Item Name from the Web application.(NOT FROM DEVICE)
(3)Update Bar code from the Device
(4)push table from mobile Device to SQL Server.

In this situation Old Item Name is replaced.My need is only to update the Barcode.

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How To Push New Record In BindingSource

Sep 8, 2009

I have a fairly simple form that uses a SQLAdapter, a DataSet, and a BindingSource to allow users to navigate through the records in a table. Each time the user navigates to a new record, I update a DataGridView control that shows the appropriate records in another table. Now I'm trying to add a new record to the main form, using this code:

bs.AddNew() 'bs is the BindingSource object.
"tblCostCodeStructures") 'da and ds are the DataAdapter and DataSet, respectively.

Now, this seems to work alright, but it doesn't seem to actually retrieve a primary key for the new record from SQL Server. This is important, because without a primary key there's no way to requery the DataGridView and tell it what the correct Foreign Key is for whatever new records a user may create. I know the code is writing the record, because I can open SQL Server and see the new record, and I can close the form and re-open it to see and edit the new record just fine.

However, I need a way for the new record to be immediately available. Obviously, closing and re-opening a form every time the user adds a new record is not going to work! How can I make it so that as soon as the user creates a new record, that record is submitted to SQL Server, the dataset updated, and the form updated so that I have the new Primary Key field available?

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How To Push Objects Onto Stacks

Apr 19, 2012

sub main()
dim menuhistory as stack(of menu)
dim currentmenu as menu
dim apple as new menu("fruit")


I'm trying to create a stack of menus so I can navigate forward and back between different menus, however when I get down the push line to push my menu onto the stack I get the following error:"NullReferenceException was unhandled: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.". I'm unsure what the problem is as I am trying to push an object onto my stack, a menu object. The same error occurs even if I change the object I am trying to push directly to apple as well.

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Push Dataset Into SQL Server?

Jan 9, 2009

I have a Class that is creating a large dataset (over 32,000 records) on the fly. I want to take the dataset and import it directly into SQL Server 2005 but I have not been able to find anything in ADO that allows me to do that all in one chunk. Doing a search I found some people in a similar situation that have exported the dataset to an XML file and then imported into SQL Server, which seems like a long way to go just to get something done that I would think would be part of ADO.Net.

However, for lack of a better option, I went a head and created the XML file but now I am having problems getting it to import into SQL Server so before I lose another day of productivity I am goin to ask a question.Is there a way to insert a dataset directly into SQL Server without going to a file first (even if I have to do it one row at a time)?


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Push Document To SQL Server

Jan 8, 2012

I am using following code to push my document to Sql server my problem is each time I push document to sql server. The sql server using memory is increasing never clear the memory. How to clear sql sever using memory after push my document?

Public Sub StoreFile(ByVal sFilePath As String, ByVal ImageId As Integer)
Dim SqlCom As SqlCommand
Dim imageData As Byte()
Dim sFileName As String
Dim qry As String
[Code] .....

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Push Install With A Given MSI File Using WMI?

Feb 17, 2009

I would like to know if it is possible to do a push install with a given MSI file using WMI where I know the credentials of the remote system(s) in VB...I have this so


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VS 2008 Displaying Data On More Than One Network Computer In Real Time?

May 2, 2009

I am busy with a VB2008 EXPRESS program that reads is data via a network cable. Saving the data on the same computer as my program is not a problem, but I must also make this data available to other users in the network and update their screens in real time. In other words I need a COPY of my running program on each networked computer when requested by the user in the network. I have looked at SQL, XML pages and inheritance. But I am confused, what is the best way???

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VS 2008 My.Computer.Network.Ping() Cannot See Network Under Windows 7

Nov 18, 2011

I have a .NET 2.0 *.dll that calls My.Computer.Network.Ping(). The *.dll is then run out of an *.exe via AppDomain.CreateDomain() and Invoke(). The problem is that this works just fine under Windows XP but under Windows 7, I get an exception saying that no network connection is available. I tried the Ping() call out of a small console application under Windows 7 and it works just fine.


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Forms :: Toggle Each Button Push?

Oct 10, 2009

I'm making kind of home autmation system with a usb interface card.8 digital & 8 analog inputs and 8 digital & 8 analog outputs.The status of the inputs is refreshed with a timer.tick and written to variable.Now the problem.I want to make an digital output active when a button(real button, not a switch) is pushed and when it is pushed again the output should be set to non active.

action() is called every timer.tick
StatusDigInput1 = status of digital input =true when pushing button
StatusDigOutput1 = status used for displaying output status


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Push A Button Then A Picture Pops Up

Oct 4, 2009

I was trying to make it so I push a button then a picture pops up, and I can't seem to make it work.

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Saving A Textfile Via A Button Push

Aug 18, 2010

ive been trying to make a application that saves some information from two textfields into a textfile at a fixed location, without any peior confirmation. This is my own best bid. But it says that the Hula string is not a member of a string.


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Selecta Text And Push The Button

Jun 12, 2010

i have a ritch textbox and i wanna if some one selecta text and push the button (sorry i don't know the name in english for this in french :indice et exposant like in microsoft word) like this in the image with color red

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Forms :: Keypress Event Is Not Triggered When Push A Key

Mar 23, 2009

I have created the following piece of code to try and see if the user pushes the 'f1' key, and if they do.


I am not sure if this code works yet because the keypressed event is not triggered when I push a key. Could someone tell me how I can change my code so that it will test what key is pressed, no matter what control on the form has focus?

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ListBox - Push Button Code Not Working

Dec 30, 2010

I'm very confusing about this code .When push Button1 ,the code not working


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