Radiobutton Checked Turning To True?

Nov 29, 2011

When I run the apps, one radiobutton is checked though the checked properties is set to false. No code setting it to true either I tried deleting and creating a new one but it is still setting checked to true at

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How To Know Which RadioButton Is Checked

Nov 15, 2011

I have problem, that I have a lot of code, and I want to try to make less as much code. I have 30 RadioButtons and is even possible tu use something like that
If CheckedRadioButton.Checked = True Then
When user click on any of RadioButtons, then it can write number of RadioButton in settings.

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Saving Value Of Checked Radiobutton Into DB?

Dec 15, 2010

I have two radiobuttons and i want to save the result of the one that has been chosen into the databasehow do i go about for now i have been using an if statement as shown below but i know that there is a more educated way to go about it.

If rdbCustomSW.Checked = True Then
txtType.Text = "Custom"
End If


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VS 2008 More Than 1 RadioButton Checked?

Sep 4, 2009

Im basicly making a "Settings" form and I want it to be able to check more then one radio button, but only 1 per "line" (One Per Setting)

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.net - Check If A Radiobutton Is Checked In A Group?

Aug 11, 2010

I have group of radio buttons, each group ranges from 5 - 27 radiobuttons. And if any radio button in a group is checked I store 1 in db else I store 0. Now I'm checking each radiobutton using if loop to see if they are checked and set database value. I'm also trying to use the code below. Is there a good/better approach to check if they are checked or not?

Current code:

'rname is radiobutton prefix for a given group
'cnt is number of radiobuttons in the group

Private Function RadioIsChecked(ByVal rname As String, ByVal cnt As Integer) As Integer[code]....

Note: I cannot use radio button list. I know this can be achieved easily using this but i want to get solution for radiobutton

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Determine If A Radiobutton In A Groupbox Is Checked?

Jan 5, 2012

How should I go about looping through a groupboxes controls and if a radiobutton is checked then do something, else display a message?

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Tabstop Not Working When Setting Radiobutton.checked To False

Feb 25, 2011

I have a form that has 13 groupboxes each with 6 radio buttons in them. I want to be able to tab through the left-most radio button in order. At load time, the left-most radiobutton in the top groupbox is checked. The only way I found to have this load unchecked is by setting it using a timer, but this makes it so that that radiobutton can't be tabbed to at all.

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Checkbox Checked If True

Apr 30, 2010

I have the function below which I call onload, I want to be able to check the checkbox (chkactive) if the ProjectStatus is set to True, how can I do that please.[code]

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Freeze The Value By Using Checkbox1.checked = True?

Dec 19, 2010

My teacher in computer programming told me that in order to make a next and back button i must do the following:

dim pic as string = 1
if pic = 1 then
picbox1.image = my.resources.blahblahblah


this does not work and i'm trying to freeze the value by using checkbox1.checked = true

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If Checkbox.checked = True Then Remamber Data 4 Eva?

Aug 7, 2006

well, i made a check box that remembers the username and password but it only remembers if the program isnt closed.i want it to remember the data even when the comp restarts.

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Datagridviewcheckbox Column Fully Default Set Checked= True?

Apr 19, 2011

sir i want datagridviewcheckbox column fully default set checked= true

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Forms :: Checked=True For Any Radio Button Form Loads?

Jul 4, 2011

My form has four panels, each contains radio buttons. At design time, all buttons have checked = false, which is what I want when form loads.When the form loads a radio button in one panel has checked = true

For the other three panels, all radio buttons have checked = false.I have tested this with no code in the Form_load subrroutine.How is checked = true being set for that that one radio button ?

Does The IDE somehow force at least one radio button on the form to have checked = true?

Can I force checked = false for all radio buttons when the form loads? If so, how?

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VS 2005 Listview - Convert The Strings Of Checked From True To Enabled And From False To Disabled?

May 8, 2012

I need to work on my listview. Do you know how I can convert the strings of checked from true to enabled and from false to disabled?


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.net - Make A Class Property Behave Like The Checked Property On RadioButton?

Jun 1, 2012

I have a very simple class that holds a few public properties - ID, Text, Colour, etc. and a Boolean called 'SelectedItem'. Just like the Checked property on RadioButtons, only one item can have its SelectedItem property set to True within a particular group. Note: there will be several separate groups (lists), each allowed to have only one item with SelectedItem = True.

My first thought was that I would probably just have to handle everything outside of the class, setting SelectedItem to False for every other item in a particular list when another item was selected. But that seems rather inelegant to me. So I've been trying to think of how this might be done within the class. For example: could I perhaps have a private string property called say "GroupName" - set in the New sub when adding a new instance of the class - and then use a private shared method to set every item's SelectedItem property to False, provided the item has the same GroupName as the newly selected item? I would have a go at doing this but I have no idea how to enumerate every instance of a class from within that class, or whether that's even possible. Is it? Or is there another (better) way to achieve my goal? Here is a cut-down version of what I've got so far:

Public Class ResourceItem
Public ID As Integer
Public Text As String[code]....

As can be seen: instead of instantiating a new ResourceItem and passing that as an argument to the manager's Add procedure, I'm simply passing the details of the new item and the procedure is creating the item from those. I don't know whether this is a good or bad idea - please advise - but I've done it because I couldn't figure out how to make the SelectedItem property only writeable by the manager, so I wanted to avoid having directly accessible objects that could have their SelectedItem property set to True without it deselecting all the other items in the same group. Of course that still leaves the possibility of setting a variable to one of the manager's list items and setting it from there, so I would still like to know how I could prevent that, if possible.

UPDATE: I didn't use the code above in the end, deciding instead to go with Cyborgx37's solution - which seems to work perfectly well for me despite the warnings about best practice. I also realised I would need to use the same class in another scenario where multiple items could be selected, so it was easy to add a Boolean property to the manager to enable that.

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VS 2008 Validate A Groupbox To Make Sure Radiobutton Is Checked - VB 2008

May 12, 2010

Is there a way to validate a groupbox with a couple radiobuttons in it to make sure that one of the radiobuttons is selected?

Heres why I need this. I need a user to be able to select their class rank out by way of radiobuttons in a groupbox. When they click submit, I need to validate that atleast one of the radiobuttons got selected and if not display a messagebox.

I got one reply early of:

If myGroupBox.Controls.OfType(Of RadioButton).Count(Function(rb) rb.Checked) = 0 Then
'There is no RadioButton checked in myGroupBox.
End If

Is there any other ways other then that? Preferrably a more 'dumbed' down way? This is for just an entry level VB class, I would prefer not to use something of that nature if there is another way.

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Javascript - Insert Checkbox Checked Value When Checked To Textbox As Comma Separated String

Nov 9, 2010

Insert checkbox checked value when checked to textbox as comma seperated string in or javascript

suppose i have 3 checkboxes and and 1 textboxes in my webpage.aspx

when i checked checkbox1 and checkbox2 then in textbox it will appear as 1,2 only on checkboxes checked event ...

and i want its revert also :

if i set textbox de

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Checked List Box Checked Data Pass To Listview [with If Uncheck It Is Removed]

Sep 22, 2011

my form contains a checked list box [data coming from the database] a combo box [bind to a database table product] and a listview [was previously a listbox]


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Loads Up 4 Images If Usb Stick Is Checked And A Different 4 If Memory Card Is Checked?

Feb 20, 2010

project im working on for my course,the idea is a photo printing machine that loads up 4 images if usb stick is checked and a different 4 if memory card is checked. and then whatever image is selected appears in the big picturebox on the left [URL] i have 2 print size options set as radiobuttons, radiobutton 1 = 6x4, which costs 25cent per photo, radiobutton 2 = 8x10, and is 50cent per photo.i also have a textbox which will display the number of copies to be printed So here's my dilemma, when the print button is selected alongside one of the radiobuttons i want it to display a message saying something like this "you have selected (whatever the amount of copies)of this photo sized 6x4, or 8x10 depending on which radiobutton is selected, and i want it to display the total cost which is the number of copies multiplied by the rate for the print size selected, then an option saying "Do you wish to proceed" Yes or No.

I did something similar to this in class earlier in the year but cant remember it, it was an airline booking program with 3 types of payment cash, visa or mastercard,upon booking a message popped up saying there is a certain percentage discount for using visa or mastercard

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Forms :: Radio Button Checked And Not Checked At Same Time

May 15, 2010

im making dynamic sql statement rmode is a radio button and tmode is a combo box


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Got A Checked Listbox On Form Which Saves The Checked Items?

Jun 6, 2012

I've got a checked listbox on my form which saves the checked items to a spot in my database on the .ItemCheck event.But there's a problem, when I begin checking items, I check the box and click off it, but it doesn't save. (This is if I've only chosen one item)

If I choose two or more items it will save, but unchecking them takes a lot of clicking around to figure it out.Is there a better event that I can use? I've tried the SelectedIndexChanged and that has the same result, there's a lot of clicking around in the checkboxes to end up with the desired selected items, and it does not allow a single item.

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Listview Checked Item - Get The ID Of The Person Whose Box Is Checked With Sub

Apr 30, 2011

In a listview with check boxes, there are two fields being loaded, ID and Lastname. With this information I want to get the ID of the person whose box is checked with this sub:


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VS 2008 Checked Treeview Get All Checked Nodes?

Sep 22, 2009

I trying to get what I think should be a simple thing. I have a checked treeview. I need to get the text of each checked node into a string. For the life of me I can't get it. I am trying to loop thru all the nodes and see if they are checked but I keep getting a "object reference not set to an instance of an object" but I don't know why.

Dim value As String
Dim node As TreeNode
Dim i As Long


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Turning A Number Around?

May 21, 2010

Some of you might remember that my application got data from a PLC which is a Short. That is converted into his base 2 equivelant and turned into a boolean array.Problem is, this 16 bit word i'm getting is little endian (right to left) and I want to turn it into a big endian (left to right).

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.net - Turning What If Into Select Case?

Apr 11, 2011

Question is, I basically wrote a Rock Paper Scissors game in VB.NET using If statements and wondered how exactly I would try and work this into a Select Case instead.Professor was pretty awful at teaching things and didn't let us know until today that it had to be Select Case(its due tomorrow

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C# - Turning Tracing Off Via App.config?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm trying to use System.Diagnostics to do some very basic logging. I figure I'd use what's in the box rather than taking on an extra dependency like Log4Net or EntLib.

I'm all set up, tracing is working wonderfully. Code snippet:

Trace.TraceInformation("Hello World")
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


That doesn't make sense to me: I just have to declare an instance of the BooleanSwicth to be able to manage (disable) tracing via the .config file? Should I like ... use ... the object somewhere?

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Page Turning Like Animation?

Aug 24, 2010

This shows a form, header and footer are to be kept fixed. In the middle there is a Group Box that hold a question with different option. When user clicks Next button at the bottom, Group Box loads next question. I want

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Turning An Array Into A String

May 16, 2011

I'm trying to turn a string array that contains string , numeric and date values some of the string values are in hebrew when turning them to a single string (using join or through a loop) the order of the values comes out wrong


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Turning An Array Into A String?

Oct 7, 2011

Basically, my program is supposed to display the list of students that have been entered. (Into a listbox.) Here's the AddStudent code (which works as far as I know)

Public Sub AddStudent(ByVal FullName As String, ByVal Gpa As Integer, ByVal Major As String, ByVal SocialSecurityNumber As String)
_FullName(ENROLLMENT) = FullName
_Gpa(ENROLLMENT) = Gpa[code]......

Here's where the problem comes in...I need to return a value from "GetAllStudents" that can be used with the lisbox. Here's the code for that:

Public Function GetAllStudents() As String
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim aryStudents(50) As String[code]....

This obviously doesn't work. It gives an error that I can't convert a 1dimensional string to an array.

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Turning List Into Array

Feb 1, 2009

i have a simple list Format


Its extracted from a text document and put in a multi line textbox in the same format. What I want to do is read each line and put it in an array, however i couldn't find code to read line by line, so I have a series of questions

1. What code do I need to put in an If statement so if it is a return (i.e. the next line) Then it runs

2. Is there a simple way to read line by line in multi textboxs so I don't need to do question 1

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Turning String Into An Array?

May 3, 2010

I want to turn a string into an array like so...

dim str1
str1 = "hello world"
arr1(0) = "h"
arr1(1) = "e"


just assume i declared all those vars. it doesnt seem to like my i variable in the Mid function

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