Random Array That Does Not Repeat?

Aug 3, 2011

Im creating a program that randoms 5 questions and when a certain question is shown then it must not be shown again when the button is clicked. Lets say when "What is my name?"array is shown when the button is clicked then it must not be shown again until the last question that is not shown will be shown.

Public Class Form1
Dim random As New Random
Dim Question() As String = New String(5) {}


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Not Repeat A Random Number More Than Once

Feb 21, 2009

I'm having trouble using the Random class. I have this [code]...

I have this code in a function and everytime I call it it return a random number. The problem is I only want the number to be return/generate once. There be times I call the function and it returns the same number as in the pass. Is there a way to random the number once? I know in C++ you use like "Seed" or something and it will only generate once.

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Random Number But Don't Repeat?

Aug 2, 2009

I would like to generate a random number less than 50, but once that number has beengenerated I would like it so that it cannot be generated again.

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Generate Random Images Without Repeat Using Hashset?

Jan 10, 2010

I am trying to generate random images from access database using hashset as it is said to be unique and there won't be any repeated images appearing. But, it doesn't seem to work. ow can i get it to work? By the way, i am very new to the concept of hashset.

Private Function GetImageFromByteArray(ByVal picData As Byte()) As Image
If picData Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing


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VS 2008 Make Sure Random Numbers Do Not Repeat?

Oct 14, 2009

I have done this code but what is a smart way to get rid of repeats?

card1 = random.Next(0, 52)
card2 = random.Next(0, 52)
card3 = random.Next(0, 52)


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Basic Mastermind Game - Don't Want Any Colors To Repeat - Values Still Repeat Sometimes

Feb 17, 2011

I'm trying to make a mastermind game program with visual basic. I started of creating the combination maker for the start of the game. Hoever, in my version i don't want any colors to repeat. I used the random function independently to get numbers from 1 to 6. Each number has a corresponding color. The problem, the values still repeat sometimes.

Here's my code for that part:

a = Fix(Rnd * 6) + 1
txtA = a

If a = 1 Then


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Use .next (random Numbers) To Randomly Select Something From A List Of Numbers But It Can't Repeat The Number?

Aug 16, 2009

So how would I use .next (random numbers) to randomly select something from a list of numbers but it can't repeat the number?I could do:

dim num as integer
dim r as new random
num = r.next(1,5)
if num = 1 then
elseif num = 2 then

That wouldn't work because it would repeat.If I donwload someone's game can I disect it in VS? :0 I tried going to open project, then I went to the folder and clicked open. It brought me inside of the folder so I tried to open the game but there is no form1 there. It says the games name then .exe in the explorer-like thing in the top right?Also, how would I have a value or something in a label and access it from a button.

Example:This is in a label.

Dim number as Integer
number = 0

Then in the button do

Label.number = 0

How would I do something like that? I want to use that a lot as I did in a different language.

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Repeat Array Calculations Multiple Times For Different Objects?

Mar 14, 2011

I am writing a numerical model to perform a set of calculations within a unit, pass the output to a new unit and perform the same calculations and so on. To do so, I have created a complicated set of functions. I have various arrays which store function outputs that are used for other functions within the program. I am trying to modify the language of the program so the functions can be repeated for each unit without literally repeating each code sequence with modified variable identities. For example:

for x = 1 to 5
for z = 0 to 2
y(z) = 3x +6


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.net - Key Repeat Delay And Key Repeat Rate?

Jan 5, 2010

How do I (programmatically) find out the key repeat delay and key repeat rate for a system?

A solution that works on any/all .Net capable platforms would be ideal, but the key target OSes would be XP, Vista, and 7.

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How To Random An Array

Jun 8, 2011

i want to make program for a quiz.i create the questions is an array,and i want that questions start at random, and never be shown again.


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How To Get Random Items From Array

Aug 26, 2010

I have an array with 280 items in it. I only want 140 of those, so I want to pick them at random. So I need to generate a random number between 0 and the source array's getupperbound property. I think. Is there a more suitable way to pluck an item from an array. I wonder if there's a way to ensure that you don't choose the same item more than once. I suppose I could randomly sort the source array and choose the first 140 items, that would ensure I don't get a repeat item. But could be inefficient if the source array is much larger than the destination array, because I'd be shuffling more values than I need to shuffle. I suppose it's a sampling problem.

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Random Image From Array?

Mar 1, 2009

Im having some problems with displaying a random image into a picturebox now i have to form on Form1 i have a button code..

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim intPic As Integer
Dim rand As New Random
Dim ImageList As New ArrayList


Its one of them yellow highlight errors as i cant see anything wrong with this code could someone

View 14 Replies

Random Numbers In Your Array?

Feb 22, 2011

How Can I random the numbers in my array but they will not repeat the array value. The array number starts from 11 to 14.

Or how can I random 4 buttons.text that uses array to call their text?

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Create An Array Of 10 Random Numbers?

Apr 19, 2011

I have not messed with VB much and I have been trying to do something that has me stumped. I wanted to create an array of 10 random numbers. Each of these numbers then is printed onto a label. From here I have two more labels that show the highest and lowest value. I got the first part, 10 random numbers show up but then things get shaky. This is what I have thus far.


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Create Random Value To Array Index?

Oct 29, 2011

i want creat a simple game. but how to create a random value to index in array

i.e index of aray [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] is generated randomly become [8,6,1,5,4,2,3]

then i use tha indext for a button text

"and anyone can make below code more simple"
Button1.Text = arr_tombol(1).ToString
Button2.Text = arr_tombol(2).ToString
Button3.Text = arr_tombol(3).ToString


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Generate Random Numbers In An Array?

Feb 3, 2011

Generating random numbers in an array HELP

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Get A Random Number From An Integer Array?

Feb 10, 2010

i want to get a random number from an integer array, then delete that number in that array.for example, i have an array like this {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}now i want to get a RANDOM number in that array ( the number must be in the array), 8 for example. And then delete it from the array.

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Inserting Random Number Into A Array?

Nov 4, 2009

i have some arrays called ques(1 to 10) what i want to do is to use a random number generator then make my each of my arrays equal to it


i want it to randomly insert the numbers into the arrays but also make sur that each number is not repeated

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Pick Random Item From An Array?

Jul 16, 2009

how I pick a random item from a array?Here's the little bit of code I got:

Dim array() As String
Dim words As String
words = "hello*123*abc*zxw"
array = Split(words, "*")

But what should I do next to randomly select a item from "array"?

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Populate An Array With 9 Random Numbers?

Nov 9, 2010

The first problem I am having is that it populates every cell with the same random number. How do I get it to create a new random number? The second problem is that I need to make sure each entry in the array is unique.


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Put A Random Amount Of Data Into An Array?

Feb 11, 2007

I'm wanting to put a random amount of data into an array, or an arrayList or some other collection.

Then say>

Dim myItem As Object 'It might be a string or a number or whatever. In this case
Integer or String probably.
' then say>>


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Random List Of Array Points?

Mar 2, 2009

I'm trying to generate a list of random points of a 2d array.


I need to process each array location, but I would like it to be in a random order.

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Random Text To A Textbox From An Array?

Sep 7, 2010

I am working on a 1st grade math program for schools in the Dominican Republic. What I am ttrying to do is have an array of farm animals. The question on the form is "How many letters are in the word " ". The " " is a textbox. All this will start when the click on a picture of a clock. A timer will also start, but I have that part done.

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Selecting Random Words From An Array?

Nov 30, 2011

How would you select a random word from an array list. Here is my coding:

'Create a sub which reads the words from the file and selects a random word.
Sub ReadWordsFromFile(ByVal fileName As String, ByRef RandomWord As String)
'Create a random number generator.
Dim RandomNumber As New Random
Dim words As New ArrayList


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Unique Random Numbers In 2D Array?

Sep 21, 2011

So I know how to an unique random number in a 1D array but In an 2D array looks so difficult or strange for me[code]...

Is their an other solution for an unique random number 2D array?

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Create An Array Of 5 Random Unique Numbers Between 1 And 30?

Aug 7, 2011

I am trying to create an array of 5 random unique numbers between 1 and 30. I've been trying for a while and have had no luck.

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Create An Array V0(9) Using Random Number Generation?

Feb 22, 2010

I want to create an array V0(9) using random number generation. For example I generated V0(9) = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1} I want to use 12345 + 67891. How can I separate to use two parts of the array.


Public Class Form1
Dim i As Integer
Dim V0(9) As Double


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Creating A Random List Of 7 Alphabets From Array

Nov 7, 2010

I have an array of 26 strings from A to Z. Then, I am creating a random list of 7 alphabets from this array. Now I want the user to pick first 2 alphabets manually and then on a click it will display the rest 5 randomly generated after subtracting first 2 picked ones from the whole 26 alphabets array. how this can be achieved in lists.

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Generate 10 Random Integers And Store It In An Array(9?

Mar 10, 2010

I try to generate 10 random integers and store it in an array(9). Then I split the array into half by converting it into string. My code can compile but it sometimes work and most time cannot work. I don't know what is the problem....

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Generate An Array Of 5 Random Numbers (with No Repeats)

Dec 12, 2009

I'm trying to make a Bulls and Cows type game, I was able to do it fairly easily with javaScript, but VB is killing me. I can get the array 5 slots long with random numbers, unfortunately they're all repeats. when I try getting no repeats I run into infinite loops, exponentially increasing array lengths, and just plain old arrays with 5 numbers randomly generated, but with repeats.

I'm trying to do this with loops, in JS I did it using regular expressions

Here's an example of my code.

Public Class Form1
Dim intRand(0) As Integer
Dim RandomClass As New Random


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