Randomly Call Strings From Array

Nov 25, 2010

I am writing a who wants to be a millionaire console application in VB and need to write the 50/50 bit. I have tried searching for a solution but i couldn't find anything that would solve my problem. The questions and answers are stored in an array and i need to be able to call a random answer from the array.

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VS 2008 Randomly Display Strings?

Mar 27, 2009

Basically what i want to do is when a command button is clicked and it has run the code at then end i want a label to display one string out of many at random. How would i declare the various strings and then get it to display one at radnom

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VS 2008 Using List Of Strings Or Array Of Strings?

Oct 16, 2009

I'm migrating from VB6 to VB.NET, in hence my questions below:

I have to write a function that returns array of strings.

How can I initiate it to empty array? I need it since I have to check if it's empty array after it returns from this function.

Is list of arrays better for this purpose? If I use a list - Is it empty when it firstly defined? How can I check it it's empty?

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Create An Application That Will Randomly Select 14 "stations" (strings) From A List Of 33?

Mar 3, 2012

I am trying to create an application that will randomly select 14 "stations" (strings) from a list of 33. My thinking is that I have a for/next loop that randomly selects a number between 1,33 which is then inputted into an array (arrnumber) I then want those random numbers to then be used to call the Station name which is saved in the second array, and then for the selected stations to be populated into a listbox (potentially by storing those names selected in a new array?)

Various people have suggested either using a list (of t) instead of arrays, or a Dictionary(?) or perhaps even a database, though I am not all that confident with VB to be able to know where the best place to start with that is. So if anyone can offer any advice, pointers as to how I can link my 2 arrays (I am pretty sure I know how to make the array populate a listbox) I would be very much obliged.

Public Class Form1
Dim Stationid() As String = {"Cardiovascular Examination", "Respiratory Examination", "Abdominal Examination", "Abdominal Examination with Stoma", "Groin and External Genitalia Examination", "Cranial Nerves Examination", "Arm Examination", "Leg Examination", "Parkinson`s Examination", "Cerebellar Examination", "Speech Examination", "Hand Examination", "Elbow Examination", "Shoulder


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Choose Randomly From An Array?

May 19, 2011

I'm trying to configure my program to choose a random entry from an array:

MsgBox("Participants will now be allocated to each group at random...")
Dim number As Integer
Dim randomnumber As Integer


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Randomly Pick A Value From An Array?

Jan 16, 2009


The problem that I am having is that instead of displaying "hello" I want it to add the listbox items to the array.

Can you have it randomly pick a value from an array?

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Array - Randomly Generate Numbers

Apr 14, 2010

I am making an application that randomly generates numbers. I then have to find out if those numbers are even or odd. Then place them in the corresponding array ( EvenNumbers() or OddNumbers() ). Then display the random numbers array then the even and odd numbers array. I am up to the point where I have the generated numbers and can tell if they are even or odd, but can't get them into an array. I am trying to do it like this....


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Display String Randomly From Array

Jun 2, 2011

I have a form with one richtextbox and one button. The idea is that:
Form Load: data read from text file into arrayButton Click: random number generated, then used to select the string whose index number matches the random number generated

My StreamReader is working correctly and I can create random numbers with no problem, but I'm stuck on how I can use this random number to extract the corresponding string. I keep get the error saying QuoteObject reference not set to an instance of an object.

My code is below:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim questions(69) As String
Dim i As Integer
[Code] .....

View 6 Replies

Randomly Pick A Number From An Array?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm doing a project at the moment for school,I need to randomly pick a number from an array,which I can do but I can only use that number three times,I dont want an answer

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Randomly Pick A Memory Location In An Array?

Aug 1, 2011

how to have the code randomly pick a memory location in an Array without having it filled, perferably in VB.NET Thinking of the logic, I was thinking

Dim random As Random
Dim tic(2, 2) As String

Would putting the array as a parameter would randomly pick a memory location in an array?

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How To Extract The Strings Out Of An Array Of Strings

Jun 24, 2011

Dim str As String
Dim str2 As Array
str = "blabla duhduh"
str2 = str.Split(" ")

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VS 2008 - Show The Each Element Of The Array Randomly One By One In A Message Box

Dec 22, 2011

I have a question about an array of string and random. I have an arry of string i.e Dim testArrayString() As String = {"Orange", "Apple", "London", "Sydney", "anything"} I want to show the each element of the above array randomly one by one in a message box....and also stores that randomly generated string from that array into an another variable... How would i do that... i have no clue

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VS 2005 - Adding Images Into Array And Assign Randomly To Button

Dec 21, 2010

I have 22 images and I am trying to add them into an array and then assign them randomly to a button so when the button is pressed it will change to the assigned image. Also is it possible to randomize the array.

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Use Configuration Manager To Call Connnections Strings?

Jul 1, 2009

How to call the configuration manager to get the connection strings instead of having the connection string in the code. I have seen a sample of how to do it in C# but can't get it to translate over to VB.Net.

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Convert An Array Of Strings To An Array Of Integers?

May 6, 2010

how to convert an array of strings to an array of integers? I want to convert a string array with 77, all string numbers, to an integer array?

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Merge 2 Strings Array Into A New String Array?

May 12, 2011

i have 2 string arrays and I want to merge them together then put the elements into a third string array ..

for an example :
after merging:

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Way To Concatenate List Of Strings Into A Comma-separated Strings, Where Strings Are Members Of An Object?

Oct 16, 2009

Say I have a List(Of Tag) with Tag being an object. One member of Tag, Tag.Description, is a string, and I want to make a comma-separated concatenation of the Description members.Is there an easier way to do this than to read the Description members into a List(Of String) and then use the Join function?

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Scramble Word - 4 Set Of Words Store In Array And Wan Randomly Selects And Scramble Its Letters In A Label

Feb 12, 2011

I have 4 set of words store in array and wan randomly selects and scramble its letters in a label. i just know how to do the coding part of randomly display the words in the label but it no scramble i have no idea to do the scramble part, any expert can give the solution or example?

Below is my code:

Dim word(4) As String
Dim random As New Random

word(0) = "superman"


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ASAP VB 2010 - Randomly Select A Single Student Out Of The Student Array Based On Their Subscript Number

Mar 6, 2012

randomly select a single student out of the student array based on their subscript number. This will be accomplished by the following:


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Randomly Pick An Element From An Array And Can Only Use That Element Three Times

Mar 11, 2010

I need to randomly pick an element from an array and I can only use that element three times,I can randomly pick the element but how do I go about only using it three times.

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ArrayList Vs Array Of Strings?

Mar 7, 2009

If I want to store a list of names ie. "David", "Frank", "Chris", would it be better to do:


Also, what is the difference if you put the () with the variable name or with the type? I see sometimes


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Editing Strings In An Array

Mar 21, 2012

ok so i have a .txt file that is a log of events. they pretty much follow this format:


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Init Array Of Strings?

Jun 8, 2011

The problem I'm having is that it seems like strings have to be initialized differently than other types and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Public Class Class1
Private intNum() As Integer
Private dateString() As String


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Join An Array Of Strings?

Dec 25, 2009

What's the easiest way to join an array of strings?

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Load Strings Into Array?

May 30, 2009

Why does the following not work below? I get an error on the first bracket "{" saying "Expression Expected"[code]...

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Sorting An Array Of Strings?

Jan 13, 2011

Is there a way to sort an array in VB that would put J10 and J11 after J9?

J1 (PN= 605848)
J10 (PN= 605987)
J11 (PN= 605987)


This is what I get after I run myArray.sort()

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Sorting Through Strings In Array?

Mar 31, 2012

Each array string represents a text file in a folder. I want the array to be sorted based on what the text file contains. How would I do that?

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Way To Clear An Array Of Strings?

Apr 3, 2009

What is the best way to clear an array of strings?

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.Net MS Publisher Strings Array To TextBox ?

May 14, 2011

I am creating a Simple Publisher Application in which I need to insert texts in different textbox from an array of strings .I have coded it like this .

Dim texts(40) As String 'Array of strings to be inserted
shpTextBox = appPub.ActiveDocument.Pages(pageIndex).Shapes.AddTextbox _
(Orientation:=PbTextOrientation.pbTextOrientationHorizontal, _[code]......

Now It only populates first text box with the first string in the array (For 0th index) and rest textboxes contains empty strings ,though texts array has values.

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2d Array Of Strings And Nested For Each Loops?

Feb 2, 2012

I'd like to be able to do something like this:

Dim newdata(,) As String = New String(,) { _
{"foo", "bar"}, _
{"fum", "baz"} _


If I change the outer loop to:

For Each str() As String In newdata

It builds ok but I don't get what I want. The outer loop process the elements of newdata as a 1d array and the inner loop sees each character of the strings from the outer loop.So...is there a way to use the for each structure and process a 2d string array? If so, what should I change? If not, what is the best alternative?

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