VS 2005 - Adding Images Into Array And Assign Randomly To Button

Dec 21, 2010

I have 22 images and I am trying to add them into an array and then assign them randomly to a button so when the button is pressed it will change to the assigned image. Also is it possible to randomize the array.

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Randomly Display The Images In Different Pictureboxes Each Time Click A Button?

Jan 16, 2010

Ok lets say i have 5 picturebox`s and 5 images, how can i randomly display the images in different pictureboxes each time i click a button ?

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2 Dimensional Image Array But Cannot Assign Images Its Members

Jun 21, 2010

i've created a 2-dim image array but cannot assign images its members. i have done as follows


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Getting Images From File And Adding Them To An Array?

Jan 12, 2012

I'm trying to create a program that checks if someone is going to Happy Hour. If not, it lists those who aren't and puts their picture next to their name.I'm able to achieve all but get the images locally and store them in an array (which would be added to pictureArray(i)).(You can see the commented out sections are where I've tried to get the images...)

Public Class Form1
Dim ITLPList() As String = {"Name 1", "Name 2", "Name 3", "Name 4", "Name 5", "Name 6"}
' Dim imageList As New ImageList
' Dim fileSteam As New System.IO.FileStream(sFileName, System.IO.FileMode.Open)


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VS 2005 Assign Values In Textbox Array?

Sep 2, 2009

i have record of 30 employees....and what i am doing is when the form loads i want to assign the textbox the value from the database....can i do it thru an arrary

eg i want to do something like this

For i = 0 To 29
fname[i].text = name[i]

how to i assign the name (fname[0]) in design window......is there an alternate way of doing this ?

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Forms :: Getting Images From File And Adding Them To Array?

Jan 12, 2012

I'm trying to create a program that checks if someone is going to Happy Hour, if not, it lists those who aren't, and puts their picture next to their name.I'm able to achieve all but get the images locally and store them in an array (which would be added to pictureArray(i))You can see the commented out sections are where I've tried to get the images...

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Make Several PictureBox Images Randomly Visible = False And Then Back To Visible = True Giving The Appearance Of Flashing Or Blinking Images?

Jun 28, 2010

I have placed several PictureBox Images of different colored dots(which represent lights) on an image of a Christmas Tree. I can make the lights randomly flash using a randomGenerator and a Select case statement. However, the code is very long. There are 67 lights on this tree and the code is 71 pages long. There has to be an easier way to do this. So far I have tried the following with two images of lights just to see if it would work and it does not work:

Dim picLight(2) As
For intX


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VS 2005 Button With Drop-down Images

Jun 17, 2011

I am working on button component, and I would like to get up and down arrow keys on the button, and on the click event of these arrow keys to display the images, proposed functionality in the form can be done further. I want to display an image with the text and the arrow keys to display the images when I click on the button like this:

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Load Images From Imagelist To Picturebox Randomly In

Jun 18, 2011

i have 6 images in a listbox, and i want to show the pictures in a picturebox randomly...i'm using the following code:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Randomly Pick Images To Load Into Picturebox

Nov 16, 2009

I'm working on creating a very simple dice game for class (not for gambling purposes). The users has already entered their total amount of money, and are are able to wager for every round. We were supplied with 6 different picture files to represent the 6 sides of the dice. It will be located in the C:\Temp folder, and after the user clicks a play button, the form (frmDice) will appear, which has two pictureboxes(pbDice1 & pbDice2) located on it.


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VB 2008 Using Image As Varible (generating Images Randomly)

Oct 11, 2009

I am using Visual Basic 2008.I am trying to code a simple "show and hide" game where pictures are generated behind a buttonThese pictures need to be generated randomly from my resources. i have got as far as declaring the random number, but am having problems with using a image as avairible which can then be used in a picture box. i have tried "image" but i am having no luck!

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VS 2005 - Bindingsource Removecurrent - Difference Delete Or Adding Button

Apr 27, 2011

If you have a form with two datagridviews that were dragged on to the form from a datasource that have a parent/child relationship with foreign key constraints. Is there any difference between using the binding navigator Delete button or adding a button to the form and in the Click event put "somebindingsource. RemoveCurrent". Basically what I'm trying to find out is if clicking the navigator Delete button causes "Removecurrent" or does it do something else or something additional.

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VS 2005 Adding A Refresh Button To Update Combo Box Drop Down List?

Jul 16, 2009

See the below

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1


the last value inserted into the access database will be add to the drop down list of their corressponding combo box.

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Choose Randomly From An Array?

May 19, 2011

I'm trying to configure my program to choose a random entry from an array:

MsgBox("Participants will now be allocated to each group at random...")
Dim number As Integer
Dim randomnumber As Integer


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Randomly Pick A Value From An Array?

Jan 16, 2009


The problem that I am having is that instead of displaying "hello" I want it to add the listbox items to the array.

Can you have it randomly pick a value from an array?

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VS 2005 Populate 2D Array On Button Click?

Apr 10, 2009

I need to create an array, but an empty one, which has 3 fields, but unknown number of records.



Now, on each button click I want to populate


into that array for a column.

How do I go about placing EACH string into that column?

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Array - Randomly Generate Numbers

Apr 14, 2010

I am making an application that randomly generates numbers. I then have to find out if those numbers are even or odd. Then place them in the corresponding array ( EvenNumbers() or OddNumbers() ). Then display the random numbers array then the even and odd numbers array. I am up to the point where I have the generated numbers and can tell if they are even or odd, but can't get them into an array. I am trying to do it like this....


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Display String Randomly From Array

Jun 2, 2011

I have a form with one richtextbox and one button. The idea is that:
Form Load: data read from text file into arrayButton Click: random number generated, then used to select the string whose index number matches the random number generated

My StreamReader is working correctly and I can create random numbers with no problem, but I'm stuck on how I can use this random number to extract the corresponding string. I keep get the error saying QuoteObject reference not set to an instance of an object.

My code is below:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim questions(69) As String
Dim i As Integer
[Code] .....

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Randomly Call Strings From Array

Nov 25, 2010

I am writing a who wants to be a millionaire console application in VB and need to write the 50/50 bit. I have tried searching for a solution but i couldn't find anything that would solve my problem. The questions and answers are stored in an array and i need to be able to call a random answer from the array.

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Randomly Pick A Number From An Array?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm doing a project at the moment for school,I need to randomly pick a number from an array,which I can do but I can only use that number three times,I dont want an answer

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VS 2008 'add Images' Button Where To Load Multiple Images

Jan 3, 2012

I need this for my program. There is "add images" button where you can load multiple images and those images should be show on listview after loading.I have been trying to make this but could not get it work.

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Randomly Pick A Memory Location In An Array?

Aug 1, 2011

how to have the code randomly pick a memory location in an Array without having it filled, perferably in VB.NET Thinking of the logic, I was thinking

Dim random As Random
Dim tic(2, 2) As String

Would putting the array as a parameter would randomly pick a memory location in an array?

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VS 2008 - Show The Each Element Of The Array Randomly One By One In A Message Box

Dec 22, 2011

I have a question about an array of string and random. I have an arry of string i.e Dim testArrayString() As String = {"Orange", "Apple", "London", "Sydney", "anything"} I want to show the each element of the above array randomly one by one in a message box....and also stores that randomly generated string from that array into an another variable... How would i do that... i have no clue

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VS 2005 Choose Randomly From User List?

May 18, 2010

I'm relearning VB.net just for fun, so consider me new at this. I'm trying to write a program where the user can input a list of names or numbers, and the program will randomly pick one of those names or numbers. So far, I can get it to randomly generate numbers based on what I put in the code, but I don't know what I should use for the user to input the data, and how to code it so that the program will pick from that data.

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Assign Some Values To An Array From Same Array?

May 30, 2010

TheConnectionValue (this array (5x5) is given)[code]...

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VS 2008 Creating Game - Randomly Selecting Questions By Clicking Button

Jan 13, 2010

I am creating a "Who wants to be a millionaire" game. Lets say I have 100 questions in a listbox. How can i randomally select a question by clicking a button.

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Assign Same Value To An Array?

Aug 24, 2010

Does Visual Basic arrays have the possibility to assign values in one line?i.e. No need to have a loop to assign a value for the whole array.for example,

Dim Array1 (1000) As Integer = 478
Dim Array2 (1000, 1000) As Integer = 852

this means that all values of array1 will be 478 and the other is 852.

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Assign Array As Datagrid?

Apr 10, 2009

in my project i assign Array as Datagrid (Not Datagridview) Datasource . Now i want to change the individual column width

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Assign One Value To Whole Array Without Iteration Through It?

Aug 25, 2009

how to assign one value to whole array without iteration through it? for example a i have pArray (5000,5000) =1 where all members off array = 1.

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Assign The Pictures To An Array?

Nov 22, 2010

so i have 101 pictures and i need to assign the pictures to an array so that i can do a for loop to generate them all.

so what i have is 101 pictures in my resources, and i have a array of 100 (Pictures(100)) and i was thinking if there is a default value to the resources so i can maybe do something like for i=0 to 100 pictures(i)=my.resource.i <--- assuming 1 is default value of the resource. folder but it isn't just saying

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