Read From Textfile,split The Data,save With The Special Characters?

Jan 3, 2012

I got a question. I have a textfile name membership.txt and using vb2008. However my code found error when try to grab the data to an array. I use delimiter "|" to separate between each data in line to save in specific column in database.


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Save/load A XML With Special Characters?

Mar 27, 2010

i try save/load a XML with special characters like this:

�o ��o �l�

when i save nothing goes wrong but when i try open using internet exploreror any software they result in a error in that characters.the header that i using is this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dataroot xmlnsd="urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficedata" generated="2010-03-07T12:33:07">

what i need change for correct the problem?

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Cannot Read Special Characters With Streamreader / Streamwriter

Nov 23, 2009

To automate mailmerge function in word, i need to join different elements to complete the mailmergedatasource. In one of these file are words with special characters like ©, §,¨, .... When openng these files for reading, streamreader transfoms the characters to unreadable signs. When i give a type to use to open like ASCII, Unicode,it works for one or tho characters but not for all. I have the same problem when the character is read correctly, with streamwriter output to a textfile. Word cannot read the textfile and ask to define which type of coding should be used. In most of the cases not all the characters can be converted to readable characters.

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Save Number Of Days In Month Into Textfile And Read From It?

May 10, 2010

Dim days_in_clc_month(10) As Integer
days_in_clc_month(0) = 30
days_in_clc_month(1) = 29
days_in_clc_month(2) = 30


i just need to get this block of codes out, and put it in a textfile. and my program will run without seeing it, because it's all saved in the textfile.

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Regex - .NET: Manipulating TextBox Input: Dash Every 5 Characters And Removing Special Characters?

Dec 21, 2011

Essentially I am trying to replicate the Windows 7 (In-Windows) activation key TextBox form. The Form where it will auto capitalize letters, remove or deny all non alphanumeric characters except dashes every 5 characters that will be auto-input.I assume this can be done with a fairly complicated replacement Regular Expression but I cannot seem to create one to fit the needs.

This is an Example of what I have right now, but it creates an infinite loop as it removes all characters including dashes, than adds a dash, which changes the text and removes the dash again.


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Remove All Special Characters(except - And /) From A String Including All Cr,lf,crlf, Other Illegal Characters?

Sep 13, 2010

i have been trying to remove special characters. i am not able to remove many crlf in middile of the string.

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Replacing Characters In Textbox (including Special Characters)

Aug 5, 2011

I have two textboxes. I type in one of them and the text gets copied in real time into another textbox. There is one catch. I need to replace specific character with something else.

If I enter a quote " in textbox1, it has to be replaced with " in textbox2.

I started with something like the below code, but obviously this does not work (tried different stuff - this is for demonstration only). In the example below 'a' represents " , and 'b' represents "

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyUp
TextBox2.Text = TextBox1.Text


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TreeView Data Save > TextFile

Mar 11, 2010

I've made a browser project and beyond making it a default browser, I am having a problem with the Favorites feature TreeView control saving, loading and repopulating it with the users data. It's tough finding the correct code as there are so many variations of this control in various languages, but I did find sample code for loading and populating the TreeView with a text file using tabs to signify the node structure in VB.Net. (Most others I have found are VB6 or some other variation.)


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How To Read From TextFile And Store Data To Modify Later

Sep 2, 2011

What I am trying to do may be better for use with SQL Server but I have seen many applications in the past that simply work on text files and I am wanting to try to imitate the same behaviour that those applications follow. I have a list of URL's in a text file. This is simple enough to open and read line by line, but how can I store additional data from the file and query the data?

Text File:
link1 - 0
link2 - 0
link3 - 1
link4 - 0
link5 - 1

Then I will read the data with:
Private Sub ButtonX2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonX2.Click
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "*txt Text Files|*.txt"
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
Dim AllText As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
Dim Lines() = Split(AllText, vbCrLf)
[Code] .....
Am I going completely the wrong way about storing the data after importing from a text file?

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Save Data On A Textfile Without Erasing Old Ones With Listbox?

Feb 5, 2012

This saves but first erases the old code is like this[code]...

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VS 2008 Textfile And Special Chars

Jul 21, 2009

I'm using this code to read through each line in a textfile, and remove all that starts with a spesific "searchword":[code]But there are chars in the original textfile, that don't display the same in the new file.

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Retrieve Data From Textfile(.txt) And Save It Into Access Database?

Jan 27, 2010

I am looking for ways to retrieve data from textfile and save it into access database. Currently, I am doing a attendance record project. I need to save the attendance record which is given in a text file to the database. The version of VB i using is VB 2008.

The content of the text file look like this:
E010,2009/06,06/29/2009 7:44:45AM,06/29/2009 15:00:55PM,JUR
E022,2009/06,06/29/2009 7:44:45AM,06/29/2009 15:00:55PM,JUR


I tried to create a class and store the record but it just don't work.

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No Special Characters | Minimum Characters

Aug 4, 2010

example. i have 2 textboxes and if there empty it says "Incorrect Information", but how do i make it that like when a person enters something into the textbox1 it can be 3 values minimum.. like it could be eather 2 letters 1 number or what ever just more than 3 values (no special characters), and on the password.. 6 values minimum (no special characters).


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Split Text In A Special Way In VB?

Apr 19, 2012

Say if i get a value like this ":Hello;" how do i get this result "Hello" in vb i tried a lot of things but just couldn't get any thing to work out.

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Read From A File And Then Split The Data And Store Them In An Array?

Jun 10, 2011

i am try to read from a file and then split the data and store them in an array but i am getting an error. can someone please point to the right direction here is the file i am trying to read from



View 3 Replies - Fix Special Characters In String?

Aug 3, 2010

I've got a program that in a nutshell reads values from a SQL database and writes them to a tab-delimited text file.The issue is that some of the values in the database have special characters (TM, dash, ellipsis, etc.) When written to the text file, the formatting is lost and they come across as junk "â„¢ or â€" etc"

When the value is viewed in the immediate window, before it is written to the txt file, everything looks fine. My guess is that this is an issue of encoding. But, I'm not real sure how to proceed, where to look, or what to look for.Is this ASCII or UTF-8? If it's one of those how do I correct it before it's written to the text file.Here's how I build the text file (where feedStr is a StringBuilder)

objReader = New StreamWriter(filePath)

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C# - How To Put Escape Before Special Characters

Aug 15, 2010

buildLetter.Append("<style type="text/css">").AppendLine();

Assume the above contents resides in a file. I want to write a snippet that removes any line which has empty string "" and put escape character before the middle quotations. The final output would be:
buildLetter.Append("<style type="text/css">").AppendLine();

The outer " .... " is not considered special chars. The special chars may be single quotation or double quotation. I could run it via find and replace feature of Visual Studio. However, in my case I want it to be written in c# or VB.NET

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Connect To UNC With Special Characters?

Feb 5, 2009

I have a requirement to connect to a path such as[code]...

Where the first underscore is a space, and the last two underscores are ALT255. I have tried the following, based on some samples I've seen on the web, but it doesn't work[code]...

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How To Replace Special Characters

Feb 14, 2011

I have a text file, the file is sent to me, but this file has a particularity, because between characters get special characters, as if the file was a binary file.I put a screenshot. I need to pick up and replace these characters by the character "-", those chracters are at position 13 to 18 on all lines. And sometimes there is a "\n" character that makes it split the line, and this should not happen.

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IDE :: Logic To Allow Special Characters?

Oct 14, 2009

I have a datafield [Money] of datatype float.when i input currency value with $,or , it throws an error.How do I allow $ or "," to this field without changing the datatype(I know changing to type money may fix it)

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Ignore Special Characters In XML

Feb 11, 2010

I have data that I have to send as xml. There are many characters that are receiving an error. Is there a quick way that I can ignore all these characters?

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Ignore The Special Characters?

Aug 13, 2009

In C# you can use to ignore the special characters:

string myString = "this is a " string";

that would work as one complete string... in VB, doing that does not work...Anyone know the equivalent of to ignore special characters for VB

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Validation For Special Characters?

Oct 3, 2011

I have a code for the validation for special characters but my problem is i cannot use space bar because of included for the special characters.I want to happen is i cannot input special character except for the space bar. it is possible to do that?by the way this is my code:

Private Sub txtlastname_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtlastname.KeyPress
Select Case Convert.ToInt32(e.KeyChar)[code].....

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Read Text File And Sort Data Between Two Characters?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a text document that contains a bunch of data sets. However before each data set there is a number surrounded by brackets. I need to go instance by instance of brackets and pull the number between the brackets and the lines after the brackets until the next bracket. Here is an example of the text file that contains the data. I know how to read from a text document, do substring, do contain function, etc... I just am extremely stumped on how to do this. Here is an example of a couple entries of the text document...



Notice how different sections have a different amount of lines therefore a reading a fixed number of lines is not an option.

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Allow Entering Special Characters In Textboxes?

Jan 27, 2009

I was testing my program, and tried entering @ into a text box, but it didn't work. Is there any way for this to be allowed to be entered?

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C# - RegEx For Alphanumeric And Special Characters

May 17, 2012

I need to define a regular expression that accepts Alphanumeric and the following special characters:

I've come up with:
string pattern = @"[a-zA-Z0-9@#$%&*+-_(),+':;?.,![]s\/]+$";
But this doesn't seem to be working.

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Disable All Special Characters In Textbox

Nov 17, 2011

I've been searching on google for a long time and i can't seems to find a code that suits my need.

Heres my problem:

I want to disable all special characters excepted the dot(.) and the underscores(_).

Heres the code i used:


Also, it doesnt allows me to erase my text with backspace if i ever do a mistake.

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Display Field Without Special Characters

Jun 6, 2011

I have made a report in crystal reports 10 in that i want the field only displays data without the special characters like its showing 11-00-3200-002-37 but i want it would show the field like this 1100320000237 without (-). so does any one help me to do this in crystal reports 10 not in application or software code.

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Html - How To Deal With Special Characters In .NET

Jul 20, 2011

I've received a text file in which the text is like this, ãYAHOO.COM. When I'm debugging in Visual Studio, the value I see for the character is "�"c. Firstly can anyone tell what is the character before yahoo. Is it a special character or some html character, and what is the character that I'm seeing in VS while debugging.So it goes like this, the ascii value of the character turns out to be 63.But when I write the value to a file it generates 3 characters whose ascii values are above 127.

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Like Command Scanning With Special Characters?

Dec 7, 2010

I'm using the LIKE command as in:

If str Like

Unfortunately, this expression is true for the space character. I don't understand why. I'm trying to determine if str contains any special characters other than the ones indicated by s. If it does, I plan to process the string further.ebassador "Find it, fix it, move on.

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