Read From A File And Then Split The Data And Store Them In An Array?
Jun 10, 2011
i am try to read from a file and then split the data and store them in an array but i am getting an error. can someone please point to the right direction here is the file i am trying to read from
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May 25, 2010
I have developed a dll (.net 3.5) which does the following :
- I have data of several stock market companies.
- They are stored in several folders under a main folder.
- These files are random access files.
- There can be around 4000 files in total for example.
I wrote a program which reads a current csv file and stores contents in array. Then I store name and path of companies in folders (which I was talking about). Then I match one company from csv (stored in array) to companies in user's folder (again reading from array). If found I insert data in the file (random access file). This whole process takes for eg. 2 min my system. A similar program was written years ago by someone in powerbasic which takes slight less time if run one but if run for multiple csv files it takes only a few seconds doing the same thing for other files. When I do the same thing (by writing code to .net dll) and making a dummy app to run it, no matter how many times I run it takes same time. And is way slower than the earlier one (PB) one I was talking about. But if I paste the same code in my win (.net) app and not use .net dll then it runs a bit faster.
I need to show status so if I pass my form's label reference to .net dll and it updates it does that slow down process a lot. As I mentioned I am trying to process the files and it takes longer in .net. What should I do to get best performance? Unfortunately due to unexplainable reasons I cannot change the format or use a db. The files which I am reading/writing (random access files) are use by other products so I have to stick to that format. What I am doing is storing the location of those files in array so that I don't have to search folder again. that is not taking time. But opening reading and writing files is time consuming if I am doing it for few thousand of them. A similar program in powerbasic (developed years ago) runs fast. Running code thru .net dll is slower than running it thru program. Why?
View 4 Replies
Jun 23, 2011
I'm trying to read lines from a file and split them into two words contained in a two dimensional array. The file looks something like this:
dog cat
red blue
orange green
night day
'When I run it, it highlights the following line and says Object reference not set to an instance of an object
pos(i, 0) = value(0)
pos(i, 1) = value(1)
i = i + 1
why I'm getting this error?
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Feb 19, 2012
I am unable to read from the text file in VB. I want to read the contents for text file and store them in array. See my code below and the text file. How should I read this text file.
'Purpose : This program will read student name & final marks for a set of students from the text file and then calculate & display class average, class standard deviation, number of students above class average, name of student with highest mark, number of students with A's(90-100), B's (80 < 90), C's (65 < 80), D's (50 - < 65) and F's (<50).Calculate for standard deviation of a set of numbers:Step1. :Find the average Step2. : Square the difference between each number and the average
View 4 Replies
Jul 1, 2009
I have to text file in the following format :
Word[tab][tab]Word[Carriage Return]
Word[tab][tab]Word[Carriage Return]
Word[tab][tab]Word[Carriage Return]
I want to get all the words before the tab into one array or to create a new text file and the all the words after the tab into another array or create a new text file too.
Here my function to get the words before tab into an array :
Protected Sub MakeWordListBeforeTab()
Dim filename As String = "D:lao�0001.txt"
'read from file'
I wrote the above function to get all words before tab but I got all the words into array. I've been trying to use the Split method above. What is another method to split those words ?
I know this can be done with regular expression but I don't know regex yet. If you can show me how to get this done with regex it'll be awesome.
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Sep 9, 2010
I want to reading in a excel file and extract the sCodenumber sDescription ans the sStatus and store them in a array : StatusComposeArray(5200) As MyCompose. After this I need this array for comparing outside this class. But as can you see the array is defined inside the sub: ReadingIn_ExcelFilesCompose [Code]
View 2 Replies
Aug 17, 2011
I'm retrieving data from Active Directory(name,department,title,company,mail) into a string seperated by commas and I want to split the string and store them to array where i can export it in excel before updating it to my database. but i how do i store them to an array?
here's the code: I'm getting data from AD and storing it in list:
Dim formattedName As String = String.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}", _
resEnt.Properties("name")(0).ToString(), _
resEnt.Properties("company")(0).ToString(), _
View 1 Replies
May 24, 2011
I have a data in the below format
number = 4
length = 7
force = 100
Now I want to read it in a format that it will check the string 'number' or 'length' or 'force' or whatever and stores this data into specified arrays or listboxes. Like a force() array or listboxforce.items()
View 2 Replies
Mar 29, 2010
I'm trying to build something called a structure which will store data it retrieves from a text file. I have the structure set up like this:
Structure Employee
Dim FirstName As String
Dim LastName As String
Dim ID As String
Dim Hours As Integer
Dim Wage As Decimal
Dim EarnedPay As Decimal
End Structure
[Code] .....
How to set these operations up?
View 10 Replies
Apr 17, 2009
I am writing a program that lets someone click on a picture to vote for their favorite pet. The part I am stuck at is: when the application is opened and closed it needs to remember how many votes there were. To do so, when the program is closed I have the information stored in a .txt file. it looks something to the effect of:
name, type, votes
andy, bear, 0
bart, dog, 0
candy, cat, 0
hopsie, bunny, 0
View 4 Replies
Apr 7, 2011
I'm using this script:
Dim idnumber = InputBox("input client no", "Search")
currentdir = My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory + "
View 8 Replies
Jan 3, 2012
I got a question. I have a textfile name membership.txt and using vb2008. However my code found error when try to grab the data to an array. I use delimiter "|" to separate between each data in line to save in specific column in database.
View 5 Replies
Dec 29, 2009
I am trying to split a long string of data into an array:
Ive tried a few ways to write out the regex, but to no avail. Also, sometimes responseFromServer2 contains newlines, and sometimes it does not, depending on the response I get from the server...
View 1 Replies
Aug 30, 2011
I have data in a txtMyTextbox in the following format:
I want to put that data into an strMyArray, split by the | pipe. How can I do that?
View 8 Replies
Nov 26, 2009
I have a problem I was hoping someone might be able to help with please. I am trying to read and interpret a .txt filewhich typically has a data line of the form:I want to be able to split each value, i.e. so I have:
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Sep 2, 2011
What I am trying to do may be better for use with SQL Server but I have seen many applications in the past that simply work on text files and I am wanting to try to imitate the same behaviour that those applications follow. I have a list of URL's in a text file. This is simple enough to open and read line by line, but how can I store additional data from the file and query the data?
Text File:
link1 - 0
link2 - 0
link3 - 1
link4 - 0
link5 - 1
Then I will read the data with:
Private Sub ButtonX2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonX2.Click
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "*txt Text Files|*.txt"
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
Dim AllText As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
Dim Lines() = Split(AllText, vbCrLf)
[Code] .....
Am I going completely the wrong way about storing the data after importing from a text file?
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May 17, 2011
I have a string with xml data.Dim appManifest As String = New System.IO.StreamReader(Application.GetResourceStream(New System.Windows.Resources.StreamResourceInfo(e.Result, Nothing), New Uri("AppManifest.xaml", UriKind.Relative)).Stream).ReadToEnd()
View 2 Replies
Jun 29, 2010
I am trying to split an array into a jagged array for easy manipulation, but I am having a bit of trouble with the Copy method of Array.This is what I have:
Dim masterData()() As String = New String(splitCounter.Count - 1)() {}
For i As Integer = splitCounter(0) To splitCounter.LastIndexOf(splitCounter)
Array.Copy(ServerResponse, splitCounter(i), masterData(i) = New String(), i, splitCounter(i
View 2 Replies
Jun 6, 2011
im tryin to store data in an array using a structure. However, the code im using keeps returning a null referece exception, even when there is something in the input boxes. This is the code im using:
With SaveInfo(Index)
.EmployeeID = EmployeeIDComboBox.Text
.EmployeeName = EmployeeNameBox.Text
View 6 Replies
Sep 4, 2009
I have a application that use threadpool, and each thread stores data in the same textfile. I now want to have each thread store the data in the same array instead and use a timer to store all current data in the array into the text file after every couple of minutes.
So what I want to do is:
1. All threads store data in one array that they all have access to
2. After every couple of minutes the data in the array is stored into the text file.
I know number 2 can be done with a timer, but is the first one possible? If so how do I accomplish this task?
View 6 Replies
Dec 2, 2010
I have a list of files and all of them have a different size. I need to upload them in chunks of 250Kb (or less if it's a small file or if it's the last chunk of a file).What I would like to do is read a bunch of chunks (lets say 15 chunks), in a separate thread, and then store the chunks of data in some sort of list. This list must be available to other threads.
An upload thread (I don't need help with uploading itself) takes the first chunk from the list and marks the chunk as "currently being uploaded". When the chunk has been fully uploaded, then the chunk is removed from the list. A second upload thread takes the next available chunk in the list that has not been set to "currently being uploaded", etc. There are a total of 10 upload threads working at the same time.
As soon as a chunk is removed from the list, then a new chunk of data is read and added to the list.Does anybody know what kind of list I need or how I should do something like this? I don't expect people to write out the code for me, but I have no idea where to start with this.
View 4 Replies
May 25, 2009
How to store data from listview/listbox/database to a array for further processing?
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Jul 16, 2010
Does anyone know how to store data from a RTD server into a array for calculations...?
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Aug 7, 2009
i'm using Regex.Split to convert a text file's string to System.Array. The end result is System.Array of 211 strings.
Now what i need is to convert System.Array to a Byte of 211. How would I accomplish this?
System.Array to Dim x(211) as Byte?? Sample code would be great here. I've already visited many sites on this subject with no luck. code below.
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Dec 24, 2010
My text file is a settings file and I know I will be adding more to it in the future, right now it reads "autoplay=false;mintray=false;"I am currently using probably the most inefficient way to check both of those settings:
if contents = "autoplay=false;mintray=false;" then
elseif contents = "autoplay=false;mintray=true;" then
elseif contents = "autoplay=true;mintray=false;" true
elseif contents = "autoplay=true;mintray=true;"
How can I read the file, find each word from the equals sign to the semicolon, and store each of them in a variable identified by the text before the equals sign? Something like this:
contents = "autoplay=false;mintray=false;"
autoplay = "false"
mintray = "false"
Also, how can I edit the settings in the text file without having to overwrite everything every time I save to it? For instance; finding mintray in the text file, and changing mintray to true instead of overwriting the file with "autoplay=false;mintray=true;".
This is my current
Dim fs As New FileStream("C:myfile.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim d As New StreamReader(fs)
View 3 Replies
Oct 16, 2011
Is there a class or something I can add to be able to read an email?I really want to be able to make a real email client (like outlook).Is it possible with
View 1 Replies
Nov 27, 2009
Can I save an array into my .bin file then read the array again just like a string or Integer??
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Nov 30, 2010
I have a .txt file i want to read that has states by abbreviation and states by name. In that text file some are territories and some are states.
I want to read from that file and put the abbreviations into one structure array and the states into another structure array.
I then want to lookup up the states by abbreviation or state name. The lookup will simply be selected by a radio button which will flag either the states full name array, or the abbreviation array.
all I have is the structures created:
Public Class Form1
Structure Lookup
Dim Abbreviation As String
How can I read from the .txt file and store into an array
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Dec 3, 2009
I have an integer and a button.After clicking on the button, the integer value would be for example 10.Then how could I store that value 10 into the memory, and when I click the button again, the new integer value now is 5. I'd like to add up the old and new value together and write it to a text file.
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Mar 28, 2012
im trying to make an example program for a teacher friend of mine
thats just what i have so far but im really having trouble getting the other part into a 2d array. i want the second half to look like this when done: the oppsite of what it looks like in the file.
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