Reduce Capacity Of Setup File?

Jan 19, 2010

I created setup file by setup project. I attached with mdf, ldf files in it , SO CAPACITY OF IT AFTER PACKING IS QUITE BIG.I want to reduce its capacity. How can i do that I see some other Setup projects which have attached with mdf ,ldf files but It is not big as SetUp file of me.

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Setup And Deploy - Setup File Can Just Be One .exe Rather Then A Setup File And A Data File?

Aug 7, 2009

Setup and deploy for my project worked fine for a while allowing you to install my program and uninstall the old version, but now it installs two entries. I don't get it, before I got it do do that it would give an error that it needed to be uninstalled first. Now like I said I get two entries in the programs uninstall window. RemovePreviousVersions = true. I change the version number and update the product code. Even tried changing the upgrade code. I just don't get why it doesn't work anymore, and its really annoying! Also, is there a way that the setup file can just be one .exe rather then a setup file and a data file?

View 2 Replies - Export To Excel File As .zip To Reduce File Size - Compress Xmldata Before Sending It To The Client?

Jul 8, 2010

I like to compress the xmldata before the data is provided to the client as an excel file. I am trying to compress and deliver it as a .zip file. its not working Here's my code below. I tried compressing it, converting it to bytes etc etc. The issue with below code is, the XSL transformation is not happening properly and the output excel file is raw xml with some .net exception at the end. (that's what I see on the .xls file that's downloaded at the end) Before I started working on compression my below code was working fine that gives properly formatted excel file from the xml input. the excel file is so nice you can't even tell it was from XML.


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How To Reduce File Size

Mar 3, 2010

how to reduce file size? for example : i have a video file that size 13MB now, i want to make the video become 500kB even if the video become shorter thant the original. because i just want a little size of it.

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Reduce Size Of A Pst File?

Apr 16, 2010

Is there any way to reduce the size of a .pst file using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook(programmatically start PST Compaction)?

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Reduce File Size Of Images (bmp's, Jpg's...)?

Dec 16, 2008

Here's my scenario:

1) The user places a handful of image files into a given directory. Could be bmp's, jpg's, etc.

2) The images files will be saved into a 2nd "temp" directory and reduced down to a size reasonable for e mailing (ie. 200kb per file). I'm assuming they will end up as jpg's, so if they start out as bmp's they will need to be converted.If they start out as jpg's, and are just too big, they will need to be shrunk proportionately (ie. if they start out as 12 inches by 18 inches, they will end up as 6 x 9, or something like that).

I've found various bits of code on this forum (and others), but want to hear some opinions about the best way to go about it, assuming there might be as many as ten or twelve files that need to be manipulated. So should I read something into a memory stream (haven't tried that before), or create bitmap objects (seems slow?), etc.

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Reduce The File Size / Resolution of The Picture?

Apr 19, 2009

I have a database application in which a user can add up to 6 pictures to each record. This pictures are not directly saved in the database but in a sub folder of the applicvation folder. Now, the problem is that lots of the pictures of users were taken on a digital camera with highest resolution - in these days it means that the picture files have a file size of 3MB.I would like to reduce the file size / resolution of the picture, so that the database can load and view this files more smoothly (I am not in need of a thumbnail preview, just want the pictures being a bit smaller).

The way pictures get attached / linked / 'inserted' to a database record is via OpenFileDialog. When a user selects a picture file it gets copied into the applications picture folder and renamed to the record ID of the actual record + number of the pic added.How could I reduce the picture size during adding it (OpenFileDialog / copying to folder)?

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Reduce Amount Of Spaces In All Lines Of A Text File?

Jul 27, 2009

The code below at the moment reads a text file and then writes it out again to a different location. One thing i need to be able to do before it get written again is to scan each line and reduce any line that has more than one space in it.[code]...

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Reduce Size Of Image File Without Changing Pixels Values?

Oct 13, 2010

I want to programatically delete some pixels that are unused in order to reduce the image size.Can anyone tell me how to reduce the size of an image file without changing the pixels values..

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Max Capacity Of Array List?

Jul 1, 2011

1. How many elements an array list can store in VB.NET?2. Upon what factors the stroing capacity of arraylist depends?

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Maximum Capacity Of Dictionary?

Jan 27, 2010

is it ever possible for a dictionary to hold more than 2147483647 items?

which exception do we get if we try to add to a dictionary with already 2147483647 items?

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What's The Capacity Of Ms Access 2003

Jan 9, 2010

The limit of an access database. Because I only know of manipulating access 2003 database with And were going to make an information system for a small hospital for our project. Is ms access still usable for a hospital with over 2000 patients per year? some database if the ms access that I'm using no longer fits for our project.

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Creating A StringBuilder With A Large Capacity?

May 2, 2012

I've found the following code in my boss's project:

Dim strBuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder("", 1000000)

Before I call him out on it, I'd like to confirm whether this line actually sets a megabyte (or two megabytes in Unicode?) of memory aside for that one stringbuilder?

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Get Video Card Name And Capacity Eg: (Nvidia 480GTX , 2GB )?

Jun 16, 2012

Is there any way to Detect video card infomations ? i want to connect to the registry (regedit) that contain my video card infomations . i also get lot of infomations via registry like cpu ,speed,motherboad info ..but i can't find the video card infomations.

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How To Check Server Free Space Capacity

Mar 19, 2010

I would like to check the free space of a server share (\servershare) Is this a simple task and how would I do it?I found the following for a mapped drive, but it does not seem to like server names.

Dim cdrive As System.IO.DriveInfo
cdrive = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDriveInfo("C:")
MsgBox("Total free space: " & CStr(cdrive.TotalFreeSpace))

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Create Package And Deployment (setup File Or Install File) File In VB 2010 Project?

Jan 8, 2011

I do one project in visual basic 2010.In visual basic 6 project can be make Package and deployment (setup file or install file) file using Package and deployment wizard.But in visual basic 2010 express edition does not have Package and deployment to make Package and deployment (setup file or install file) file in visual basic 2010 project?

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Does Changing Generic List Capacity Means Copying Contents?

Mar 31, 2009

If I increase the capacity of a given list, or add elements until count>capacity, does this mean the program is actually copying the entire list's contents to a new space in memory (similar to redim preserve with arrays)? If so, than I have really been hurting the performance of my lists, as before I was inserting and adding without a second thought. This seems a strong restriction on the dynamic abilities of lists.

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Change To Maximum Capacity Of The Resource Folder To Compile With 64Mbytes Of Files?

Oct 4, 2009

Is there some way of changing the capacity of the Resource folder to compile with a large capacitance...

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Setup Project - Run Only Setup, Not Default Setup

May 10, 2012

I want to create a real setup project for my application so when someone want to download it he can run only setup, not default setup that provide me VB . How can I do that?

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Setup File - Developed A Software Using SQL Compact Edition Database (.sdf File)

Nov 15, 2011

I've developed a software using VB.Net and SQL compact edition database. (.sdf file) Now i want to add my .sdf file to setup file. I've search internet and create setup file. when i install the software, it is created new folders in program files including my database file and exe file. after double clicking exe file, it is open the software. but when using, it's shown a message "connection current state is closed". but when i run my vb project, it is working well.

Other details.

1) I create data base inside of /bin/debug

2) I've created setup file using this method. File menu --> add --> new project Then, Setup and deployment -> Visual studio installer After that I selected Setup project, then click OK.

3) I add database using this Right click on setup file -> add -> file (In solution explorer window) Then i selected my .sdf file.

This is my connection string


It is created only 3 files in Program files.
1. my exe
2. my sdf file
3. System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll file

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Include A Batch File Or An .exe File In Setup?

Aug 31, 2010

How can I include a batch file or an .exe file in my setup, that runs after setup is complete?

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Add Serial Number Requirement To Setup & Deployment > Setup Wizard For Application?

Apr 2, 2009

add serial number requirement to Setup & deployment > setup wizard for application

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Error: "Capacity Was Less Than The Current Size" With ASP.NET DataPager Control

Jan 30, 2012

I've got an ASP.NET ListView with a DataPager as per this code:

<asp:ListView ID="TicketsPerPersonListView" runat="server" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1">


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Create My Setup File?

Apr 2, 2009

I am trying to create my exe file, so I go to build and build my project. Then I take the files in the bin else folder and try to run the exe file in another computer and it tells me that itīs missing some files like form designers and even dll files. It is trying to locate those files in the visual studio folder.

How can I make VB to include all the necessary files in the building proccess so I can run my exe file anywhere.

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Creating A Setup File?

Jun 5, 2011

i have design my windows application in visual studio 2008 and i used crystal reports i created a set up file which runs correctly in my system but when i run on other system its not running . tell me detail procedure (means step by step procedure) to create set up n which file to run on other system.

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Execute A VB6 Setup File From A MSI?

Oct 9, 2009

I want to deploy a VB6 application along with all the dependencies using installer (MSI). So can I execute VB6 Setup.exe (created using Package and Deployment Wizard) from the VB.NET installer (MSI).

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How To Create Setup File

Jan 14, 2011

I have create a program in vs 2008 ( i finish the program i buildit and i create an msi file with shortcut in the desktop.I have run the setup and everything is gona be OK When i check my program i found an error and when i fix it a buildit again (Same Name) and i create also i new msi and setup file.In the second setup the program Override the old install and create a new shortcut.

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How To Make Setup File

Mar 2, 2012

how can i make the setup file to do whatever i want it to do via VB 2010 ultimate or anything else? I want the setup file when runs for first time to get the processor ID of that pc.Then i want it to save that ID. When i run it again in a different pc i want it to get the processor ID of the second pc and compare it with the one that it got and saved from the first one.If its the same it will run again.If its not the same then it wont run. Thats what i want it to do..

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Setup File Does Not Run After Publish?

Mar 31, 2010

I resive this message

Windows : 5.1.2600.131072 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime : 2.0.50727.3603
System.Deployment.dll : 2.0.50727.3053 (netfxsp.050727-3000)
mscorwks.dll : 2.0.50727.3603 (GDR.050727-3600)


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Use The Clickonce Setup File?

May 16, 2010

I have my main project file. I added another solution within it. So BOTH solutions are under the MAIN project file. I can use a custom setup file, and all that other fun stuff, coupled with the 'Check for updates' via Clickonce.

IF i were to use the clickonce setup there a way to have both programs be in the SAME programs folder on the start menu?

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