RegisterClientScript And All Variations Are Missing?

Jun 10, 2011

RegisterClientScript and all variations are missing 1.1 there's nothing under page or me or clientscript or anything else i can think of?

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C# - Return Value From Javascript Confirm Box Written In Scriptmanager.registerclientscript In

Mar 26, 2012

How to return value from javascript confirm box written in scriptmanager.registerclientscript in I want to give confirm box on text changed event of textbox of gridview.If user click yes then I want to update changed value and if user click no then it should revert back to old value.My dummy code is like this:


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.net - Overriding GetHashCode Variations

Oct 6, 2011

I have a theoretical class Name_Order, that has a string Name and a int Order. I need to indicate that two Name_Order's are different, if the pair NameOrder is different, that is, or name or order are different. Now, overriding Equals no problemo, but I have some "issues" with GetHashCode:


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Take Into Account The Title Variations?

Sep 13, 2011

So, I'm trying to figure out title bars within a .html document. The unfortunate part is that I've come across many websites with the title labeled in these variations.<TITLE>, <Title>, <TiTLE> and <title>. I guess it depends if the web admin had problems with a keyboard that day

I'm trying to run this code and hoping to find the best way to take into account the title variations.

Dim TitleStartIndex As Integer = HTML.IndexOf("<title") TitleStartIndex = HTML.IndexOf(">"c, TitleStartIndex) + ">".Length 'This line will help in cases where an element is found in the <title> tag e.g. <title id="someID"> (It happens)


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String - Find All Variations Of Letters In A Word?

Feb 24, 2012

In a program used to find words from random scrabble letters how do you loop through each of the possible combinations of letters? ie: abc acb bac bca cab cba

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Making Variations In The Time It Takes To Perform An Action?

Mar 6, 2010

Basically, It is a program that allows you to automatically click things.

Here is the

Public Class Form1
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vkey As Long) As Integer


What I wanted to do was make an option to have variations in tick time. I want to put in a check box, and if it is checked then there will be 10 "variations" in click time, ranging from 1 second too soon, to 1 second late.

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.net - Missing ObservableCollection(of T)?

Oct 8, 2009

I'm doing an experiment on WPF and MVVM, and while coding the ViewModel on I noticed this red wavy lines under my ObservableCollection(of T)s T_T

Anyway, the application is in WPF & VB.Net, under the .Net Framework 3.5 (I checked) and I have an 'Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel' on top of my class. Intellisense shows the other classes on System.Collections.ObjectModel except ObservableCollection.

Here's a screenshot.

So, why is ObservableCollection(of T) missing and how do I make it appear?

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DotNetFx35ClientSetup.exe Is Missing?

Mar 10, 2010

I am trying to publish to my hard drive so it can later be burned to CD or DVD a project I have developed and I seem to be missing that file. The person I developed it for does not have good internet access, so downloading such things as SQLExpress and DotNetFx35Client is all but out of the question. How and where do I get the file? I know where to put it on my hard drive once I have it.

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IDE :: Vb Project Missing .sln?

May 11, 2009

I have been given the source code to a 2005 VB project to modify. But I can't find the .sln file or a vbproj file or open the project. Don't I need that file to open the solution correclty? or do I have to start a new solution and just add in all files?

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Missing A Row When Using SqlDataReader?

May 10, 2010

My SQL query shows 8 rows when executed but the following code only shows 7. Apparently, it�s missing the first row.

Dim temp as String = Nothing
Dim r As SqlDataReader = objCmd.ExecuteReader()
If r.Read() = True Then


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Missing Windowsapplication1.exe

Jun 22, 2010

I get the following error when i try to run my program. i tried to rebuild it many times but still it doesn't work. visual studio cannot start debugging because the debug target windowsapplication1.exe is missing. its my first time to use ms visual studio 2008.and i think there are some dependencies missing in this software but i'm not sure what are they.

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Telerik.web.ui Is Missing?

Oct 11, 2011

I am Telerik controls in my project, Error is telerik.web.ui is not found, Coudn't find assembly

I have added Telerik.web.ui.dll inside Bin directory

Reference Code is available inside web.config

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TraceSwitch = 0 - Set To 0 Or Missing?

Jun 11, 2009

I have the code below that reads the partial app.config below. It works fine. But wondering how can I check that "value" is set to 0 or that the TraceSwitch is missing. If I remove the switches, my messagebox displays a 0. I want to display a user message if the app.config is not able to provide logging. And if the TraceLevel is set to 0, I will not show a message.

Dim s As New System.Diagnostics.TraceSwitch("TraceLevel", "")
MessageBox.Show("Trace Level: " & s.Level)


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VB Missing IsNull()?

Mar 13, 2009

I like to confirm that array is created, how can it be done? There is no nul keyword?

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.NET And Access - Missing (;) At End Of SQL Statement?

Jul 7, 2009

I have a problem with this code (look below) and I can't understand where is the problem: In moment of execution it gives a ERROR: Missing (;) at end of SQL statement.?

Dim cs As OleDb.OleDbConnection = New Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=password;User ID=admin;Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath & "data.mdb")
Dim result As Integer
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand()


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Adding A Missing Refrence To SMO?

Mar 12, 2010

I cant find the reference for Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo Where can I find this missing reference for VS2010 Pre release candidiate

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All My Project Files Are Missing

Jan 24, 2012

I completed my final project for a .NET course two days ago and just noticed today that all my project files for every project I have on my computer (about a dozen or so) are missing all the project files except for what's in the bin folders. The folder structure it seems hasn't been affected.

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Alterations Missing At Runtime

Jun 21, 2010

Could I have been googling with no joy regarding the fact that my program is not displaying changes made when I run it (Debug).

It is an old program (hence the 2003 VB.NET code) I wrote for my daily use and I decided to make some modifications to make it more useful.

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Asp + Code Behind: Reference Missing?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm currently working on a project I've just received that is + vb.I have to add a gridview in one part of the page, but it simply won't let me set the datasource

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Common/Common.master" title=whatever" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="uct" TagName="SubmenuControl" Src="whatever.ascx" %>


View 2 Replies - Missing Operand After '00' Operator?

Dec 19, 2011

I'm trying to filter a dataview using a DataView RowFilter. I want to filter out data based on two date values checked on one column:

Dim dtFuture As Date = DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, 6, Today)
dv.RowFilter = "ValidUntil >" & dtFuture.ToString & "AND ValidUntil > " & Today.ToString

I am getting the error Syntax error: Missing operand after '00' operator..

View 3 Replies - Missing StackTrace Information

Mar 6, 2009

I seem to be missing some information from my stack trace, here is what i'm getting: at Foo.Bar(DataTable table) in D:FooBarauthoringApp_CodeFooBar.vb:line 87 Where is the rest of the stack trace infomation?


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ASP.NET Gridview - On Load The First Row Is Missing?

Nov 3, 2011

I using an ObjectDataSource (Should receive 5 rows) and a gridview.When I open the gridview I received all rows except the first one. So I only see 4 rows.Now I sorting my gridview with a click on a column. But I also get only 4 rows. After selecting a filter I receive all 5 rows. What could be the problem?


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C# - NRefactory Has Missing Dlls

Apr 22, 2011

I've tried to use NRefactory(Vb) [url]... but it didn't come with mono.cecil.dll so i downloaded that too, but when i merged it together the versions seem to be off (i had error Mono.Collections missing class)

does anyone seem to be able to get NRefactory working?[code]...

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COM Dll Reference Path Is Missing?

Apr 12, 2010

Using VB.NET 2008 SP1 on Windows XP Pro SP3:

I am using an existing COM dll that works fine in VB6, on the same development machine. The VB6 app compiles and uses this dll without issue.

I start from scratch to design a new Windows Form application in VB.Net. Then when I try to add a reference to this dll, the reference is added to the references list but the path shows as <The system cannot find the reference specified>. If I select this reference in the list, the properties window shows a blank for both the reference name and the path. At the same time, a reference is added for VBA, and it shows the reference name (Interop.VBA) and path correctly.

I used dependencywalker to find the dependencies for this dll. It has 3: user32.dll, kernel32.dll, and msvbvm60.dll. So presumably I have all necessary dependent files.

I have tried un-registering, re-registering the dll. I have tried the command line switches for devenv.exe to reset settings and to launch in safe mode. I created a new user account to see if it was related.

I have tried picking the dll from the Add References, COM tab and also via the Browse tab to select the file directly. Same result all cases. I also tried putting the dll and msvbvm60.dll in my bin folder.

I don't understand how the reference name and path are missing in the properties window when the reference name is right there in the list and I select the path directly when I added it. There are no other instances of this dll registered.

I tried using tlbimp from the command prompt with verbose switch, I get the error:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException - Error loading library/DLL. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRAY)). I wish it would tell us what is missing.

It must be registered properly and all dependencies available for it to work in my VB6 app, Re-writing the dll is not currently an option.

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Datagrid Some Code Missing?

Oct 15, 2011

Dim N As String
N = InputBox(Combo1 & " search")
adodc1.recordset.find Combo1.List(Combo1.ListIndex " ' = ' " & N & " ' ")


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DataGridValue Cell Value Missing?

Nov 2, 2011

I am developing an accounting application using VB.NET. I use SQLDataAdapter to bind my datatable to the datagridview for the purpose of loading and updating data.In the UI has a TabControl, each tab has a datagridview to store the datae.g. current asset (tab1 and current liability (tab2). Each datagridview has columns for account code (string), Year 1 amount (double), Year 2 amount (double)

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DataSet From XML (missing Field)?

Aug 21, 2011

This is the XML output of my command in a web browser.I need to get the MachineID value.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <Response>


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Debug Target Is Missing?

Mar 20, 2011

When i try to build and play my project there is an error:Microsoft Visual Studio cannot start debugging because the debug target "....LCCGDuelArenaVBNETCompatible.exe" is misssing

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DrawImage And DrawString Missing

Jul 8, 2009

At the top of my code I have:


but when I try to use it, no DrawImage or DrawString methods are available. I can get DrawImageAbort rather ironically.[code]...

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Dwmapi.dll File Missing?

Jul 3, 2012

I have made a project in and it is working fine on my computer.But when i publish this project and install on my office laptop, i shows:Unhandled Exception: dwmapi.dll file missing. Module can not be found.

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