Retrieve Data To ListBox?

Mar 11, 2010

I need to retrieve data from database to Listbox.

Database Fields: IndexID, Name, Value
Sample Values:
IndexID: 145214


When I double click on one of selection, it must retrieve IndexID value.

If any one have method to get data inside listbox with columns

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Retrieve Data From Database Into Listbox?

Jul 5, 2011

how i can retrive data from database system(access) and then present it to the user in the form of list box ,so i can select one of them? *retrieved data= only one column from the table

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Forms :: Retrieve Data From Mdb And Display In Listbox?

Feb 4, 2009

i need to create one search box using textbox and the result will display on listbox.

I have textbox1 as inputbox, button1 as search button , listbox1 to display the value , Database1.mdb as my database.

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Syntax Error While Retrieve Data Into Listbox

Feb 15, 2010

I am using 1 listbox and 4 text box. I want to retrieve data from my database i.e. ms access database into listbox I am firing the select query by using this code on Page Load event and list box selecetedindex change event which is following. [code]...

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Dataset To Retrieve Some Data From An SQL Database And Then Uses It To Populate A Listbox?

Jan 19, 2009

I have inherited some code from an external contractor that I have to modify. Firstly, he uses a strongly typed dataset to retrieve some data from an SQL database and then uses that data to populate a listbox. I have decided to use a dropdown list (as the user can only ever select one value at a time).This is the code that populates the DropDownList

Private Sub FillUserComputer(ByVal userId As String)
TraceDebug("Begin FillUserComputer"[code]....

This works well for the first two entries in the DropDownList. However, whenever I select one of the other options and click the Send Request button it "jumps back" to the 2nd entry in the list and sends that data instead, completely ignoring the option I selected.I think I have narrowed down the problem to the fact that the DataValue for the second entry in the list is a Null value.

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Retrieve All Tables To A Listbox?

Apr 6, 2011

I m trying to retrieve all tables with thr names to a listbox from my access DB.My DB in remotely located

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim objconn As OleDbConnection
Dim objcmd As OleDbCommand


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Retrieve ListBox Selections?

Aug 24, 2010

here's I've got:

Private Sub frm1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim sql, pname, pid, pbrand, description[code]....

This adds the description to the listbox, no problem. How do I retrieve what's selected?I've gone over many documents on the subject, I kinda got it to work, but it gives me the entire description.... I just need the last value (3) to make it work.

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How To Retrieve All Items In ListBox With For Loop

Nov 25, 2009

I want to retrieve all the items in a listbox with a For loop. there are only two itemsin the listbox. I'm able to retrieve the first item in the listbox when the counter of the for loop is 0. when it gets to 1 an IndexOutOfRange Exception is generated.

Here is my code.
Dim i As Integer
Dim count As Integer=Me.ListBox1.Items.count
Dim sel As String
For i=0 To count-1
Next i

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Retrieve Custom Listbox Items Value?

May 15, 2012

This is how I add the 2 textblock to my listbox as an item

Dim StkP As New StackPanel
StkP.Name = "Stack"
Dim txtLine_1 As New TextBlock


But it is always returning the last input of "lblScore_1"

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VS 2008 Retrieve All Characters In Listbox?

Jul 16, 2009

1, How to retrieve all characters in listbox?

2, How to know which lines (multiple and random lines) are selected by mouse?

3, How to scroll to bottom automatically when more lines added?

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 Way To Retrieve Text Value From A Listbox Based On Index

Sep 7, 2010

is there a way to retrieve text value from a listbox based on index ?like if i enter index 0 and want to retrieve it's text value from the listbox

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VS 2008 Retrieve The Selected Items In A Listbox - Save Them To A Collection

Jan 6, 2010

I want to retrieve the selected items in a listbox, save them to a collection, and then use that collection later. I thought that was simple enough, but when I clear the selected items in the listbox, my collections (items, indices) change. I found this out by stepping through the code.

Basically what I'm wanting to do is move items in the listbox up or down (up in this case), and still keep them selected.


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Retrieve Data From A Datagridview Loaded With Data From A Linq Database

Apr 9, 2010

I have three tables in SQL server which I would like to show and access on a form. Table 1 contains account data, address, contact details etc. Table two contains data attached to a Person, tel no , Mobile no, Email etc. Table three contains details on what awards the person holds, i.e. one person can hold several awards.

Therefore I have a one many relationship between the first two tables and a one many relationship between the second two tables. This is set up in SQL

The first two tables are shown on a form, table 1 via a set of text boxes, table 2 via a datagrid control.

I would like the functionality whereby I could select a row in the datagrid showing the persons name and find the Persons_ID number then use that as a filter to a second datagrid view so that only the selected persons awards show in the datagrid.

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Select Data From Data Gridview And Retrieve To Another Form

Apr 11, 2011

i want 2 select data from data gridview and want retrive that data into another form in to the textbox it possible ? i 'm doing like this for that

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.[code...]

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How To Select An Item In One Listbox And Then Display The Data Of Another Listbox With The Same Indexed Position

Aug 7, 2010

Is it possible to select an item in one listbox and then display the data of another listbox with the same indexed position? I am planning a project and this is something I would like to attempt but I haven't figured out how to do it.[code..]

I tried doing the above code but instead of displaying the listbox text the message box just returned false.

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Retrieve Data From A Data Table In Rows

Mar 11, 2010

I want to obtain the individual data in rows and columns from my database. I mean after loading the data in a data table.... I think I need some attributes of the data table, so as to obtain data from the rows and columns.

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Listbox.SelectedItem - Populate A Listbox With Data In The Code?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a listbox and i populate it with data in my code like this on the page load....


So say one item in the list is displayed Ted Jones (123) and its valuefield should be 123. Im just not understanding what i am doing wrong here.

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Moving Data From Databound Listbox To Other Listbox?

Mar 2, 2012

I've pretty much just started in playing with Visual Basic Studio 2010 and have been using this site for lots of answers so thought I'd join up and harass more directlyI've been trying to move items between two lists, one is databound to a bindingsource, the other isn't. I found out that you can't really move items from databound lists, but you can remove from the datasource instead. This works fine until I want to move the item back - it fills a blank line with seemingly no data.

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Can Not Retrieve Data From Data Base Sql

Oct 10, 2011

I have properly configure the database connection. I wanted to get data from the database to 2 text boxes.


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Use .NET To Retrieve SQL Data?

Nov 23, 2009

1. user writes he's details (textbox1 for username, textbox2 for password)

2. user hits "Login"

3. application tries to retrive data from sql server. (in this case localhost/

4. application retrieves data from test/tables/members

5. if the specified account information matches the servers data, it will let you through to the next form. Else, it will give an error that the user/pass is incorrect.

Now look, the table looks like this

[id] | [username] | [password]
1 username password

View 1 Replies - Retrieve Data From Checkbox?

Jul 30, 2009

I am trying to execute the code below to list the select item in a checkbox to the body of the mail

Dim CheckedValues As String
For Each item In txt_panview0_ddinput1.Items
If item.checked Then


View 1 Replies - Retrieve Data Using Web Services In .NET?

Jan 11, 2010

How to retrieve data from database using Web services on VB?

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How To Retrieve Data From CSV / TXT File Using OLE DB

Jan 4, 2010

I am retrieving data from a csv/txt file using oledb driver
ConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0; Data Source = " & System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(strFileName) & "; Extended Properties = ""Text;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited"""
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM [" & System.IO.Path.GetFileName(strFileName) & "]"

In the last line I am getting following error if the filename is large
Is not a valid name. Make sure that it does not include invalid characters or punctuation and that it is not too long.

My question -
Is there any limit to filename or the select query or there is some pattern which I need to follow?

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How To Retrieve Data In Array

Jun 8, 2011

I need to retrieve data in array. We are asked to get id number, name and section and put it in a array and then if we clicked retrieve button it will prompt an inputbox requesting for the id number of students and after we input the id number of the student the name and section will be in the msgbox.

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Retrieve Data From Query ?

Sep 8, 2010

i created a database in my visual basic . and in this database i created 1 table...

i created also a query which is calculating the SUM of a colonm..i want to know how i can do to retrieve this data inside a textbox whos is on my program..ans of course i want that data to be update everytime i inserte data in this colonm...

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Retrieve All Data In Our Database?

Sep 21, 2011

we want to retrieve all data in our database but we dont know how to do it.. hmm.. we just use to retrieve data one by one.. its just by the search button.

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Retrieve Data By Program?

Mar 11, 2010

I have managed to connect to Microsoft database access but now i am struggling with the code to authentication log in. when i log in to the form i want it to display the user name in the label in form.

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Retrieve Data From A Website?

Apr 4, 2011

I want to retrieve data from a this link:


I have used this code:

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted


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Retrieve Data From Access?

Jan 6, 2011

I'll create Database in Visual Basic using MsAccess.

But I want to know that how can retrieve from Access which selected fields are needed...

For example., I've 10 fields in student mark list,

ie, Rollno, Name, ..., Grade...

From those 10 fields, I want to show only 5 Fields in another VB form...

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Retrieve Data From Datasource?

Dec 17, 2011

my program has a datalist which list out all the item from datasource and display the detail information on different textbox the problem happened while i click "vitamin a" from datalist, and the "supplier name"will display "daily medicine",then when i click "vitamin b", it will display "sunny medicine",finally when i clicked back "vitamin a", the supplier name still remain "sunny medicine" which mean it does not change from "vitamin b"?

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