Syntax Error While Retrieve Data Into Listbox

Feb 15, 2010

I am using 1 listbox and 4 text box. I want to retrieve data from my database i.e. ms access database into listbox I am firing the select query by using this code on Page Load event and list box selecetedindex change event which is following. [code]...

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Retrieve Data To ListBox?

Mar 11, 2010

I need to retrieve data from database to Listbox.

Database Fields: IndexID, Name, Value
Sample Values:
IndexID: 145214


When I double click on one of selection, it must retrieve IndexID value.

If any one have method to get data inside listbox with columns

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Retrieve Data From Database Into Listbox?

Jul 5, 2011

how i can retrive data from database system(access) and then present it to the user in the form of list box ,so i can select one of them? *retrieved data= only one column from the table

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Forms :: Retrieve Data From Mdb And Display In Listbox?

Feb 4, 2009

i need to create one search box using textbox and the result will display on listbox.

I have textbox1 as inputbox, button1 as search button , listbox1 to display the value , Database1.mdb as my database.

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Dataset To Retrieve Some Data From An SQL Database And Then Uses It To Populate A Listbox?

Jan 19, 2009

I have inherited some code from an external contractor that I have to modify. Firstly, he uses a strongly typed dataset to retrieve some data from an SQL database and then uses that data to populate a listbox. I have decided to use a dropdown list (as the user can only ever select one value at a time).This is the code that populates the DropDownList

Private Sub FillUserComputer(ByVal userId As String)
TraceDebug("Begin FillUserComputer"[code]....

This works well for the first two entries in the DropDownList. However, whenever I select one of the other options and click the Send Request button it "jumps back" to the 2nd entry in the list and sends that data instead, completely ignoring the option I selected.I think I have narrowed down the problem to the fact that the DataValue for the second entry in the list is a Null value.

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Inserting Data To SQL With The Error In Syntax?

Aug 27, 2009

debug this code(especially on the highlighted one, it is where the bug occur)

Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim myConnection As SqlConnection
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand
Dim ra As String


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Syntax Error With Data Reader Code

Sep 14, 2009

When I use this code it gives a syntax error near sqlStatement.ExecuteReader()[code]...

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Syntax Error: Syntax Error: Missing Operand After '14' Operator

Oct 21, 2009

I want to select some rows from a sql express 2005 table. I am using this expression: "Starttime >= " & dtpStart.Value dtpStart is a DateTimePicker But I am getting this error: Syntax error: Missing operand after '14' operator.

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Adding Data To Access Table: Syntax Error?

Nov 21, 2009

I m getting a syntax error (oledbexception was unhandled, Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.) while trying to add a new record to my access table. This is the


Everything runs smoothly up untill this line daadmin.Update(dsadmin, "AdminLogin")I dont see what im doing wrong, the database name is booking.mdb and the table name is AdminLogin

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Save Data Into Access - Getting Syntax Error In INSERT INTO

Jun 11, 2010

i have a form with some text boxes on, for now im just testing with one of these boxes 'Customer Name' So i made a database and made a two column table with ID and Customer Name. then in my pogram i put this code:

Dim inc As Integer
Dim maxrows As Integer
Dim con As New OleDbConnection


into my save button, however i get a 'oledb exeption was unhandled' ''Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement. on the line da.Update(ds, "Customers")

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Error: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: #42000 "You Have An Error In Your SQL Syntax"

May 6, 2009

Error: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: #42000 You have an error in your SQL syntax


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SqlCeException Unhandled - Syntax Error While Converting From One Data Type To Another

Jul 19, 2011

There was a syntax error while converting from one data type to another. [ Expression = -1 ].

This part of the code where the issue starts is here: Do While JVReader.Read()

Here is the


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Select Query Error While Retrieve Data

Mar 11, 2010


And the following sub routine is load in the Listbox_selectedindexchanged event


And listitem class


And subsequently I want to Design the select query by adding the three column i.e. First Name, Middle Name and Last Name in the Listbox and by selecting the list item that will show in text box.

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SQL Insert Statement Error - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect Syntax Near '1'

Jan 6, 2009

Private Sub btnRegister_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRegister.Click
Dim msg As String = ""
Dim result1 As Integer


It stated that "incorrect syntax near 1"...

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System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException Was Unhandled By User Code ErrorCode=-2147217900 Message=Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

Jul 8, 2011

I cannot seem to figure out why VB keep throwing me this exception but here is the code


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Homework - Does Not Retrieve The Data Error "InvalidCastException"

Jul 14, 2010

I am puzzled by why it does not retrieve the data and keep saying i have a error "InvalidCastException", i am currently doing these in compact framework and is totally new to it, i searched around looking for a way to get data into a listview base on what little i know about java . these are my creation of table and inserting during formload


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VS 2005 Error Message When Load The Data Into A Listbox And The Value In The Table Is NULL

Mar 31, 2009

an error message when I am trying to load the data into a listbox and the value in the table is NULL. I am new in programming and I am using vb2005 Here is my


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Error Updating Access DB :: Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

Mar 25, 2012

I'm trying to update data to a Access data base using the following [code]...

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MS Access And VB Error - Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

Jul 18, 2008

This is not a homework of mine and i had never tried ms access database with vb so i just gave it a shot. so this is my first time and i am just trying not asking anyone to complete my homework. I have been searching for this a lot on internet but couldn't find a solution to this so i decided to ask this question here.
i have this sql code. what i want to do is that create a basic login form where users puts it's username in the UsernameTextbox and Password in the PasswordTextbox. If the the information match then a message box appears saying that the user is valid and if the information does not exist, a mesage box appears saying the users is not valid. now everytime i execute(run) the code, i come up with this error: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ''UserName' = 'Admin' 'PassWord' = 'testing123''.

The field names(UserName, PassWord) are also correct they are same as in the database. the information put in the username and password textbox are correct and they match the information on the database. But i dont know why this error comes up.

My code module is the following:

Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class LoginForm1

' Cancel button
Private Sub Cancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Cancel.Click
End Sub


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The Remote Server Returned An Error: (501) Syntax Error In Parameters Or Arguments?

Sep 2, 2009

I am trying to upload a file to Mainframe machine from my application. I am getting the following error.The remote server returned an error: (501) Syntax error in parameters or arguments


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Error: Microsoft Office Access Database Engine: Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

Sep 16, 2011

this is my code for adding users in my database but it has an error on the INSERT INTO is the error: Microsoft office access database engine: syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.
Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection(cn)
Dim check As Integer


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Mvc 3 - MVC3 Razor View Project Gives Syntax Error In Error List Window For All VBhtml Pages?

Feb 22, 2011

Using MVC3 and Razor View engine, I created a VB.NET web application in VS 2010. This creates the default Account and Home Controller along with corresponding Action Views.Now if I open any vbhtml file I get the following error message in the Error List window.

Error 50 Syntax error. C:****MVC3AppVBViewsAccountLogOn.vbhtml MVC3AppVB
(See screenshot here


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Error : Syntax Error In Date In Query Expression

Jul 28, 2011

i use a database in access and I use a query for adaptor and dataset.

The query is next:

Select * from table1, table2 where and 'Name1' AND datebirth>=#07.25.1988# AND datebirth<=#07.31.1988# order by datebirth asc

The error is: Syntax error in date in query expression

In the database the format date is dd-mm-yy.Why I have this problem? What is wrong at the query?

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VS 2005 - Syntax Listbox - Getting Value After User Type

Dec 31, 2009

I want a box(listbox or textbox) in VB.Net form. then when I running the program, user can type a value in the box. can I ask user to type and read the value user typed into a variable. Example: User type 4.137, the program will read 4.137 and assign it to a variable A. I try to find the syntax to do this on but I have no luck finding the right syntax to read the value. I using VS 2005.

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.net - Error: Syntax Error In UPDATE Statement

Apr 27, 2010

the error i get while executing the code below in OleDb

Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("Select * from customer", con)
cmd.CommandText = " update customer set hr =@hr,min =@min "
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hr", ComboBoxHr.SelectedIndex.ToString())
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@min", ComboBoxMin.SelectedIndex.ToString())


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Error : Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

Jul 7, 2011

Am getting the below error at run-time of executing query in VB.Net. Please give the solution for this

Error : "Syntax Error in INSERT INTO statement" My code is given below


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Retrieve All Tables To A Listbox?

Apr 6, 2011

I m trying to retrieve all tables with thr names to a listbox from my access DB.My DB in remotely located

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim objconn As OleDbConnection
Dim objcmd As OleDbCommand


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Retrieve ListBox Selections?

Aug 24, 2010

here's I've got:

Private Sub frm1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim sql, pname, pid, pbrand, description[code]....

This adds the description to the listbox, no problem. How do I retrieve what's selected?I've gone over many documents on the subject, I kinda got it to work, but it gives me the entire description.... I just need the last value (3) to make it work.

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How To Retrieve All Items In ListBox With For Loop

Nov 25, 2009

I want to retrieve all the items in a listbox with a For loop. there are only two itemsin the listbox. I'm able to retrieve the first item in the listbox when the counter of the for loop is 0. when it gets to 1 an IndexOutOfRange Exception is generated.

Here is my code.
Dim i As Integer
Dim count As Integer=Me.ListBox1.Items.count
Dim sel As String
For i=0 To count-1
Next i

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Retrieve Custom Listbox Items Value?

May 15, 2012

This is how I add the 2 textblock to my listbox as an item

Dim StkP As New StackPanel
StkP.Name = "Stack"
Dim txtLine_1 As New TextBlock


But it is always returning the last input of "lblScore_1"

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