Dataset To Retrieve Some Data From An SQL Database And Then Uses It To Populate A Listbox?

Jan 19, 2009

I have inherited some code from an external contractor that I have to modify. Firstly, he uses a strongly typed dataset to retrieve some data from an SQL database and then uses that data to populate a listbox. I have decided to use a dropdown list (as the user can only ever select one value at a time).This is the code that populates the DropDownList

Private Sub FillUserComputer(ByVal userId As String)
TraceDebug("Begin FillUserComputer"[code]....

This works well for the first two entries in the DropDownList. However, whenever I select one of the other options and click the Send Request button it "jumps back" to the 2nd entry in the list and sends that data instead, completely ignoring the option I selected.I think I have narrowed down the problem to the fact that the DataValue for the second entry in the list is a Null value.

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Populate Listbox With Data From A Database?

Jan 3, 2010

Populating a listbox with data from a database

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Populate A Listbox From Database Without Data Adapter?

Mar 15, 2012

i want to populate a listbox from a sql database and foll is the code i encountered error with:

Dim con As SqlConnection
Dim cmd As SqlCommand
Dim lrd As SqlDataReader


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Populate Data Into Listbox From Access Database?

Sep 2, 2010

I need to populate data (Patient ID and name) from a MS Access Database table (PetientInfo) into a listbox depending on date (Datetimepicker). The listbox item will change upon date changed.

When I select a item from listbox the details of the patient will show to the textboxes.

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Retrieve Data From Database Into Listbox?

Jul 5, 2011

how i can retrive data from database system(access) and then present it to the user in the form of list box ,so i can select one of them? *retrieved data= only one column from the table

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Populate Label Text From LIstbox DataSet?

Aug 17, 2010

I have a listbox with a dataset and a query that is used to populate the listbox. Now, depending on the selection of the listbox. I want to populate a variety of labels with specific information from the dataset with the selected listbox item as the key. Here is the code I have so far... but I am unsure how to continue....

Public Class frmItemsToCal
Private Sub frmItemsToCal_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'BISEMv2DataSet.Equipment' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.


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VS 2010 : Populate Listbox With Dataset Created In VB?

May 1, 2012

i have a Userform that I created in MS Word that automates almost half my job. I'm just looking to re-create this form in VB.Net so that I can keep up with the trends.What I did previously was load a listbox based on the contents of a data table in another word document. I've searched for other methods of creating a datasource in VB 2010 Express but I'm unsure how to load the contents of a dataset or datatable as opposed to a table from MS Word. Ideally, I'd like to abandon using Word tables and create a dataset in VB and load a listbox based on that. I do not have a copy of MS Access and I'm unfamiliar with MySql, which I'm guessing would are the easiest methods of loading a dataset. I also thought that maybe if I could create a seperate form (let's just call it form1) specifically for entering new data and saving the form as data is added, then linking the datasource from that form to a second form (form2) that has the listbox that will populate with the contents from the data in form1.

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Listbox.SelectedItem - Populate A Listbox With Data In The Code?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a listbox and i populate it with data in my code like this on the page load....


So say one item in the list is displayed Ted Jones (123) and its valuefield should be 123. Im just not understanding what i am doing wrong here.

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Filtering Dataset - Dataset (WW1Dataset) With One Data Table(WW1) (database Used In An Access Database)

Feb 1, 2010

I have a dataset (WW1Dataset) with one data table(WW1).(database used in an access database) I'm trying to filter the dataset e.g a user wants to filter by a chosen surname (SurnameTextBox.text) so the datset is filtered to display only those records wherethe surname column in the dataset matches SurnameTextBox.text.

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Populate An Dataset With Only Changes From The Data Source?

Dec 14, 2011

I have a simple access database that a log record gets written to a few times an hour.

I'm trying to make a DataGridView that shows that data as it arrives.

My "Solution" is simple;

when a user clicks the view -> read from the database (fill the datatable) -> update the view.

Not what I dreamed of, but functional, if totally sub-optimal.

However, my "solution" is a dud, using fill draws every single record from the database, even if there are already 599 on screen.

Really, I just want fill the datatable once, and add new records as they arrive (or on click if needs be).

Bonus point if you can also explain another way (that isn't called so often) to hide the ID column, and change the header of column 1 (named DateTimeStamp) to TimeStamp.

Public Class FormMain
Shared dataAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter
Shared logTable As New DataTable("log")


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Retrieve Database Structure In Dataset?

Apr 23, 2011

Can some one tell me how retrieve database structure in dataset with primary key columns or get the columns that not allow nulls

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Populate A ComboBox From Data Located In A Dataset?

Feb 16, 2010

I am attempting to discover how I can populate a ComboBox with the data values already located in a data source that has been added to my project. I know how to use the ComboBox.Add method. I also know how to add individual value items contained in a manually entered array at design time using the For Each Next loop. However, I am unable to populate a ComboBox with all values for a field of a table in a data source that has been added to my project. I assume that I am unaware of some simple referencing step that will solve this problem.


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Populate Data From Dataset And Show In Datagridview

Aug 11, 2009

I am working in and i have a simple requirement. I have added a MDB file to a dataset and it contains 21 tables. I have a datagridview and a combobox on my form. I was able to get the combobox populated with the table names available in the dataset by iterating through dataset.tables. Now i want to add the feature where the user can select the table name from the combo and then it should populate the contents of that table. I tried the following Code


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How To Populate ListBox From Database

Mar 27, 2009

I've given up on my harder stuff and have simplified it to something else. There are no errors that pop up now but the list box doesn't populate! I took the code from a book and there's a data adapter, data connection, and data set on the form already (they're not named in this code though, since the book didn't say to). When the program opens, the list box has a line of text in it and the list box doesn't fill with the right items.

Private Sub EditStock_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim dsitemlist As New DataSet
Dim itemlistadapter As New OleDbDataAdapter _
("SELECT ItemName FROM Stock", ConnectString)
[Code] .....

And here's what shows in the box.

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Populate A Listbox Using A Sql Database

Jun 10, 2011

I've been working on this for three days now and I can't seem to get my listbox to populate. I'm connecting to an sql database. Where am I going wrong? Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT DISTINCT natureport FROM rates ORDER BY natureport", conn)


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Retrieve The Data From A Specific Row And Column From A DataSet?

Aug 19, 2009

I know this has to be a very simple answer but I seem to be overlooking it. I have an Access database that I have conected to and have created a DataSet. The DataSet consists of one table with several rows and a bunch of columns. What I am trying to do is get the data for one specific row and column so that I can use this data is some calculations. I can position the row if I need to but I can't figure out how to get the data in the specific column I need.

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Populate Listbox From Ms-access Database?

Feb 3, 2009

I just wanna ask how can i add, delete record in datagrid that is bind in a textbox using ms-access.

how to populate listbox from ms-access database.

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Populate Listbox With Access Database?

Jul 8, 2011

Is there a way in which I can populate my listbox with an Access (.mdb) database and search for values in it. Also, can I move selected values back & forth from that listbox to another listbox (or textbox). Is this possible using Visual Studio, VB.Net?

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Populate Data From Excel To Listbox?

May 12, 2011

i think the answer is to loop each of the cells/columns/rows in excel then show it in the listbox... i think.. the problem is i don't know how...

is populating from a text file the same with populating from an excel file?

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet


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Populate Listbox With Access .mdb Data?

Jun 10, 2011

My Access database has one column named 'Term' and the Table name is 'ATG'. I require to populate my listbox with data in the 'Term' columns. I'm unable to do that using this code. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this (it displays numbers from 1 to 10 and not the database data)

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim dbConnection As OleDbConnection
Dim dbCommand As OleDbCommand


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Populate A Listbox Collection From An Access Database Column?

Oct 24, 2010

I would like to populat the Listbox collection from a column from a Access database I already created the name of the collection as collections. I can autocomplete/Suggest a Textbox with no issues.[code]

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Populate Listbox From Access Database Using Oledb Datareader

Jan 4, 2011

I am trying to populate a listbox from an access database. It is a scheduling database. First my users pick a room they would like to add an event to, then a date. after the date is selected, id like the listbox to populate with meeting titles corresponding to the date they selected. The code so far looks like this:


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Populate Listbox Withs Values From Database ( Whole Field )?

Jul 28, 2011

My current code only selects a single item from a specific field. How do I make it populate the listbox with ALL the items in a field?

conn.ConnectionString = "server=; username=; password= database="
Dim sqlAdapter As New MySqlDataAdapter


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VS 2008 Unable To Populate Listbox From Access Database?

Aug 19, 2010

I have an accdb named base.accdb in the root folder of the program. Basically I have several tables in my database and I need to show their values in listboxes (essentially allowing menus to be edited by adding/removing items in the table)I can't figure out how to connect the database (according to my friends/classmates), and i can't figure out how to pull the information from the table.

Ultimately, it would be nice if someone could tell me how I can pull out the information into maybe an array? so that if i add 3 items into the table, then it will create 3 variables in the program and put the values from the table into those variables.

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Retrieve Data To ListBox?

Mar 11, 2010

I need to retrieve data from database to Listbox.

Database Fields: IndexID, Name, Value
Sample Values:
IndexID: 145214


When I double click on one of selection, it must retrieve IndexID value.

If any one have method to get data inside listbox with columns

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Forms :: Retrieve Data From Mdb And Display In Listbox?

Feb 4, 2009

i need to create one search box using textbox and the result will display on listbox.

I have textbox1 as inputbox, button1 as search button , listbox1 to display the value , Database1.mdb as my database.

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Syntax Error While Retrieve Data Into Listbox

Feb 15, 2010

I am using 1 listbox and 4 text box. I want to retrieve data from my database i.e. ms access database into listbox I am firing the select query by using this code on Page Load event and list box selecetedindex change event which is following. [code]...

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DataSet Linking Database To Listbox

Jun 5, 2011

Having found the following post on datareaders Topic Posted On DaniWeb i have managed to successfully create a datareader in a class that updates a listbox on the calling form with entries retrieved from a SQL server database.I was wondering if it is possible to achieve the same thing using a dataset?My ultimate aim is to read a SQL table / view of information (ie customers), add this into a list box so that when i click on a specifc line in the list box i can then use that selected entry to do something further (ie click a line and then an edit button to edit that records details)[code]

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IDE :: Failed To Retrieve Data From The Database, Database Vendor Code 9421?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a report made in Crystal Reports XI. The report is generated and exported to PDF in visual basic script using COM interface. Generally everything is running smoothly, but in one case generation breaks with error: Failed to retrieve data from the database. Details: [Database Vendor Code 9421]

Database used is MSSQL 2005 connected over ODBC to CR XI. When I am opening report with exactly the same parameters in Designer, everything works fine.It looks like it is data related, but it is hard to trace since the whole report is pretty sophisticated. Anyway I spent half a day on crawling over Dr. Google and it seems that he has no clue what might be an issue.

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Retrieve Data From A Datagridview Loaded With Data From A Linq Database

Apr 9, 2010

I have three tables in SQL server which I would like to show and access on a form. Table 1 contains account data, address, contact details etc. Table two contains data attached to a Person, tel no , Mobile no, Email etc. Table three contains details on what awards the person holds, i.e. one person can hold several awards.

Therefore I have a one many relationship between the first two tables and a one many relationship between the second two tables. This is set up in SQL

The first two tables are shown on a form, table 1 via a set of text boxes, table 2 via a datagrid control.

I would like the functionality whereby I could select a row in the datagrid showing the persons name and find the Persons_ID number then use that as a filter to a second datagrid view so that only the selected persons awards show in the datagrid.

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