Retrieving Volume Descriptions As Shown In Explorer?

Oct 20, 2011

I'm looking for a simple and easy way to retrieve the names/descriptions of all the volumes *exactly* as they are shown under My Computer in Explorer.

For example:
System (C:)
Data (D:)
Removable Disk (F:)


I don't want to emulate it, because there are too many settings which can influence the view (ShowDriveLettersFirst, autorun.inf, desktop.ini, DriveIcons, MUI, etcetera) and I need the exact match.

I'm guessing it requires a P/Invoke to shell32.dll or something, but I haven't been able to figure it out yet.

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Changing Items Shown In Explorer Combobox Of File Dialogs?

Jan 13, 2010

In my dialog I want to prevent the user to browse freely in certain places (this is due to the fact that my application will be running in a terminal server environment). So I want to to limit the items that will be visible in the top combobox of the server. I want it to start with "My Computer" instead of the usual "Desktop". Furthermore I only want to add mapped network drives under "My Computer" so that the user won't be able to see any local resources.With Spy++ I have been looking around at what happens when a FileDialog starts.

So far I have found that for each item in the combobox CB_SETITEMDATA and CB_INSERTSTRING methods are executed. By using a hook to the combobox I am able to intercept these messages, but sofar I am unable to determine the exact contents of what is inserted, so I am unable to determine wether it is the "Desktop" item or not.I have also discovered that the "My Computer" node is only added at the moment that the combobox is expanded. So I would need a way to get a handle to "My Computer" and insert an item for it manually

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Add Descriptions To Objects In Browser?

Dec 14, 2010

Is there a way to add descriptions to my classes, structures, enums, & modules in the object browser?


In the Bitmap Class the property Flags has this[code]....

When I click on anything in my namespaces there is nothing for descriptions, is there a way to add descriptions?

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Defining C# Enums With Descriptions

Jan 27, 2010

What would the folowing VB.NET enum definition look like in C#? [code]

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Grab Images And Descriptions?

Feb 26, 2010

I want to grab all of the Alicia Keys photos and there description...if you go to the site you'll notice that there are 145 images...along with a next button to cycle through the images...Here's what I would like to do:1) grab the source code of the image2) grab the source code of the description3) "click" on the Next button/link and move onto the next image

Here's the catch, the href value for the Next button doesn't seem to change:
<a href="/people/alicia_keys/photos/0,,20158648_20742149.html" title="Next Image">Next</a> ... ... ...which is why I want to simulate the mouse click - I've done some Google'ing and


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.net - Property/Method Descriptions For COM Libraries?

Jul 28, 2010

If you create a COMClass, I've noticed that the values in the XML Summary tag do not show in the object browser of VB6/VBA when you reference the resulting tlb file. Is there a way to have these values show up?

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Parameter Descriptions For Custom Methods?

Jun 16, 2010

This is more of a user-proofing and aesthetics questions,Whenever we call a method in the .NET framework that requires parameters (most of them), as we're typing the parameters we wish to pass, Intellisense not only tells us the parameter type we need to enter, but it also gives us a brief description of what the parameter is.

Is there any way that we can include that same functionality in the methods that we write?

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Can Make Tool Bars For Windows Explorers / IE Explorer And To Fire Fox Internet Explorer

Aug 30, 2009

1- I want to know what's the windows service project and how i can use it.

2- I want to know how i can making tool bars for my windows explorers , IE explorer and to fire fox internet explorer.

3- I want to know how i can making add-ons for my VS 2005.

4-Can i change my Form Opacity Without Changing My controls Opacity

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Creating A File Explorer Similar To Windows Explorer?

Aug 1, 2010

I want to make a program that is similar to Windows Explorer. It will have a button that when you click it it opens a FolderBrowserDialog and it will have an area that displays the contents of the selected folder. I want to have a label that displays the current folder path (i.e. 'USERDocuments...') and I also would like a feature to search all files on the computer.Also, is it possible that when I click on a file in the contents of the selected folder it displays its information (i.e. Name, Size, etc.)? And can I also make it so that if you double click on another folder in the current folder's display it opens that folder? And can I have a button to go up one directory?

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Create A Custom Messagebox, With Varying Number Of Buttons With Custom .Text Descriptions?

Feb 6, 2009

This is what I would like to achieve:To create a custom messagebox, with varying number of buttons with custom .Text descriptions, and other features. I intended to have a property array that would be redim-ed and have values (.Text values) set by the calling class:


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Open Explorer To A Specific Destination But Shell("explorer") Doesn't Work

Jun 2, 2010

I want to open explorer to a specific destination but both shell() and process.start() are not opening explorer. They both open other applications like calc and notepad though. It works fine when debugging but not after I publish.

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How To Control Volume

Apr 11, 2012

How can I control the volume of only the sound coming from my program rather than the system sound with a track bar? If this isn't possible, how can I control the system volume with the track bar?Bgeo99

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Set The WAV File Volume

Feb 23, 2009

I've been looking online for almost two hours now, is it possible to set the volume level of a WAV file that a program you are designing plays? For example, you have a button on a form and when pressing button it plays sound but at a specific volume. I tried to find volume control tutorials but that seems to be a difficult one for coders.

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Vb Volume Meter

Jul 8, 2010

look what i found : [URL]

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Change The Computers Volume Up And Down?

Jul 1, 2010

How do i change the computers volume up and down? or mute it all together?

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Change Wave Volume Of Your PC?

Dec 28, 2010

I want to make an application that can control the general volume of my pc. I have been using waveOutGetVolume and waveOutSetVolume properly. But that only changed the volume of my own appliation in the mixer.[code]...

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Code To Change Volume?

Nov 20, 2009

does any one know the code to turn volume up and down in a music player?

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Detecting If Volume Is Muted?

Apr 26, 2009

I have this code to Mute or Unmute volume:SendKeys.Send(Keys.VolumeMute)

How could I find a code which would detect if volume is muted, and if so un mute it?

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Get And Set The System Sound Volume?

Nov 16, 2010

Does anyone know how to get and set the system sound volume? I have tried every method I've found on the net and none of them work. I've tried the winmm.dll APIs with no luck. I've also tried waveOutGetVolume/waveOutSetVolume, which didn't work. I'm using Win 7, but need a solution that works on XP+.

Right now I use the VolumeUp keyboard event, but I need to be able to get the volume and set it to a specific level.

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Get Volume Serial Number?

Jul 17, 2009

I'm using this code to generate machine signature. But it's take noticeable time to execute.

Public Shared Function DriveSN(ByVal DriveLetter As String) As String
Dim disk As ManagementObject = New ManagementObject(String.Format("Win32_Logicaldisk='{0}'", DriveLetter))


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How To Adjust Volume On Computer

Aug 14, 2011

How can i adjust the volume through codesomething really simple (if only in C#, that'll work too)

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Raising And Lowering The Volume?

Jun 28, 2010

I am using the AxWindowsMediaPlayer1 control to play MP3 sound files in my application.

I would like to lower and raise the volume (master) via keypress from my gamepad.

I already have the logic for that established, I just do not see any way to raise and lower the volume within the Windows Media Player control.

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Scroll Bar - Use To Control The Volume ?

Mar 28, 2010

I'm making a media player that is using the Windows Media Player component and I have the visible property set to false. I'm going to make all of the controls but one I'm having trouble with is the scroll bar. with the scroll bar if you move up the track bar up a little it should increase the volume like the one on the component. The code that I though was AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.CtlControls. but there was nothing there that could be used to control the volume.

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Set System Volume Level?

Feb 25, 2010

I have an application that plays wav and mp3 files using the Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.Audio()function. It works fine, and I can easily set the volume level of the playback... within limits.

That limit is the system volume level. I can set the playback level for the mp3, but if the system volume is muted or set real low it may still play softly.

So how do I set the master volume level, including making sure it isn't muted?

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System Volume Control?

Nov 4, 2009

caN SOMONE guide me how to make my own system sound control in like a slider or % or anything!!! just a volume control!

Understandable Answers
1 2 3 4 5
- - - - - Rate yourself And Have A Kitkat


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Unmute Volume In Vb2008?

Mar 27, 2010

I was creating a OS with vs 2008 and I made some easter eggs where if a key is pressed, it will show a full screen image of a RSoD. In the form's code, there is a code to mute all the volume I got in the internet:

Public Class Form6
Private Const APPCOMMAND_VOLUME_MUTE As Integer = &H80000
Private Const WM_APPCOMMAND As Integer = &H319
Declare Function SendMessageW Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal Msg As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As IntPtr


And pressing the space key will bring it back to my desktop in the own-made OS.There are sounds I coded in it. But as the code above mutes the computer, I must unmute by my self. Can anyone give me the code to unmute??? Googling it up does not work.

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Volume Control Using ISimpleAudioVolume?

Oct 28, 2011

any code example that uses ISimpleAudioVolume.

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Adjust Audio Volume Directly Using .net?

Mar 25, 2012

Is there any way to adjust audio volume directly using .net?

I can only find C++ coding which, sadly means nothing to me.

I would like to be able to record the current Audio Volume setting, change it (up or down), play a *.wav file, then return it to it's original level.

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Adjusting Windows Speaker Volume?

May 23, 2011

How do I change the Windows Speaker Volume (The Main Output Volume Control Volume Value) via VB.NET? I want a way to like indirectly change the whole system's volume like we do it from the Volume Control application on Windows 7

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Can't Seem To Find Anyway To Adjust The Volume Controls?

Sep 15, 2009

I've been digging around but I can't seem to find anyway to adjust the volume controls (the windows general ones) using VB .NET.Basically, I want to make a program that's always on top that allows me to changemute the microphone and the other volume values on a specific device - not necessarily the one set as default.

I got this weird feeling that I'm missing something quite simple but I simply could not find anything. I saw some media players and such but nothing similar to what I was looking for.

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