Richtextbox LostFocus Sync With An Array?

Jan 10, 2010

I have some richtextboxes which display contents of a jagged array. When the RTB loses focus, contents of the RTB are placed in the array (so new entries in rtb are updated in the array). This works OK with moderate numbers (for example jagged array of type (200)(){}) but in a situation where the array is (1500)(){} the rtb takes approx 3-4 seconds to reload when it loses focus. I was thinking of eliminating some lostfocus of triggering with this logic

On RTB LostFocus
If 'nothing was changed in the RTB' Then


Nothing was changed in the RTB means that the user Focused in the RTB, scrolled around, but did not change the content in any way. How would I achieve that codewise? In addition, is there a better way to keep the RTB updated with it's corresponding jagged array from LostFocus?

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RichTextBox Lostfocus Isn't Triggering

Dec 12, 2009

I have two richtextboxes, richtextbox1 and richtextbox2 on top of richtextbox1 with richtextbox2.visible = false on form load. Whatever is input in richtextbox1 is placed in an array when rictextbox1 loses focus. Now I have a checkbox that when enabled, hides richtextbox1 and shows richtextbox2. On the first time richtextbox2 is shown, i want it to display the contents of richtextbox1. This is achieved by setting a boolean flag (firsttime=true) on form load, then in the checkbox code if firsttime = true, it displays content of richtextbox1 and sets firsttime to false.


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Forms :: Copy RichTextBox To An Array Line-by-line And Back To Another RTB From That Array?

Sep 6, 2009

How to copy RichTextBox to an array line-by-line and back to another RTB From that array?

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Align Array Output In A Richtextbox?

Jun 29, 2011

I have two 1d arrays each containing some string data. I need to dump the contents of the arrays to a single richtextbox. I can do this, however the text isn't aligned properly.[code]...

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Assign Value To A Variable In Lostfocus?

Mar 9, 2012

I want to assign a string value to a variable in the DataGridView LostFocus event. I found that I can't just do variable = "string value, it will give me the "Unable to cast object of type 'system.eventargs' to type ''" error.

The function created by double-clicking on the datagridview is:

Private Sub DataGridViewInvoice_LostFocus(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridViewInvoice.LostFocus

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TextAlign In Even Enter And LostFocus?

Feb 23, 2009

in windows From with 2 TextBox Control (in Visual Studio 2008)
name: TextBox1
text: test1


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Textbox.lostfocus Vb 2008 Exp?

Apr 1, 2010

Have a project which, in one place, has a form with a number of textboxes on it to receive user input. My intention is that, when user tabs out of one box into the next in the sequence, a checking subroutine is called via the textbox.lostfocus event. When I run the app, which this procedure is called by tabbing out of, say, txtTitle without entering any data, I get the Msgbox message, but it refers to the next textbox (txtFName).

It would appear that the focus moves into the next textbox before the lostfocus event is dealt with. Consequently, when the Msgbox opens, it takes the focus away from the next textbox and fires its lostfocus even, which is processed. OK-ing the warning here causes the initial lostfocus event to be processed and the Msgbox shows again. Exiting the sub for the second time leaves the focus in the second textbox. If I then use the mouse to move the focus back to the first box, I fire yet another lostfocus event for the second textbox, etc, etc

How can I trap the lostfocus event and deal with it BEFORE the focus moves into a subsequent control?

The relevant piece of code is:


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Why Isn't The LostFocus Event Occurring

Mar 26, 2011

With a listbox visible, I have clicked on the windows form hoping to use the listbox.lostfocus event to let me hide the listbox - but the event does not occur. I suppose I can use the event to hide the listbox, but how would I get the form to accept focus?

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Loop Through Array With Addresses In It Then Display Them On A Richtextbox?

Feb 8, 2009

However, it loops through does the first one .... then I have to click the button event again for it to get the 2nd one BUT THEN when I click button the 3rd time it doesnt do the third address it simply repeats number 2

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Break Textbox Lostfocus Event?

Aug 20, 2010

the scenario is the following: I have a textbox ,next to it a button. The user types a value in the textbox, he presses tab, I search this value in the database in the LostFocus event, if there is no match, a browse form shows and the user can select the desired value. After closing the browse form, the focus goes to the next textbox control (and exactly this I want to prevent). The user can click the button next to textbox to choose a value (the browser form appears), but in this case, after closing the form, the focus remains on the textbox control, because before clicking the button, the focus was on it.

So, my question: how can I disable the LostFocus event? Ok, I figured it out: I must use the validating event. It works. But in this case, if I close the form, the event fires up. How can I disable this?

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LostFocus Event Doesn't Trigger

Apr 27, 2012

I have a class library in which i have created a simple new application with a form and added AX webbrowser control on it. In order to apply events on popup of webapplication shown in webbrowser (or to detect whether a pop-up has opend), i am using LostFocus event on webbrowser control, it was working fine till now.But after i reset my IE settings (Internet options->Advance->Reset) the event stopped working. I am using IE9 and the class library is developed in VB.NET (VS 2010).

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VS 2008 Lostfocus Event For Picture Box.

Nov 25, 2009

[code]I am adding pictureboxes to my form as shown in the code above. but the problem is lostfocus event is not working.

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VS 2008 LostFocus Handler For TextBox

Jun 9, 2010

So I have a LostFocus handler for my TextBox, and it gets called whenever I press "m", "o", or "-". Why is that? [Code] Is all that's there. I thought that I might have access keys or something interfering, but I would have to be pressing Alt, "-" wouldn't work, and there's also the fact that I have no access keys on the form. What's happening?

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VS 2010 Textbox LostFocus Event?

May 31, 2012

I am finding it strange that the lostfocus event is always executed once when I launched my application. in my lostfocus event, I have some code that queries the db based on the textbox value. It is supposed to be 13 characters. So when i launched my app and presses the first character in the textbox, it is givin an error. When i debug the application, I found out that the lostfocus event is getting called once when i start the application.

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VS 2008 - How To Split RichTextBox Text Into Array List

Aug 6, 2010

I have seen and used Text.split with a single delimiter such as " ",-","-".". However I cannot find a method which allows multiple delimiters. I need to be able to split a richTextBox's text into an array list.

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Added A Gotfocus And Lostfocus Handler For All Of My Textboxes?

Sep 22, 2008

I just added a gotfocus and lostfocus handler for all of my textboxes. Below is my routines to call on gotfocus/lostfocus.


Now, my issue is that this works great if you use the mouse and click around in the textboxes. However, if you hit the TAB key to move around on the screen, the LostFocus event doesn't seem to work. All of my textboxes backcolor remains lightblue. What did I do wrong? What do I need to do to fix this problem?

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Implementing LostFocus Listview Control Equivalent For Web?

Apr 11, 2011

Background: I have a winForm app that registers a user in the database based on the information provided, auto-generates a random password and username, and e-mails the user a link to take an application based on the marketing company selected.


When the user selects the lbCarrier(s), the Bundles don't show up in the listbox b/c the lostfocus feature doesn't work for What code can I use to auto-populate the Bundles listbox based on what is selected in lbCarrier listbox for ASP.NET.

Code from default.aspx.vb:

Private Sub lbCarriers_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lbCarriers.LostFocus
Dim splt() As String


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Show The Msgbox All The Times When The Combo Lostfocus

Mar 23, 2009

This is a code in event lostFocus:


The code shows the msgbox all the times when the combo lostfocus...

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Setting/Reading Specific Values Of A Richtextbox Line To An Array

Dec 7, 2009

I have a button which reads a comma separated value file and loads it into a richtextbox. Each line contains comma separated chars.

Once the file is loaded in the richtextbox, i want to be able to select specific values from each line and store them into an array.

For example:
Line1: a,b,c,d,e

I want to be able to place only the values "b" and "c" into an array.

I was thinking something like creating a menu for the richtextbox which will be triggered on right click, then highlight the values I want, press right click and select 'place these values in an array'.

it doesn't have to be the way i proposed it, but it definitely must use a richtextbox.

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Lostfocus Doesn't Work With System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs?

Apr 20, 2010

I have the following code and I can't get the lost focus to work.

Private Sub txtSpeed_KeyDown(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txtSpeed.KeyDown, txtSpeed.LostFocus


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Data Sync With .net And Php?

Nov 10, 2009

I have a windows application and a php web application(not connected to internet all times), eventually data add/remove/update can happen at either places. So data has to be synchronized every day or manually.

I have a small sqllite database file (less than 500K) in my end, and the php web app uses Mysql, the structures remain the same. I would like to have a update function in my windows app, which sends my sqllite database file directly to my webserver and then1. Php should read values from the sqllite database files insert some values into mysql from the uploaded file 2. Php should read values from the mysql database files and insert them to sqllite database file

and finally send them back to my windows client pc. I would like to use .net 2.0.Anyone has an idea to get the above done or a suggestion to make the sync easier will help me a lot. Give me light on how the architecture or design should be done to achieve this

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Send A Sync In A Dll?

May 30, 2012

I have a class that sends an email which i use sendasyc

SMTPServer.SendAsync(message, _message_id)

The result of the email is captured by the following code

Sub SendCompletedCallback(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AsyncCompletedEventArgs)
Dim message_id As String = CType(e.UserState, String)


This works fine when the code is run within a form but when i move it into a dll calling it from a console app it neither sends emails nor picks up any errors.

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Timers Out Of Sync?

Oct 22, 2009

Public Class Form1
Public elapsed_time As TimeSpan
Public start_time, stop_time As DateTime
Public txtBreak As String = "180"


All the code needs to be controled by seperate timers as the user may need to pause timer3 or timer4 at any one time. The problem I have is that after about 5 minutes the time and elapsed time are about three seconds ahead of the two count down timers.

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.NET Connect MySQL Sync PHP?

Jun 2, 2011

I'm just looking for an answer or idea.I plan to connect to mysql (which is done) and also the PHP connected to the mysql.But I'm confuse with something.VB.NET is use for offline things (which people will come to store and buy), but PHP is buying / booking online. (You know the airport things right ? customer can directly go to the airport and buy tickets or they can buy tickets from the internet)

For ex :Customer A come to airport and buy a ticket which is only left 1 tickets. Customer B wanted to buy from the internet. Both of them saw there is only left 1 tickets. So, both of them buying. When Customer A buy, the employee click buy at the same time with Customer B.In here, I'm confuse, how to declare which person should get the ticket because they click buy at the same time (server time because PHP and MySQL located to the server and applciation located to other PC/Machine) ?.

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Disable Combo Box Sync?

May 1, 2010

I have two comboboxes on my form and both are bound to the same datatable. The problem is that each time a value is selected from one combobox, the value in the other combobox changes to the value selected in the former. Is there anyway to disable this behaviour?Only performance counts!

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File Copying - Sync To USB

Aug 18, 2010

On my form I have a button that says "Sync To USB" When its clicked this is what I want to happen: The files in ListBox3 will be copied onto a USB Mass Storage Device (if it is inserted) otherwise it will play the sound "USB not inserted.WMV".

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How To Sync Folder Via Web Service

Sep 24, 2010

i just want to ask if how can i sync my files (like dropbox) via web service? is that possible in

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Sync 2 Binding Sources?

Mar 11, 2009

How can I sync 2 binding sources, both binding sources contain the same data(contactsbindingsource)I have 2 forms:1 form is a list of contact information the other is a search form.I have a linq querie in the search form that returns contact names to a datagridview, but I want to be able to double click on selected cell and have the relevant data appear on my first form.Also my first form has FK relationship to another form that contains company information, could this have something to do with it?

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Sync A Tasklistprogram On Computer And PDA?

Mar 3, 2009

I am reading a lot in this forum about sync. It must be fantastic. I look a round for any tutorial, but I haven't found one. Let me tell me the story about the new program I want to write.I am working on a campsite in France. When there is a problem like a Mobilehome isn't clean. The person who is working on the reception write a note and the one how is going to fix it will be called. This is not a really good thing.I like to write an program in Visual Basic that allow the person who is working at the reception write the task in an program. This program will use a database to store the task. The person who is working at the campsite will see the task at his mobile phone (Windows mobile 6) He will fix the task and the reception can see in the application that the task is done.So I need a database who is synchronized whit the one in the mobile phone. The mobile phone can work offline and online. By online the database will be synchronized to the one in the reception.

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Sync Data Between Two Instances?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a small "Clinic Application" that runs on two machines. (Receptionists & Doctors)

Same application is installed at both the computers, and they access the same SQL Server 2008 Data at a 3rd macine.

When the application is started, the local datasets are filled with the data from the 3rd machine (using tableadapter.fill).

Whenever the Receptionist adds a Patient in DataGrid,and saved it, it should show in Doctors DataGrid. and whenever Doctor adds something, the receptionists dataGrid should show it.

to accomplish this I have set a timer that keeps Filling datasets.

the task is successfully accomplished, but....

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