Row Position After Table Sort?

Jul 4, 2005

How to find row position after table sort? Datagrid is binded to ds1.sometable. I have DataRow object or DataRowView from cm.Current and position before sort (cm.position or dg.CurrentRowIndex) but how to find where is its position to navigate DataGrid to select row after I re-sort datagrid?

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Sort A Datagridview And Remove A Row From Its Sorted Position?

Jan 13, 2010

What I am trying to do is sort a datagridview and remove a row from its sorted position to the 1st row.

The problem I am experiencing is as follows:

in the source below, when the code runs "MeanRow" is populated with what is required. As soon as Rows.Remove() executes, the MeanRow datarow is lost. Why would this be if I'm declaring a new variable and simply setting it?

MeanRow = r
Private Sub dgv_Sorted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim MeanRow As DataRow


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Sort A Structure With Preserving The Position Of Similar Numbers?

Oct 28, 2010

I am using structures in my programming and I sort the structure according to a value in the structure using IComparer.This is a simple example for what I want.

Dim MyArray(6) As Integer
MyArray(0) = 1
MyArray(1) = 45


How does number 1 get sorted? Is it brings the newest 1 to top or keeps the old 1in the same index? In my original example (before sorting), MyArray(0) = 1 and after sorting MyArray(0) = 1.Is this the same original 1 or this another 1 (the newest one added to the array) moved to that position?In case the MyArray(0) = 1 after sorting should be MyArray(5) = 1 before sorting.

Here is my a sample of my Code:

Public Structure ToSolve
Dim Con(,) As Integer
Dim Discharge(,) As Double


Using all these methods, how can I preserve the positions of similar number in the list? i.e. I want to bring the newest 'Similar' value to the top of the list.

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VS 2005 DGV Column Click - Sort And Re-position To Previously Selected Row?

Apr 26, 2012

Here's the issue in a nutshell (I can elaborate if you feel it's needed). In a DataGridView I want to capture the value of the row's key column so that when the user clicks on a column header to sort the data, I can reposition to the row that was selected prior to the click. The problem is that the sorting itself, once it's done, fires the same events (RowEnter for example) that I used to determine my key value, so it sets my variable to a new value and now

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Sort A Table Into Ascending Or Descending?

Mar 3, 2011

I am currently building a table by retrieving a number and a name from an XML document and dynamically building a table. Currently, the table is built and you can check a box to choose whether or not you want to randomize the numbers that correspond to the name. I need to be able to check another box to determine whether or not you want it ascending or descending order. I don't know how to do sorts on a Table Object. Do I have to read it into an Array first and then re-read them into the table?

XML Document Example:

- <roster>
- <student>


View 2 Replies - Sort A GridView Column Related To Other Table

Jun 10, 2010

i have a GridView bound to a DataView. Some columns in the DataView's table are foreignkeys to related tables(f.e. Customer). I want to enable sorting for these columns too, but all i can do is sorting the foreignkey(fiCustomer) and not the CustomerName.

I have tried this without success(" Cannot find column ERP_Customer.CustomerName "):

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Customer" SortExpression="ERP_Customer.CustomerName" >

A tried also the DataViewManager, but i've a problem to detect the table to sort:

Dim daCharge As New ERPModel.dsERPTableAdapters.ERP_ChargeTableAdapter
Dim viewManager As New DataViewManager(Me.dsERP)


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If In A Listbox In Row Have More Words - Sort Them Out In The Table As On Picture?

Dec 18, 2011

If in a listbox in row I have more words , how to sort them out in the table as on picture

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Way To Sort A Table But Couldn't Get Code Working

Jun 13, 2011

I've tried google a way to sort a table but couldn't get my code working.My program lets the user input enter information such as first name and last name in textboxes, once done they click on update button(so far everything works).On the top right of the form it has a Combobox and it displays a list of all the names of poeple the User inputed... but it shows it in the order the user inputed.I want to have a sort button so that way when the user clicks on "sort" it will alphabetically sort the msql table by last name and reupdate that on the Combobox (most importantly save msql with the new order of names)

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VS 2010 Finding Row Position Of A Data Table?

Feb 27, 2011

how to find the row position/index in a data table, using a value from another table. For example, I use the row position from Linkingtable1 to get my value for CustomerID, but i want to use the CustomerID to search the CustomerTable for its row position, in order to show the Customers Name in a text box, As currently when loading the textbox shows the customerID. I understand the code to get the names from the rows in the datatable, its just finding the row position of the customerID.

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Sort Numbers From Lowest To Highest In Datagrid Table?

Mar 14, 2012

How to sort numbers from lowest to highest in my datagrid table?

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Sort A Column Displayed In A Datagrid Bound To An Access Table Programmatically

Jan 6, 2011

Still experimenting with datagrids and ran into another problem...I'd like to sort a column displayed in a datagrid bound to an Access table programmatically. The field is a date ime type and is sorted in descending order in Access. I can manually sort it at run time but i'd like to know how to sort it with code.

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Make The Items In The TreeView To Sort Faster Or Something Totally Different To Sort Them Easier?

Dec 15, 2010

How can I improve this bit below to make the items in the TreeView to sort faster or something totally different to sort them easier?


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Saving Window Size And Position Multiple Monitors Toolbar Position Etc.

Aug 24, 2009

I have looking for a tutorial or class that demonstrates more than a trivial example of saving a windows position on closing. The ones I have found don't seem to work on all systems because of:

1. Multiple monitors. (and resolution between those monitors)

2. Toolbar size and position (toolbar is only on the primary monitor, well sometimes)

3. Sometimes the programs dont open on the right monitor they were closed on.

Is there an extensive class or tutorial on all the stuff a programmer needs to get right to have a window size and position persisted between executions?

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.net - Use List.Sort And Comparision(of T) To Sort Descending/Ascending?

Jul 5, 2011

I have a MyObject; myObjects as List(Of MyObject) and a delegate Comparison(Of MyObject) that uses a lot of comparison functions (ByA, ByB, ByC etc) Ã la:

Shared Function CompareMyObjectsByName(x As MyObject, y As MyObject) As Integer
Return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name)
End Function


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VS 2008 BindingSource.Position - Event To Fire Only Once After The Position Command

Dec 5, 2010

I am using the following code to populate data in Textbox1:


I have few functions assigned in TextBox1_TextChanged event. The problem i am facing is this event is fired twice, once after the Fill command and another after the Position command whereas i want the event to fire only once after the Position command. What should i do?

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Get Closest Position To Specific Position?

Mar 9, 2010

I also have a function that returns ALL tiles on the map and they're X, Y position. How could I find out which one is closest to the position I specify? I can't figure out how to go about it. how to implement it with this. Heres a MADE UP example if what I'm trying to do:

Dim MyPosition as New Position()
MyPosition.X = 400
MyPosition.Y = 400
Dim tList as New List(Of Tile) = MyMap.GetTiles

Now, I can already do the stuff above, but what I need to make is something like this:


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Array.Sort(array) - Specify A Numeral Sort Based On The First Character In The String?

Jan 29, 2009

Sub Sort()
ReDim RollsCC(NumOfPlayers - 1)
For N As Integer = 0 To (NumOfPlayers - 1)[code]....

Here I am creating a temp single dimensional array, merging my 2d array into it, and then attempting to sort it by Rolls(N,1), which is a integer 1-6, Everything seems to be working right with the exception of this.

RollsCC.Sort(RollsCC, 0, 1)

How would one specify a numeral sort based on the first character in the string? im aware that I am switching Rolls(n,1) and Rolls(n,0) information during the sort.

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Sort ListView By Image.Index If Index Over 4 Sort Rest Alphabetically

Apr 12, 2012

Currently my ListView sorts items by image.index. So 0 is at the top, then 1, 2 and so on. Think of it as an IRC chat room nick list. Ops at top then the rest are sorted alphabetically


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Sort An Arraylist Using .Sort()

Jun 8, 2009

I am trying to sort an arraylist using .Sort() but am not sure what to put in the () for the field/column I want to sort on. Here is the portion of my code that creates the array from a SQL Query


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Using The Array Type .Sort Function To Sort An Array?

Mar 1, 2010

I am using the Array type .Sort function to sort my array.By default it places the result Array into Ascending order Least to Greatest How do I change that to Descending order Greatest to Least?and How do I change it to Closest to logic? or does that not exist?Assume there is an Array of Numbers 0,13,21,-2,4,5,1.34 and I want them to sort closest to 0 or some other arbitray value; the Output should look similar to:


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Setting Start Position For A New Form To Another Form's Position

Mar 24, 2010

I have two forms: Main and Options.Main can be moved around the screen (like a normal window).When the user clicks a button, the Options form opens up and the Main form HIDES.How do I set the Options form to open in the exact place that the Main form was last on the screen (to give it the effect the MAIN form never went into hidding)I was thinking to set Option form's StartPosition to Main's current position, but I don't know the syntax for that or if it's even something you can do.

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Add New Table In An Access Database And Copy All Content From An Existing Table To New Table

Aug 30, 2009

I want to add a new table in my accdb and copy the content tfrom an existing table into the new one.
Is there an easy way to do this?

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Refresh Table Adapter When I Have A Child Table Attached With Parent Table?

Dec 21, 2011

I have a data table whose one column is related to a column of another table. I have a listbox in a form which shows a column (which is sorted by another column value by ORDER clause) of the parent table and other columns are in textboxes. The child table is represented by a datagrid. When I add a new item in parent table and click save, the newly created item is listed at the bottom of the listbox violating my ORDER clause. When I wrote some codes to fill data again after updating, it shows an error message[code]...

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Copy A Table To Another Table Without Overwriting The Contents Of The Second Table?

Feb 23, 2010

How do I copy a table to another table without overwriting the contents of the second table?

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List(Of T).Sort - Sort The List By Year

Jul 10, 2011

I have a List(Of T) storing a list of Custom classes called Advertisement. Each advertisement contains 3 properties, Year, Make and Model. I need to sort the list By Year, then by Make and then by Model. I have a property in the Advertisement class called Vehicle which returns a formatted string with the Year Make Model like 2007 Toyota Tacoma and ive been sorting on that but its not working how I thought it would. Basically I want to sort the list by Year (decending; lowest year first) then sort by the Make and Model (in alphabetical order) Is that even possible? Here is the code ive been using.


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Forms :: WebBrowser Component And Table - Transform This Text Organized As Table Into DataGridView?

Dec 15, 2010

Let's say, I have something like a table in the WebBrowser component, it's not actually a table, because the data organized in flash, but, it's organized like a table, it has like rows and columns. You can see more in the attached file. Can I transform this text organized as table into DataGridView or some another tool that serves as table. like_a_table.JPG

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Add A Master Table To A Dataset Where The Detail Table Is Already Linked To A Windows Form?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a large form that is set up from master-detail datasets in Visual Studio 2008.I havene master table with a large amount of detail tables. Several of the detail tables also have detail tables linked.Now I need to add a master table that sits on top of my existing master table making it a detail table.

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Add A Row In Data Table Taking Values From 2 Text Boxes Which Are Not Bound To That Table?

Dec 26, 2010

I have a login form that consists of 2 text boxes: txtUser, txtPass. Now these are not bound to any data table & I don't what them to be bound. When a new user enters his user name & password, I want to add these on a data table that has two columns: User, Pass. Data table information: Data Source = Login.accdb, Data table = LoginTable, Connection = LoginCn. I use visual basic 2010. So how do I do this?

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Avoid Create/drop Table Scenario With A Perm Stage Table?

May 10, 2010

I created a function that creates a global temporary table to stage data from a excel sheet I need the table to persist for me to map the columns using a form. The table is still there when the code goes back to the sub that calls the function until I call the form where I do the mapping. I am trying to avoid create/drop table scenario with a perm stage table.How can I get this table to persist until the data gets loaded into the perm table?

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Code To Edit Data-row Of Table Adapter But Doesnt Update Table

Apr 23, 2009

I have this code to edit the datarow of my table adapter but t doesnt update the table. I think i have a missing code that's why but i cant figured it out. by the way im using vb2008 and SQL as my database. [code]

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