Run Application Without Any Forms?

May 4, 2009

I have a VB.NET application that will be launched from Windows Scheduler and will perform periodic database operations to a Sybase ASE system. I performed development and debugging by launching the code from a button on a form, but now I need for the application to run without intervention. Is there a class I can place the code under instead of the Form class I started with? How do you run VB.Net code without launching from a form.

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IDE :: Excluding Forms To Convert A Window Forms Application To Class Library Application

Jan 16, 2012

I am not able to find the Exclude Command in VB 2010 Express. I have no idea which version of Visual Studio it is working with. I've got one 217MB VB 2010 Express file and many 2008 VB Express files with one of them measuring 31 MB. There many other SQL files and .Net Files.

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Basic Application(windows Forms) Doesn't Exit Properly After Navigating Through Forms

Jul 9, 2010

I have a basic three form application. It doesn't seem to close after navigating through forms. If I were to open the application, and the main form is displayed. If I press the X button, the application closes fine(Goes from processes) If I were to open the application, and then navigate from the main form to another form using me.hide &, and press the red X on Form1, the application again, closes fine.


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Application That Has Multiple Front Ends Developed Using Windows Forms / WPF / ASP / Compact Framework Mobile Forms

Apr 9, 2010

I have the requirement to create an application that has multiple front ends developed using Windows Forms, WPF, ASP and Compact Framework Mobile Forms.I would like to be able to create a series of obejct representing the business logic and have this logic accessible from the various front ends available. My first thought was to use remoting as I'd like to be able to pass the business objects back and forth between client and server but the compact framework doesn't support remoting and also transferring a full framework business object to a compact framework business object doesn't seem possible.My next thought was to use web services but again the passing of business objects seems to be very hard to accomplish. Without doing this I would have to create individual web methods for each business operation.

Finally my next option is to use sockets and write the whole client/server logic within some classes and expose them to the UI/Business layer. My only problem with this is it is not scaleable should the number of clients increase dramatically whereas using remoting or web services I can host the solution via ASP.Net.Does anybody have an ideas on the best way forward for this or even have any input on how they would write an application that required a windows form, wpf, asp website and mobile device GUI all of which want to use the same business logic?

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Application Does Not Return From Call To System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a windows forms application written in VB.NET which scrapes information from serveral web pages (who doesn't right)? Anyway, I am having problem with one particular site where partway through the page navigation my application hangs. When I press pause (or break) in the debugger, it stops on a call to System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents.

Resuming execution shows that it really is stuck on this line (it does not reach the next line of code). It also hangs about the same point each time I run it (at least its consistent). Since System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents yields to other threads on the same processor and then resumes execution of the current thread, I think the problem is that some other thread is not behaving well (not returning from some event handling code). I thought Windows 7 was pre-emptive, which makes me
doubt that theory but I really don't know.


The program scrapes somewhere between 12 and 14 pages before it gets stuck on the call to DoEvents. Does anyone have a clue why this would happen? Why would any call to DoEvents hang?

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Re-direct Output From A Console Application To A Textbox In A Windows Forms Application?

Sep 14, 2010

I am trying to use the System.Diagnostics.Process class.I have the following Windows Forms application. It consists of 1 Button and 1 TextBox. The only code is for the button click event as follows.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myProcess As New Process()


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Convert A VB2008 Console Application To Windows Forms Application

Feb 7, 2010

I have a fully functional multi-threaded VB2008 console application that I need to convert to a windows forms application. I am doing this to add additional functionality at a later time. How would I go about doing this?

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Forms :: Transfer Console Application To Window Form Application

Dec 22, 2011

modify console application below to window form application for me.I've tried by myself for million times, but i couldn't console application.rar?

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Converting MS ACCESS Application To Windows Forms Application

Jun 23, 2010

My boss gave me an MS Access application that was developed by our former colleague. He wants me to convert that application to VB.Net Windows form application. I went through the MS Access Application. It contains tables, queries, forms, reports and macros. I could not find the programming (Where is the code written in MS Access?). My boss wants the windows application to be same as the MS Access Application (both in design and logic). I don't how will i develop the windows form. How can I achieve this?

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Converting MS ACCESS Application To Windows Forms Application?

Jun 23, 2010

My boss gave me an MS Access application that was developed by our former colleague. He wants me to convert that application to VB.Net Windows form application. I went through the MS Access Application. It contains tables, queries, forms, reports and macros. I could not find the programming (Where is the code written in MS Access?). My boss wants the windows application to be same as the MS Access Application (both in design and logic). I don't how will i develop the windows form.

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Forms :: Two Forms Application Is Closing

Dec 12, 2011

I have two forms and a button on the first form. What i want is when i click the button the second form to show and the first one to close. But this isn't working with: Me.close All the application is closing with the code above.

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Forms :: On Top Of Application Only

Mar 17, 2011

I need a form to only be shown on top of all the other forms on my application, but not any others.

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Application Consists Of About Ten Forms So Far?

Apr 12, 2010

My application consists of about ten Forms so far. One of the forms gives the user the option of choosing the language that all the text on the forms will use. Each Form has a declaration like this


I have this declaration (Public myLanguage As New DataClass.LanguageStrings) where I had intended to keep my working copy of the chosen language strings, so that each Form's Constructor could set the xxx.Text properties using this type of assignment - ... = myLanguage.yyyStrings.xxxString. However, the IDE throws an error at the first occurrence of "myLanguageSet" in the module SetLanguages above, saying that I should use "New" to declare an instance which I can then use, despite the line above that point where I thought I was doing just that. It doesn't seem to matter where I put the declaration of myLanguageSet, I just can't avoid the "New" error being thrown.

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Apply Changes To All Forms Of An Application

Jun 21, 2010

Is there a way to apply any changes made to an entire application and not just the open (active) form that you are in? I.E. I change the backcolor to a color from a color dialog. I want that chosen color to be applied to all the forms' backcolor in my project. Can this also then be applied to all the other controls' backcolor? The code that I posted works but all forms and controls have to have the changes applied to each one separately.


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Forms :: .NET PC Booking Application?

Oct 11, 2011

I am making a client application that works with a php based website where users can reserve a pc for themselves at a certain day and a certain time. I have made the application in such a way that upon logon, it queries the database and finds the person who booked pc at this time and compares the username to the person logged on. If it matches a welcome screen is showed with additional options. Else a window is shown which says "This PC is already booked. You will be logged of in 10 seconds".

The problem i am facing is, i have coded the close button to logoff since i dont want user to bypass this part, but yesterday i saw that if i close the app directly from taskbar (processes) it just closes.without logging him off.How can we code or is there anything we can do that, even if he closes the application through task bar there is still an instant log off?

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Forms :: Get Key Presses On Application

Jan 4, 2012

I want to get key presses on my application. The problem is when I use API.UnhookWindowsHookEx and after sometime to restart hooking as follows, application does NOT gets the key presses anymore. [code]

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Loading .net 3.5 Wpf-forms In A .net 2.0 Application?

Aug 19, 2009

I'm trying to load and host a WPF control in a .net 2.0 windows forms application. The WPF control should only be loaded if .net 3.5 is installed.

I found a link to Hosting WPF Content in an MFC Application and that is about what I'm trying to do but my C++ knowledge isnt sufficient to be able to 'translate' it to .net.

here is another link: Hosting WPF Content in a Java Application that doest the same again but I dont know where to start writing that code in .net.

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Multiple Forms In One Application?

Jul 28, 2009

Is it possible to make an app where, for example, I will make one form which will have buttons linking to a number of other forms which take the place of the first form?To use a bad example to illustrate what I mean, where it will be like reaching the load game screen in Pokemon on Gameboy; I have multiple options that will all lead me to a new form (in the same window).

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Only Having One Tab On The Taskbar For All The Forms In Application

Dec 16, 2009

Is it possible to make my app only have one tab on the taskbar? I have already created all the forms and now i am 'tidying it up' and i want there to only be one tab for the whole app. Will i have to set one form as a parent and all the others as child forms? Or is there a setting that just needs to be turned off?

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VS 2010 All Forms Of Application?

May 1, 2012

I'd want to get names of all controls of of all forms of my application. How can I do it?

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Console Inside Forms Application

Sep 10, 2011

i'm working on a Java app wich uses the CMD.i want to control the app completely though a forms application and so i created a invisible CMD console that starts and runs,the only problem i keep getting. is that after startup and further commands send to the CMD window doesnt work. not commands are received.heres my code

the basic functions
Private WithEvents MyProcess As Process

Private Delegate Sub AppendOutputTextDelegate(ByVal text As String)

Private Sub MyProcess_ErrorDataReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventArgs) Handles MyProcess.ErrorDataReceived

AppendOutputText(vbCrLf & "Error: " & e.Data)

End Sub

Private Sub MyProcess_OutputDataReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventArgs) Handles MyProcess.OutputDataReceived

AppendOutputText(vbCrLf & e.Data)

End Sub
Private Sub AppendOutputText(ByVal text As String)

If outputtextbox.InvokeRequired Then

Dim myDelegate As New AppendOutputTextDelegate(AddressOf AppendOutputText)

Me.Invoke(myDelegate, text)



End If

End Sub

the startup that works.
MyProcess = New Process
With MyProcess.StartInfo[code].......

i sometimes replace the textboxx2.text with a custom command like "exit".so when i press the button after entering exit for example nothing happens.but when the app starts it does gets the first 2 commands. so why is it failing at the buttons.

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.net - Best Use Of System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run()?

May 18, 2010

i Have a programa that has starts in a main sub, it executes some code and after that code it opens a form using


General is a form but also a class, so I wonder what it the pros or cons of using :

Dim gen as general

In the first I am opening a form using the name of the class, and I read that it is best to declare the instance as an object variable.

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.net - Minimize All Active Forms In An Application?

Feb 23, 2011

How do I minimize all active forms in my application with a single button click?I have multiple forms visible at a time, and I want all my active forms to minimize when I click on a single button on one of the forms.

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C# - Use Authentication In 'Forms' And As Well In 'Windows' For A .net Web Application?

May 14, 2011

We have an application in Access for UI and MS Sql server as Database server. We now decided to build a new application in web application for UI. This web application is only used by the employees who work for the company. But later we decided to host this web application on outside server. So the user (from this company only.) can able to login anywhere in the world. First I thought creating the web application using 'windows' authentication thinking we may be using it as an intranet web application. But now my manager asked me to use both 'Forms' and as well as 'Windows' for using this application and this web application will be hosted on outside server. I really don't catch his point of using both types of authentication.

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Create A Simple Application Which Has 2 Forms?

Apr 20, 2010

I wanted to create a simple application which has 2 forms.the first one contains a combobox which has the list of names of i select this report and click on next which takes me to the 2nd form.there i have to enter 4 values(or parameters)like the date from and date to and other 2 values...using these 5 values i want to retrieve the respective reports from the archive folder based on these parameters...i just know how to select and move to the second form from the do i achieve my goal of retrieving the pdf files.i want the result in a table form which will have column names of the parameters i pass and the last column with the report pdfs.

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Embed Gecko 2.0 In Forms Application?

Jun 4, 2011

I need to embed gecko 2.0 (the html parser that powers mozilla firefox) in my visual basic forms application!I spasifically need it to be gecko 2.0 because gecko 2.0 has CSS3 capibilities that I need for my application!

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Forms :: Accessing Folders In Application?

Mar 27, 2009

i have an application for which i have created help files which are html files. my pplication resides in a directory for which the system path comes out as c:Document and settingsvisual studio 2005crmscrmsindebugcrms.exeI have the help files put under the crms directory which has the bin as its sub directory.i.e. c:Document and settingsvisual studio 2005crmscrmshelpmain.htmlIn my application i would like to access this file and launch it in Internet Explorer. I dont want to hard code it as this will be deployed on a terminal server and therefore i would like to use a relative path. I searched on the net and could only find solutions that used Application.StartupPath or few others which point to the exe file.

I tried extracting the path before that and managed to get a substring which held contained c:Document and settingsvisual studio 2005crmscrmsTo this appended the helpmain.html, i tried launching the file as followsSystem.Diagnostics.Process.start("iexplore",s);where s, stores the appended string. This is the error i get, cannot open file at location:Document%and%settingsvisual%studio%2005crmsc rmshelpmain.htmlIts not liking the space in the path, is there anyway to resolve this.

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Forms :: AutoRun An Application When System On?

Jan 11, 2011

i developed a simple window form application and i want it to run immediately when sysem complete booting (autorun as user login to windows (OS))

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Forms :: Create A Application That Don't Need To Be Install

May 12, 2010

i, im new to this forum, but i know hot to use.i have 2 question

1- i want to create a application that make the same job that do CCleaner software, but i don't know the full code.can anyone tell me?

2-hot to create a application that don't need to be install

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Forms :: Detecting MDI Application Shutdown?

May 25, 2009

I typically prompt the user to save changes in the FormClosing event in MDI children. The application updater uses a Process.CloseMainWindow call to close the application if it's running before the patch update is applied.

I need to detect when the updater is closing the application and NOT prompt the user to save changes but save them automatically. I've tried using the System.Windows.Forms.CloseReason but this method isn't working for me. I capture the CloseReason in the MDI Parent FormClosing event but it's called AFTER the MDI children are told to close. I tried capturing the CloseReason (e.CloseReason) in the MDI child's FormClosing event but it registers as MDI Parent closing and a normal application exit is also going to raise this same e.CloseReason so I can't auto-save here either.

So my question is: How can I detect this Process.CloseMainWindow being used to close my application so that I can bypass all save prompts and save automatically? What is the first event called in this method of closing so that I can signal all MDI children that are open in their FormClosing event to just save?

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