Running A Query Using The Gridview Control?

Mar 30, 2010

I need to filter the database based on selected user input at runtime. I have a Drop Down List, GridView, and button on my webpage. The drop down list is bound to the database, it holds a list of product catagories. The gridview is also linked to the database with a query written so that the displayed data is only that which falls under the selected catagory. I want the query to execute when the button is clicked but i dont know and cant find such a command.

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Running A Query On Access From VB, Passing Variable Or Function As Query Parameter

Apr 7, 2012

I am trying to run a query an Access db from VB. The general query which I want to run is

SELECT * FROM Patient WHERE Patient.PatientID = ?
or SELECT * FROM Patient WHERE Patient.PatientLname = ?

I tried using an input box which captured the user input and pass that variable to the query, but that failed. Then I read about writing a function and using that, however, I keep getting an error which says Function not defined, but when stepping through the code, it seems to work. Here is my function: [Code]

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Timer Running In Gridview

Nov 1, 2011

I am doing windows app. in

in Gridview shows customer details, now i need to add one column for timer,

ie, Each row having start button, while press the start button that current row timer starts now and hide the start button and show stop button.

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GridView - How To Add Paging To Query

Feb 1, 2011

I have a simple query:
Dim info As New SailMembersDataContext
Dim query = From p In info.Individuals
GridView1.DataSource = query

How I can add paging to this query for example 10 on a page I have tried to use the built in paging on the GridView but this just produces the error:
The GridView 'GridView1' fired event PageIndexChanging which wasn't handled.
When trying to change to another page.

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Gridview Not Showing Results Of Query?

Apr 1, 2011

I have the following code on my page

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
Partial Class _Default


and I can see that my values are passed to my variables when I debug the code but the results for my datatable show 0 rows.

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Automate Running Of A SQL Query?

Mar 16, 2011

What should i research in order to accomplish this task?

I am using MS-SQL & VB.Net

I have a SQL table that stores startdate and enddate. I want to run a query on that table every 10 minutes in order to check if the enddate is greater than today and if it is I would like to add a 1 to another column if it is not I would like to add a 0.

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IDE :: Running Access Query In .net?

Aug 20, 2008

I have an access database and have a simple query in which i have 1 parameter.I want to run this query in and display the results in a datagrid or anything but in I'm able to run the query but wht should i do to display the results of the query.the code i m using now is:


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IDE :: Stop A Query From Running

Jul 15, 2009

im calling a sp from vb net code that is rans for about 2 minutes and some times the user wants to cancel the query, how can i get the query id so i can sent the kill sentece?

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Running Same Query For Different Objects?

Jun 2, 2010

Running same query for different objects?

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Refresh Form Gridview After Insert Into Query?

Jan 4, 2011

I have a form with gridview data with database data. With query I run INSERT INTO from one table into another, with button. I would like when I run procedure, also reset/update/refresh gridview with new import data??!!

For info, I have try with some methods, such as me. gridview.refresh() or update(), but nothing. Maybe I have also using this methods wrong.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim TEST = New WindowsApplication1.IdisDataSetTableAdapters.Queri esTableAdapter
End Sub

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Running A Query, Getting A Value Then Update Record In (VB)?

Jul 14, 2011

I've been using Classic ASP for years and just switching over to .net. So far, I'm not having much fun, but I'm trying and I'm not going to quit. One of the small pieces I am struggling with is running a query then, updating the record.

Set objRS = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.RecordSet")
ConStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=G:InetpubwwwrootTestPageTheDataTestData.mdb;" & _


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VS 2008 Running Same Query For Different Objects

Jun 2, 2010

Currently my code looks like this:


Where x would be the numbers 0 to 100, or infinite I don't mind. I want it to check all the numerical values for each number. How would I go about doing this?

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Change Rows On Gridview Depending On SQL Query Result?

Dec 6, 2010

Im trying to change the information on each row depending on the result from the query. Im thinking that at the minute my problem is that I'm only returning the first result from the query into the result.

e.g. query returns row 1 with '1232' row 2 '1243' but result is only ever set to '1232'

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Populate A GridView With Query Based On TextBox.text?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a form which populates a TextBox I want to use the textBox.text to then load a gridView with the results


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Query Database With Each Object In Arraylist And Databind To Gridview?

Apr 21, 2011

I have a function that returns a list of account numbers as an Arraylist. I am trying to use each account as a command parameter in another sub routine to get more data about each account number. This only returns the data for the last account number in the arraylist. I need to use each account number, call the database, get the additional information and store ALL of the data into a Gridview (databind). Example: If I had 3 account numbers in my arraylist return 3 rows of data to the gridview. I am struggling with how to get ALL of the information for each value (account number) in the Arraylist. Can someone point me in the right direction?? I think this can be done but I am not certain if my approach is correct or not. Perhaps I need to create datatables that contain the additional information for each value passed via the arraylist.

Private Function ReturnMultAccts(ByVal strAcct) As ArrayList
Dim acctsDetail As New ArrayList
Dim dsn As String = Configurati


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Set Value Of A Gridview Column Depending On Result From MS Access Query?

May 7, 2011

I have a query which is pulling values from a table in MS Access

tblInstructor.Football AS InstructorRole,


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Automatically Running Database Query In Excel?

Aug 31, 2009

Im wanting to pull some data from our Remedy Server every so often. Right now we're having to do it manually; Data > Import External Data or New Database Query. The connection is called AR System ODBC Connection Source. We have to log into the server and then it pulls the info into the sheet. Im needing even if have to setup a conection myself first to just have this conection run every couple or two and update the excel sheet. We're using excel 03, Remedy 7.

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DB/Reporting :: Error Running Access Query?

Jul 15, 2008

I have an Access XP database with two linked tables and a maketable query. I need to first run the Query through VB 2005 and then get the data from the resulting table created. But I get an error when I run the query as follows. I am getting the SQL Select statement from the SQL view in MS access after I create my Maketable query So it should be ok. I am saving the select in a hidden text box on my form.The query text :

SELECT [SWX-Seats].[Asset #], [SWX-Seats].Account, [SWX-Seats].Product, [SWX-Seats].[Seat Id], [SWX-Seats].[Serial #], [SWX-Seats].Qty, [SWX-Seats].[Entitlement End Date], [SWX-Seats]![Entitlement End Date]-[NS-Seats]![Exp Date] AS DaysDiff, [NS-Seats].[Exp Date] INTO


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Running Same Report Multiple Times With Same Query?

Sep 5, 2011

I have a report that displays some sales info. I have a query that takes the data from an SQL Server database and I store it in a dataset. Up to there everything is ok. The problem is that I need to print the same report using Crystal Reports for each row in my query. Is there any way this can be done? I call a form with a ReportViewer tool to display the reports, wich are basic .rdlc reports.

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Check For Errors When Running DataAdapter / DataSet SQL Query?

Jul 8, 2010

This is how I update a table using DataAdapter and DataSet in VB using SQL Server[code]...

I know that the Fill method does not make sense in case of an INSERT statement, but I am new to this technology and the above statement does the job and updates the table w/o problems. My question is this: If there was an error (say a duplicate key error) how would I know this in my application? Should I be putting the above code in a try/catch block?

Also, if there is a "proper" method for running INSERT statements using a DataAdapter/DataSet combination that does not use the Fill method, please indicate that as well.

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Forms :: DoEvents Or Update GUI While Database Query Is Running

Aug 11, 2011

I have an application that performs database queries using "Imports System.Data.SqlClient". I want to display an animated GIF on the taskbar which spins while the query is running. However, during a query the application simply hangs and does not update the GUI until the query has finished, at which point the spinning icon is set to invisible anyway. Is there any way to force the GUI to update while the query runs?

View 2 Replies - Re-edit This Query To Delete Whole Record From Table1 Using Username From Gridview Cell 4?

Dec 15, 2010

can any one re-edit this query to delete whole record from table1 using username from gridview cell 4 ... ?

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Dim con As New SqlConnection
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand


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Database - Running SQL Query From Module With A Function Call From The Form?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a form set up where I want to run the function PopulateGrid on it's Form_Load event. I have initialized the DB connection as follows:

Private Sub Main_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & config("DatabasePath") & ";")
End Sub

Now, I want to run the PopulateGrid function directly after I connect to the database as shown above. I'm confused as to how I'd use a database query in a module when the database is initialized in my main form. Would simple setting the variable cn to public work?

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DB/Reporting :: Updates Statement Works In Query Builder But Not When Running

Mar 2, 2008

I have developed an ASP page in Visual web developer that retrieves the data usingan AccessDataSource object. I have the following UPDATE Command:


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Running A Query In VB 2008 Using An Access 2007 Database (from A Textbox)?

Apr 1, 2010

i am relatively new to VB and i am working on a Visual Basic Program to build a Student Record Book where all the information is stored to an Access 2007 database. If the user is an administrator they will be able to add a new student, update delete etc. I managed to implement INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE functions and also a search button and they all appear to be working fine.

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After Running Insert Or Update Query, Need The Last Inserted Record And Compare In .net Sql Server?

Mar 11, 2010

i have 2 queries in with an if clause -

if x=0 then
insert into table1
update table1

both queries have 5 fields. now what i want to do is after this insert or update takes place, i need to look at this inserted/updated record and compare it with another table (table2). Especially for update, i have 5 fields in both tables. if any of the 5 fields dont match with table2, then i insert a new record in table 2 which is the updated record in table 1.

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C# - Show Hide Using Javascript On A Control Inside A ASCX Control In A Gridview (ASP.NET + Javascript)

Oct 8, 2010

I have written a web usercontrol (ascx). Inside, there is a Panel that I want to show/hide on click of a hyperlink inside the usercontrol. Normally, this is easy just by doing something like this (the onclick attribute is added to the hyperlink on prerender):


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Merge Row In Gridview Control?

Oct 21, 2011

I need to merge two rows gridview control in the runtime.

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Using Checkbox As Gridview Control?

Aug 6, 2010

I have a gridview that uses a stored procedure for its select statement. The stored proecedure accepts a varchar and a bit. I want a checkbox outside of the gridview to change the value of the bit. I've set the parameter to the checkbox but it doesn't seem to be working.

View 1 Replies - Can't Find A Control Inside Gridview

Apr 5, 2012

I have a simple gridview that contains a label in one of the rows. I'm trying to access that label in the RowDataBound event, but for some reason I keep getting a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error on the line where I am using FindControl.

I've tried using "gvQReport.FindControl", "e.Row.FindControl", and "Me.FindControl" but nothing works.


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