SAVE From Vb To Sql Database?

Apr 17, 2011

storing data with Foreign keys to sql database. basically i have 2 tables (user and game)game has user_ID as a foreign key.

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Save Data In Microsoft Access Database And Retrieving It Back From Database?

Nov 19, 2010

can anyone teach me how to save data in microsoft access database and retrieving it back from database?[code]so, how do i save it in that and how do i load their data by typing their ic no only..

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Database Sql Server Compact Edition 2005 - Save In A Database - Column Cannot Contain Null Values

Oct 15, 2009

Ive created one database Sql Server Compact Edition 2005, with one table ("Cliente") I know that I can created my database good, but i have a problem saving information since three textbox, in my table(With columns "Nombre" "Apellido" "Cliente". In my form there is a button save ("Guardar"). When I do click in my button appear the next message : "The column cannot contain null values. [ Column name = Nombre,Table name = Cliente ] " and happen the same with apellido and Id_Cliente. And this happen becouse my code cant save the information....

This is the code

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data


And the code for my button is:

Private Sub cmdguardar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdguardar.Click

Dim myconnection As SqlCeConnection
Dim mycommand As SqlCeCommand


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OleDb - Make Path To Database Relative And Save Database?

May 1, 2012

1. First off, how do I make my path to my database relative? The path is currently absolute and is: Data Source=J:/College/AS_DSFinalDatabase1.accdb

2. Second of all, where do I save my database in the project? I want it to be included in like project folders...kind of like the App_Data folder in ASP.Net.

3. I'm recieving an error whenever I try to populate more than 1 DataGridView upon form load for some reason...I've tried 5 different ways of writing the code, and I get the same error...there's no error description, so does anyone know what the issue is? Here's the error:

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Save Image In Directory Path And Also Save Path In Database?

Jun 11, 2011

i want save image in directory path and also save path in database...sqlserver 2005 and retrieve in in same folder and path?

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Can Save Data To Access Database And In Access Database Field Set It To Date / Time

Jun 4, 2011

I can save my data to access database and in the access database field I set it to date/time.But problem is when I get the value out from the database.. the format is always month/day/year hour:minutes:seconds example today: 5/2/2011 12:00:00..How to get the value into listview becoming May/2/2011 without the hour..Here's my code to get it from database ListView1.Items(i).SubItems.Add(dt.Rows(i)(14).ToString).The second problem is.When I would like to edit, how can the datetimepicker get the listview value ? [code] info: using access 2003 (.mdb) the Date of Birth field has been set into Date/Time.

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.net - How To Save Picture In The Database

Jul 28, 2011

I am using following code to save my data to database Where does the statement to save a picture in the database fit?


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Adding In SQL Database And Then Save?

Jun 2, 2011

create a adding form and it will save to sql database .

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Database Edit Then Save?

Jun 5, 2011

Database edit then save problem Im trying to make a database and for the most part it works. The form1 has add new button (which goes into my form2 window that adds all of the information there, then I hit save, when I exit it and comes back to the form1, with everything saved. There is a listbox that shows all the names, then I click on anyone of the names and try to edit it and it works, then I hit the save button, it comes up with the error under


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Datagrid Save To Database?

Mar 5, 2012

Visual Studio 2010, Visual Basic I am able to import a .csv file into a datagridview on my windows form using the code below:

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnChooseList.Click
Dim fName As String = ""
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:desktop"


My issue is that I can get the .csv data into the datagridview, but I need the user to be able to indicate which column is the "First Name", "Last Name", "Address", etc so that I can add the data to the correct column in the database. The imported lists won't always be in the same column order.The end result needs to be that the data in my datagridview will be altered by the user and then saved to the correct columns in my database.

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Datagridview Don't Save First Row In Database

Jun 5, 2011

I use Visual Basic 2008 I use bound Datagridview I use mysql database If i run this code, everything on the screen ( in the datagridview) neatly Updated.But when I look at records in the table "stock" always the first row (0) of the DataGridView not updated in the table "stock"All the other record are updated with where in the datagridview! This always happens!!!How can fix it?

myAdapter2.SelectCommand = myCommand2
MyBuilder2 = New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommandBuilder(myAdapter2)
MyAdapter2.Fill(MyDataset2, "stock")
MyDataTable2 = MyDataset2.Tables("stock")


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Edit And Save Changes To The Database?

May 27, 2011

Recently I've created a window database program(Tools Inventory); everything works fine except for the following two :

1. It doesn't accept modifications to the existing datas in the column & rows. (Error : Updates require a ValidCommand......)

2. Remove button does not delete the data in the database. It only works in the runtime.

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Error When Trying To Save Database Changes

Oct 13, 2011

I am working on a school project but I am getting an error when I attempt to save an altered dataset.


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How To Save Data But Not To A Database

Jun 18, 2010

Just curious on how i can save information, like settings, and usernames etc. in my app, but i dont have a database? Or say i wanted to create a licenc key for my app, how can i make sure a window comes up before it with a lic. key check or somethingl ike that.

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How To Save Information In A Database

Jul 22, 2009

I need save some informations, in a table (date, hour, number of points...) I use Vb .NET 2008.

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How To Save Zip File In SQL Database

May 7, 2009

I want to save a zip file at a sql database. I tried to to the same like saving txt files, but if I want to open the saved file (it was created from a stream) the zip file is corrupted!

Saving zip file as stream
Dim fs As New FileStream(tmpPfad, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim bytData(fs.Length() - 1) As Byte
fs.Read(bytData, 0, bytData.Length)
Dim i As Integer
[Code] .....

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Save An Entry/ Changes To A Database?

Jan 5, 2010

if i had a cancel button which showed a message box, how would i get the message box to show OK and Cancel and for each of them to do something?

and how would i get an OK (paired with the first cancel from above) to save an entry/ changes to a database?

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Save And Retieve Pic From Database?

Jan 3, 2012

how can i save and retieve pic from database using

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Save Array To Database?

Mar 11, 2010

I am writting an application in VB using VS2008 and SQL2005. I would like to save an array to my database and later retreive it. I understand that I need to serialize the array to do this but don't understand the process. I have looked at various resources on the Internet but seem to be missing something.

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Save Changes To Dataset And Database?

Jun 6, 2008

I'm using the Visual Basic Express edition 2008 and I'm not able to save the changes to the dataset as well as dataset. While the application is running. I can see the changes are made in the table but the moment I close the application and check the data in the Dataset in the right window or the data in the database in the left window, I see no changesI have also tried the Update property of Table Adapter but no use. I have done Endinit, AcceptChanges everything but moment I clode the application no changes are reflected in dataset or databse.

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Save Data In Database By Oop?

Nov 15, 2009

Do you have any sample project - OOP In

a project that save data in database By oop(Object-oriented programming)

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Save Data In Database?

Sep 6, 2009

I need to pick data from one database and save it in a different database.[code]...

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Save Data To Database?

Jul 9, 2010

The following code runs without an error, however, it doesn't save the values PayStatus, ReceivedDate and Comments to the tblProjectPatients. These fields do exist in the table.

Eventhough Yes, No, Inv are set to True or False if checked or unchecked.


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Save From Datagridview To Database

Jul 3, 2008

please i cann't update or delete or insert into my data base or data set from datagridview. explain it by code by the way i am using vb 2005emergency case.

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Save Images In A Database?

Nov 28, 2007

I am trying to store images on a database using the picturebox object to retreve them but with no luck.

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Save New Row Datagrid To Database?

Feb 20, 2012

How to Insert to my database, with my new rows ex. After I load my frmPayment there is 5 rows in my DGV, then I input add new rows, 2 new row.In 5 rows it have value PayDetId , and new row it doesnt have value PayDetId = 0[code]...

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Save Nul Value Of DateTimePicker In The Database?

Mar 29, 2010

how to save nul Value of DateTimePicker in the Database note: i make dtp become null value like this

dtp.customformate=" " single space and the code to bind
dtp.DataBindings.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.Binding("value", Me.GetAllCrimeDataBindingSource, "Date", True))

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Save Picture In Database

Jun 11, 2011

how do i want to save a picture in accsess database?

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Save Picture In Database?

Jul 28, 2011

How to save picture in the database

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Save RTF Data In Sql Database?

Jun 16, 2010

how to save and show Richtextbox's data in database and retrive it in saved format and which datatype should be used to save that data. i am using and MY SQL?

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