SQL Adapter Not Filling Or Erroring Out?

Feb 16, 2012

I have an app that coonects to 2 different DB servers using the same code but different connstrs to fill in a Combobox. On a certain Pc the first combo fills in and the 2nd does not.It never timesout and no error msg is ever rpted back. It just sits there forever after the adapter.fill cmd.Only difference between the first combo fill and the 2nd is a different connstr.Only 12 rows should come back from the Db. I have connected to Db in SQL query window and ran the SQL cmd and the 12 rows come back in a second or 2.On other PCs this same app works fines. I have the PCs on the same OS and all the newest updates installed.I have tested the network ports, used different ones. Used different user log ins on the same PC. It just wont work.

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Data Adapter Not Filling A Dataset

Jun 5, 2011

[code]when I run my program and press this button Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles exceptionsButton.Click..I have my date range within a time that I know that my dataset should produce a result, but when I put a line break in my code here: adapter.Fill(ds)and look at it in debug, I show a table value of 0. If I run the same query that I have to produce these results in sql analyser, I see 1 result. Can someone see why my query on my form produces a different result than the sql analyser does? [code]I can also verify that the variables are passing the correct values. Can anyone please assist as to why this isnt working?

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Data Adapter Not Filling A Dataset?

Feb 2, 2011

I have the following

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Main
Protected WithEvents DataGridView1 As DataGridView


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Data Adapter Not Filling Dataset?

Feb 1, 2011

I have the following code:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Main[code]....

and when I run my program, I have my date range within a time that I know that my dataset should produce a result, but when I put a line break in my code here:


and look at it in debug, I show a table value of 0. If I run the same query that I have to produce these results in sql analyser, I see 1 result. Can someone see why my query on my form produces a different result than the sql analyser does? Also here is my schema for my two tables:


employeenumbervarcharno 50 yesnonoSQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
exceptiondatedatetime no8 yes(n/a)(n/a)NULL[code]......

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Error Filling Data Adapter With Dataset?

Jul 1, 2011

below is my code:

myCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT VisitorID, VisitorName, Skill FROM tblVisitor LEFT JOIN tblSkill ON tblVisitor.SkillID = tblSkill.SkillID", myConnection)
myAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(myCommand)[code]....

then it catch an error as Incorrect Syntax near". which it points to myAdapter.Fill(myDataSet, "tblVisitor") not the Select command.

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Erroring When Passing Oracle Parameter Type PLSQLAssociativeArray

Jan 3, 2012

I have a oracle stored procedure that looks like:


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C# - Determine The Which Adapter Is Used?

Aug 25, 2011

I have a need to figure out which adapter is used when a connection is created. In other words, if I have multiple NIC cards (i.e. wireless, lan, etc) on my machine, which card is being used for the connection?

If anyone can point me in the right direction...

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Get Id Value With Table Adapter?

May 29, 2010

To get an id value after a table insert into an Access database you do a SELECT @@IDENTITY. I would like to know if this will work if your INSERT query is a table adapter query? I created an INSERT query for a table in the dataset designer which is working. My concern is that if I make another query with SELECT @@IDENTITY it won't work because table adapters make a new connection each time. Can someone clear me up on this?

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Add Columns To Table Adapter?

Jun 16, 2009

I have a table adapter that I use just to fill a form when it loads. I've added two new columns in the backend and went in through the "DataSources" and added them. They appaear in the XSD designer but for some reason are not filling the form when it loads. I the form is writting to the backend correctly via hand coded SQL.

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Add Where Clause To A Table Adapter?

Feb 28, 2012

I have a dataset setup by using the Visual Studio wizard and in the form is this line of code:


The select statement for the table adapter is[code]...

Can you tell me how to add a Where clause using coding on this table adapter?

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Communications - Difference Between A 802.11 And 802.3AE Adapter

Jul 1, 2010

How can I target a Adapter I have on the machine and Tell through windows API if its a Wireless or Hardwired Ethernet Adapter? I really want to avoid doing anything real High level like piping Command prompt text XD.

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Creating A Table Adapter

Apr 24, 2012

I have code in vb.net that was created using Visual Studio 2008. It has got queries done via data sets and table adapters. dsStagMyfileDesigner.vb and dsStagMyfile.xsd are the files having all the sql queries. They are code generated by using data table adapters I believe. Editing them might screw the system.


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CSV To Datatsble Via Data Adapter?

Feb 26, 2009

Getting data from csv. Works fine and has done for ages. Problem is when data is in the form of 'SS01' up to SS09. datatable shows as 1.000 for SS01...Any other data is read fine.

Dim Conn As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection
Dim da As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter
Dim strConnstr As String


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Filtering A Table Adapter?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm currently trying to create a system which stores different cases for clients using Visual Studio 2010.When adding fields from the database a table adapter is automatically created.Me.TblMattersTableAdapter.Fill(Me.MJPAccessDataSet.tblMatters)Now my problem is that each case may be at a different stage. They are either 'Active', 'Closed' or 'Archived'.So my question, is there a way to filter these results? I've tried creating DataTable and only adding the archived cases but I couldn't get it to work. I was trying.

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Get Network Card / Adapter Name?

Oct 6, 2010

I've been using Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration & Win32_NetworkAdapter to get my network adapter's name, manufacturer and other descriptions. Code used:

Dim networkdata As ManagementObjectSearcher
Dim network As New ManagementObject

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick

networkdata = New Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter")
For Each Me.network In networkdata.Get
Label40.Text = network("Name").ToString
end sub

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Getting Table Adapter Error

Jul 21, 2011

I'm using VS 2010 SP1 and Oracle 11g with Oracle tools for VS 2010. Previously I had tableadapters that queried the db with a where clause on a number column or date column as described below[code]...

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Search By Using Table Adapter?

Jan 18, 2011


I'm using table adapter by wizard connection. and i used a query above (select atoll_no, atoll_name from atoll where atoll_no = +''like'%"&textbox.text&"') like that. And the query name is FillbyAtollSearch. I have try it many ways. but i could not search by letters.

I'm writing in textbox1_textchange event

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Table Adapter Update?

Jun 12, 2011

ve 2 forms form1 & form2.form1 has primary key(parent table) & form2 has the foreign key(child table) me.mytableadapter.update(me.dataset.mytable)is working f9 but in form2 when i try to use me.secondTableadapter.updatehere problem comes the update function is not coming neither recognized by form2 .can anybody tell me why is it ?

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Two Tables In A Data Adapter?

Jan 18, 2009

Does this work the way I think it should?

Private _adapter As New SqlDataAdapter("Select CaseId, CaseNum, DateLoaded, Status1, DateDiff(mm,DateLoaded,GetDate()) as mm From Case_T" _
& ";Select CF.CaseId, CFV.VendorId, CFV.DueDate From CaseFileVendor_T CFV Left Join CaseFile_T CF on CF.FileId=CFV.FileId" _[code]....

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VS 02/03 - Select Statement And SQL Adapter

Feb 28, 2011

I have a select statement, this select statement comes back on a slqadapter, would l would like to do is like
and so forth instead of filling a datagrid.

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Adapter.Fill (ds)Method Is Slow?

Mar 2, 2010

rsReturn = New DataSet()
objCommand.CommandTimeout = 240
Using objadapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(objCommand)


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Add A New Record In The Table Adapter Without Sending It To The DB?

Jun 19, 2009

I currentt have three tables, using a table adapters and datagridviews I would like to add a new record to each table. the only problem is that the primary key from table 1 is a foreign key in table 2 and 3. Is there a way to add a new record in the table adapter without sending it to the DB and get a predicted primary key so I could put this as the foreign key in tables 2 and 3.

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Add Dataset Table Adapter To ApplicationEvents.vb?

Aug 28, 2011

I have some code in my ApplicationEvent.vb to handle The problem is that I need to execute a procedure that has a dataset table adapter in it.Obviously as I want it to run in batch mode I can't have a table adapter as they are GUI based (or at least I think they are) so I am getting this error:

'V_SyncStatusTableAdapter' is not a member of 'AppName.My.MyApplication'
For this code:
If Me.V_SyncStatusTableAdapter.GetData.Rows.Count > 0 Then


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Add WHERE Clause To Table Adapter At Run Time?

Aug 18, 2010

I am using VB 2008 and Access Database.

Also using Typed DataSet.

My Question is how do i add Where Clause to TableAdapter at Run Time

I want to allow User to select Fields tobe filtered and values they should have.

For this my Select query is common but no. of records it will show will depend on User selected criteria.

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Bind TCP Server To Specific Adapter?

Jan 6, 2010

How can I specify which adaptor to begin listening on?

I have an application running on a PC which happens to have 2 network adaptors running on different subnets (one network for Business LAN infrastructure, one for TCP cameras)

I have a class which opens up a TCP server and listens on a specific port for connections coming in from clients on the LAN.

The problem is that my TCP server class initialises and begins listening on the adaptor which is connected to the cameras. Any connection request coming in from the Business LAN fails, it is not dealt with.

The question is, How can I specify which adaptor to begin listening on?

Code excerpt below (this is not the full class, just key methods)

Public Sub New(ByVal Name As String)
'get config
_bootStrap = New TCPServerBootstrap(Name)


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C# - Get MAC Address When Network Adapter Is Disabled?

Jun 30, 2010

Is there any way i can retrieve MAC Address when Network Adapter is disabled in .net?

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Cant Insert Data Using Table Adapter

Aug 12, 2010

i'm using vb 2008 and local database sql server compact 3.5 to build a application.the problem is that i can't insert a new data to the database from the app. i'm wrote the query right at dataset and using table adapter. but when i call the query, it succeed but the data don't exist at database.why when i add data, it's not working. actually when i run it, it says that adding process is success, no error, and it shows at the datagrid. but when i look at database. the data that i add is not there.and in tableadapter, i also make sortData, seachData query, i can use both of them perfectly when i run the app.so, i really confuse why is the insert query didn't work.

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Communications :: Hardware ID For RS232 To USB Adapter?

Apr 28, 2010

How can I get the port name (COM6 for example) for a given hardware ID, such as USBVid_04d8&Pid_1234, and vice versa? I'm using an RS232 to USB interface.

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Control How A Table Adapter Is Filled

Jan 9, 2010

How can I control what is filled into the table adapter at runtime? Basically, I have a table full of thousands of rows, and I want to limit this to just 1 row. I want to specify an ID number and be able to pull up that row in the table, and I need to do this at run time. What are my options, and what is the easiest way? I want to make sure the data is still linked to the original row in my database, that way the changes are saved properly.

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Data Adapter Command Objects?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm confused with this piece of code listed below. This code calls the update method of the dataadapter object to save the changes made to the dataSETback to the database itself. What I don't understand about this code is that it creates an update command(cmdUpdate), insert command (cmdInsert) and delete command (cmdDelete). My understanding is that the update method saves the changes back to the database. So I don't understand why the author creates these additional commands.

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