Save TextBoxes As TextFile?

Jul 27, 2009

I just wondered if it is possible to save multiple text boxes as one file.Currently I:

a ) haven't woked out how to save a TextBox atall and have had to use Rich Text Boxes for this purpose and have used: RichTextBox1.SaveFile("Something.txt")

b ) Haven't worked out how to save/open files as one file. I have had somebody suggest to me using Arrays but I do not know what this meens

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Reading From TextFile And Populating Textboxes

May 8, 2012

I'm having trouble reading in the file and populating the textboxes accordingly. After loading the file (I think that is) nothing is being populated in any of the textboxes listed below. Basically I'm not sure if the file is being read or not.

If OpenFileDialog2.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("path_to_file") Then
Dim ioFile As New System.IO.StreamReader("path_to_file" + "filename")
TextBox1.Text = ioFile.ReadLine() 'Adds the first line
TextBox2.Text = ioFile.ReadLine() 'Adds the second line
TextBox3.Text = ioFile.ReadLine() 'Adds the third line
TextBox4.Text = ioFile.ReadLine() 'Adds the fourth line
TextBox5.Text = ioFile.ReadLine() 'Adds the fifth line
End If
End If

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Text - .NET - Using Textfile As Source For Menus And Textboxes?

Sep 30, 2009

this is probably a bit tense and I'm not sure if this is possible at all. But basically, I'm trying to create a small application which contains alot of PowerShell-code which I want to run in an easy matter.

I've managed to create everything myself and it does work. But all of the PowerShell code is manually hardcoded and this gives me a huge disadvantage. What I was thinking was creating some sort of dynamic structure where I can read a couple of text files (possible a numerous amount of text files) and use these as the source for both the comboboxes and the richtextbox which provovides as the string used to run in PowerShell.

I was thinking something like this:

Combobox - "Choose cmdlet" - Use "menucode.txt" as source
Richtextbox - Use "code.txt" as source

But, the thing is, Powershell snippets need a few arguments in order for them to work. So I've got a couple of comboboxes and a few textboxes which provides as input for these arguments. And this is done manually as it is right now. So rewriting this small application should also search the textfile for some keywords and have the comboboxes and textboxes to replace those keywords. And I'm not sure how to do this.

So, would this requre a whole lot of textfiles? Or could I use one textfile and separate each PowerShell cmdlet snippets with something? Like some sort of a header?


Now, this snippet above lets me either use a text file as a source for each username used in the powershell snippet. Just so you know :) And I know, this is probably coded as stupidly as it gets. But it does work! :)

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Save DatagirdView To A Textfile Row By Row?

Nov 11, 2011

I need to write data that is contained in a datagridview to a text file row by row.I can't get this to work.

Dim row1 As String
Dim cell1 As String
Dim cell2 As String
Dim cell3 As String


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Save A Dynamic Array Into Textfile?

Sep 16, 2009

Private Sub LoadButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoadButton.Click
Dim lin(8) As String, filRead As StreamReader, i, x, t, d As Integer


I am getting a run time error it is not saving to textfile

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Save A Textfile To Variable Path?

Aug 18, 2010

I use the code below to save a textfile to a directory that should work like this[code]...

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TreeView Data Save > TextFile

Mar 11, 2010

I've made a browser project and beyond making it a default browser, I am having a problem with the Favorites feature TreeView control saving, loading and repopulating it with the users data. It's tough finding the correct code as there are so many variations of this control in various languages, but I did find sample code for loading and populating the TreeView with a text file using tabs to signify the node structure in VB.Net. (Most others I have found are VB6 or some other variation.)


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VS 2008 Overwrite Textfile On Save?

May 9, 2009

Everytime I go to save my listbox to a file (the same text file each time) I'm trying to overwrite the file (old list) with new file (new list), but it just adds my current list to the end of the list that was already in the text file to begin with..


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Save Data On A Textfile Without Erasing Old Ones With Listbox?

Feb 5, 2012

This saves but first erases the old code is like this[code]...

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Save Textbox To Textfile With Proper VbNewLine?

Dec 16, 2009

when you have a textbox and you save the contents to a file : My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(SaveFileDialog1.FileName, TextBox1.Text, False, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII) and you open the file in notepad, you will see instead of multiple lines one long line and where the vbNewLine should be, a small square symbol.

the simple reason is: even if you write a vbNewLine or vbCrLf to your textbox, it will be reduced to vbLf so when writing the textbox.text to a textfile it only writes the vbLf where you would like to have a vbCrLf

so all you have to do is replace the vbLf with vbNewLine :

My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(SaveFileDialog1.FileName, Replace(TextBox1.Text, vbLf, vbNewLine), False, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII)

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Retrieve Data From Textfile(.txt) And Save It Into Access Database?

Jan 27, 2010

I am looking for ways to retrieve data from textfile and save it into access database. Currently, I am doing a attendance record project. I need to save the attendance record which is given in a text file to the database. The version of VB i using is VB 2008.

The content of the text file look like this:
E010,2009/06,06/29/2009 7:44:45AM,06/29/2009 15:00:55PM,JUR
E022,2009/06,06/29/2009 7:44:45AM,06/29/2009 15:00:55PM,JUR


I tried to create a class and store the record but it just don't work.

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Save Number Of Days In Month Into Textfile And Read From It?

May 10, 2010

Dim days_in_clc_month(10) As Integer
days_in_clc_month(0) = 30
days_in_clc_month(1) = 29
days_in_clc_month(2) = 30


i just need to get this block of codes out, and put it in a textfile. and my program will run without seeing it, because it's all saved in the textfile.

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Read From Textfile,split The Data,save With The Special Characters?

Jan 3, 2012

I got a question. I have a textfile name membership.txt and using vb2008. However my code found error when try to grab the data to an array. I use delimiter "|" to separate between each data in line to save in specific column in database.


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Add New Row And Save Records In Textboxes?

Apr 2, 2009

'Already declared the DataSet as dtFile and SqlDataAdapter as daFile
Dim SqlQuery as String
SqlQuery = "Select * from FileRegister where FILE_NO='" & frmBsearch.txtFileNo.Text.Trim & "'"
daFile = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(SqlQuery , SQLConnection)
daFile.Fill(dtFile , "FileRegister")
frmBsearch.txtSPrefix.DataBindings.Add("text", dtFile, "FileRegister.Prefix")
frmBsearch.txtSPlotNo.DataBindings.Add("text", dtFile, "FileRegister.Plot_No")
frmBsearch.txtSBlockNo.DataBindings.Add("text", dtFile, "FileRegister.Block_No")
How can I add a new row and save those records in the TextBoxes?

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Save Data From 2 Textboxes?

May 17, 2012

smilpy i want is to make a simple action of Brwoser Bookmark (but not menu i want it in listbox) like when i bookmark a websit it has the name and its URL , so when you click on the name it opens itsURL

how to save data from 2 textboxes , the textbox 1 is name and textbox 2 is url of that name (like when you bookmark a website ) i want it to save and then load it to Listbox and show only data of textbox 1 not the data of textbox2 so when you click on the name (witch is loaded from textbox1 into listbox1) in the listbox its shows it URL (textbox2 data ? )

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Create A Textfile And Write Some Lines Into The Textfile?

Oct 18, 2010

I am trying to create a textfile and write some lines into the textfile. However, the code that i am using can only write when the textfile is already created in the directory.

For this case, can i actually allow my script to search if a textfile is being created, if not create a textfile ???

Dim pathdir As String = "C:workingdir est.txt"
If System.IO.File.Exists(pathdir) = True Then
Dim objWriter As New StreamWriter(pathdir)


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2 Textboxes Save Unsaved Changes On FormClosing

May 17, 2011

This is the code I used:[code]Why do I need it to read RemindersReaderClose and Homeworks ReaderClose? [code]

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Retrieve Data From Textboxes And Save Them

Apr 2, 2009


how can I add a new row and save those records in the TextBoxes?

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Save And Load Numbers From Textboxes?

Jan 5, 2010

How to save and load the numbers that i put in the textboxes of my program

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Save Data From TextBoxes (and More) To Database?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm what you could call a beginner database coder, so this may seem like a simple issue to some :DI am using Visual Basic 2010 Express and a SQL Database.I have a series of TextBoxes, ComboBoxes, and CheckBoxes that I would like to save to different fields in a database

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Save Multiple Textboxes In A Single .txt?

Dec 4, 2011

ok i need a code to save multiple textboxes in a single .txt..

TextBox1.Text = ("Michael Rittenburg")
TextBox2.Text = ("United States")
TextBox4.Text = ("Nashville")
TextBox3.Text = ("Tennessee")
TextBox5.Text = ("37203")

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Save Textboxes To Text File?

May 23, 2010

I'm trying to save the input from the user from several text boxes into a text file, but to append to put after the last record on the next line. I've searched google and have tried the numerous ways but with no luck, and tried searching here but came up with a 502 bad error or something message.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click


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VS 2010 Save Data Textboxes

Mar 19, 2012

i am making a program with multiple textboxes (60). the user needs to fill in all the 60 textboxes and i want to save them so the user doesn't need to fill in all the 60 textboxes everytime he starts the program. make a combolist so the user can select his own 60 boxes after he filled it once and saved it

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DB/Reporting :: Save Textboxes To A Access Database?

Aug 4, 2009

Does anyone have any code on how to saves the following textboxes to a access database

Userid (on form1)
Reel no (on form2)
Reel weight (on form2)


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IDE :: Cannot Save Multiple Textboxes To A Ms Access Database?

May 19, 2009

i have and application with 140 textboxes and when i click the save update button it gives me a error i'm trying to save all the textboxes in one column, one beneath the other heres my code;


and i get a error saying syntax error insert into

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Save A Recond In A Form With Databound Textboxes?

May 21, 2009

I'm using vb6 and and now i want to move to .NET I tryied a simple form with 3 textboxes and a bindingsource

For add a new record i'm using the BindingSource.addnew() which is OK For save the record or for delete which are the methods?Lexicon Software

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Save Data Of Textboxes On SQL Server 2005 ?

Dec 17, 2010

I want to know how to save data of textboxes on SQL Server 2005

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Save Some Texts From Textboxes Into A Word In A Listbox?

Mar 11, 2010

how can i save some texts from textboxes into a word in a listbox so when i will reopen the program i will continue having the save?

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Using A Button To Save Info Input In Textboxes?

Apr 19, 2009

this application I'm writing is for Employee Data. I have 7 texboxes and 1 combo box.With the file menu I have used that function to save info inputed in one texbox. However for this application I need to use btnSave button to save the record.

here is what I used for the file>save menu:

Dim result As DialogResult
'find input file
With OpenFileDialog1
.Title = "Find Input File"


How can I implement this with a button?

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Cannot Get Form Data In Textboxes To Save To New Text File

May 9, 2011

Private Sub SaveFileToolStripMenuItem1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveFileToolStripMenuItem1.Click
Dim MyStream As Stream
Dim SaveFileDialog1 As New SaveFileDialog()
[Code] .....

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