Save Textbox To Textfile With Proper VbNewLine?

Dec 16, 2009

when you have a textbox and you save the contents to a file : My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(SaveFileDialog1.FileName, TextBox1.Text, False, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII) and you open the file in notepad, you will see instead of multiple lines one long line and where the vbNewLine should be, a small square symbol.

the simple reason is: even if you write a vbNewLine or vbCrLf to your textbox, it will be reduced to vbLf so when writing the textbox.text to a textfile it only writes the vbLf where you would like to have a vbCrLf

so all you have to do is replace the vbLf with vbNewLine :

My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(SaveFileDialog1.FileName, Replace(TextBox1.Text, vbLf, vbNewLine), False, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII)

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Automatic Vbnewline In Textbox?

Nov 1, 2009

Ok so i have made a complete food ordering system for the place i work. It works fine, i can add the ordered things and print them on a thermo printer located in the kitchen.Everyone at my work is really pleased with the solution but there is just one problem left.

The thermo printer is a receipt printer which can print 32 characters on each line and this is more than enough for all the food and beverages but i have a free textfield where waiters can enter a text of their own if the order form cannot cover.

This field does automatic LFCR in the box but this is apparantly only in the box because if is type something longer than 32 characters it wraps nicely in the textbox but is sent as one long string when printing.

Is it possible to have a textbox perform automatic "vbNewLine" every 32 characters it encounters. I know that this might cut words in half and if this can also be avoided then fine but if not i would rather have words cut in the wrong places than text completely missing.

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Save DatagirdView To A Textfile Row By Row?

Nov 11, 2011

I need to write data that is contained in a datagridview to a text file row by row.I can't get this to work.

Dim row1 As String
Dim cell1 As String
Dim cell2 As String
Dim cell3 As String


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Save TextBoxes As TextFile?

Jul 27, 2009

I just wondered if it is possible to save multiple text boxes as one file.Currently I:

a ) haven't woked out how to save a TextBox atall and have had to use Rich Text Boxes for this purpose and have used: RichTextBox1.SaveFile("Something.txt")

b ) Haven't worked out how to save/open files as one file. I have had somebody suggest to me using Arrays but I do not know what this meens

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Save A Dynamic Array Into Textfile?

Sep 16, 2009

Private Sub LoadButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoadButton.Click
Dim lin(8) As String, filRead As StreamReader, i, x, t, d As Integer


I am getting a run time error it is not saving to textfile

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Save A Textfile To Variable Path?

Aug 18, 2010

I use the code below to save a textfile to a directory that should work like this[code]...

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TreeView Data Save > TextFile

Mar 11, 2010

I've made a browser project and beyond making it a default browser, I am having a problem with the Favorites feature TreeView control saving, loading and repopulating it with the users data. It's tough finding the correct code as there are so many variations of this control in various languages, but I did find sample code for loading and populating the TreeView with a text file using tabs to signify the node structure in VB.Net. (Most others I have found are VB6 or some other variation.)


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VS 2008 Overwrite Textfile On Save?

May 9, 2009

Everytime I go to save my listbox to a file (the same text file each time) I'm trying to overwrite the file (old list) with new file (new list), but it just adds my current list to the end of the list that was already in the text file to begin with..


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Save Data On A Textfile Without Erasing Old Ones With Listbox?

Feb 5, 2012

This saves but first erases the old code is like this[code]...

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Penny Converter - Displaying Proper Amount In Textbox

Mar 14, 2010

I am having a problem with a program I coded in VB for class. It is a program that asks for the user to enter an amount of pennies then it displays the amount of dollars, quarters, nickels, and pennies. The problem I am having is that its not displaying the proper amounts in the text boxes, for example:

141 pennies = 1 Dollar
1 Quarter
1 Dime
1 Penny

So when I enter that, or any other number like 350 for the pennies, it gives inaccurate data, I am assuming that it is something I did wrong with the Modulus operator.

Public Class frmMain
Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
[Code] .....

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Retrieve Data From Textfile(.txt) And Save It Into Access Database?

Jan 27, 2010

I am looking for ways to retrieve data from textfile and save it into access database. Currently, I am doing a attendance record project. I need to save the attendance record which is given in a text file to the database. The version of VB i using is VB 2008.

The content of the text file look like this:
E010,2009/06,06/29/2009 7:44:45AM,06/29/2009 15:00:55PM,JUR
E022,2009/06,06/29/2009 7:44:45AM,06/29/2009 15:00:55PM,JUR


I tried to create a class and store the record but it just don't work.

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Save Number Of Days In Month Into Textfile And Read From It?

May 10, 2010

Dim days_in_clc_month(10) As Integer
days_in_clc_month(0) = 30
days_in_clc_month(1) = 29
days_in_clc_month(2) = 30


i just need to get this block of codes out, and put it in a textfile. and my program will run without seeing it, because it's all saved in the textfile.

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Read From Textfile,split The Data,save With The Special Characters?

Jan 3, 2012

I got a question. I have a textfile name membership.txt and using vb2008. However my code found error when try to grab the data to an array. I use delimiter "|" to separate between each data in line to save in specific column in database.


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.Net - Writing To Textfile From A Textbox?

Nov 7, 2010

just another little problem here! Trying to write a quiz for a college portfolio and having trouble with writing to a .txt textfile. On one form(form4.vb), I have a listbox that picks up the information held within a notepad textfile called "usernames" which contains names of quiz users. When written in manually to this textfile, my listbox picks it up fine, however, on a different form(form3.vb), I have a textbox where a user inputs their name, this is supposed to go to the "usernames.txt" textfile to be picked up by the listbox on the other form but instead, it does not write anything at all and if there is already text on this textfile, it wipes it all out.I also have to use the application.startup path instead of the usual C:my documentents etc so i would have to begin with something like this: (Note: code is a little mixed up due to messing around with different variations but this is just a example)


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Read Textfile (in Resources) Into A Textbox?

Mar 17, 2009

How would i read a textfile that is in My.Resources and put the whole document in a textbox for the user to see?

I figured i would need a IO.StreamReader and a IO.StringReader but cant figure out too much what to do with these.

I figured i could create a loop until it has read to the end of the document but there is no check called HasLineAvailable or something.

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Use Textbox To Edit A Textfile Csv Which Has Been Read Into An Array?

Nov 28, 2010

I've got a csv text file "test.txt" in the following format with one record per line in the following format: Builder,Bob,B,99HappyStreet,Springtime,4

I've read them into an array and in design use the first two to populate a listbox and then use a selected index to fill text boxes and some list boxes.

ex. TextBox_FirstName.Text = Employees(ListBoxMain.SelectedIndex).FirstName

How do I write the changes made in the text fields back to the position in the file where it was? It has me stumped although I'm sure there is a SelectedIndex option that can work.

I've considered having all the new/changed data saved as a new record and then just deleting the 'old' entry but my delete code gives me a selectedindex-1 index out of range exception error that I'm working on as well. I am sure both problems are related.[cod]e...

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VS 2010 Textbox Read/Write To TextFile?

May 7, 2011

The code below allows me to write a single line to a textfile. Id like to be able to open an entire textfile into a textbox, be able to edit said text and have it automatically write back to the same textfile.

Private myCoolFile As String = "C:UserskevinMy Documentspasswords.txt" '// your file.
Private myCoolFileLines() As String = Nothing '// String Array to read File Lines into.
Private sTemp As String = Nothing '// temp String to be used as needed.


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VS 2010 Value Of A Textbox Matches The First Value Of Each Line In A Textfile?

May 30, 2012

I have some coding which displays a label if the value of a textbox matches the first value of each line in a textfile.

Dim sList As New List(Of String)(IO.File.ReadAllLines("Path"))
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To sList.Count - 1


The problem is if the textbox has 1 and the textfile has 11 it will display the label, what would be the best way around this?

I have tried sList(i).Contains etc but none of them are doing the job.

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Html - VbNewLine In A Div?

Oct 3, 2011

I want to use a controller to print


inside a <div>... right now all I have is a simple

Return "test1" & vbNewLine & "test2"

but this code returns the words on a single line albeit with a space (like test1 test2).

How do I do this? I've tried changing the div into a span, that doesn't seem to work either.

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VB2010 - Using VbNewline In RTF?

Mar 15, 2012

I am creating an RTF file programatically so that user input can be formatted and I can control the font.There's two problems:

1. vbNewLine doesn't seem to work. I've also tried vbCrLf and that doesn't work either. I just want to introduce another blank line and not sure why it's not working.

2. Is there a way to use tab print positions to format things so they're not all just aligned left, center or right? (like tab(20); something etc..)

Here's my code:

Public Class Form1
Private Property richtextbox1 As Object
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim something As String


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Vbnewline Not Working?

Mar 4, 2012

textbox1.Text &= "something" & vbNewLine
textbox1.Text &= "somethingelse" & vbNewLine
'Output was somethingsomethingelse


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Debugging To Text File Then Reading Textfile To Textbox

Oct 24, 2011

I've setup a TextWriterTraceListener which outputs the debug messages I've written to a file.This works fine however what I am trying to do know is output the content of this file to a textbox using a streamreader object.I originaly thought it may because I did not set the text file to allow read/write access so I changed this by setting the following:[code]

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File I/O And Registry :: Each Line Of Textbox To A Newline Of Textfile?

Aug 24, 2009

i know i have to use a loop to get each line of the textbox onto a newline of a textfile but i dont know how to figure out how many lines of text the user has entered into a textbox. I tryed using a try statment to loop until it errors, it seems to work sometimes but other times it only takes half of the textbox and adds it to the textfile. And if atmaweapon reads this, i tryed to make better names for variables. Here is my code,

Path = ("Meals" & ComboBox1.SelectedItem & "" & TextBox1.Text & ".txt")
File = New System.IO.StreamWriter(Path)
If ComboBox2.SelectedItem = "1" Then


how many line of text there are... im not so shure how good it is to run a loop tell it errors for a textfile, but its the only way i could think of.

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VS 2008 Name 'vbnewline' Is Not Declared?

Mar 25, 2010

This is the code I'm using:

Dim intTeller As Integer
For intTeller = 0 To 120
RichTextBox1.Text &= "Case " & intTeller & vbnewline

VbCrlf doesn't work either?

View 13 Replies

VS 2008 - Combobox And Comma Separated Textfile Value Loading In To A Textbox

Jun 11, 2010

I am trying to write a vb2008 program that allows a user to select an airport from a combobox and then once the value has been selected it searches a comma separated text file once it has found the airport selected ( always the first column in the file) in the file it populates 8 other textboxes with the row data from the file. The idea is to select the airport and then it calls up the radio frequencies associated with the airport.I assume you have to call the data into an array and the search thorough the array until the combobox.selectedvalue = the value in the array, but i am unsure how to do this Ideally I would like to be able to the user to add data to the file thats why I used a combox, but I am having trouble trying to get the boxes to populate so first things first.


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Create A Textbox Which Will List Down One Column Of Datas From Textfile Which Is Separate By Delimiters?

Jul 13, 2010

I have to create a textbox which will list down one column of datas from textfile which is separate by delimiters.But as I have to filter alt.Row from the text file, what can i do?

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VS 2005 - Replace <br> Inside A String With Vbnewline?

Apr 9, 2009

How do I replace <br> inside a string with vbnewline ???

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Fill A Textbox With Text From A Textfile In Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition?

Jun 13, 2009

I am making a Help-form for my application. A Help-form normally has a ListView on the left and a RichTextbox on the right. When you click on a Help topic in the ListView, the text in the RichTextbox is supposed to change accordingly. The text file is part of the application's resources.

I also asked the question on stackoverflow: [URL]

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Create A Textfile And Write Some Lines Into The Textfile?

Oct 18, 2010

I am trying to create a textfile and write some lines into the textfile. However, the code that i am using can only write when the textfile is already created in the directory.

For this case, can i actually allow my script to search if a textfile is being created, if not create a textfile ???

Dim pathdir As String = "C:workingdir est.txt"
If System.IO.File.Exists(pathdir) = True Then
Dim objWriter As New StreamWriter(pathdir)


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Save Textbox Information - Save The Stuff Written In 3 Text Boxes

Jul 17, 2011

tell me a way that i can save the stuff written in 3 text box (Name,Address,Bday) by using a command btn. And then finding all of their information by just entering Name using another button.

any help would be grateful.

please and thank u

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