Savin An Image Into A Database Using BindingSource

Mar 7, 2011

I need to save the image, not the path to a SQL database. I have the following code and it works fine as long as I press "save" in the binding navigator before clicking the button.


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Using An Image Property As Bindingsource?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm trying to make a program where I draw an image from a SpriteID. The way I usually do this with a method is by doing this:PictureBox1.Image - Util.SpriteReader.GetSpriteImage(2334)

This works fine, but I need to make it work through a Bindingsource and my class. So the Bindingsource is setup, everything is working but the image part. I set the "Image" in the DataBinding of the picturebox to my "Image" property... Heres my properties

Public _ItemID As Integer
Public _Image as Image
Public Property ItemID() As Integer


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Make BindingSource Search Database?

Jun 30, 2011

I have the following function to search an access database. When the program loads it has all the records in the dataset ds. Reading around I read about BindingSource.Find and BindingSource.Filter to search a database. My Function is:

Dim record As Integer
txtNotes.Text = phone
record = TblContactsBindingSource.Find("Phone", phone)


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Update The Database If Have A Bindingsource, But No Dataadapter?

Jul 18, 2012

I've taken over a winforms project (attached to a SQL Server database) that needs to completed quickly so am trying to work with what the other developer has rather than rewriting it all. He has an admin form with a listview and a datagridview. The idea is to allow a user to edit the lookup tables for the database (customer type, product list, etc). When the form is loaded, the listview is populated (hard-coded) with a list of available tables. Clicking on a table name fills the datagridview with the contents of the table. What he left incomplete was the updating of the database if the user makes updates/inserts to a table.Now, I know that normally you would just call the Update method of the dataadapter, but he passes all his database calls for the entire project through a helper class that will execute parameterized sql queries (for updates/inserts), or return a bindingsource object for displaying data. But this helper class does not expose the underlaying dataadapter.

To populate the datagridview, he uses the following code in the ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged event:
Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


The rest of the app deals with only one record at a time, so when an update is needed, he scrapes the data from the form, builds a parameter array and passes the array and the name of the stored proceedure that handles the update to a method of his helper class called .InsUpDel - which is simply another wrapper that builds a parameterized query, executes the passed stored proceedure and returns the success/fail state of update.But, since this part of the app deals with an entire table rather than just one record, that method doesn't work. So, back to my question: How can I update the database when a change is made to datagridview when all I have is the bindingsource?

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BindingNavigator Connected To BindingSource That Connects To An Access Database And SQL Insert

Apr 5, 2010

I have a windows app that has a bindingNavigator connected to BindingSource that connects to an Access database. I am manually adding a record to the underlying database using an OLEDBConnection/command (cloning the current record). The insert into the database works fine, what I am not sure on how to do is force the bindingNavigatgor to refresh and read the new record and refelect it in the record count/next/previous buttons.Jack

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Save Image In Msaccess Database & In The Crystal Report It Should Display The Saved Image?

Aug 28, 2010

i want to save image in ms access 2000 database & i want retrive it in a crystal report in 2005

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Retrieve Binary Image From Database And Insert The Image In Grid View

Sep 3, 2011

How to retrieve a binary image from a database using and insert the image into a GridView.

This is my DB

image (id as integer , img as varbinary(max))

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.net Code To Upload And Image From Client To Web Form Image Control And Save It To Sql Express Database?

Jan 17, 2010

I hoping to find a current and simple way to do this. I'm using VWD Express 2008 and SQL Express 2008.I'm able to get the client's path to the image file using an asp:FileUpload control on the web form.

How do I upload the client's image file and display it in the web form's image control?How do I save it to the sqlserver? The image table is already set up with a "Image" data type column. Can the image be saved to the database as simply as other data types?

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103666 Saving Image In Image Folder And In Database After Scanning

Jan 17, 2012

I am working on a project related to saving an image captured from a scannner in a folder and in the database. The scan performs ok but when I save the image on disk and the path in the database I get the following error


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Post Image/URL To Access Database Using .NET And Re-Display Image In DataGrid?

Aug 21, 2009

1) Add a new record - I can currently add records text to access database, but not images.

2) Get the ID [URL]I'm not sure how to integrate this code into my code. I am stuck here.

3) Save the image in the filesystem using the ID as a filename - I can save the upload an image and save the image to a directory on my computer, but I am unable to name the image that of the ID of the access database.

4) Update the database to put the filename in the record you just created. - I am unable to do this as well (obviously).

Protected Sub SUBMIT_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SUBMIT.Click
Dim custDb As Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim cmdInsertCustomers As Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand


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Retrieve An Image From Database Using Image URL And Insert It In Grid View In . Net?

Sep 3, 2011

how to retrieve an image from database using image URL and insert it in grid view in vb. net ?? thats my data base table i have 3 columns in table image (ID as int , imageName as varchar , imageURL as varchar(max) i want to insert the image in a grid view but when i run this code i only get the last image in my table everytime thats my code:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim dt As New DataTable()
Dim strConnString As [String] = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ConnectionString()
Dim strQuery As String = "select * from image"


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Finding Simple .net Code To Upload And Image From Client To Web Form Image Control And Save It To Sql Express Database?

Feb 15, 2011

find a current and simple way to do this. I'm using VWD Express 2008 and SQL Express 2008.I'm able to get the client's path to the image file using an asp:FileUpload control on the web form.How do I upload the client's image file and display it in the web form's image control?How do I save it to the sqlserver? The image table is already set up with a "Image" data type column. Can the image be saved to the database as simply as other data types?

View 3 Replies - Getting Image Height And Width When Image Is Saved In Database

Mar 19, 2009

I save my images into my SQL Server Database with ASP.NET(2.0).

(imageData -> image) (imageType -> varchar) (imageLength -> bigint)

Thus the imageData will be "Binary data" and the imageType will be like "image/gif" and the imageLength will be like "6458".......

Is it possible to get the image HEIGHT and WIDTH from my VB.NET code inside my ASP.NET? I want to make my picture box on my web form the size of the actual image that is saved in my database.

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Entering Image From Image Folder To Sql Server Database

Apr 10, 2009

How can i insert an image file from images folder to sql server database. I have <input id="File1" runat="server" type="file" style="width: 397px" />on my aspx page. I want to insert a blank.bmp file if user does not choose any image file. this blank.bmp file is in my images folder.[code]how can i insert an image from images folder.

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Retrieve An Image From A Database And Show It In An Image Control?

Apr 5, 2012

I have entered an image in sql server database successfully. Now i want to retrieve this image from database and show it in an Image control. I don't want to put any ListBoxes on the page. I wrote in ASP dot Net..

Dim MS As MemoryStream
Dim IMG As System.Drawing.Image
Dim FS As FileStream


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Save An Image In A Picture Box To SQL Database Image Field

Feb 3, 2011

Using 2010, Windows 7, and SQL Server Express 2008 R2.

I am trying to save an image from a picture box to an image field in SQL Server. The line of code below produces an error. What am I doing wrong?

objCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ss_no", mskSS_No.Text)
objCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d_code", txtD_Code.Text)


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Transform Image On SQL Database To System.Drawing.Image?

Aug 11, 2011

I am currently using Visual Studio 2008 (VB.Net) and SQL Server 2008. I have images saved on the database as image. When I fetch it into my code it is a System.Byte[] and I am unable to cast it as a System.Drawing.Image to save to my DevExpress(v10.2).XtraEditors.ImageEdit.

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Using A Datagridview To Update A Database And The Datagridview Is Bound To A Bindingsource

Dec 12, 2010

If using a datagridview to update a database and the datagridview is bound to a bindingsource which has its datasource as the table to be updated: where dshould you place the tableadapter.update(mydatarow)

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Add Image Into Database?

Apr 14, 2012

I created a database last week and now I have some images I want to add. I already included the image column and set the data type to image when I made do I add the image into the database?All I want it to do is show the image in a gridview with many other details which are already showing in the gridview at the moment. I am not wanting other user's to upload images.It is an SQL Database which I created within Visual Studio.

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Add Image From Database To PictureBox?

Jun 14, 2011

I am using this to get image bytes from the database[code]...

Now how can I add this to PictureBox.image. I am having a lot of trouble retrieving the image and displaying it in the PictureBox.

The datatype is Image in sql database and i use this code to save image to db[code]...

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Display Image From Database?

Jul 14, 2009

I'm running an sql query to get the image name from a database and then display it from another location as follows[code]....

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Get The Image Before Saving It In The Database?

Jun 7, 2011

i need to save an image that will be displayed on a form. how do i get round this:

1. how do i get the image before saving it in the database?

2. how do i save the image in the database?

3. how do i fetch and display the image from the database on a form?

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How To Insert Image From Database

May 20, 2012

This is my code can't insert the image from the database
Dim str As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:UsersJayhsondocumentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsCBASCBASdata_file.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
Dim con As New SqlConnection(str)
Dim sql As String = "INSERT INTO tblData VALUES(@Bcode,@ItemName,@Description,@BcodeImage)"
[Code] .....
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: encoder

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How To Insert Image Into Database

Oct 2, 2011

I am trying to create a martial arts school management program with a database. The Database contains student details and I am wanting a photo in the database but am unsure of how to do this. I want it to be able to pull the photo off of my computer rather than have it in the database as I am building the program.

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How To Retrieve Image From DataBase

Aug 28, 2011

I have tried following code to retrieve image from my database.

Dim sEmpID As String
sEmpID = TxtPisno.Text
If sEmpID.Trim = "" Then
Exit Sub


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How To Update An Image In DB2 Database

Jun 22, 2012

I am at the *** end of the project and have been asked to provide update profile in the application. I have to update the photo of the user and also the signature photo

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Image Location From Database

Apr 7, 2011

In my database I have this "C:UsersLauraDesktopUni AnimationBluedot.gif" in a table called "images" and within a colomn called "image" I thought this code would work but I don't understand the error message I am getting. PictureBox1.Image = ds.Tables("Pipelining").Rows(inc).Item("image") If anyone could give me a hand that would be good

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Insert An Image Name Into A Database?

Apr 18, 2009

I succeed to upload and image and resize it. Now I want to insert my image's name into the database.

I'm using SQL Server. The table is named images and has two columns, an integer imageid and imagename as string(invarchar(max)). I need the file name saved in the imagename column and imageid must be an identity.[code]...

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Insert Image In Database?

Dec 29, 2009

im making a membership app and i need to add a picture to the members..

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Retrieve Image From Database

Jan 3, 2010

I have manged to save the image using long binary data (ithink) but finding it hard to retrive teh image again. i want to display diffrent pictures as i navigate throw the database


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