Saving DataSet Changes To Database After Reading Xml

Feb 23, 2012

When I load data from xml to my dataset I want to apply this changes to database. This is my code, so far unsuccessful. [code]

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Saving Dataset To Database Which Has Imported Rows From Another Dataset

Jan 4, 2011

I have a problem saving a dataset which contains rows that i have imported from another dataset. i can successfully view the imported rows in a gridview but i cannot commit the rows back to the database.

View 2 Replies - More Efficient Way Of Saving A Dataset To SQL Database?

Nov 9, 2011

I am looping through my dataset to save my database, I thought this might not be the best way. Is there a more resource efficient of doing it?

For i As Integer = 0 To CO.Tables("CO_Del").Rows.Count - 1 'CO is my DataSet
AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@IsDelete", DbType.Boolean, 0, DBNull.Value)[code].......

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DB/Reporting :: Dataset Not Saving To Database?

Mar 5, 2009

I'm having a problem with a database. I"m using these two functions to add and remove folders to the database:

Private Sub AddToFoldersTable(ByVal AddFolder As String)
If FoldersBindingSource.Find("Folderpath", AddFolder) = -1 Then


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Visual Basic Saving To A Database/Dataset

Mar 1, 2012

My problem is fairly simple. What my code is doing to start with is opening the form by loading a bunch of things from a database. After all the questions are done (because it is a questionnaire) it is meant to save the current score and the username that was entered before, for the sake of programming I have hard-coded a username and score however I think because I am using a different command builder it keeps giving me the same error!

(I am studying A-Level so that might explain the simplicity of the code)

Public Class AdditionTest
Dim inc As Integer = 0
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection


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Filtering Dataset - Dataset (WW1Dataset) With One Data Table(WW1) (database Used In An Access Database)

Feb 1, 2010

I have a dataset (WW1Dataset) with one data table(WW1).(database used in an access database) I'm trying to filter the dataset e.g a user wants to filter by a chosen surname (SurnameTextBox.text) so the datset is filtered to display only those records wherethe surname column in the dataset matches SurnameTextBox.text.

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Dataset Not Saving Data?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a very simple DataSet linked to a ListBox. I need the User to be able to add Data and have used the following code (in a ToolStrip command button):

Dim newFileRow As DataRow = Database1DataSet.Tables("tbl_Files").NewRow()
newFileRow("File Name") = fleName
newFileRow("File Path") = flePath


This seems to work ok - the new Data immediately appears in the ListBox. However, as soon as I close the form all of the Data in the DataSet is lost.

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Saving Data To A Dataset

Mar 11, 2010

I am currently having a few issues saving new information to a dataset. I could update the set, but on exiting and reopening the data all updates were gone. I found a few tips online but now get error messages when running the update command. This is how the code looks at present.


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VS 2010 Saving Dataset

Oct 12, 2011

VS 2010 Saving Dataset

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DB/Reporting :: Saving Dataset To Sql Compact Db?

Feb 18, 2008

I have a program that I designed that scans my music folder, gets the id3 information, and then in turn inserts the results into a dataset

Here is what I have:
MusicLibrary.sdf with a table called MusicLib

So far here is where I am, if I open the database through the visual studio ide, I manually put in a few songs just for testing purposes. When I run the program the DataGridView displays the data I entered. However I can't seem to figure out how to actually programatically add songs to the database. This is what i did so far:

I execute this command for each song scanned:MusicLibraryDataSet.MusicLib.AddMusicLibRow("FileName", "Artist", "Album", "Title", "Track") Then when done execute this command:MusicLibraryDataSet.MusicLib.AcceptChanges()

After I do that how do I then insert these items into the sql database itself so that the next time I load up my program the info is there. I have plenty of sql experience, but am used to doing all this in, i've never quite gotten all the table adapters and stuff.

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Saving Data Using Added Dataset In

Feb 26, 2012

I have added a dataset from New Item >> DataSet and configured it. I want to add new row to it using

Dim drNewRow as datarow=DataSet1.tblTest.New

but when I press . after DataSet1, IntelliSense does not catch tblTest, rather it gives tblTestRow and tblTestDataTable

How to get DataSet1.tblTest here?

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VS 2010 Saving And Reading Colors?

Nov 1, 2011

How to save colors to Access Data Base and read them after?

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VS 2010 Saving And Reading From Files?

Mar 5, 2012

I have to create a school reward system. Currently i have written code for creating user accounts and logging into the system. I have been able to write to the file i need to and i have been able to log in. However i can only log in for the first saved account. when i hover over the stored variable whilst stepping through it appears that unnecessary gaps have been added to stored information...User.stored username is the data structure type that i have stored information as...

user.storedUsername = " TestStaff "

I believe it should be like this:

user.storedUsername = "TestStaff"

View 13 Replies

Does VB Allow A MS Access Database DataSet Create A Stored Procedure Or Will It Only Allow SQL Database DataSet Create SP

Oct 9, 2009

does VBasic allow a MS Access Database DataSet create a Stored Procedure or will it only allow SQL Database DataSet create SP...

View 4 Replies

IDE :: VS 2008 Dataset Designer Corruption On Saving

Apr 16, 2009

Ok i have an issue that i have reported before but never had a satisfactory result to so time to try again. and im just about ready to throw this whole visual studio nonsense in the trash, ive wasted god knows how many hours on this now. I have a medium sized (2008) project, which has around 50 Datatable adapters that i have setup in the dataset designer, and are all workign perfectly well.


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Saving Data From Datagridview (dataset) Using SaveFileDialog

Mar 3, 2012

I wrote small program which is able to open database using OpenFileDialog, then I added binding navigator (so I can navigate and make changes in my data set) and now I would like to SAVE data which I see in datagridview AS NEW FILE... I have a question: How to save data (and changes) from datagridview using SaveFileDialog?[code]

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Saving Dataset Changes With TableAdapter.Update(DataTable)

May 25, 2011

I have a dataset that fills a tableadapter and I'd like to be able to post changes made to the dataset to a database with a date marking the changes. I've never used the TableAdapter.Update method before and was wondering if someone has any good tutorial links for that method. Here is the


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Saving Dataset Changes With TableAdapter.Update(DataTable)?

May 24, 2011

I have a dataset that fills a tableadapter and I'd like to be able to post changes made to the dataset to a database with a date marking the changes. I've never used the TableAdapter.Update method before and was wondering if someone has any good tutorial links for that method.


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Reading A XML File And Saving All The Data In To The Access DB Using VB

Jun 10, 2011

I am currently working on a vb project. What I am trying to do is reading a XML file and saving all the data in to the Access DB. Once this is done, I read the data from the access Db and display it in the required fields in VB form. Issue is, when i store the value in the access, a weird character is assigned before and after the data. The character is a square box with question mark in it. Also the same character displays on the VB form as well


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Reading Data From API Feed And Saving Into Files

Mar 17, 2011

I am reading data from an API feed and saving the chunks into files. When the files reach 10 MB I start a new file and write to that file. What happens now is that an entry (<entry></entry>) can get cut off at the end of a file and continues into the new file. I try and reconstruct the files by taking the last entry and combining it with the first entry of the next file but this is tedious and was wondering for better suggestion on handling the data transmission and file creation.

The data stream is of variable sizes and where one request can return 60 MB of data the next can be as little as 2MB. I know the data stream will end with a token </feed>but my problem is the cut off data in between. I guess I could just make the max size really large and then hope the data is never more than that but then I have to work with large text files and reading in and parsing would be a problem.

timestamp = DateTime.Now
numbytesread = responseStream.Read(bufferread, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)
If numbytesread > 123 Then
'timestamp = DateTime.Now
responseData = Encoding.UTF8.GetString
[Code] .....

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Saving Multiple Items To One File Then Reading It Again?

Jan 17, 2011

Lets say you have a few text boxes, I know how to save the information in each box to a text file, but that creates a file for each box. Is it possible to save the contence of lots of different text boxes to 1 text file, and then when loading them it would load it all back to the right places?

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VS 2005 Saving Codes Into Textfile And Reading It?

May 7, 2010

i can anyone tell me how do i save the below codes into textfile and make my program read from it? i'm trying to make a chinese calendar and below are the months of it. i'm gonna need to save up to about 3 years of months.


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VS 2008 Saving And Reading User Settings?

Feb 16, 2010

I need to save some string settings at runtime and read them back. They will need to be changed at anytime during runtime also. The examples I have found says they are obsolete for vs2008. how to save and read some string settings? I found alot for the application settings that to me are ones you set once for the app like in an site. I need to change these anytime like you would in a registry.

View 10 Replies - Reading A DataSet In JavaScript

Mar 12, 2012

If (IsPostBack = False) Then
Dim Li1 As New ListItem()


I have to read dataset in javascript. So that I have to bind Study_Desc in DropDownList.

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Reading A Field From A Dataset?

Aug 18, 2011

- Below code is in the LOAD form event.

- Within TMEMBERS table there is a TOTAMT field.

- Question is: What is the code to read TOTAMT field as I need to do some calculations as part of the LOAD event in this form. Not sure how as this was generated by the dataset wizard and not the tipical Dataset manual definitions.

'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'DsMP.TMEMBERS' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.

- calculation lines will be here.

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File I/O And Registry :: Saving / Reading Text Files

Aug 14, 2008

I require some help in saving and reading files in Line by Line format, How would I save to a specific line in the text file, or read a specific line?


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Reading A Text From A Binary File, Changing And Saving?

May 4, 2009

I'm new to VB and trying to figure out how I can replace a bit of descriptive text in a binary file. I presume its binary as I cant open it with anything but a hex editor. I've changed the text (file description) in the hex editor and saved it fine but I'm unsure how I go about saving just the section of information I need. I can work out the saving bit later.In the attached file you'll see the highlighted bit I want to edit. I need to replace the whole line or the file corrupt but I can fill it up with null characters and the numbers are just

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VS 2010 Reading Text File And Saving Content?

Aug 18, 2011

I am trying to create a console application that allows me to read the contents of a text file and saving the data by specific name in a set of files. For example, the text file I am going to read is a tab delimited file. Some content of the file includes full name, school, location, and whatnot. I want to save the content by school name in a set of files that have the school names. In this case, everyone that attends "Central" will be saved in a file named Central.txt.Everyone that attends "Central Park" will be saved in a file named Central Park.txt.These are the sub procedures I came up with so far:

'Use StreamReader

And I think I am on the right track of reading the text file:

Dim objStreamReader As StreamReader
Dim strLine As String
'Pass the file path and the file name to the StreamReader constructor.


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Reading Dates In Spreadsheet To And From DataSet

Jul 22, 2010

My application uses a badly arranged Excel spreadsheet as a data source. I say badly designed because there's no unique identifier to each row aside from the column where dates and times are found. My app uses the date and time on each row as an identifier to retrieve information from the other columns in the row. The idea is that the user will select a date/time from a ListBox at which time, the app will loop through the DataSet and find the date/time in the right column and display the rest of the info in that row. My issue is that the ListBox control isn't being populated and I can't see why...

Here's a sample row from the spreadsheet: (Each | character represents a cell border)
Team - FNB | O | 2010/02/18 08:59:24 | 5034 | Frederico Turnbridge | 27839963586 | SA - MOBILE - (ZA) | | 69 | O_NORMAL | | 00:01:06 |R 2.83

Here's my code:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim j As Integer = 0
If TextBox1.Text.Length = 4 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To CallData.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
[Code] .....

This basically works on a search where the user will specify a term to search for (be it a telephone number or (in this case) a telephone extension) and a date range. Now, I know for a fact that the spreadsheet (and thus, the DataSet) has information where the date column - column index 2 - falls within the date range I'm specifying and the column after that contains my search term, but I'm not getting any results.

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VS 2008 - Reading Value Returned From DataSet

Oct 8, 2009

I have a dataset which creates a table adapter to the table I need. I call a query on that table adapter which returns the number of fields returned. In this case it's one field and will always be one field.. I am filling a variable with that query.. however instead of the fields returned I need the actual data.

This is how my current code sits...
Dim aUserName As String
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'DataSet1.IT_Staff' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
aUserName = Me.IT_StaffTableAdapter.FillByUsername(Me.DataSet1.IT_Staff, SystemInformation.UserName)

Do I have to load this into a variable declared as a datatable then somehow call the column and row 0's value? If so how?

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