Saving Class Object To File

May 16, 2010

I have a question about how to save a class object to a file that can be used to create a same class later. The class should contain some structure or proprties and different types of data such as Byte, String, Bitmap, Color and so on. Is there any good way to save all these things? Convert the whole class to byte or make it to XML? The only way I know is saving to XML, but I feel hard to write all types like Image, Array List in XML. Here is a part of the class:


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Iterate Through Class / Object Properties - Saving Them Each To Another Object

Dec 15, 2011

I'd like to have something like:


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Saving An Object As A File To Load Into A Later Instance?

Dec 27, 2010

I'm working on a calculator for an online text based game, Cybernations. This game revolves around building your nation.I currently am using a class called Nation, this contains all the values for the nation such as infrastructure and land lvls. I want a way to save a nation as a file so that I can load it later and keep playing with it. I also want to be able to save multiple nations.

I'll need specifics on how to declare this in the program and where. I currently have a nation declared in my main form called ThisNation that is global. I think I can define ThisNation in the loading form as the selected file, but I'm not sure on how to do that. The actual file loading needs to be called from a button click in the loading form, then the program switches to the main form where you can actually do stuff.Where should I put the loading process, and how should I define ThisNation as the file?

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VS 2010 - Saving Class To File Via Serialization?

Feb 13, 2012

I am having trouble saving a class to a file via Serialization. I am getting this error:
Type 'System.Drawing.Graphics' in Assembly 'System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' is not marked as serializable.

I have changed the:
Public Class cJigsaw
<Serializable()> Public Class cJigsaw
The next line in my class is:
Public img As Bitmap

I tried adding the <Serializable()> attribute to this code, yet it has this error:
Attribute 'SerializableAttribute' cannot be applied to 'img' because the attribute is not valid on this declaration type.

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File I/O And Registry :: Saving Data From Class Properties?

May 28, 2009

I currently have a class

Public Class Customer
Public Property AccountNumber() As String
Public Property PMDue() As String


Account Class is initialized as new customer. To save the data from each property in the Account Class, I'm currently looping thru the properties each time Account obtains new data. I tried to simplify the process by the following line...


This does not work as written. I figured it would be much faster. It did not write out the property data. It saved "WindowsApplication1.Customer" Not exactly what I wanted. Is there a method to get it to save the properties in a written out style by just using the class name?

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Utilizing A Centralized Class object That Needs To Call Another Class Object?

Jun 7, 2010

I am utilizing a centralized class object that needs to call another class object. The program itself will do something like the following

sFieldValue = CentralObject.ObjectHandler(1, TestFunction, "FunctionVar,FunctionVar2,FunctionVar3")

In the central object I have a function

Function ObjectHandler(ByVal ObjectType


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Flattening An Object Hierarchy Using A Shim Class - Initializing Derived Object Properties From The Base Object?

Jul 10, 2010

I am somewhat new to object oriented programming and am attempting to flatten a Linq object hierarchy by using a shim to initalize a derived class with property values from a base class?I have two objects, a base object with about 100 properties, and a derived object which inherits from the base object and adds a few additional properties beyond those of the base object. My simple constructor creates the derived object, but I am looking for a way to initialize the derived object properties with values from the base object.Right now I am using reflection to iterate over the properties individually and I suspect there may be a better way. The following example shows my shim class constructor for the derived class, and two properties:

newProperty1 - a new string property of the derived class

flattenedProperty2 - a new string property of the derived class, copied from a 2nd-level object of the base class

Code example:

Public Class derivedObj
Inherits baseObj
Private _newProperty1 As String[code].......

Is this the correct constructor approach to flatten the object hierarchy using a shim class? My second question relates to initialization of properties in the derived class. The constructor above creates the derived object, but what is the best way to initialize the derived object properties with values from the base object? The following code uses reflection to iterate over the properties individually, but I suspect there may be a better way.

Code example:

' property names are in the string array fieldNames

'baseObjQuery is an ienumerable of baseObj

'derivedObjList is a list of derivedObj[code].....

Is there a simple way to initialize values for the properties in the derived object based upon the values of the common properties in the base object?

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[2008] Rewrite Class (Saving TreeView Data) For Saving Listview Data

Mar 9, 2009

rewriting a class I use for saving Treeview data to a XML file for use of saving ListView data I can't really figure out the rewrite, I'm stucked, unfortunately Listviews seems to be a big problem for me in general.

Option Strict On

''' <summary>
''' The TreeViewDataAccess class allows the nodes within a TreeView to be
''' persisted to xml for later retrevial.
''' </summary>


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VS 2010 Saving Data From Applications By Saving A Text File Via A Stream Reader As A String

Feb 12, 2012

Currently I am saving data from my applications by saving a text file via a stream reader as a string. I have come to a problem. In my current application, I have an array of the following structure:


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Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object With A Class With An Array Of Classes As A Member?

Aug 6, 2010

Here is the structure that I have:

Friend Class StandardFormatFile
Friend fileType As String
Friend numberOfSeries As Integer


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Access To Object Passed ByRef In The Constructor Of A Class Through Another Part Of The Class?

Aug 18, 2009

I have some classes, BsfciFile and StudyFlashCard. Bsfci is the extension to which I save my set of flashcards in an INI format. I am currently working to transform my code from using Windows API calls to access the INI to using a IniFile class that I found on the internet. I would like the BsfciFile to have a Array of StudyFlashCard objects, but I would like the StudyFlashCard class to use the IniFile class object contained in the BsfciFile class. I can pass the IniFile from the BsfciFile class to the constructor for the StudyFlashCard class, but I want it to modify the same IniFile as the BsfciFile class has later on.


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VS 2008 Adding Class Object To List Or Array In A Different Class

Jun 21, 2010

I am trying to create an list or an array of a class.Here is my "Ingredient" class that I am trying to create a list of:[code]In my "recipe" class, I am want to create a list (or array) and I am drawing a big blank on how to do it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Instantiate Object From Class Using String Variable For Name Of New Object?

Aug 11, 2009

dim myCollection as new Specialized.StringCollection
dim myFoundThings as new ArrayList
dim index as Integer
dim newResultMemberName as String


This is part of some code that will run without user interaction once it's spinning away, and I need to create a unique object from some items found in a StringCollection, naming the objects using information found in the strings stored in that StringCollection.

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Type Conversion From Webservice Object To Class Object?

Jun 15, 2009

i've created bunch of classes. i have webservices which reference these classes and contains the classes as parameters and return objects.when i call the weservice, i have to convert the class to the webservice object else i can type conversion there a generic way to convert between these types without having to assign the values by hand?

for example

public class person
fname as string
lname as string
end class


i would liek ot be able to call the web service and return the data type back and have a generic coversion instead of as above in stead of:

dim wsPerson as wsReference.Person = ws.getperson()

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Class With Class Properties: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance

Aug 19, 2009

I have a class in which some of the fields are also classes.

I can put values in the "normal" properties, but in the others when o try to assign values it gives the: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

But the code compiles fine.

dados_Defenicao = New ServiceReference1.draftClaimEntryDefinition
dados_Defenicao.arCode = "123"
dados_Defenicao.claimMarket.warrantyType = "w" - Here it gives the error

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Get Base Class Object Reference Outside The Class's Definition?

Dec 10, 2010

If we are within the derived class then ofcource we can use MyBase keyword to access base class's object reference . That's fine , how can we take that base class's object reference outside that derived class's definition.My following code will explain what i want . Actually that is giving error right now, but it is explaining my requirement .

Public Class Base
Public x As String
End Class


Actually there is error in ReadOnly Property BaseReference's Getter . Error is "Error 1 'MyBase' must be followed by '.' and an identifier. " how can i get base class object reference in Main method ?

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IDE :: Class Files. Same As Namespace Or The Same As The Class Object Inside?

May 22, 2009

If my namespace is Company.Application.EDI.Acknowledgement and if I stick with theprogramming practice of one class per file then should my class be saved asacknowledgement.vb? Are there any gotchas that will come up?

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Reference A Parent Class Object From A Child Class?

Jan 2, 2010

I have a Parent Class Called Fuselage that containsfour child classes called Forebody, CenterBody, AftBody, and CrossSection. CrossSection classcontains objects common to Forebody, CenterBody, and Aftbody (example: width). How do I access thewidth property in CrossSection from within the classForebody?

Public Class Fuselage
Dim Forebody As ClsSection
Dim Centerbody As ClsSection


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Create An Object From The Class - Use The Object To Interact With The SQL Db?

Apr 12, 2006

I am developing an IT Asset Tracking application using VB 2005 and SQL Server 2005 Express edition. Will I need to create classes to represent objects such as Computers, Printers, Scanners/Faxes, Contracts, Purchase Orders etc or are there any other approaches.For example, if I am correct, I will have a class called Computer and its properties will include Make,Model,CPU,Hard Disk,Memory etc. Is this the right approach.

Computers can be split up into Desktop PC's, Servers and Notebooks. Would I have to create separate classes for these as well or would they be ok under the Computer class.Once I create an object from the class, how can I use the object to interact with the SQL db.I am a beginner to VB.NET 2005 therefore I am slowly getting to grips with OOP.

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Saving A Module And A Class?

Oct 31, 2010

Im going through the 2008 Express tutorials on methods and classes. Since the advantage of subs, functions, methods, etc is their reusability, how does one save them and later import them into an application?

Also when one writes a class, how is it tested without being part of a form? Besides testing a class, why would one wants to write a class without a form, if it is to be published for a user?

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Register The Class File - Not Recognizing My Class.Even The Intellisense Is Not Picking Up Te Class

Jul 22, 2011

I have a class (see below)

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class ClientProfile

#Region "Variables"


It is in the file ClientProfile I have placed in both App_Code and also App_Code/Models

In my code behind I have the following


The last word, "ClientProfile" has the scary squiggly red line below it. It is not recognizing my class.Even the Intellisense is not picking up te class. Do I have to register the class file in any way?

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Saving A Created Object On A Picturebox?

Apr 3, 2010

I need to save a object that i programing to be drawed onto apictureboxPictureBox1.CreateGraphics().FillEllipse(Brushes.Blue, ci)how do i save the object as a image or the picturebox? And then be able to open it again?

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Saving Object Location/Information On Forms?

Apr 12, 2011

I am making a program to organize grainbins in seperate yards.In this program, the grainbins need to be moved around and thier position to be saved when the program is closed. I also need to save information such as backcolour and text.I am specifically referring to GroupBoxes, OvalShapes, Textboxes, Labels, and ComboBoxes.

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Array Of Objects Also Saving Variables Of Class?

Dec 21, 2011

I have a small class of Object CellValue

Friend Class CellValue
Public CellColor As Color = Color.White
Public CellShape As Shape = Shape.Blank
Public CellName As String = ""
End Class

Then in my main I make an array of CellValue but I want to know if the values are also being passed down with the array.

Dim Plan(SizeW - 1, SizeH - 1) As CellValue
Dim CellW As Integer = PictureBox1.Width \ SizeW
Dim CellH As Integer = PictureBox1.Height \ SizeH


Are CellName, CellShape and CellColor being tied to each element in the array?. The reason is because I need to use these properties to tie certain functions to them. The CellName should have a MachineID which I would have to use to pull some info from a Database.

The Array should also be serialized and deserialized to XML as customer needs to create/edit and delete certain values in the array. And in order to save the array has to be in XML

So the Questions are does it save the CellName, CellShape and CellColor for each element, will it be affected if I serialize and deserialize using XML. If possible, how can I call up the Cellname p.e for a specific array element.

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Columnorder Saving Class Does Not Work Properly?

Feb 23, 2012

I found a class that saves column order and column width for a list view but i cant get it to work properly.

Public Class cListviewHelper
Private Declare Function ListViewiColumnOrder Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal Msg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByRef lParam As Integer) As Integer[code].....

It saves the right number of columns but not in the order they are.It always saves them like this in the registry "0,1,2,3,4,5,6"

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SaveFileDialog Class - Automatically Saving Files As PDF

Jan 23, 2012

How to use the saveFileDialog class to save a file as a PDF programmatically?

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Saving Data As A Class And Other Programming Language

Apr 16, 2012

If I save some data as a class and I serialize it all done in What happen if someone with another language like PHP whats to use that data will be that possible directly?

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Saving Matrix Class To Application Settings

Jul 27, 2011

In I have a matrix object which I'm trying to save away in application settings and Im not recovering the settings correctly.


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"upgrade" An Object To An Inherited Class, And Keep All The Base Class's Property Values?

Jul 5, 2010

bare with me during this silly example. :-) Let's say I have a class like this:

Public Class Animal
Public iLegs as int32 ' Number of legs
Public bWings as Boolean ' Wings? Yes/No
End Class

And another class that inherits the "Animal" class and adds one more property:

Public Class ScaryAnimal
Inherits Animal
Public iScariness as int32 ' 0-100, how scary is it?
End Class

Now, if I have an instance of "Animal" with some values in it, and I decide I want to cast it to a ScaryAnimal for some reason, how do I do that without having to create a new instance of "ScaryAnimal" and copy each property value?Basically I'm looking for a way to do this, without having to write the lines marked with '*** below:


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Saving User Defined Object Into Windows Registry

Jun 22, 2012

I need to save created object into Windows Registry and after reopening application to read it? I know how to save and read string but this is complex object.

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