Scraper/ And External Data

Sep 3, 2009

Can someone just give me direction on how i could scrap this data and then make it submit the information to a form in my admin panel or via MySql. I just need to get title,url,desc, and Category.

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VS 2008 - Threadpool Example For Scraper

Mar 9, 2012

can somebody give ThreadPool example for application thats needs to get information to datagridview from thousands of sources? My application needs to work fast and without freezing and lag, but I cant figure out this threadpool thing. And would be nice if you could add this thing to example that when I set domainupdown value to 25 as example, it sets threads to 25. So its making work 25x faster. I haven't find any good example for this, only some C# examples but they haven't work after i converted those to

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VS 2008 .Net Screen Scraper?

Aug 24, 2010

I wrote a quick web screen scraper in VB.Net. I couldn't believe how incredibly easy it was to do! Now I have all of this HTML that I can parse, peruse, and purge. I have access to this one site in particular. It requires a login and password, both of which I have.

Here is the problem: I want to log into this site programatically, that is, pass the userid and password from my program. Without this, I cannot get to the screens that appear after a successful login is completed.

I am thinking that the way to get around this limitation is to somehow TRAP what the site passes from my browser session to its server. Then I can simulate that action from within my program.Before anyone raises an eyebrow... no, I am not trying to hack anything. I just want to process the screens that come up after I log in!

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Write A Screen Scraper?

Feb 7, 2009

I am trying to write a screen scraper. I found this code online that returns the html from a webpage. The page I would like to retrieve text from uses javascript, so when I run this on the URI all I get back is javascript and no text.

Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
'Imports System.Text


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Create A Screen Scraper App With Program?

May 19, 2010

At my company we use Auto Hotkey to do screen scrapes, I was wondering if there is a way to do something similar but with VB? Obviously it wouldn't be a win forms app as it's more of using send keys and mouse movements and cutting and pasting from the host software.

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Data Types From External Dll

Feb 25, 2010

I use Philip's MfRc500.dll for communicating with RFID chips. It contains a function for reading data, which is defined like this:[code]The second parameter in function Mf500PiccRead can returns "16 byte data block", so my long data type is too small. If I use byte() instead of long, then i get ExecutionEngineException Exception.

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Accessing External Data Using IN Clause

Jun 2, 2011

I am using Ms-Access 2007 with My problem is that I have a table with column name strval which has following values:
2, 3, 43, 5, 6 etc., in each row.
Now I want to search for that row which contains e.g 2 in column strval. I use
FROM tbl where tbl.strval IN( '2' )
but this doesn't work.

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Connecting To External Data Base?

Oct 23, 2011

I have changed my Data Base location to external now I am getting an error. I know way, I need to fix it but do not know where

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VS 2010 Using External Data File?

Feb 21, 2012

I would like to include a text file for easy ediing of data that my app will read and pull data from. My external data file is a csv fileI want to display a checked list box that display this info and based on selections in the checked list box cand in a procedure later call commands based on those selections.

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.net 4.0 - Read Data From An External Hardware Device?

Feb 1, 2012

I have developed a simple software using, now i want to receive some data from an external device,How to read a hardware transmitted data using, where hardware is attached to a USB port?"

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Controlling And Manipulating Data In An External Program?

Jun 21, 2009

I'm trying to write a application that works with a 3rd party application called FuzzyTech. Unfortionalty FuzzyTech is quite old so the only way I can interact with it is buy using DDE. FuzzyTech acts as a DDE server. After a bit of research I found a library called NDde which enables me to use DDE. I understand that does not natively supprt it as it is an old technology.

Now fuzzyTech seems to only respond to the DDE connect and pokes when in debug mode. The only way I can find to get the program in to debug mode is from the menu bar (Debug > Interactive). So I have written an application that runs fuzzyTech, grabs the window and then accesses the menu to put it in to debug mode. My code can then use DDE. I have all of this working ok (although it does feel like a bit of a hack). The problem is I don't want users to be able to see this happening.

I want fuzzyTech to be hidden.After more research I found I could hide the window on startup by using fuzzypProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden. However when I do this my code to grab the window and send the menu commands then fails. I think this is because the window title becomes blank when hidden.So I need to know a way of controlling the program after it is hidden or hiding it after it is in debug mode. This is where I am stuck. I'm very new to programming and this has got me completely stumped.

Here is some of the code I am using:

Private fuzzypProcess As Process = New Process()
Private Sub LoadFuzzyTech()
fuzzypProcess.StartInfo.FileName = projectPath & projectTitle & ".ftl"


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Corrupted Data On External Drive Using VB2010?

Mar 11, 2010

I am presently using VB2010 to develop charting application. I have noticed that whent he applications are developed on my hp dv7-2270us notebook and stored on an external harddrive, if these same applications are then opened on my dell latitude d610, i will recieve a corrupted external harddrive error. Usually this can be repaired with check disk.

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File I/O And Registry :: Storing External Data For Program?

Sep 12, 2008

I'm rewriting a legacy application in .NET. In the earlier version, I used a few control .INI files that could be edited by the advanced user to provide variation in certain program options. (The program also permitted override of these same variabes via menus and such.) I used the API functions to read the .INI files and rewrite them to alter the user's environment for subsequent runs.

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Posting Data To A RichTextBox On A Form From External Objects

Apr 13, 2010

Background: My VB .Net application is a back-end solution that works with a proprietary Linux-based middle-ware messaging architecture developed by our company. My application references to the middle-ware DLLs, obtains connectivity, and subscribes to specific broadcasts with the middle-ware. When the broadcasts are received, it handles processes them and inserts/updates certain tables in a database. To do so, it has specific notification classes to handle each type of broadcast. These classes adhere to the inheritance model imposed by the middle-ware DLLs.


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Read Data From An External Device Using MSComm Control ?

Nov 30, 2010

I am trying to read data from an external device using MSComm control but the problem is I am getting wrong data. I am recieving 1 byte data but the first three bits are wrong so anything greater than 31 sent from the external devices is recieved wrongly. eg. if I am sending 63(111111) from the device then the input from MSComm control gives me 159(10011111).Due to this reason I tried SerialPort from .Net framework and was surprised to see that it is working properly.

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Refresh Charts Displaying Dynamic External Data?

Nov 10, 2010

I have an array of data which is currently updating itself every 10seconds from when my spreadsheet is opened as you can see from the VBA module code given below, that is fine but the charts that I have created manually from the data are not updating themselves as the data changes. When I change the data by editing a number in the range etc. then surely enough the chart updates. Is there any code available which will refresh the chart I have made automatically say every 15 seconds, giving a 5 interval breathing space between the data and chart update?

The code I have attempted to resolve the problem in the Sub AllWorkbookCharts () doesn't work as there is a problem with the refresh part of it.
Sub Update_Time()
Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:00:10"), "Sort_Table"
Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:00:15"), "AllWorkbook_Charts"
End Sub
Sub Sort_Table()
[Code] .....

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[2008] Sorting Listbox Data From External Source?

Jan 7, 2009

sort the listbox that is being populated by data from an exteranl hard drive. The DB's on the Hard drive are contained in folders with a naming format as follows (Jan94 - Dec08)The issue is that on the HD all the folders(yrs) for Apr are listed together and then the rest listed the same way, just sorted based on 1st alpha character. The format I want to show in the list box is as follows:



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Can Store Data Annotation Error Messages In An External File

Dec 17, 2010

I am using data annotations to validation my class properties. A requirement has emerged to store the validation error messages in an external file from which they would be loaded into memory at runtime.I thought I'd be able to load a colleciton of error messages from an XML file and then set ErrorMessage:=[StringVariableHere] ... but apparently that doesn't work as you need to use a constant value.If I store the errormessages in a Resource.resx file then those error messages are compiled into the project and can't be loaded at runtime - or am I wrong?

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Forms :: Serialport Communication - Receive Data To Pc From External Hardware

Sep 5, 2009

i want to receive data to my pc from external hardware but i don't know how to do it since i am new to the code in to receive data using serial port rs232.

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Supported For External Data Sources Or For Databases Created With A Previous Version Of Microsoft?

Aug 11, 2007

Ok, most of my Visual Basic experience I admit was with VB 3 and VB 5. I'm just starting with VB 2005 Express, and get this error when trying to connect to a new database.

I'm using Windows Vista and have the latest Microsoft JET version, so I have no idea why I'm getting that error.

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Zip A Folder Without Any External Dll Nor Any External References?

Feb 3, 2012

I wanted to know if it is possible to Zip a folder without any external dll nor any external references - just with native features.I've been able to Zip files with System.IO.Packaging, but it does not include folders and I cannot tell it to Zip the parent folder.I know there are external dll and so, but I'd like to know if it's possible to make it from a native way.

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Reading And Writing Files On External Hard Drive, Code To Ensure SQL Or Data Read/write Execution In Case Of Periodic Drive Reconnect?

Dec 18, 2010

The drive is connected via USB and the problem I'm having is that, periodically, while my code is executing, the usb drive seems to disconnect and reconnect. (Nothing to do with the program, but the drive itself).I want to find a way to prevent these temporary drive reconnects from interrupting my code. IE, i want to insure that whatever read or write that is requested is actually executed even in the case of a temporary drive interruption.

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.Net 3.5 - Run An External App In A Thread?

Jul 7, 2011

Is it possible to run a ( external program/process ) in a thread of your vb application?

so you don't see the process in taskmgr?

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Executing An External App?

Oct 1, 2010

im working in a windows app that execute another apps.. writing the name of the app in a text box (i.e firefox.exe) and click enter to run it im using >> (System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(app_name.Text)) to run apps it works fine with me .. but it didnt with some apps like when I write for example ares.exe it says:Win32Exciption was unhandled :The system cannot find the file specified

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Getting PEB For External Process

Jun 9, 2010

There are tons of examples of how to access the process environment block (PEB) from C++ code but I'm wanting to do it from VB.NET and am seriously struggling.I call NtQueryInformationProcess and get a Process_Basic_Information structure back from that which has a member named PebBaseAddress and this holds a pointer to the PEB (I have verified that this member does hold a valid pointer at runtime). The problem is that when I try to read data from the address that this pointer references I just get nothing. One important thing to mention is that it works fine if I try to use it on my own process, its just when I try and read the PEB for an external process that it gives me no data. I've enabled the SeDebugPrivilege (and confirmed it is enabled for my process in Process Explorer) but this made no difference. I've also tested it on Windows XP x86 as I'm currently testing on Windows 7 x64 but XP had the exact same issue, only sometimes the XP one would just crash completely with a memory access violation and thats the other thing, I am getting fairly inconsistent results - even on the Windows 7 machine sometimes I end up with no data but other times I get memory access violation errors, and other times I get the data for my process even when I have passed in the handle of a different process..

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How To Get External IP Address

Apr 1, 2012

I want to develop a function that will return the external [public] IP from my router.
Not the Internal [local] IP, something like 192.168.1.X.
But something like this 216.XXX.XXX.XXX

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IE With External Application?

Oct 3, 2009

I have a quick, yet simple (i think?) question. How can i use the address bar to send commands to a external application?


AOL Instant Messenger I havent used this application in a long time. But i remembered if you wanted to add a friend to AIM from their online profile it directed them to a link such as:

aim:addfriend=contactID and AIM would pick this up and add it the contactID to the application. The link i posted is more than likely not the correct link they use but it shows what im trying to accomplish.

Im looking to achieve something along the lines of: myApplication:command=commandValue

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Run An External Dll File/

Nov 27, 2009

I have a dll file which is reading a in.txt file and write a out.txt file. No need pass any variables to dll. Dll file runs alone.

I could not add this dll as referance. What I nned to do to just run this dll?

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Run An External EXE File?

Dec 17, 2011

I'm creating an installer program. As part of the install process, I need to run/install the "AccessRuntime.exe" file.

How do I run this external EXE file from within my installer program?

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Running An External .exe

Aug 16, 2010

i am creating a visual basic program, which acts as a very simple GUI for another program. I have built the whole Visual Basic project, but i am unable to do one part, the most important part you could say.I have a button(button1) on a form, when the button is clicked, i want it to run a program, named 'mover.exe' which is located in the SAME FOLDER that my visual basic program will run from. The directory of this folder will change. So, there are two problems..i have:

1 - to make the program run the .exe program when button1 is clicked (it also must be run with administrative privelages).

2 - to make the program always look for 'mover.exe' in the folder in which it is started from.

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