Search Database By Id Number From Text Box?

Jun 11, 2011

I want search my database by entering Id number in the text box.

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Search A Specific Word And The Number Of Occurrences In A Text File?

Sep 20, 2010

its like this if we think the original textfile like this [its meaning less] dim original as string = "myname is not thename wasthe notthe nameisnot nere!" i want to see what words are recurring, like name, the, was, not but i cant use split(), substring because they may even exist as combined words like thecat and i need to know the number of time it has recurred

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VS 2010 Text Box/file Search And Find Line Number?

Jun 5, 2011

I'm new here, but have been in and out for a while. Past threads have been helping me along thus far.

I'm currently developing an app which essentially needs a way for me to search in a text box or file for a specific string, and extract the line on which that string appears on. It will be unique, and the syntax is the same on each line. It has basically 2 ID numbers, and is laid out like this:

So, I'd need to search for the first part before the |, and then get the line so I can get the bit after the |, which is the important bit for me.

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VS 2010 Text File Search - Display The Question Number

Dec 30, 2010

I'm new to Visual, I've had some experience with ye old visual basic however. I'm wanting to make a quiz app that reads the contents of a text file, with about 500 multi-choice questions in it. It is in the following format QUESTION NO: 1 This is the question, what is the answer?

A. This Answer
B. Or this Answer
C. Maybe this Answer
D. Or this Answer
Answer: D

QUESTION NO: 2 and so on. I would like it to display the question number in say...a textbox, along with the question and the multi-choice. And then depending on user input, says correct or incorrect.

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VS 2008 Search For Text In A TextBox And Return Line Number Found On?

Jan 23, 2010

I'm trying to search for text that is known to be in a TextBox.

Once it is found, I want to return the line number it was found on.

Also, I would like to know how to delete all blank lines from a TextBox.

These two problems have been plaguing me for the last 2 days.

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Search - ID Number - Highlight The Listview Item Found In Search From My First Form?

Jun 11, 2011

How can I search, for example ID Number, and want to highlight the listview item found in search from my first form? I'm using combobox from my second form to search.

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Html - Search A Database In ASP.NET Using A Text Box?

Mar 7, 2012

I got a quick question, I am building an ASP.NET website and have a database set up (SQL Server 2008). One one of my pages I am displaying all of all of the entries of the database with a search text box at the top. How would I go about taking the value that the user entered and using that string to display only the data entries that apply to it. Here is my code for the .aspx file


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VS 2008 OleDB - Search My Access Database And Count The Number Of Records In The Column "Type" In Each Group

Feb 13, 2010

I want to search my access database and count the number of records in the column "Type" in each group. For example


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Use Textbox To Search Database And Return Record To Label.text

Jun 19, 2009

I have sucessfully written in excel VBA. The idea is to used the textbox1_change event to find a match in column A of table and once it finds the record, return the value of column B as label1.text. [code] In VB 2008 it's a lot different. I have set up the form the same way with the textbox and labels. I have made a dataset with (1) table (Table1) with (2) columns. Lets call them column A and Column B.I have added the dataset as a binding source to the form and also a table adapter. I also have a standardized query made for the dataset with a very simple SQL statement "SELECT Column A, Column B from Table1"..In order to get the user input to start searching Column A I assume under the textbox_change event i would put something like: [code] I'm getting a bunch of errors of course. Would somepne be able to give me some direction?

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Display The Content Of The Text Box According The Number Of Records In The Database?

Aug 5, 2009

I am trying to display the content of the text box according the number of records in the database. When i do it manually it works but when i do it through the "for" loop i am confused. my code is as below

For i = 0 To total_rec
fname1.Text = ds.Tables("roster").Rows(total_rec).Item("FirstName")
lname1.Text = ds.Tables("roster").Rows(total_rec).Item("LastName")

Now i want to change the index of "fname1" some thing like "fname(total_rec)" but it does not work

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Make A Search Button To Search Through All The Tables In The Database?

Dec 28, 2009

I have a MS access database connected to a VB2008 developed software.
I want to make a search button to search through all the tables in the database.
how can I do this?

I want to link a field in table one to a field in table 2 in the database so that they are the same ( whenever I change what is in table 1 table 2 changes to the same automaticaly )

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Stop And Starts A Running Loop Of Number On A Text File Or Database In Visual Basic?

Aug 25, 2011

I need a small app that randomly shuffles a set of preloaded numbers. The shuffling will be visible on the screen and goes on continuously (looping) until a key is pressed and as soon as that happens it will show the winning number.Am using visual basics 2008 to develop the application but my problem is when i start the app and hit a key it will loop through my numbers on the text file and it will also display the event but if i hit a key to stop it will not stop..I was workin on the app but my problem is how to stop the loop and resume on the with a keypress. below is the app codes.

Dim Running As Boolean = False
Sub ReadAccounts()
Dim arr As New ArrayList

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IDE :: How To Open A Search Page In Webbrowser With Separate Text Box And By Default Search Engine

Dec 31, 2009

i want to ask that how i can open a search page in my webbrowser with a separate textbox in a tool bar separate from the url text box

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Search Data From Database With Some Check Box And Text Box When User Select Check Box Specific Function

Dec 15, 2011

My application is like this : i have to search my data from database with some check box and text box when user select check box specific function go on and then when user enters some range of value in textbox then the result will shown in data grid view after that i can print it by selecting data
my code is as follow:

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class XtraForm1


I m also pasting the demo picture.

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For Barcode - Input A Item Number In Textbox And If That Number Will Match In Your Database

Mar 7, 2012

I have a txtbox(for barcode).. if i input a item number in that txtbox and if that number will match in your database, the other information(shall we say, product type, item ID, etc..) will display in my other txtboxes..

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Search Number In An Array?

Apr 15, 2010

I want to search number in array, i wrote the following code but it doesnt work

Sub Main() Dim array As Integer() = New Integer(3) {} Dim search As Integer For i As Integer = 0 To array.GetUpperBound(0) Console.Write("Enter any number for array location [{0}]: ", i + 1) array(i) = Console.ReadLine() Next Console.WriteLine() For i As Integer = 0 To array.GetUpperBound(0)


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Get The ID Number Of Every Part Of The Search Results?

Nov 12, 2010

Here is a part of the code:

Dim allelements As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.All
For Each webpageelement As HtmlElement In allelements
Dim Name As String = webpageelement.GetAttribute("Name")


I let the program search in the "element" parts of the html code,now the last ting I need to do is: I need to get the ID number of every part of the search results.

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Search Algorithm For Account Number

Jan 27, 2009

The line in code is giving me problems it is preventing me from searching the first part of the array but if I move it to the end or to any other spot the search wont work.

Public Sub AccountNumberSearch(ByVal a() As Account, ByVal accnum As Integer, ByVal numacc As Integer)
Dim x As Integer = 0
Do Until a(x).AccountNumber = accnum
x += 1
[Code] .....

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IDE :: Make Search Bar Take The Text In The Text Bar And Add It Into A Pre Defined Weblink And Replace A Bit Of Text?

May 25, 2010

Im trying to make a search bar that has a Go button now heres where it gets diffcuilt How do i make this search bar take the text in the the text bar and add it into a pre defined weblink and replace a bit of text with that word in the search bar so the user types into the text bar for example they type in NAME HERE so when you click go it taxt for instance [URL] now how could i make it so when you hit the GO button that it takes the text in the textbox and and replaced REPLACE TEXT in the pre defined address and put NAME HERE into the address and then load it up with a web browser and also how would i make it open up with the web browser that the person is useing (since lods of people use diffrent web browsers)

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Get A Text Box To Show The Word The Same Number Of Time As The Number Selected Using Loops?

Nov 2, 2011

In VB if you prompt the user for a number between 1-20, then a word, how do you get a text box to show the word the same number of time as the number selected using loops?... Ex: please select a number: 4 / select a word: cat....the text box should display ::: catcatcatcat ........

I am doing this for a class and my brain has locked up. Prob. just over thinking it though. Thanks in advance for any help!

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Generate Next Number - Search Executed On Click

Sep 2, 2009

I am using following format of CustomerNumber
CurrentDate + SerialNumber
So the flow of Numbers for the month of August is as under:
010809+01 = 1080901
010809+02 = 1080902
010809+03 = 1080903
and upto
310809+01 = 31080901

The flow of program is that onClick of a button GenNextNumber a search is executed and the highest number in the table is shown in a Messagebox and on OK the nextnumber is displayed in CustomerNumberTextBox by adding 1 to the last highext number. The programme is running fine for one month. The problem I am facing at the start of next month. At the start of Month September the first number will be
010909+01 = 1090901

Now when I try to generat next number the highest number is shown as 31080901 :
Obviously because 31080901 > 1090901
But i want that the next number should be
010909+02 = 1090902
Should I change the Date format as MMddYY so that it will display the highest number with reference to highest month.

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Search Excel And Return A Count Number?

Jun 3, 2009

I can open and read and write to excel, but I need some help on how to search through column A to find a particular text such as B22-11, once found then I need to get the row number (count).

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Use The Indexof Method To Search For An Index A Number?

May 1, 2011

How do I use the Indexof Method to search for an Index a number? The number will be different on each line of the file. Each array has a name and a different zip code. I want to tell it to search for the first number in the line. Everything before that index will be first name, last name, and then zip code.


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Add User Input Number To Database Number?

Sep 5, 2010

I have an existing database that I want to add a number to that the user inputs. So lets say that in the database there is 4 carrots, and the user on the addinventoryform inputs 3 carrots and pushes a button. Now I want that number to be added to the database number so in the database there would now be seven carrots. I am using an oledb connection and cannot figure this out.

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Filter/search A Numeric Number From Your Form Feilds?

May 10, 2012

how do you filter/search a numeric number from your form feilds in i have filtered a feild with textbox containing names(first name) but this time i would like to search/find what is containing in a numeric textfiled which is phone number textfield.A phone number is numeric and it might contain both characters and numbers. for example, one can write +44 7961400000. In textfield for fname, i have the following:

Me.EmployeesBindingSource.Filter = ("Fname Like'%" & TextBox3.Text & "%'")

how could i do that in phone number textfield.

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2010 DataView.Find() Query - Search On A Index / Row Number

Nov 15, 2011

I am trying to do a search on a index/row number taken from a dataview i.e. I enter 379437 in the input box which I know has a index/row number of 6. Now when I replace the Rows(index) with a Rows(6) I get the results that I want. When I run the code below the index comes out as 75 which displays the first row from the dataset which is a completely different set of results.


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VS 2010 Search Through Richtextbox1.text For Emails Out Of Random Jumple Of Text

Dec 16, 2011

I need to search through richtextbox1.text for emails out of a random jumple of text and source code and put the emails in richtextbox2.text.

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Listbox Text Search By Button Who Navigate With Textbox Text

Aug 10, 2009

listbox text search by button who navigate with textbox text..My list box contain Images , when i click listbox item then its show picture in right side

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Search Text File And Display Result In Text Box

Nov 27, 2011

I am trying to set a program that save information to a file(store number, state and name. Then once user put store number and click display it shows the founded result in each box. like state in statebox and name in name box. This is my code so far

for the display button

Private Sub displayButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles displayButton.Click
Dim file As String = ""


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VS 2010 Search For Specific Text In Text Document

Jul 6, 2009

What I am doing is creating a simple login and register system. I am going to save the information of each user into a text or ".dat" format and have them placed into a folder called "accounts".The small problem that I have is the "Forgot Password" option. I can't think of how to search all the documents for the e-mail or the username.So basically I need to know if it is possible to do a small search for the e-mail through all the documents in the "accounts" folder.

-I know another option may be databases...but I don't completely know how to use these.
-I have general knowledge of arrays

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