Searching Through Listbox With Multiple Criteria

Apr 14, 2009

I have a code to search through a listbox with mutiple search criteria. Here is the code:[code]When I search for something, how do I make sure I do not obtain 2 of the same results, If both criteria are found, or if all three are found?

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Search Using Multiple Criteria?

May 27, 2011

I am doing a simple database project.I need to give the input in the database which is an access db from my input form and i have managed to do this part right.then i need to retrieve the details from the db using multiple search fields and show them in the datagrid view.I have 8 search fields(5 textboxes and 3 combo boxes). I also have included 4 other buttons which respectively clears the search boxes;clear the results of the gridview; show all results from the database;go to the input form and offcourse 1 search all the buttons working fine except the search button. actually when i click on the search button if i include sql query for all the search fields only the first one works and also if i have clicked any other buttons before clicking the search button nothing happens, no result is shown and it happens the same if i search once and clicked any other buttons and come back to search, no result. I need to show the results in the gridview depending on the user input on those search criterias. user should be able to search in any combinations.I am using the below codings in my search form. the combo boxes are not bound.datagrid is bound to database though.

Public Class Paxsearchfrm
Private Sub Paxsearchfrm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'LAFDataSet.Table1' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
End Sub


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How To Filter List Of(t) By Multiple Criteria

May 14, 2012

I am trying to filter a list of (t) by multiple criteria. here is what i have:


I now want to filter this list by myObject's various properties. Heres the problem:

1. A user should be able to either filter on one specific custName or remove the filter for this property AND

2. A user should be able to either filter on one specific notificationDate or remove the filter for this propertyl AND

3. A user should be able to either filter on one specific materialType or remove the filter for this property

I know I can just write a lot of if..then but i'm looking for a more elegant solution.

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Filtering A Collection With Linq And Multiple Criteria?

Jun 7, 2012

On my view there is a datatable holding a collection of ServerRow and 4 textboxes (Hostname, OS, Location, Zone). When the user types into any of the 4 boxes I want to immediately filter this list. I have this code setup and ready to go that on the set method of each textbox property I call the filter method.

Now onto the problem: if I have 4 criteria that means I have 2 to the power of 4 different scenarios. What I would like to do is write a linq statement with all of these scenarios dealt with such that if any of the properties are NullOrEmpty they will not be used in the Where clause and on the flip side if there is a value the corresponding field will be searched with a Contains.


AvailableCis = New ObservableCollection(Of ServerRow)
(_CiData.Where(Function(ci) ci.OS.ToUpper
.Equals(_selectedOS.ToUpper) AndAlso
.OrderBy(Function(a) a.CiName))

This example shows how it works with 2 criteria and both of those criteria are set.

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Lambda Expressions With Multiple Search Criteria?

May 21, 2012

Currently I am searching through my list to find Customers that match on Address.
I need to match on both address and city. How do I rewrite my lambda Expression to match both criteria?

CustomerList.FindAll(Function(c) c.Address = addressToMatch)

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Multiple Search Criteria In An Access Form

Mar 21, 2012

[code]the main piece deals with the binding source filter. I've tried or/and. i tried to include that both codes in the string. i don't know what to do again i know you would recommend SQL but i don't know how to use that yet, so could you please recommend some bindingsourcefilter code to assist please. Its for a School project the search window looks like the attached picture

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VS 2005 Replace Function With Multiple Criteria?

Jun 28, 2010

how can i get the illegal character in a string

for example
dim Strto_check as string = "1+2-2"
dim Listof_Illegalstrings = "~!@#$%^&*()_-+=-?/.,><|" ""

now i want a function to find out which is the invalid character available in the strto_check variable and then replace it with a standard place holder

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Remove Multiple Lines From A Textbox If Meets Certain Criteria

Mar 25, 2012

I am working on a utility to reformat a text file. Working on language to remove duplicate record entries. However there are desirable ("keeper") duplicates and then those I want to remove. I handled the problem by temporarily assigning a unique number to each @D line, then stripping them off after I've removed duplicates. So far so good, except in removing unwanted duplicates I have an extra of the "keeper" duplicates left that doesn't get removed. See below. I am wondering if there is a way to search for a line in a textbox starting with a certain character, but is also proceeded by 2 blank lines and followed by 1 blank line. CODE IM USING TO REMOVE DUPS yet keep formatting with blank line separators, etc.:


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Searching Multiple Files In Multiple Sub-folders

Mar 30, 2010

I'm developing an application to help law enforcement retrieve and analyze logs and other files left by the use of Pidgin (a multi-protocol messenger client). Right now I'm nearly done, but I want to add the ability to search chat logs for user-defined words or phrases and I don't even know where to begin.

Chat logs are stored as html documents in a folder/sub-folder/sub-folder/sub-folder fashion, where each sub-folder can have dozens of sub-folders inside of it, and the final sub-folder can have dozens if not hundreds of chat logs. If anybody could point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful.

(Also, this is the first program I've written since about 2005, and I'm essentially teaching myself VB as I go. If you'd like to see what I've cobbled together so far, you can find the program here.)

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Quickbooks/QBFC 8.0 - Multiple Criteria Of An Identical Request Filter Type?

Aug 18, 2009

I would like to query an Employee by matching First and Last name. Ideally, I'd like to be able to specify that in one EmployeeQueryRq QBFC object.

I think I have a start:

Dim EmployeeQueryRq As IEmployeeQuery
EmployeeQueryRq = requestMsgSet.AppendEmployeeQueryRq()

Is there any way I can add an additional NameFilter to the same request? Or am I stuck walking a response list for the other criteria (albeit a smaller one limited to containing at least one value)?

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VS 2010 Scrape Multiple Words That Meet A Criteria Form A Webpage.

Apr 22, 2011

Ok so basically heres what i need to do: Extract text from the webpage that meets a certain criteria. There will be a ton of these on 1 page and i would like to add them to a rich textbox on sperate lines.

I know that it needs to be in a loop and its needs to Parse the wepage(Dim web1 As String = Me.WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerText)

The criteria is: Starts with 1 to 4(random) integers, Followed by "my" then 13(random) numbers and letters. Or if it starts with "167my" + 6(random) number and letters.

Edit: Also im going to try to make it loop through a list of webpages to do this.

View 5 Replies - Select Distinct Rows From A Datatable With Criteria Involving Multiple Columns Using LINQ

Mar 9, 2012

I have a datatable as shown in the figure. Let me explain my required based on this image. I have 7 rows of data. The rows 1 and 2 contains columns till UnitSqcNo same. I want only row 3 among the two. In general I want select all the rows with distinct model, unittype, unit and rest with greater CompId. ie the table should look like

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Listbox Searching Example?

Feb 17, 2009

Some tips and exsample for searching in listbox.

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Go To The Specified Listbox Item Via Searching?

Nov 15, 2011

if it is possible for me to go to the specified listbox item via searching. Example;

Listbox1 items are

When I key in the word Apple in a textbox, the SelectedItem would go to Apple,

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Searching If ListBox Contain At Least Two Same Values

Feb 25, 2009

I have a listbox, and its like this:
And a button, which I want to search if the listbox has atleast 2 same value's [13 , 13], and delete it. So It will be:

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Using Listbox Items For Searching?

Sep 19, 2010

i want to select all items from listbox1 and then use that items for searching.if it finds the items, it will be displayed on listbox2 and if not, it will be displayed on listbox3.give a simple code for this? i am thinking of making listbox1 items into string so that it would be more easy for searching.

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VS 2010 Searching A Listbox?

Jan 17, 2012

I have a listbox with multiple items:

The Sopranos (Season 5) Boxset (DVD)
Braveheart (DVD)
MTV The City - Complete Second Season 2 (DVD)

I have a TextBox where a user enters a search:

The Sopranos Season 5 Since ListBox.FindString() wants a String and not a RegEx, I can't use a Regular Expression. (right?) So, if TextBox.Text = "The Sopranos Season 5", then ListBox.FindString(TextBox.Text) will not find my entry with "The Sopranos (Season 5) Boxset (DVD)".

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Searching Exact String In Listbox?

Jul 6, 2010

Right now im using

If ListBox1.FindStringExact(TextBox2.Text) = "0" Then
Label2.Text = "yes"
GoTo procheck


and it searches the first item in the listbox correctly but nothing else. Im assuming im going to need to loop through the listbox somehow?

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VS 2008 Searching In Listbox Item

Sep 13, 2010

i have this code [code]i want it to return me only 1 value which is the exact text as textbox1.text.

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VS 2008 Searching In Listbox Item?

May 15, 2010

i have this code

For Each sWord As String In listbox1.Items
If textbox1.text.Contains(sWord) Then

but the problem is if the textbox1.text value is ( new text ) and the list box have like 3 items

new text

it will return me 3 values i want it to return me only 1 value which is the exact text as textbox1.text ( new text )

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VS 2010 - Searching ListBox Using TextBox?

Apr 1, 2011

I know the sort of a thread is already here, but I have a different question. I have ListBox1 and TextBox1 and the Items of ListBox1 are:California

Chicago Washington and as I start typing the text into the TextBox1 (TextBox1_TextChanged), then it will select the first Item in ListBox1,that is closest to the text in TextBox1:

For example:

If I type "A" to the TextBox1, it will select California (California)
If I type "C" to the TextBox1, it will select again California (California)
If I type "CH" to the TextBox1, it will select the Chicago (Chicago)
AND!!! If I type "SH" to the TextBox1, it will select the Washington (Washington)

so it won't only search the first letters, but it will even search the letters in the middle of the text, too.

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SQL Searching Multiple Tables?

Aug 23, 2009

Im making an advanced search for a application I need to have an SQL statement that includes all the tables in my db, looks at Cell values and then output to a DGV. This is what Ive tried but it aint working,"SELECT * FROM cases, opencases, staff WHERE Crime='" & txtsearch.text & "'" I need to output the results from all tables into one then insert the table into a DGV. Also need it to search all Columns not just Crime.

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Disable Dynamic Searching When Typing In A Listbox?

Apr 9, 2010

Disable dynamic searching when typing in a listbox?

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Searching TXT File And Getting Data When Clicking In ListBox

Nov 24, 2009

I will include a link to a copy of my source Code. The Problem is that I have to create a user management system. I have almost all my features working but there are one or two I can't get working. When the program loads a text file is read and the program lists the first name of everyone in the text file into a list box. I want to be able to get so that when you click a name in the list box, the persons information will be displayed in the text boxes to the left. And also when you edit those text boxes you can click the button for modify current and it will modify that persons data. The other problem I'm having is being able to search that text file for the users e-mail and return the first names of people who have that e-mail into the listbox.
Link to Source Project: [URL]

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Searching Upper And Lower Case In Listbox?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a code to search for specified text in all listbox items. Here it is:

For Each item In ListBox1.Items
If item.ToString.Contains(TextBoxDropDown1.Text) Then


This works fine. But if I have search for this:

"My Search"

I wont find this:

My sEarCh"

Is there any way to search for text of any casing, and if so how can I adapt my code to do this.

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Code Searching - No Control Over Multiple Uses

Mar 25, 2009

Though I know your site ask for some effort on my part im not exactly sure where to start.. I know how to code some decent things and such but recently I wanted to make a serial code system.. What Im looking for is to have a list of Serials on my website (possibly through MySQL? Or something simpler Not sure on this either) I know about the obvious

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If TextBox1.Text = "BLAH123" Then
MsgBox("Valid Registration key. Thank you")


But I do not like this system as I have no control over multiple uses. I want to pull the keys from my website (hell through a notepad if its easier) therefore allowing me to delete and add serial keys as needed..

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Searching For Multiple Values Using VBA In Excel?

May 4, 2012

I do not know if it is possible to implement this problem in VBA or it must be done with VB. Net using Visual Studio.

Problem: Excel has its search function and it is a pain if there many value available or you must find a value that far away from column A.

I would like to have something like this

In which I can specify what columns I want to display by their header name. Rearrange the column in the way I would like to, and ability to copy and paste. Like datagrid in Visual basic?

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Searching A Set Of Data With Multiple Terms Using Linq?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm in the process of moving from ADO.NET to Linq. The application is a directory search program to look people up. The users are allowed to type the search criteria into a single textbox. They can separate each term with a space, or wrap a phrase in quotes such as "park place" to indicate that it is one term.

Behind the scenes the data comes from a XML file that has about 90,000 records in it and is about 65 megs. I load the data into a DataTable and then use the .Select method with a SQL query to perform the searches. The query I pass is built from the search terms the user passed. I split the string from the textbox into an array using a regular expression that will split everything into a separate element that has a space in it. However if there are quotes around a phrase, that becomes it's own element in the array. I then end up with a single dimension array with x number of elements, which I iterate over to build a long query.

I then build the search expression below:

query = query & _
"((userid LIKE '" & tempstr & "%') OR " & _
"(nickname LIKE '" & tempstr & "%') OR " & _


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Forms :: Select Multiple Value In Listbox A And Copy To Listbox B?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a question here.. pls kindly advise.I need to design a simple form that allow user to choose the value from Listbox A to Listbox B. For example, in Listbox A, have value A, value B and value C, then user can choose (or highlight value B and value C) and copy into the listbox B.

May i know how can i do this in Any reference link?

View 2 Replies - Multiple Values From ListBox?

Jun 9, 2011

I am using with I have created 2 listboxes; lstselect and lstroles. List boxes lstselect contains all of the available roles that can be added into lstroles. How do I take the roles that have been added into lstroles and make them into a parameter to pulled into my database when the stored procedure runs?

Here is the code for how my list boxes share the roles:

Protected Sub btnRight_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRight.Click
If lstselect.SelectedIndex <> -1 Then


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