Send Serialized Object Over TCP Stream?

Jun 7, 2010

How can I send and recieve serialized objects over a TCP connection with size and data type values in the header (within array(0) and array(1) values)?

I know how to serialize and send the object using


But on the receiving end I dont know the size of the obejct sent therefore I dont know when to stop reading the data stream. I also dont know how to take the recieved data and put it into an array of bytes().

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Send A XML Serialized Class Over A Network Stream?

Oct 13, 2009

I'm trying to send a XML serialized class over a network stream

the send is working

Dim IP As Net.IPAddress = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(IPAddress)
Dim IPE As New Net.IPEndPoint(IP, 10003)
Dim TCPClient As New Net.Sockets.TcpClient


I always get an error {"Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."} The XMLFile has the xml document in it most of the time and I can go on and everything works but 1 out of every 5 times it doesn't work at all and the XMLFile contains nothing ..

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VS 2010 Encrypting A Serialized Object Or Stream?

Mar 7, 2011

Basically, I need to transmit data across a network from point A to point B using a Binary Serialization System. I'm doing this to make sure that the system can't have outside listeners read the data being sent easily and to keep results secure and confidential.What is an easy way that I can encrypt, say, a generic object? Would it be easiest to serialize it to file, read the bytes in, encrypt the bytes, then store the bytes in a serialized structure and send that across the stream and reverse the process?

Private Function EncryptClass(ByVal obj As Object) As Byte()
Dim key() As Byte = {52, 15, 85, 150,
45, 12, 78, 120,


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Send An Object Over A Network Stream

Oct 18, 2010

So i'm still goofing around with this chat app thing. Current when a user sends a message it sends to all clients connected. The server stores all clients and their IPs in a hash table, so what i want to do is each time a client joins, the server will broadcast the updated hashtable to each client. I know i can make a mess and get the server to broadcast each row of the hash table as a string but i think this way would be cleaner, either that or send the client object instead of the whole hash table.


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Send And Receive Serialized Objects Over A TCP Connection

Jun 7, 2010

How can I send and recieve serialized objects over a TCP connection with size and data type values in the header (within array(0) and array(1) values)?I know how to serialize and send the object using BinaryFormatter.Serialize.I dont know how to take the recieved data and put it into an array of bytes().Also - on the receiving end I dont know the size of the object sent therefore I dont know when to stop reading the data stream so I cant use: Dim Obj As ClassName = DirectCast(BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(Stream), ClassName).

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VS 2010 : Writing Serialized Object To File?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a class like this:

<Serializable()> Public Class GOODownloadFile
Private aID As String
Private aDownloadLink As String


Now when I create an object like this

Dim f As New GOODownloadFile("http:\download.com1.exe", "c:Down", "c:Down")

All the values given are correctly saved in the file 1.txt But when I change the download file info afterwatds, like this:

Dim f As New GOODownloadFile("http:\download.com1.exe", "c:Down", "c:Down")


the new value (123456) is not saved. Hence, only the values provided BEFORE the AddDownload are saved, the rest aren't.
I've check my code 100times, and I'm sure everything is fine. I think it may be because of the send-by-value. When I change the values afterwards, the orginal object isn't used.

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.net - Do Classes Serialized As Object Lose Their Type Information

Apr 2, 2012

I have a serializable Message class that has a Data As Object property that I'm using as a generic holder for information to be sent via a system that uses a combination of push technology and/or IPC to communicate with any other programs that are interested in the information. This allows the communication piece to be agnostic of the information it transmits.

I was serializing this Data As Object as a Byte[], since I was worried about how an Object being serialized and transmitted across the network would behave on the other side. However, when deserializing I get errors about being unable to find the assembly for the types stored within my Data As Object property, because I'm deserializing in the assembly that contains the Message class... not the assembly that contains the type that Data As Object originally was.I was wondering if I'd lose the type information and be unable to cast it back to the type I want at the other end. Perhaps it's not possible to pass a type as an Object via another assembly without it knowing about my type?

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How To Send Single Or Stream Of Bytes To USB

Oct 12, 2010

I would like to use the USB port power as source and use the an amplifier on D+/D- Twisted Pair signal wires as my command line. I saw a thread suggesting to use the output as PWM. How can I send a single byte or stream of bytes to the port. Is it possible to read status of the D+/D- if they are shorted together?

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Send Data Twice Over TCP Stream For It To Be Recognized?

May 17, 2009

I am sending data over a tcp connection but I need send it in pairs for it to be sent i.e. 1st Send (doesnt work), 2nd Send (works), third Send (doesnt work), fourth Send (works)

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Can Keep Stream Open And Send Images And Strings

Dec 27, 2009

I noticed when I send bitmap over a stream I have to close the stream where I sent it from in order to get it on the other end. Is there any way I can keep the stream open and send images and strings, or any other way of doing that? [code] 'I have to close the stream or it wont work, but I need to keep it open to send more images!

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Network Stream - Send / Receive Text

Sep 17, 2010

I've solved part of the problem, but something I've just realised is the information just isn't getting through and EVERY example I find uses a Console type application and what about us people who don't wanna develop a Console application? I don't but nooooo they don't seem to understand that at MS and put one example which uses exactly that.


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Send A Live Stream Of A Computers Screen To Another Computer Via For Example TCP

Jun 8, 2011

I'm thinking about how I'm going to connect a computer to a projector and I came to think if it is possible to send a live stream of a computers screen to another computer via for example TCP or some other protocol. It must be possible since for example TeamViewer and other long-distance IT-support applications can do this. The thing is that I dont have a clue about where to start. And is it difficult to output the stream once it's recieved?


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C# - Read From A Url Into A System.IO.Stream Object?

Aug 3, 2009

I am attempting to read from a url into a System.IO.Stream object. I tried to use

Dim stream as Stream = New FileStream(msgURL, FileMode.Open)

but I get an error that URI formats are not supported with FileStream objects. Is there some method I can use that inherits from System.IO.Stream that is able to read from a URL?

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Test If Stream Object Is Open?

Jun 30, 2009

Is there a way to test if a streamreader or streamwrite is open? My application is something like this[code]...

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Javascript - Response Object Not Returning Excel Stream In Update Panel?

Oct 11, 2010

I am generating an Excel file upon a click of a button in an update panel. It is throwing a parsing error.If I keep the button outside the update panel it is working fine. Why isn't it working in the update Panel?

Response.ContentType = "application/"
String.Format("attachment;filename={0}", filename))[code].....

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Change Byte() To Structs For Readability And Convert Struct To Byte Stream For Socket Send()

Dec 8, 2009

I just converted the following code from c# to It is functional and works correctly with my company's firmware/devices. My next challenge. Previous serialport code used much more readable structs which where then converted (after building a packet) into byte() automatically as part of the serialport encoding. (this is my understanding)How could I

1. morph byte arrays 'ToSocket' and 'ToMTP' below into structs and

2. convert into byte array for Socket.BeginSend(byte(),.....) to stream out to remote devices?

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Net.Sockets


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Stream Read Return Length 0 While Stream Is Open And Has Valid Data In It?

May 25, 2012

in an winForm app in VS2010 win 7 compiling to x86, I try to do what Alvas.Audio seems to work. See (c# ex: [URL] for reference.

Dim data() As Byte = wr.ReadData(second * i, second)

The result give me data.length()=0. I do not have any exception, I can read format from it and whatever reader I use I got this problem.EDIT : After some tests, it seems like the uncompressed file I create in the first step (in PCM format, with .wav extension) can not be recognized by the library for the second step. I must miss something around Audio file markups or something alike.

Here is the code that might be the source (basically this is step 1):

Dim functOut As String = String.Empty
Dim wr As Alvas.Audio.IAudioReader = Nothing
Dim fs As IO.FileStream = Nothing


How can I write the resulted stream to be sure I can read it again later?

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VS 2010 Make Shoutcast Stream Info Like The Stream Name

May 5, 2011

Im making a desktop player for a online web radio, and for the program I wanna make it show all the stream info. Like the stream name, and such. However I dont know how to do this? I looked everywhere

The server url is setup like this "[URL]" And it has all the stream info and that there. So is there a way I can get the info from there onto like say a label? Live updates btw.

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Send Resposne Using Json Object?

Sep 8, 2009

I am working on a project in which a server page is called through XMLHttp and now i want to retrieve response the called page in json object.and i never used json

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'send' A Single String To A Word Object?

Jan 23, 2009

i want to 'send' a single string to a word object .. i need a hard-enter in that string

"Text" & vbCrlf & "Text" .. still gives me Text Text in word .. instead of

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Send Serialize Object From Client To Server?

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to send an Arraylist over to my server to broadcast to all other clients but I am not sure after serializing it, how do I proceed to send across. [code]....

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Serialize - Send Object Over The Internet To Another Client?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm trying to serialize an object so that I can send it over the internet to another client. There is 1 problem however I wrote the code and it threw an exception, I searched google to see what I had done wrong.


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Crypto Stream To Memory Stream?

Nov 22, 2011

I have a problem with the cryptostream, if i write the stream to a memorystream the memory that the stream used is still alocated and i have no way of unalocating it.what am i missingdoing wrong? im using-using on the streams,readers and crypto stuffs so the framework should shut them all down right? i tryed calling .close and .dispose but nothing ,in fact i moved it all over I have provided the sub that im using for the encrytion im in .net 4.5 so there is a lil async stuff but i know thats not the problem coz i moved this code out of my main app(.net 4) for testing to see if i could fix the problem.[code...]

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C# - .NET 3/4 Permits Events To Be Binary De/Serialized?

Feb 25, 2010

In .NET (at least <=2) there's a problem serializing objects that raise events when those events are handled by a non-serializable object (like a Windows Form).Because of the way VB.NET implements events, when you serialize an object, its events get serialized too (because events are actually implemented using hidden multicast delegate fields). A side effect of this is that any object which handles events raised by the object being serialized will be considered part of the object graph and will be serialized too.

Some workarounds could be found, implementing custom serialization or using delegates instead of events:[URL]..

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Can Objects With Null Values Be Serialized

Dec 27, 2011

I have used XML serialization to persist objects in my application but I am now interested in using null- able Data types for properties. Will I still be able to serialize?

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Creating Serialized Picture Boxes

Dec 27, 2010

I'm building a simple game which involves many pictureboxes with which the player may collide. For instance, I'd have a hundred bricks spread throughout the level. In an old version of pacman I built in VB6 (and upgraded to .net), I implemented this like so: [Code]

As I understood, the brick(I) array exists thanks to the naming of the bricks, which ranges from _brick_0 to _brick_217 (as nowhere in the project a brick array is declared implicitly, at least not that I could find). I'd like to do the same in my current project, but even when I duplicate an existing brick it automatically renames it to "PictureBox123" instead of _ExistingName_NextID.

I saw a method of declaring a picturebox array and adding the bricks one by one, but since I have so many pictures this would best be avoided (especially due to the fact that not all pictures are bricks, so I cant just loop through every picture in the form). In short, my question is: How do I duplicate pictureboxes so that they'd be serialized in a way would interpret as a picturebox array? As you can see, i'm a really newbie to and wf in general, just started studying wf a couple days ago for my B.Sc and even that was accomplished with c#.

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Encrypting Serialized Data Files?

Feb 26, 2009

i would like to encrypt my data files, which are serialized object files. is there a simple way to do this that will work trouble free on both windows xp and vista?

my environment: windows xp pro (sp3), visual studio 2008 pro, (sp1, sdk 1.1)

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Format Property Serialized Using Xml.serialization?

Sep 26, 2011

I have created a class from an xml schema (that I do not own and cannot change) using xsd.exe. Using this class, I am deserializing to bring the data in to an object collection to consume. There are times when I want to take objects in memory and pass them to the class created by xsd.exe using a constructor I built to generate a serialiable object collection.

I cannot figure out how to format some objects correctly Example: In the xml file, there are certain simple types that are floats that come in with 6 digits of precision. When I write them out, they have 7 digits of precision. Anorther example is integers with leading zeros in the xml file. They come in as 4 digits regardless of leading zeros, but I can't find a suitable way using serialization to output them (other than to change the property to a string datatype.[code]...

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Get Away With Packing Data Into Serialized Objects?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a thought about using a Serializable Collection containing both data objects and also sub-collections as a low-grade database, meaning it's going to store data objects that are expected to be added to regularly and deleted from occasionally.

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Removing XML Namespaces From XML Serialized Output

Feb 17, 2010

I am generating this XML using the serializer in as shown below

Dim string_writer As New StringWriter()
Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(MyClass))
serializer.Serialize(string_writer, addr)
txttest.Text = string_writer.ToString()

though it is returning XML, I see xmlns=" in all the elements, is there anyway I hide this one.

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