Send A Value (parameter) Of My Application To A Dll?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a solution, which has two projects.Project A generates an executable. Project B generates a dll,which is used by the executable. This project I downloaded from CodeProject site, and it worked very well.[code]...

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Send A Parameter To A Console Application?

Jan 26, 2009

I created a Console Application, with a Sub Main(Byval str As String), and when I run the debugger I get the following error:Error1No accessible 'Main' method with an appropriate signature was found in ...

Also I'd like the solution to my problem to apply not only to the debugger, but also to the .exe file that will eventually be created.Also, I found the following code on the internet, but I don't understand how to send the parameter in still.

Public Sub Main()
MsgBox Command$,vbOk, "Command Line params"
End Sub

Do I have to open cmd.exe, type: programname.exe -parameter 'Or something of that sort?

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.net - A Parameter Is Missing [ Parameter Ordinal = 1 ] Error In Pocket PC Application

Apr 21, 2011

Following code doesnt work and raise error "A parameter is missing. [ Parameter ordinal = 1 ]".What s wrong with it?I am developing pocket pc application in vs 2008 and sqlce 3.5 sp1.


View 1 Replies - Send Parameter To Addhandler?

Jun 2, 2009

I have a button in a grid that I created programmatically. The button edits some data in a table using data in a hidden column of the grid that the button is in. Normally I send a hidden field the row data using javascript onclientclick of the button then make the changes to the database using that hidden field. But there must be a way to send the addhandler of the button a parameter. This is the code i have to clarify....

Dim btnedit As New ImageButton
AddHandler btnedit.Click, AddressOf btnedit_Click
btnedit.ImageUrl = "imagesttnEditMini.gif"


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Send LINQ Filter As Parameter?

Oct 4, 2010

Imagind I have the following in VB:

function doSomething()
From ou In ctxt.Users.Where(Function(p) p.UserName = username)
end function

how can I send the filter as parameter (something like below)?

function doSomething(filter as whatTypeHereAndHowToInstantiateInCallingFunction)
From ou In ctxt.Users.Where(filter)
end function

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Send Parameter Value When Run Program From Shortcut?

Nov 1, 2011

i write a exe file in

There is a string variable "filepath" in this program and i want to send parameter value When i run this program from shortcut

exam windows run c:\program.exe -parametervalue

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Error In Send Parameter To Crystal Report

Jan 13, 2009

i make a program with vb.net2005 and database sql express 2005 i would like to press a print buuton to send a parameter in an inputbox to put value in it here is my code:

dim mm1 as string
mm1=inputbox("enter number")
dim cm as sqlclient.sqlcommand
cm=new sqlclient.sqlcommand


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Launch A Program And Send A Parameter From Within Visual Basic?

Feb 18, 2011

I want to use firefox as a default browser for a webbrowser control in a form in Visual Basic Express. How do I do this? How do I launch firefox or an external .exe program from within my application and send a page for it to open or load automatically?

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Creating Stored Procedure To Send Parameter And Receive A Value Back

Sep 25, 2011

I have been having a wonderful Sunday trying to figure out Stored Procedures, created via and input into Sql Server 2008.

I've created a Stored Procedure... That I pass an Integer in a parameter, I want to get back a String.

Here's the Stored Procedure Code:



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VS 2008 Make One Application Send A Task To Another Application / Receive Result From That Secondary App?

Apr 26, 2010

is it possible to make one application send a task to another application and recieve the result from that secondary app?i made a text editor program and i added a scan feature and i made another app that has ocr capabilities.The scanner ability is in my text editor program, the ocr program doesnt scan you have to input an image into it and it will give text result a few seconds later.the prob is alot of times the ocr code uses sooo much memory and crashes when its incorporated with my text editor, but individually each application works fine and doesnt take too much memory. Memory wont be even an issue if the ocr program is standalone so that when it is done decoding image the application can be made to exit. now here is the question, how do i make my text editor send the image to the ocr program and how do i make my ocr program send the text back to my text editor? is it possible? i mean the only way i know off is creating temp files in a certain folder and having a timer on each program that keeps waiting for temp files. That just seems like pretty lame coding to me i was wondering if there's a better way?

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Send A Short String From A Visual Basic Application To A Delphi Application?

Apr 5, 2011

I need to send a short string, (less than 30 bytes, but sent every second), from one VB application, to a Delphi application.. is this possible, using CopyDataStruct, WM_COPYDATA and SendMessage functions in Windows?

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Get The Handle Of A Application And Send Commands To That Application?

Jun 7, 2011

I have already asked about the problem in java forum.Now i think the solution is only possible through microsoft products.Problem is i want to get the handle of a application and send commands to that application.Is it possible commands are send to combo box , text area, buttons etc..

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Code A Parameter To My VB Application?

Mar 13, 2010

I want to code a parameter to my vb net application so that it can start minimized like app.exe - minimized or app.exe /minimized how can I define the parameter so that the form does what I want

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Unable To Get C# Output Parameter Value From Vb6 Application?

Mar 5, 2009

We have an c# class, say we have a following method with out parameterpublic class TestCsharpClass{ public Int32 GetNumber(out bool pbNull){ pbnull=true; return 1; }}tlb file for C# project is generated with regasm tool. The above method is called in vb6 application using callbyName Dim number as IntegerDim objTest as TestCsharpClassdim blnNull as Booleannumber = CallByName(objTest,"GetNumber",VbMethod,blnNull) return value 'Number' is fine.But 'blnNull' boolean variable is "False" always.We were unable to get the out parameter value from C# code.Function signatures are defined in the IDL file.Without changing the function signature is it possible to get the resolution/workaround solution for this issue

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Server Error In '/' Application - Value Cannot Be Null / Parameter Name: Type

Aug 8, 2010

I'm using VS2010,, .net framework 4.0, and SQL Server 2008 Express on Windows 7 Pro with all updates installed. I have developed a website that uses memberships, profiles, and roles. I allowed the built in providers to create the aspnetdb.mdf file for me in the App_Data folder. I added a number of my own tables to aspnetdb.mdf so I would have a single database for all my site's data.

I am hosting the site on my own server. It uses Windows 2003 Server, IIS 6, SQL 2008 Express, and all of my software including the OS is up to date with the the latest servicepacks, updates, and all of the .net framework updates including 4.0. There are no updates left to install and I'm sure that my issue isn't due to a missing update or framework version.

I copied the aspnetdb.mdf and .ldf files from my app_code folder to the sql server express folder on my server and attached the database. I do this because I don't want the file to autoattach, because I will likely use a commercial hosting service in the future. I added a sql server user with ownership rights to the DB. strong text

I then modified my connection string in web.config to point to the UNC of my SQL Instance on my server and to authenticate with the sql server username and password that I set up with ownership rights to that database. I updated my membership, role, and profile providers in my web.config file to use the new sql connectionstring and I was sure to include the application="/" setting and to use before each provider.

I can run the site just fine from my development machine. I can log on to it and use all of its features. However, when I publish the site to my server I can access the site, both locally over my intranet and over the internet. I can navigate around on it and it retrieves all of the data from the tables that I added to the database myself, but when I try to log on to it or to create a new account (basically anything that uses memberships, roles, or profiles) the site crashes with the error and all of the data below.

I've checked to verify that the application name in my aspnetdb database is in fact simply "/". I've ensured that I'm running from an application pool that is using the 4.0 framework. Much of the googling and reading that I've done seems to indicate a problem with my providers, but I can't understand why it works perfectly on Casini (or whatever the development server is called) on my local machine but crashes on my web server. In both cases they are connecting to the same database.

I would be so grateful if anyone could tell me what I'm doing wrong here. Following are the full error displayed by my server when the site crashes and also what I feel are the relevant sections of my web.config file.Full content of error message and relevant sections of web.config are below:

Server Error in '/' Application.
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: type


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Send Data From A C++ Application To A VB Application?

Jan 26, 2011

How can I send data from a C++ application to a VB application?Or the other way around, read with VB the data from de C++ application.Is it possible like a setvalue or getvalue command?

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Truncated Output Parameter Returned From Stored Procedure In A Web Application?

Mar 6, 2010

I have a very simple stored procedure built in SQL Server 2008 that looks like this.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_delBannedIP]
-- Set Required Parameters
@RowID int,


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Send SMS From Web Application

Dec 14, 2010

I've to send SMS from My web Application (I'm using ASP.NET VB). My SMS API is on .php site. Here is a Sample.


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Send Sms Through VB6 Application?

Sep 3, 2009

I want 2 send a sms through vb6 application ,i want to know the possible options.

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.net - How To Send SMS Via Windows Application?

May 28, 2009

I want to send SMS by windows application. I ran the code but I got an error. This is

OK AT+CSCA="+9460921985"


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Send An Email From Within A Vb Application?

Feb 1, 2011

how i could send an email from within a vb application?

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Send Email Via Web Application?

Jul 28, 2011

I'm trying to send a simple plain-text email through my web application.[url]...

But, regardless of what email addresses I use, I keep getting the message "unable to connect to the remote server".[code]...

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Send Emails On My Application

Sep 9, 2009

Send Emails On My Application.[code]...

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Send Keys To Another Application?

Aug 2, 2009

I would like to know how to send keys to another application and also, how to get some text from application and then send keys.


somegame.exe ( I type in-game message ?mm ) and my application see that and send keys to somegame.exe ( Missing Player From Middle Lane )..

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Send Keystrokes To A Different Application?

Jul 26, 2009

I am using visual basic code, specifically the sendkeys.send method, to send keystrokes to a different application, in my case Acrobat Reader. Here is my problem. I am sending instructions and text to define a path to a file I want to open in Acrobat Reader. Every keystroke is being sent and interpreted in Reader correctly except the Colon. This is the line of code I am using:Sendkeys.send("C:")

I have tried every variation of this simple line of code I can think of, but the result is the same. Reader for some reason wants to interpret the Colon as Uppercase Q, so what I get is CQ. This of course totally messes up my path to the file I want to open.Sendkeys. sendwait("C:") Behaves the same

I understand there are timing issus with this method so I have added code to my app.config file suggested in this forum for taking care of the timing issue. I have also inserted delays into the execution of the program steps. Nothing I have done solves this problem.I wonder if anyone else has experienced this or a similar problem and if so what was done to correct it.

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Send Sms Message Over Vb Application

May 25, 2012

I am trying to make an application that will send messages to an sms mobile phone (the provider is GiffGaff but i dont sort of know there SMS Server Name). Here is my coding so far....


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Send Sms Message Over Vb Application?

May 5, 2011

I am trying to make an application that will send messages to an sms mobile phone (the provider is GiffGaff but i dont sort of know there SMS Server Name).Here is my coding so far....Imports System.Net.Mail

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Send SMS Via GSM Modem From .net Application?

Jan 6, 2011

I want to send SMS Via GSM Modem from application I write code But it is not working .

Here is Code below :

Public Class Form1
Private SMSEngine As SMSCOMMS
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Starting The Application To Send Sms?

Aug 17, 2009

I have this application to send sms but the reason is that when i start to click on the send button, it does not send. but when I start the application again to send sms by clicking on the send button, it is sending. when i send again using a different number, it cannot send.

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Using SendKeys To Send To Another Application?

May 16, 2011

I cannot find any solutions so far using the MSDN search, so I'll just ask the question here. I am trying to make a "bot" so to speak for a game that I play so that I can automate movements and macros. I've never used Sendkeys method yet until today so I am very unfamiliar except for the articles I have seen on the MSDN.

Basically, the game I play I can manually set macro keys like spacebar to perform task. What I want to do is have my application automate this process on a timed basis. Like, every 2 seconds send the key of spacebar to the other application (MapleStory.exe).


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