Code A Parameter To My VB Application?

Mar 13, 2010

I want to code a parameter to my vb net application so that it can start minimized like app.exe - minimized or app.exe /minimized how can I define the parameter so that the form does what I want

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ToolTips, Parameter Options, And Parameter Groups For New Code?

Dec 10, 2008

One of the things that I think is really cool about VB.NET is how built-in functions and subs have extra help text in their ToolTips like "Expression: String expression to search for replace string." as well as the usual "Replace(...parameters...) as string" text. So are the pop up boxes with things like "CompareMethod.Binary" or "CompareMethod.Text." And finally I like how some functions and subs have different sets of parameters for the same routine. For example, New FileStream() starts with either a path (string) parameter or handle parameter, but none of the 15 sets of parameters contain both path and handle parameters. Is there a way that I can set up the classes and functions I write to use these things or do they only work with built in classes and functions? If there is a way, what are the proper names for them so I can look them up in the VS/VB documentation? I would be happy enough if someone would give me an example of them, but it would be nicer if I could go through the documentation and find out if there are other cool things that are related or near by.

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.net - A Parameter Is Missing [ Parameter Ordinal = 1 ] Error In Pocket PC Application

Apr 21, 2011

Following code doesnt work and raise error "A parameter is missing. [ Parameter ordinal = 1 ]".What s wrong with it?I am developing pocket pc application in vs 2008 and sqlce 3.5 sp1.


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Add Parameter To Insert Command In Code?

Feb 23, 2012

I have two tables and the form contains a text box so I need to add rows of Table 1 to Table 2 and taking the value in the text box for each row is added to Table 2.i have insert syntax but it is need to modification:

INSERT INTO table2(column3,column4)
SELECT column1 + @parameter FROM table1 WHERE column2=true
table1: column1 column2


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Add Parameter To Insert Command In Program Code?

Feb 23, 2012

I have two tables and the form contains a text box so I need to add rows of Table 1 to Table 2 and taking the value in the text box for each row is added to Table 2.[code]...

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Change Stored Procedure Parameter Name During Code Gen?

Apr 13, 2011

I am using LLBLGEN Pro to generate a data layer...some of my stored procs have parameter name as "date" this is cauing a problem when I compile in VS2010...I have to go through the class and change the function parameters "date" to "[date]".

Is there a way to inject these changes in LLBLGEN Pro during code generation?

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Send A Value (parameter) Of My Application To A Dll?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a solution, which has two projects.Project A generates an executable. Project B generates a dll,which is used by the executable. This project I downloaded from CodeProject site, and it worked very well.[code]...

View 5 Replies - Pass Parameter As Text To JavaScript Function From .NET Code-behind

Mar 23, 2010

Basically, I have a gridview that is opened in a new window from the parent window. It has a bunch of records with a view button to view the details of each record (which stays in the same newly opened window). I have a calendar in the parent window that accepts a Date querystring parameter to set the current date on the calendar at page load. I'm just trying to refresh the calendar in the parent window to match the date of the label in the newly opened window.

All the code below is in the newly opened window. The .Net code-behind below refers to when that view button is clicked and everything is populated. At the end, I call the js to refresh the parent window and pass the value of the LabelScheduleDate as the querystring parameter. Now the label comes through as '03/25/2010' in the code-behind, but when I pass it to the js, it comes through as '0.00005970149253731343' in the end querystring. I'm not really sure what is making the value change, and I want to pass it as just text. Do I need to pass it as a string object? I tried but I don't think I was doing it right.

JavaScript Function
function RefreshParent(inputDate) {
window.opener.location = window.opener.location + "?Date=" + inputDate;


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Call A SSRS Report With Parameter From Program Code?

Apr 11, 2012

I have a SSRS report that contains a parameter called @playerID

what coding I need to add so the report can be run using the parameter?[code]...

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Send A Parameter To A Console Application?

Jan 26, 2009

I created a Console Application, with a Sub Main(Byval str As String), and when I run the debugger I get the following error:Error1No accessible 'Main' method with an appropriate signature was found in ...

Also I'd like the solution to my problem to apply not only to the debugger, but also to the .exe file that will eventually be created.Also, I found the following code on the internet, but I don't understand how to send the parameter in still.

Public Sub Main()
MsgBox Command$,vbOk, "Command Line params"
End Sub

Do I have to open cmd.exe, type: programname.exe -parameter 'Or something of that sort?

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Unable To Get C# Output Parameter Value From Vb6 Application?

Mar 5, 2009

We have an c# class, say we have a following method with out parameterpublic class TestCsharpClass{ public Int32 GetNumber(out bool pbNull){ pbnull=true; return 1; }}tlb file for C# project is generated with regasm tool. The above method is called in vb6 application using callbyName Dim number as IntegerDim objTest as TestCsharpClassdim blnNull as Booleannumber = CallByName(objTest,"GetNumber",VbMethod,blnNull) return value 'Number' is fine.But 'blnNull' boolean variable is "False" always.We were unable to get the out parameter value from C# code.Function signatures are defined in the IDL file.Without changing the function signature is it possible to get the resolution/workaround solution for this issue

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Code - Error Which Says Failed To Convert Parameter Value From A String To A Int32

Oct 2, 2009

I have this code but the problem is that I get an error which says "Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Int32." Here is the code that I am using:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
conn.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = C:Documents and Settings1B09158My DocumentsUser.mdb"


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Server Error In '/' Application - Value Cannot Be Null / Parameter Name: Type

Aug 8, 2010

I'm using VS2010,, .net framework 4.0, and SQL Server 2008 Express on Windows 7 Pro with all updates installed. I have developed a website that uses memberships, profiles, and roles. I allowed the built in providers to create the aspnetdb.mdf file for me in the App_Data folder. I added a number of my own tables to aspnetdb.mdf so I would have a single database for all my site's data.

I am hosting the site on my own server. It uses Windows 2003 Server, IIS 6, SQL 2008 Express, and all of my software including the OS is up to date with the the latest servicepacks, updates, and all of the .net framework updates including 4.0. There are no updates left to install and I'm sure that my issue isn't due to a missing update or framework version.

I copied the aspnetdb.mdf and .ldf files from my app_code folder to the sql server express folder on my server and attached the database. I do this because I don't want the file to autoattach, because I will likely use a commercial hosting service in the future. I added a sql server user with ownership rights to the DB. strong text

I then modified my connection string in web.config to point to the UNC of my SQL Instance on my server and to authenticate with the sql server username and password that I set up with ownership rights to that database. I updated my membership, role, and profile providers in my web.config file to use the new sql connectionstring and I was sure to include the application="/" setting and to use before each provider.

I can run the site just fine from my development machine. I can log on to it and use all of its features. However, when I publish the site to my server I can access the site, both locally over my intranet and over the internet. I can navigate around on it and it retrieves all of the data from the tables that I added to the database myself, but when I try to log on to it or to create a new account (basically anything that uses memberships, roles, or profiles) the site crashes with the error and all of the data below.

I've checked to verify that the application name in my aspnetdb database is in fact simply "/". I've ensured that I'm running from an application pool that is using the 4.0 framework. Much of the googling and reading that I've done seems to indicate a problem with my providers, but I can't understand why it works perfectly on Casini (or whatever the development server is called) on my local machine but crashes on my web server. In both cases they are connecting to the same database.

I would be so grateful if anyone could tell me what I'm doing wrong here. Following are the full error displayed by my server when the site crashes and also what I feel are the relevant sections of my web.config file.Full content of error message and relevant sections of web.config are below:

Server Error in '/' Application.
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: type


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Truncated Output Parameter Returned From Stored Procedure In A Web Application?

Mar 6, 2010

I have a very simple stored procedure built in SQL Server 2008 that looks like this.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_delBannedIP]
-- Set Required Parameters
@RowID int,


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Call The Stored Procedure Which Has One Input Parameter And One Output Parameter?

Mar 21, 2009

I'm Trying to Call the Stored Procedure which has one input Parameter and one output parameter . code is below


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VS 2008 Template Function That Can Receive Different Parameter And A Type Parameter

Mar 9, 2011

I want to have a "template" function that can receive different parameter and a type parameter, like:[code]But Vb told me that tupeList is not defined... is there a way I can do that?

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Different Writing Code Application .net 2005 Application For Single User And Multiuser?

Jul 5, 2011

what is the different writing code application vbnet 2005 application for single user and multiuser?

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A Procedure With A Single Parameter But The Input Values For That Parameter Are More Than One?

Oct 26, 2011

Is it possible to make a procedure have a single parameter but the values for that parameter are more than one? I have this procedure:

Public Sub autoComplete(ByVal cboCombo As ComboBox)
With cboCombo
.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Append[code]....

Now I was wondering if there is a way to use it like this:

autoComplete(myCombobox1, myCombobox2, myCombobox3)

Or can I use a procedure like this with 'With...End With'?

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AddressOf With Parameter - Method Which Requires A Parameter To Be Passed In

Mar 1, 2009

I have a method which requires a parameter to be passed in. I would like to use the Addhandler to call the method through a dynamically created button control's click event.

When I include () in the AddressOf, VS complains: 'AddressOf' operand must be the name of a method (without parentheses).

When I exclude the brackets, VS complains: Method '...' does not have a signature compatible with delegate...

My code:


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Specify A Code Module As The "Object Ref" Parameter CallByName?

Apr 23, 2012

I am trying to call a public subroutine from a Windows form based on a string variable containing the name of the subroutine. The subroutine is a procedure in a code module and works fine when called by using the procedure name directly. The function CallByName should work, but I don't know how to specify the module name as the "Object Ref" parameter.

In the code shown, "ReportLibrary" is a module containing the public sub with the name contained in the string strReportProcedure.


What am I missing or is it just not possible to call a routine from a module using CallByName?

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Create Quick Info And/or Parameter Info For Own Code?

Jul 23, 2009

how to create Quick info and/or parameter info for own code?

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Call Function By Exe Application Error "Parameter Count Mismatch"

Jan 18, 2011

I have a DLL , written in VB.Net. This DLL has a below Function: Public Shared Function CreateApplication(ByVal aobj As Object) As Object When i Try to call this function by exe application with below routin i get "Parameters count mismach" Error. Public Function loadDllAndRunMethod(ByVal dllFilePath As String, ByVal className As String, ByVal methodName As String) As Object


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Argument Not Specified For Parameter '<parameter>' Of 'Public Sub New?

Apr 26, 2009

have an idea on what i am doing wrong here:

Compiler Error Message: BC30455: Argument not specified for parameter 'dteRDate' of 'Public Sub New(strOName As String, strOAdd As String, intOPhone As Integer, strVer As String, dteRDate As Date, dteWDate As Date, strONote As String, strOrName As


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Call Storedprocecure With Parameter(0), Parameter(1) Etc?

Jul 16, 2010

I have a vbscript that runs under asp page. I need convert the code to VB.NET

SET objCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objCommand.ActiveConnection = Application(DB)
With objCommand


What is the VB.Net that will do exactly the vbscript does? I like paramer(0) and 1 and 2 etc since I don't need to define the parameter(0) as integer or varchar etc. I remembered I have discuss this before and it is possible to do in VB.NET?

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Make A Code That Sends One Application Or Program In 1 Core And Other Application In Other Core?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm using VB 2008, and I have a dual core computer.Is it possible to make a code that sends one application or program in 1 core, and other application in the other core?

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C# Code Within .NET Application?

Apr 4, 2012

i have one application which is build using VB.NET now i required to add some C# code inside my existing VB.NET application does it possible or not?

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Is There Any Example Code Of MDI Application?

Jan 18, 2011

I try to make MDI application and take following steps;Create Parent form with toolbar buttons and set isMID property to true.Then create a child form when i minimize the child form it minimize to the corner of the parent only X sign is visible can i set the boundries i mean i want that in minimize condition - and X sign is shown.Second can i get the event from the child form control i mean button click event(button on child form) want to add in the parent form.Is there any example code of MDI application?

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Code In .net For Application Development?

Feb 17, 2009

I am new developer and i need code for my tools which i had to develop for my desktop Application like pan add data show attribute table

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Code To Schedule Web Application

Aug 1, 2011

I developed a web application that selects a data source from drop downlist and generates xml's for that datasource when generate button is clicked and send s generated xml's to helath vault when i click send button.I want to schedule this application such that it will run every day at specified time.

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Control Application With Code?

Jan 12, 2011

I want to connect a code , with a different application ( the user denyed from access them untill he enter a password in the window that appear when he click on that applications )

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