Send Control Codes To USB Printer

Oct 4, 2010

I'm not sure if this is the best forum for this question but it seemed like the most applicable. I am using VBA to create a barcode label application that sends a series of ZPL (Zebra programming language) commands to a USB printer.I need this program to be stand alone in the sense that the Excel 2007 workbook that I am embedding the macro in and the printer driver are the only software that will be required to sucessfully run this program on various computers that have Excel 2007 installed. Additionally I need this program to work directly with the USB port and not a serial/ usb converter. Can someone help me, or direct me to help, to perform this kind of operation? I used to be able to read and write to serial/ parallel ports and haven't worked with USB from a programming perspective.

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Send Some Data To Printer Through COM1, Label Printer's Ready Signal Led Will Be ON/OFF But It Does Not Print Anything Or Any Label?

Feb 8, 2007

I have a label printer (Argox 1000-x) and i want to print some datas on it. And this printer is connected to my computer via the COM1 port. I can open/write COM1. And when i send some data to printer through COM1, Label Printer's Ready Signal Led will be ON/OFF. But it does not print anything or any label..

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Send Prn To Printer?

Apr 12, 2012

I've exported a print to a file PRN, I want to divide the file and send it like this to printer part1.prn+part2.prn+part3.prn.

How can I send this files to the printer.

on dos I can do COPY part1.prn+part2.prn+part3.prn LPT1 in

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Send An MS Word Doc To A Printer?

Feb 14, 2007

Isn't there a way to send an MS Word doc to a printer in We generate dozens of Word docs for our clients daily, and would like to create a simple app that will list the files in a selected folder and allow them to highlight as few or as many as they want and send them to their default printer.


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Send HEX To Zebra Printer?

Apr 10, 2012

My printer is a ZEBRA TLP 3742, and dont have memory for graphics, so i've printed the label to a .prn file where I can see commands, and write them in VB commands

The graphic part of the file is in HEX I think, so how can I send it to the printer ? i've tried by "print.Write" but dont work since it wants a String [code]...

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Send RAW-File To Printer?

Jan 11, 2010

there is a possibility to send Files to a printer which is connected to a virtual LPTx, e.g. "copy filename lpt1". Is it possible to make this WITHOUT a LPTx? A solution in vbScript would be great, but VB is also OK.

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Send A Character To A Network Printer?

Oct 14, 2010

I need to create an exe in VS2010 with VB that does the same thing as a simple command line. The reason is related to debugging. I can type ECHO ~ > \WIN7MMF25$ in a command window on a W2K8R2E server and it will send the ~ character to the shared "printer" on the Win7 PC. Actually, the device is a cash drawer connected to LPT1 that pops open when it sees a ~ character.

Anyway, I created a CMD file with that command, saved it, fired it, and the cash drawer on the Win7 PC opens. However, when I try to call that command file from our ERP application, it doesn't work (it does work if the remote PC is XP, though - just not if it is Win7 or Vista).

Anyway, I was hoping if I created a simple EXE and called THAT from the ERP software, perhaps whatever issue is bugging us will not bug us anymore.

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Send Data To Thermal Printer?

Apr 21, 2011

Possible Duplicate: .NET code to send ZPL to Zebra printers

My company has a Eltron 2543 thermal printer. I'm developing an VB.NET application incorporating FedEx web services to print off shipping labels.I can save off the data file without a problem, but I was wondering how I send this data stream to a shared printer on a network. Do I need to include the Eltron 2543 driver in my solution? I've tried haven't work so I guess I'm looking for an expert who has dealt with printers (particularly thermal) to get me moving in the right direction.

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Send PostScript File To Printer?

Oct 7, 2010

I need to be able to send a PostScript file to a printer specified by the user. I am using a print dialog box to get the printer the user selects but now I need a way to send a PostScript file to that printer. I am able to send a PostScript file to a printer right now, but it only sends the file to the printer that was last selected. I am using Ghostview to view the PS file and to print it. This is why the file prints to the last printer selected.

Here is the code I am using to print the file in Ghostview:

If PrintDialog.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim p As New ProcessStartInfo()
p.Arguments = PrintDialog.PrinterSettings.PrinterName


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VS 2005 Send Straight To Printer?

Feb 18, 2010

I was just wondering how the hell you send documents of different type directly to the printer without a preview.

At first I thought this would be easy but so far I have had no joy at all.

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Generate Receipt File And Send To Printer?

Feb 21, 2009

generate receipt file and send to printer.

Here's i want to copy them as same sample receipt

My receipt has a Total Gas official receipt, customer number, station number, purchased, amount and charge

at the bottom of my receipt they have cashier and date..

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Send Some Text From One Textbox Directly To One Printer?

May 18, 2009

I never used the printingdocument class, and i need some info to know if i can do what i'm thinking.I need to send some text from one textbox directly to one printer (i doesn't have to be the default printer), the user just have to push the button in the form, and the text gets printed. I don't need (want), the print preview and the form with the printers list.

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Send XML String To Zebra Printer From Vb2005?

Dec 2, 2010

I have designed a label using "ZebraDesigner_XML_V2.exe" and uploaded it to a Zebra S4M printer.

Then in my application I have built the following XML string.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE labels SYSTEM "label.dtd">
<labels _FORMAT="E:INFORMAT.lbl" _QUANTITY="1" PRINTERNAME="ZDesigner S4M-203dpi


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VS 2008 Send Text File To Printer?

Mar 9, 2010

Here at work we send straightup text documents to a Genicom, continuous feed, dot-matrix printer and we use the following code in Visual Fox Pro:

RUN COPY *.353+*.360+*.362+*.354+*.825+*.MSL+*.XMS+*.PQR+*.PJS+*.AJS lpt2
I'm having trouble how to accomplish the same thing: simply sending the files to the print queue.

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How To Send EPL2 Command From Zebra TLP 2844 Printer Connected By USB

Nov 10, 2009

I have a Zebra TLP 2844 Printer connected by USB to my computer. I want to send EPL Commands from Visual Basic .Net to the printer through the USB Port wich the printer is connected to. USB is a Serial port but IT IS NOT COM PORT. So, I don't want the method of connecting the COM port with VB.Net. I want a USB method or any helpfull idea or code.

I searched the net for many days but no solution was found.

Briefly, I want to print to Zebra TLP 2844 from Vb.Net over USB port.

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Interface And Graphics :: Code For Copying An Image From A Form To Send It To The Printer?

Apr 20, 2009

below is my code for copying an image from a form to send it to the works but it tends to be a little blurry. is there anyway to make it sharper?

Bmp = New Bitmap(Me.ClientSize.Width, Me.ClientSize.Height)
Bmp = New Bitmap(800, 500)
Dim G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Bmp)
G.CopyFromScreen(Me.PointToScreen(Me.ClientRectangle.Location), New Point(0, 0), Me.ClientSize)

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Send Formatted HTML From A Database To A Specific (non-default) Printer With No User Interaction?

Apr 5, 2011

I'm currently pulling HTML data from a database and displaying it in a WebBrowser control in my VB.Net application so that it's correctly rendered. The next step is to print it, but I need to be able to send it to a specific printer rather than the default printer. How can I accomplish this?

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Binary C0 And C1 Control Codes?

Aug 2, 2011

I need to be able to write data to a binary file. No problem - I have a test app I've knocked up that reads and writes to them fine, however the format uses C0 and C1 control codes, and I have no idea how to write them properly. The SOH, ENQ, DLE, NUL type of thing. I'd post some but they are non-printing. I know what they mean and what they do but have no idea how to write them.Basically we are writing our own system that generates test data files for import by another program. My files that I write have the correct number of fields and correct value and formats but because I can't get the tags to write they data is imported incorrectly. I've spent days reading up on it but can't find what I'm looking for.Not dealt with binary data files in VB before so this is all new.

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Printing - Send Formatted HTML From A Database To A Specific (non-default) Printer With No User Interaction In .Net?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm currently pulling HTML data from a database and displaying it in a WebBrowser control in my VB.Net application so that it's correctly rendered. The next step is to print it, but I need to be able to send it to a specific printer rather than the default printer.

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Forms :: Experts Modify UPDATE Codes According To INSERT Codes Style

Dec 25, 2009

Dear Experts modify UPDATE codes according to INSERT codes Style.


I need update codes as there are insert codes

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Display Control In .NET That Can Handle Color Codes?

Jun 12, 2011

It seems the only options available to do multi-color on a string is either a bunch of label controls cleverly grouped together or to use a RichTextBox and play with the font properties as text is added to the control.

What I am looking for instead is some kind of control that can render some style of control codes out as color. Consider bash codes:

echo -e "This text is ${GREEN}green${NORMAL} and this text is ${BLUE}blue${NORMAL}"

In the above, the words 'green' and 'blue' will be colorized with their respective colors. I was wondering if there was a control with some kind of feature like this, or will I have to code something myself?

Note, I only have the Express copy of VB 2010, and I would very much like to avoid third-party controls.

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Send Keys To A Control On My Form - SendKeys.Send NullReferenceException

May 9, 2012

I am trying to send keys to a control on my form. But I am getting a NullReferenceException and I don't know why. The code is about as basic as it gets: [Code] The error reported is object reference not set to an instance of an object but Send is a shared method so doesn't need an instance. Strangely if I ignore the error it works fine and F4 is passed to the control. I know there was an issue with sendkeys and UAC but I thought this had been solved (I am using 4.0 framework).

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Control The Output To Printer?

Mar 18, 2011

I've spent all day and most of yesterday trying to find how to: 1. Detect if my printer is busy, because my code tells the printer to print more pages than it can cope with, so I need to delay the command for 'Print the next page' until the printer has finished printing the previous one.

2. Shift the output to my printer so that it gets printed in it's entirety on the paper, in stead of seemingly being anchored to some nebulous point on the A4 page. It starts printing at X = 29mm from the left edge, and Y is 28mm from the top, and stops at X = 22mm from the right edge and Y stops at 22mm from the bottom edge, leaving (aprox) 50mm of X and 50mm of Y unprinted.

3. Get useful information on Bounds, which I'm fairly certain is what I need to control where my printing should start and finish.I've hunted through this forum, MSDN, 'Help' (a misnomer if ever there was one) the VB Library and searched through one or two other forums, which either baffle me with reams of pretty much irrelevant code or suggest code to try which either just don't work or which don't declare all the variables and usually don't suggest what type of variable I need, it's all very frustrating.


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Printer Control With Program?

Mar 17, 2011

I would like to know if I can alter the printer's print orientation from Landscape to Portrait and vice versa directly at the time of printing.

I can find, and have found: The installed printer's name, it's Landscape angle and I'm sure I could extend that to a whole host of other information.[code]...

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Send A Simple Binary String To A Printer Port Such As "00000011"?

Jul 3, 2009

I need to be able to send a binary string such as 00000011 to a printer port using visual basic.

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Set Printer To Lanscape For WebBrowser Control

Jun 3, 2011

I am printing an HTML file by using the WebBrowser Control, but I want to force it to print landscape. I thought the following might do the trick but it didn't [code]Is there any way of doing this that doesn't resort to SetPrinter APIs?

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Print An Array WebBrowser Each Time To A Different Printer Without Changing The Default Printer

Feb 24, 2009

I want to print an array WebBrowser each time to a different printer without changing the default Printer (not to use the SetDefaultPrinter function) I tried to work with the PrintDocument object(he have the Print function and also i can choose a printer name) but I cant attach the


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Print Word Document In Dot Matrix Printer With Printer Default Font?

Apr 21, 2010

i m using this this coding to copy and print the word document

System.IO.File.Copy(Application.StartupPath &"PrintT.doc", Application.StartupPath & "PrintT1.doc", True)

Dim line1 As String

Dim line2 As String

line1 = "Line1 Replace"

line2 = "Line2 Replace"


now i need to print the Word Document with Printer Default Font(Draft 17.5 CPI) in Dot Matricx Printer

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C# - Printing From WebBrowser Control Prints To Wrong Printer After Setting Default?

Apr 1, 2010

I have a WebBrowser control in a VB.NET WinForms app. I am able to set the default printer from code and print without prompting the user. However, there is also a print button that shows the PrintDialog. If this action is done first the page will print.Then if I try to programmatically print later (again setting the default printer to some other printer) the it will print to the last printer selected in the PrintDialog box even though I am resetting the default and see the default printer being changed in Windows.It works fine unless ShowPrintDialog has a printer chosen first. Once that occurs it seems to always use that printer no matter what I do.

For Each strPrinter In PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters
If strPrinter.Contains("My Printer") Then


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Print Directly To The Printer : Change Printer Font Size?

Jul 2, 2010

For my current application development I need direct printing technique,For the purpose I refer Microsoft Support page Titled"How to send raw data to a printer using VB.Net "The code snippnet specified is perfect for my application.Refers link [URL]But I need something more like Setting the Printer font to Condensed.By default my printer use the font 10cpi ,by using this font size I limited to print only 80char on A4 sheet,but I have more than 80 char on line so I prefer Condensed font size.

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