Control The Output To Printer?

Mar 18, 2011

I've spent all day and most of yesterday trying to find how to: 1. Detect if my printer is busy, because my code tells the printer to print more pages than it can cope with, so I need to delay the command for 'Print the next page' until the printer has finished printing the previous one.

2. Shift the output to my printer so that it gets printed in it's entirety on the paper, in stead of seemingly being anchored to some nebulous point on the A4 page. It starts printing at X = 29mm from the left edge, and Y is 28mm from the top, and stops at X = 22mm from the right edge and Y stops at 22mm from the bottom edge, leaving (aprox) 50mm of X and 50mm of Y unprinted.

3. Get useful information on Bounds, which I'm fairly certain is what I need to control where my printing should start and finish.I've hunted through this forum, MSDN, 'Help' (a misnomer if ever there was one) the VB Library and searched through one or two other forums, which either baffle me with reams of pretty much irrelevant code or suggest code to try which either just don't work or which don't declare all the variables and usually don't suggest what type of variable I need, it's all very frustrating.


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Scaling The Output To Printer?

Mar 6, 2009

I cant find how to scale the output to the printer. Currently the size of Form1 is set to A5 because that about the most the VDU can handle.When I send this to the printer from PrintForm1, naturally it prints at A5, ideally Id like to scale that up to A4 but cant find how to do it. It seems to me also that Id like to know that it was correctly centred to the paper.

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Getting Multi-page Output To Printer?

Aug 3, 2010

I am continuing a previous thread to keep it from becoming tooooooo long. I tried most of the helpful suggestions offered by kind forum contributors but can't seem to make them work. I tried to analyze somewhat but it's beyond my skill level. So a different approach was to try to incorporate the code in the PrintDocument1_PrintPage event of my application that prints acceptably, but only prints first page of multi page document. I had three somewhat different approaches offered by John Anthony Oliver, ACAMAR, and Crazy Pennie. I cut the code and placed in the PrintDocument1_PrintPage event code. All three approaches made the "Printing"message box page counter go wild without outputing to my printer. Family Man Mike suggested resetting the variables after the e.HasMorePages=false line. I tried that approach but couldn't make that work for me, I really don't comprehend but made an attempt such as num_of_pages = 0, startVal = 0, endVal = 0. That had no affect on the functionality.

Public Sub DrawStringRectangleFormat _
(ByVal stringToDraw As String, _
ByVal stringFont As Font, _
ByVal stringFrmt As StringFormat, _


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Output From IHTMLElementRender Different For Printer And Screen?

Jul 12, 2009

I am using IHTMLElementrender.DrawToDC but when sending to a screen DC, the image is cropped by about 10%. The image is large enough and I can draw using VB Line, Print or API etc, to the area that is cropped, so it isn't the DC at fault.On any printer device it works exactly as expected. I believe this is a bug, but where can I go to report it?

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Format Printer Output When I Have Multiple Pages?

Jul 24, 2010

My app outputs to printer and after much effort (and assistance from this forum) I got the print output formated to an acceptable output, except when certain user choices make for a multi-page document. The document prints one page and then cuts off. We formatted the output using a defined rectangle (the code for which I do not fully understand) to format the page. Can experienced users give me some help on getting a multi page output?

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Change The Output File Path Of The Adobe PDF Printer?

Jun 19, 2011

I would like to change the output file path of the Adobe PDF Printer via code. Currently I am setting the destination path using the Adobe PDF preferences which works fine, however if I change the path in my program I have to go back to the Adobe printer and manually set the new path. How can I change the Adobe output file path via code?


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Printer Control With Program?

Mar 17, 2011

I would like to know if I can alter the printer's print orientation from Landscape to Portrait and vice versa directly at the time of printing.

I can find, and have found: The installed printer's name, it's Landscape angle and I'm sure I could extend that to a whole host of other information.[code]...

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Send Control Codes To USB Printer

Oct 4, 2010

I'm not sure if this is the best forum for this question but it seemed like the most applicable. I am using VBA to create a barcode label application that sends a series of ZPL (Zebra programming language) commands to a USB printer.I need this program to be stand alone in the sense that the Excel 2007 workbook that I am embedding the macro in and the printer driver are the only software that will be required to sucessfully run this program on various computers that have Excel 2007 installed. Additionally I need this program to work directly with the USB port and not a serial/ usb converter. Can someone help me, or direct me to help, to perform this kind of operation? I used to be able to read and write to serial/ parallel ports and haven't worked with USB from a programming perspective.

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Set Printer To Lanscape For WebBrowser Control

Jun 3, 2011

I am printing an HTML file by using the WebBrowser Control, but I want to force it to print landscape. I thought the following might do the trick but it didn't [code]Is there any way of doing this that doesn't resort to SetPrinter APIs?

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Print An Array WebBrowser Each Time To A Different Printer Without Changing The Default Printer

Feb 24, 2009

I want to print an array WebBrowser each time to a different printer without changing the default Printer (not to use the SetDefaultPrinter function) I tried to work with the PrintDocument object(he have the Print function and also i can choose a printer name) but I cant attach the


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Print Word Document In Dot Matrix Printer With Printer Default Font?

Apr 21, 2010

i m using this this coding to copy and print the word document

System.IO.File.Copy(Application.StartupPath &"PrintT.doc", Application.StartupPath & "PrintT1.doc", True)

Dim line1 As String

Dim line2 As String

line1 = "Line1 Replace"

line2 = "Line2 Replace"


now i need to print the Word Document with Printer Default Font(Draft 17.5 CPI) in Dot Matricx Printer

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C# - Printing From WebBrowser Control Prints To Wrong Printer After Setting Default?

Apr 1, 2010

I have a WebBrowser control in a VB.NET WinForms app. I am able to set the default printer from code and print without prompting the user. However, there is also a print button that shows the PrintDialog. If this action is done first the page will print.Then if I try to programmatically print later (again setting the default printer to some other printer) the it will print to the last printer selected in the PrintDialog box even though I am resetting the default and see the default printer being changed in Windows.It works fine unless ShowPrintDialog has a printer chosen first. Once that occurs it seems to always use that printer no matter what I do.

For Each strPrinter In PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters
If strPrinter.Contains("My Printer") Then


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Print Directly To The Printer : Change Printer Font Size?

Jul 2, 2010

For my current application development I need direct printing technique,For the purpose I refer Microsoft Support page Titled"How to send raw data to a printer using VB.Net "The code snippnet specified is perfect for my application.Refers link [URL]But I need something more like Setting the Printer font to Condensed.By default my printer use the font 10cpi ,by using this font size I limited to print only 80char on A4 sheet,but I have more than 80 char on line so I prefer Condensed font size.

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VS 2008 : Get Network Computer's Printer List And Printer Info?

Dec 7, 2009

get a list of printer's (name,port,model) from a computer over the network. I know how to list my own, but it's from querying the Win32_printer object on my machine, I need to be able to do something similar on a remote machine.

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Check Printer Status On A Win98 Shared Printer?

Sep 3, 2009

I'm trying to check the printer status of a shared printer on a Win98 platform pc and need some samples to get started.

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Get Printer DEVMODE Or HDC With Correct Printer Settings

Feb 22, 2011

I have printer vendor provided SDK implementing that i can get printer DEVMODE or HDC with correct printer settings.

My questions is:

I am already using printDocument to print the image (System.Drawing.Bitmap). How can send use this HDC or DEVMOD with printDocument.

I already tried using the "PrintDocument.SetDevMode". it seems not be working.

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Printer Stuff - Detect If My Printer Is Busy ?

Mar 18, 2011

1. Detect if my printer is busy, because my code tells the printer to print more pages that it can cope with, so I need to delay the command for 'Print the next page' until the printer has finished printing the previous one.

2. Shift the output to my printer so that it gets printed in it's entirety on the paper, instead of seemingly being anchored to some nebulous point on the A4 page. It starts printing at X = 29mm from the left edge, and Y is 28mm from the top, and stops at X = 22mm from the right edge and Y stops at 22mm from the bottom edge, leaving (aprox) 50mm of X and 50mm of Y unprinted.

3. Get useful information on Bounds, which I'm fairly certain is what I need to control where my printing should start and finish.

I've hunted through this forum, MSDN, 'Help' (a misnomer if ever there was one) the VB Library and one or two other forums, which either baffle me with reams of code or suggest code to try which either just don't work or which doesn't declare all the variables and usually don't suggest what type of variable I need, it's all very frustrating

View 9 Replies

Getting Control Points Of Curve For DXF-output?

Jul 22, 2011

I am looking for a way to be able to export a beizer-curve (a curve like in the example below)from my app to a DXF-file.What I need is a way to calculate the control-points and parameters that DXF-format requires (format as in link below)

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Communications :: Input / Output Control Board?

May 30, 2010

We learned How to assemble an input/output control board that would connect to your serial port. We were able to use out statements (back in the old gwbasic) to send output signals to the parallel port to turn on/off different outputs. The board had connections where you could connect lights, relays, etc, and had connections where you could attach switches and sensors.

I have been looking for something simple that I can manipulate in my programs. I already have an ActiveHome X10 interface which includes an activex for receiving and sending x10 signals (home automation, turning lights on/off, etc.). I want something that I can straight out connect relays to, and sensors as well. I don't want something that connects to the serial port since that is already being used up, the parallel port would work fine, or even better usb.

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Control The Output Font That Is Pasted From The Clipboard?

Aug 15, 2011

Is it possible to control the output font that is pasted from the clipboard?

The text copied into the clipboard is from a string variable and does not have any font information tied to it.

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Control The Volume Level That The Speakers Output?

Feb 5, 2011

how do i control the volume level that the speakers output?

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Create Form With RichText Output Control?

Sep 22, 2011

I'm a really new programmer, teaching myself VB .net

Basically I need user input text from fields in a panel assembled and some parts formatted ( basically italic) and displayed in text box. Really the same as MS Word dose for citation references, then it displays the input correctly.[code]...

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Get The Output Of A CMD Command Attached To A RichTextBox Control

Jan 9, 2010

I am trying to get the output of a CMD command attached to a RichTextBox control. For this sample, I am using the PING command. It works but unfortunately not the way I want it to. Instead of 'appearing' in my RichTextBox line by line, it waits until the entire process is completed and then it attachs it to my RTB.


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MySQL Output Parameter With And SqlDataSource Control?

Jul 19, 2011

I'm in the process of switching my application from MSSQL to MYSQL. When I was using MSSQL, I retrieved the last auto increment value via

Private Sub dsImpoundInformation_Inserted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs) Handles dsImpoundInformation.Inserted
_impoundId = e.Command.Parameters("impoundId").Value
End Sub


ultimately, I'm just trying to get the last auto increment value but there are other sections of my code in other applications that I plan on switching to MYSQL that depend on output parameters. I have't yet explored using stored procedures but at this time I would like to get this to work in a similar fashion to how I had it with MSSQL.

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VS 2008 Using Output Of Calendar Control In SQL Statement?

May 13, 2009

trying to write a simple app that queries an access DB based on date .. the SQL looks like this and works fine with a date hard wired into the select:

SELECT Terminal_ID, SUM(Transaction_Quantity) AS Total
FROM tblTransaction
WHERE (TransactionType_ID = 3) AND (Transaction_DateTime > #1/1/2009#)
GROUP BY Terminal_ID

On the main form I have a monthcalendar control named 'FromDate' and a DataGridView control that shows the SQL results.

How do I get the user's selected date incorporated into the SQL statement that returns the results in the datagrid?

Something like:

WHERE (TransactionType_ID = 3) AND (Transaction_DateTime > Fromdate)

...but obviously there's much more to it.

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.net - Validation Summary Control ASP.NET Program Output Error?

Aug 3, 2011

I am executing this validation summary program in Visual web developer 2008 express edition, found the validation summary property is not visible in output.

<div><asp:ValidationSummary ID="sum1" runat ="server" ShowMessageBox="false" HeaderText="You details cannot be processed due to following errors:" DisplayMode="BulletList" ShowSummary ="true" Font-Names ="arial" Font-Size ="12"></asp:ValidationSummary>
<asp:CompareValidator ID="cmp1" runat ="server" ControlToValidate ="txtname" Display="Dynamic" Operator="DataTypeCheck"


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Interface And Graphics :: Any Way To Pipe Output Of Bat File To Control

Mar 26, 2010

I have a visual basic .NET application that starts up a command prompt window using the following method:[code]The bat file then goes on to start up an application, which has a lot of output to the command prompt.I was wondering if there was any way to pipe the output of the bat file to a visual basic control. I am trying not to modify the bat file, if I can help it.

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Interface And Graphics :: DXF Viewer Control With Measured Output

Dec 16, 2011

I am re-writing my old VB6 DXF viewer control in VB.NET Winforms. Attached is a picture of my testbed app. As we only need it to check parts that have been created to generate gcode for our laser it is limited to Points, Lines, Arcs, And Circles. It has Point, EndPoint, Centers, and Intersections snaps for all entities and combinations of entities. Measured output is displayed as Actual Point to Point plus Horizontal and vertical delta. Zoom Extents, Zoom Window, Pan and Mouse Wheel Zoom are fully functional. The last took a while to develop as I wanted the Zoom to be centered about the cursor position just as it is in Acad.

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Randomize Numerical Range Output To RS-232 With Speed Control

Jan 17, 2012

I have a USB device that is "seen" as a COM Port. It has eight channels, each require a single character to turn ON/OFF. It's a DLP-IO8 for reference.
1-8 turns ON each channel
Q-I turns OFF each channel
Sending a "124" will turn on channels 1, 2 and 4.

I want to randomize ON/OFF with "on-the-fly" speed control.
cmbSPRan.Value is my NumericUpDown starting at 1 and ending with 10
RandomNumber = RandomClass.Next(1, 87654321)
Timer1.Interval = (cmbSPRan.Value) * 250
[Code] .....

I need a loop that I can still use the functions of the form (change speed or Stop loop).a way to utilize Q-I to turn the channels OFF randomly. I've tried Do Until, Do While loops and a few others.

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Read In XML Transform To HTML And Output To WebBrowser Control?

May 17, 2012

I'm probably missing something really simple or trying too much at once but it's 16:30 on a Friday afternoon and my head is wrecked Basically, I'm trying to build an application that takes out put from a database query as XML and uses XSL to transform it into HTML which is then displayed in a web browser controll on another form.

I thought I break it up into pieces so I decided to just create an XML file and an XSL stylesheet and read this into the web browser control but all I'm getting is <HTML></HTML>


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