Send The Arguments To The Exe

Aug 5, 2009

Suppose I have two exes WindowsApplication1.exe WindowsApplication2.exe..On the form load of WindowsApplication2.exe,I m calling WindowsApplication1.exe & sending the command line arguements..I copy the WindowsApplication1.exe into the debug folder of WindowsApplication2.exe.


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Send The Arguments To The Exe?

Aug 5, 2009

Suppose I have two exes WindowsApplication1.exe WindowsApplication2.exe..On the form load of WindowsApplication2.exe,I m calling WindowsApplication1.exe & sending the command line arguements..I copy the WindowsApplication1.exe into the debug folder of WindowsApplication2.exe.WindowsApplication2.exe

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Process.Start(Application.StartupPath & "" & "WindowsApplication1.exe", "one" & "two")
End Sub


On form load of WindowsApplication2.exe,WindowsApplication1.exe is started & arguments are sent.Now I want to check on form load of WindowsApplication2.exe,I do not want to start WindowsApplication1.exe, i just want to send the arguments to the WindowsApplication1.exe. Is is possible? To send the command line arguments to the ruunning exe.

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Send Arguments To Paint_event?

Aug 15, 2010

Trying to figure a way to to send specific arguments to the Paint_event form another class. Its a simple game with enemies running to the middle, the class "Enemies" contains X,Y data along with the current image to draw. Now I want to give these arguments to the paint_event on form1 of Picturebox without having them save to a single data carrier. I remember BackgroundWorker allowed you to give arguments to its Do_work sub and use it with e.arguments, but I doubt I can do that on the paint event.

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VS 2005 Send The Arguments To The Exe?

Aug 5, 2009

Suppose I have two exes WindowsApplication1.exe WindowsApplication2.exe..On the form load of WindowsApplication2.exe,I m calling WindowsApplication1.exe & sending the command line arguements..I copy the WindowsApplication1.exe into the debug folder of WindowsApplication2.exe.


On form load of WindowsApplication2.exe,WindowsApplication1.exe is started & arguments are sent. Now I want to check on form load of WindowsApplication2.exe,I do not want to start WindowsApplication1.exe, i just want to send the arguments to the WindowsApplication1.exe. Is is possible? To send the command line arguments to the ruunning exe.

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VS 2008 SendKeys.Send() Method Does Not Send The Keys Fully Correct All The Time

Nov 9, 2009


Now as you can see it is sending the textbox1 text and then pressing enter then sending textbox2 text! Theres quite a few problems in that but before i discuss note: This code is in a Timer. Problem #1: It does not send the keys fully correct all the time because its trying to send them all at once! So i want it to send them 1 letter after the other with 200 ms sleep in them! Problem #2: The sleep is not working: The reason i know is because even after it did the first textbox1 text it didnt wait that 2000 ms!

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Setup A Form Using VB That Will Take Information And Send It To The Server And Then Send A Recipient An Email?

May 28, 2009

Are there any good books out there that will show someone how to set up a form using Visual basic that will take information and send it to the server and then send a recipient an Email?

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Using Send Keys To Send The Squence Alt W (a Integer Called 'index') Escape

Nov 7, 2010

I am using send keys to send the squence Alt W (a integer called 'index') Escape


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Send Keys To A Control On My Form - SendKeys.Send NullReferenceException

May 9, 2012

I am trying to send keys to a control on my form. But I am getting a NullReferenceException and I don't know why. The code is about as basic as it gets: [Code] The error reported is object reference not set to an instance of an object but Send is a shared method so doesn't need an instance. Strangely if I ignore the error it works fine and F4 is passed to the control. I know there was an issue with sendkeys and UAC but I thought this had been solved (I am using 4.0 framework).

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VS 2008 Send Mouse Click's & Send Key's To Minimized Window?

Apr 9, 2012

I have a filter that is used to populate a grid view and the url will conain: /example/grid?value1=1&value2=2

It will then have a link to page 2, which allows them to edit something.I then want them to click a link that will send them back to the gridview under the same parameters of: /example/grid?value1=1&value2=2

Is this possible? How do I hold on and fill in the URL values so it knows how to refill the grid view accordingly?

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Get An Error On SMTP.Send(MyMailMessage) Saying 'Failed To Send'

Nov 7, 2009

I get an error on SMTP.Send(MyMailMessage) saying 'Failed to send'

Dim MyMailMessage As New MailMessage()
ProgressBar1.Value = 30
MyMailMessage.From = New MailAddress("MyGmailEmail")


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Use The Send Keys Function To Send Text To Another Program?

Apr 29, 2009

I am trying to use the send keys function to send text to another program.I ahve gotten it al working well, except for using () as I know sendkeys doesnt like these.I have tried using the Replace function in several places in my code to replace the ( with {(} and {+0} etc, with various other options tried.But when I run the program, it seems to skip this out completly and leaves them in the string as (, and therefore it errors and wont run.When I step through it, it goes through the function but doesnt alter the strng as it should. This is the code to send the string and my attempt at making it replace the () in the module

Module TextReplacement
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal vKey As Int32) As Short
Dim counter As Integer
Dim sData() As String


The error I get when i try send "Test :)" is: ArgumentExcveption was unhandled "SendKeys string 'Test :)' is not valid"

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Send Only One Line In A Textbox On Each SendKeys.Send?

Aug 27, 2011

I'm making an auto-typer and I need it to only send one line of a multi-lined textbox at a time. It looks like this right now;

If Label1.Text = "1" Then
Timer2.Enabled = False
End If

I want the Textbox2.text to be entered one line at a time and then to sleep for the desired time.

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Send SMS Through Broadband Either Smart Or Globe That Send SMS

Oct 18, 2011

how to code that send SMS through broadband either Smart or Globe that send SMS via VB.Net and it connected to the Port?

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VS 2008 Send / Dont Send Error?

Mar 6, 2010

I have a problem.. every program i make in 2008 express wont start on my friends PC or any other except for mine laptop and mine PC... Instead, they get the "Send/Dont send" error...

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Launch An Exe With Arguments

Mar 7, 2009

I am trying to build a web page that call an exe with some arguments. It's working perfectly when i launch it on the ASP.NET development server but it's not working well when I deploy it under IIS. He is the VB code source.The log text file is created in both cases but the exe is just launched from Visual Web developer 2008.[code]

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Routines With The Same Name But Different Arguments

Oct 15, 2010

I am listing the following three subrointines....

Private Sub OutPut(ByVal Offset As Long, ByRef path As String) 'Orig
If Not cbFiles.Checked Then
item1 = New ListViewItem(Offset)


They have the same name but a) different types of aguments or different numbers of arguments. This is legal in VB.

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Run Some DOS Commands With Arguments?

Mar 7, 2012

Visual Studio 2010
Windows 7 X64

I'm making a multipurpose tool. In with I need to run some DOS commands with arguments.So, Ex. of what I have now.

Private filepath As String = "C:UsersTTGToolToolG5.5.0pluginscom.zend.guard.core.resources.win32.x86_5.5.0
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code]....

So it should be "like I like cats" or what ever it is in the textboxes in the command prompt.

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Too Many Arguments Error In .NET

Oct 1, 2011

I have a problem and stuck on it here is my code it produce the following error "Too many arguments to Public Sub New()"

Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider=MSDAORA.1;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=" _


it produces error on this line

Dim frm As frmworkodr = New frmworkodr(dt)

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Too Many Arguments To 'Public Sub New()'

Oct 24, 2008

I am working on someone elses code, and this is in a Public Class I have the following code (same error msg both procedures):

Protected Sub New(ByVal info As SerializationInfo, ByVal context As StreamingContext)
MyBase.New(info, context) <<<------ Line With Error
End Sub


and get the error message "Too many arguments to 'Public Sub New()'"This is the first time I have seen this type of code in a class?

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Too Many Arguments To Public Sub New()

Jun 17, 2009


Public Class Printing_CopyFrm

Private quer As String="select * form cust_details"

Public Sub New(ByVal query As String)


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.net - How To Use Command Line Arguments

Aug 22, 2011

I have a console application which reads .txt files. I want to be able to drag a txt file over my app and it would automatically open my app and show the text files contents. I think I have to use command line arguments like this:

Sub Main(ByVal cmdArgs() As String)
End Sub
Sub ReadFile(FilePath as String)
End Sub

But how can I pass the text files path to my ReadFile sub?

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.net - Use Activator.GetObject With Arguments?

Sep 5, 2011

At the moment i'm creating a remote object instance by:

Dim serverURI = String.Format("{0}://localhost:{1}/{2}", IPC.Protocol, IPC.port, IPC.Channel_name)
Me.Server = CType(Activator.GetObject(GetType(RemotebaleServiceCommands), serverURI), RemotebaleServiceCommands)

I need to pass some constructor arguments to RemotebaleServiceCommands call.

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.net - Use Attributes And Including Arguments?

May 17, 2009

I'm writing a class-library in VB.Net and one of the subs that are being called from the application which is using my library has more or less the following syntax:

Public Sub LoadDict(ByVal PhoneticType As String, ByVal strDict As String)
where PhoneticType can be phonSoundex, phonDoubleMetaphone or noPhonetic

I want to give the application-developer a possibility to select the PhoneticType from a list when writing the call of above sub (I think it's called attribute-arguments). This would make it easier for the developer since spelling-errors can be avoided and which will avoid errors when using the library. I think it's all about attributes but I haven't managed to get it to work despite trying.

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Arguments For Custom Controls?

Nov 24, 2011

I've created custom buttons in a .dll and they work fine, so I thought I'd have a go at creating my own sort of listbox to replace the standard one in my applications. It's basically a panel with a few labels and a button (eliminating the need to select an item in standard listbox then click a seperate button). I want to add these panels to a panel on a form, at run-time, based on rows in a db.

If I try adding any arguments in the New() section of the class file it won't let me use the panel in my toolbox. Is there a way to pass arguments to custom controls, I need a new custom panel for each row in a db so need to pass an id to it to specify records; or even load the records in my application and create a new panel for each record, using info passed to it to fill in the labels on it. Or can I create the panel at run-time and refer to labels within the custom controls, setting their .text properties that way?

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Can't Seem To Grasp Arguments In A Function

Jan 25, 2011

I am new to visual basic 2008. I can't seem to grasp arguments in a function. Can anyone give me a simple explanation of what they are, how they work, and why we need them?

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Class Instantiation - Getting Too Many Arguments?

Oct 24, 2011

I have a class:
Public Class Form1
Dim teamlist(2) As team
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
teamlist(0) = New team(1, "one", "First")
[Code] .....
Error I'm getting is too many arguments.

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Constrain Arguments NOT To Be Delegates?

Feb 3, 2012

Consider these two functions[code]...

My question is: what is the right way to accomplish this to resolve the ambiguity so that I can pass value or references types and get overload 2, but pass Functions and get overload 1? Can I constrain the types in some way to make this happen?

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Create A .lnk File With Arguments?

Jul 7, 2010

Using this code I can create a shortcut to my application,

Dim shell As New WshShell
Dim shortcut As WshShortcut = shell.CreateShortcut(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop & "Link To My Application.lnk")
shortcut.TargetPath = Application.ExecutablePath


But how can I create a shortcut with arguments.If i put the arguments in the shortcut.TargetPath i get a error.

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Get Arguments On A Running Process?

Aug 23, 2009

I am trying to get the arguments on a running process but I dont know what I am doing wrong.[code]...

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Getting Command Line Arguments ?

Feb 8, 2010

When you open up a .txt file, the command line opens up notepad.exe with the argument %1. which opens the text file. i dont know about the function but i understand a little bit about it.

So what i wanted to do was create a .lxproj, and make it open up with my application. i have done this part so far with an installer that creates registry keys. but, what i would like to know is how to open the file. for a test i would like a message box to be displayed if the program is run by clicking the .lxproj. if its opened normally the messagebox doesnt display.

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