Set Up Web Server To Allow Teh Deployment?

Dec 30, 2008

I want to deploy a Windows application (from my computer) to a computer with IIS installed on it. Users can use IE to browse to the deployment web site to install the application. Problem is that web server refuses to allow the deployment, it keeps asking for the authentication...user name and password. I tried all user names and passwords on that machione and it still will not allow the deployment.

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Deployment :: Setup And Deployment Project With Ms Sql Server?

Nov 3, 2009

i'm developing an application with mssql server as database. on my pc it works. but i don't know how to make it works on my customer's pc.anybody have some tutorial regarding the creation of a setup and deployment project with ms sql first doubt is: how can i determinate the right connection string?

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Deployment Of .net Sql Server Application?

Jul 20, 2009

I am tyring to deploy application on a network environment ( windows xp and vista machines ) with sql server database. The application itself needs to access database as do all machines. I cannot install sql server due to cost and technical limitations at installation. Is there a way I can connect application on all machiens directly to some physical file like MDB ( access ) file but with sql server database ( I think something like Mdb was used to server data earlier)

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Deployment :: Error (not Conect To Sql Server)

Oct 10, 2008

i create and finish my program using 2005 with database sql server2005 i did a setup package including .net fram and sql server coz other pc's which i want to install my prog in it doesn't have sql server in it. thee setup complete successfully but the problem is my programe start with a login form and that form read from a table in my database so after i install my program in other pc and try to enter by write a username and password i already use it in my pc when i creat the pro it gives me an error that i can't reach to the database and its not able to connect to remot computer!how can i solve this?is that mean that the program is working without conecting to the database?is my datab ase included in my setup package coz it had data and my programe open and work with that data?what if i have a server and that server has sql server 2000 is that will affect my program?is it better to install my program in to the server then connect other pc's to the network?

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Backend Server Detection After Project Deployment?

Mar 30, 2010

I have recently learnt vs '05 and am creating a project in ' question is-During project development, we connect it to MS SqL server 2005 express installed on my system and it works.( I use add datasource wizard,add sqldataadapter,add gridview control,generate dataset,connect dataset to gridview method). But after the project is finished and we create its executable, the project will be run on adiffrent machine with a different server name and hence a new connection string will be required.

How can i make my project detect server details and connect to it, at runtime ? because the user is only expexted to start the server and open my application.the app must connect to the new server on its own. If anybody has an answer or if you know some resource where i can find it, please post here. Any suggestions are welcome.

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Deployment :: Deployment Of SQLEXPR32.EXE Using Template.ini File

Feb 24, 2009

I am deploying sql express as a prerequisite. I have created a custom prerquisite using bootstrap manifest generator. The problem I have is replacing the template.ini file which exists in the sqlexpr32.exe cab file. Winrar and winzip allow me to open the sqlexpr32.exe but will not allow me to edit, add or replace the template.ini.I also cannot find the path where the sqlexpr32.exe extracts to as I want to use that path for the settings file eg "template.ini".[code]

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Deployment :: Create Install File Without The Need For User To Install SQL Server?

Jun 6, 2009

I have a project that i have created in Visual Studio express and SQL server express. i want to create an install file so that i can send to others to install. Currently it is requiring the user to install SQL server Express and 3.5 .net framework.what steps can i take to stop the user having to install these 2 so that it is a simple install for them.

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XCopy Deployment Of A VB Express App Which Uses A SQL Server Express Database?

May 13, 2005

It's probably just a case of me not looking in the right place or not seeing the obvious, but does anyone know if a machine with just version 2.0 of the .NET Framework should be able to run a VB.NET Express application which accesses a SQL Server Express database file? Or is there an additional requirement for a non-development machine to have some kind of SQL Server Express runtime component in addition to the 2.0 Framework?It seems to be counterintuitive to expect that a VB.NET application would be able to access any kind of SQL Server data without having some kind of SQL Server host component (Express or otherwise) installed. But then again, it seems just as counterintuitive that Microsoft would require the download and installation of the new framework as well as a separate database runtime in order for the average user to run an application with accesses a local SQL Server Express database.To me, it runs contrary to the whole concept of XCopy deployment to require more than just the application's files and .NET Framework for an application to run properly. But nothing I've read so far explicitly indicates that a user would require anything more than the app files and the framework to run an application which accesses SQL Server Express data. But...I can't get any VB Express applications which uses a SQL Server Express databases to run on any machine that doesn't have SQL Server Express installed.What am I missing?(Apologies if this isn't the right group to post this in.

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Deployment :: Deployment And MS Power Pack?

Jun 25, 2009

I have a windows app that uses the shape control which is part of the MS power pack and requires Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs.dll. I am using Publish to build my app and I have tried to change the dll to Include in the properties page but nothing seems to work.

I need a way to have the file included and I am unable to find a external copy and I understand that I cannot just copy the dll from my PC into the installation folder

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Deployment :: Setup & Deployment - Copy/import 2 Folders And There Sub-files/folders Into S&d Project?

May 7, 2012

Have built a project and associated it with a Setup&Deployment Project. The S&D project needs to contain 2 main folders (under User's Desktop) with various formats of files (xmls, txts, dlls) inside them and several subfolders. How can i copy/import these 2 folders and there sub-files/folders into my s&d project?

When adding them in the usual way, they are copied and defined a source path onto the current pc. You can understand what errors this might create when an another targeted pc does not contain those files to the exact location. Is there any way to copy them locally or somehow import them?

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Deployment :: Windows 7 (64 Bit) Deployment?

Feb 24, 2010

I have compiled my app to x86 so that it will run in a 64 bit processor, the issue I am facing right now is that when I install the app in under application folder I am not able to edit the config file which is in the same folder of the exe. how to give admin previlages to the application ?

PS: the app runs fine when installed in a different folder other than applicaitonfolder

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Application And SQL DB Deployment

Dec 4, 2011

I have decided to try and engage creating my first app with a database. I have run through all the VB Express 2010 default tutorials and feel confident to move up one notch.My application on has two users and we do not have a server, just a file sharing setup which works okay if youre using MS Access DB. I have also constructed the app with a Service based DB attached to the project (VB Express 2010)I have spent a week trying to research this on Google but cannot find any specific answers to my questions.So, how do I setup the app prior to publishing so that I can install the app on both desktops and have SQL server installed on only one of the desktops with the DB residing on that?

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Deployment - Can't Even Package

Jan 28, 2009

I am basically an EAI consultant and for my work I took an initiative to develop a windows based GUI whose functionality would be to simply execute a couple of Oracle SELECT queries and display the results in the form. I took the help of my friend who is a VB.NET expert and he was kind enough to develop the complete code for me within a day (He isn't available now). The application did work fine and we tried to package into an MSI using the Deployment & Packaging Project option. Now when I installed the application on a different computer, it throws OraOps10.dll not found ! I also tried the Setup Wizard from the same Deployment & Packaging Project option but it results in the same error.

Please note the following:

-> We used .NET 1.1 and the backend database is Oracle 10g.
-> We downloaded the Oracle Data Access components for .NET from Oracle's website. The DLL file in the error message actually came with this installation.

When I am packaging the solution, I expected all the dependencies including this OraOps10.dll should have also been packaged. What could go wrong here? I don't think I can request my customer to install the Oracle Data Access components for .NET, in this case we don't even need a packaging feature. I would be grateful to you guys if this silly issue is fixed very soon.

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Deployment Not Working On Some PC's?

Aug 31, 2009

I installed VB2008 Express a few days ago and have written a small program. When trying to deploy this I'm having problems that it's only working on some PC's, but not on others. At first I thought it may be something in my program, but I've been doing some tests and I'm noticing that ALL programs don't work on some PC's.

To do the most basic test possible, I opened VB, started a new app called 'Test' and without doing ANYTHING I published the application to Test On the PC which wrote the program and on a friend's PC, it works fine. But on this PC and on another friend's PC, as soon as I hit the 'Run' button I get a XML page (pasted below).As I say, the program has NOTHING in it, it's just an empty form.Forgot to add one thing, when trying to deploy via disk earlier on this PC, the installer DID install both Windows Installer and also the latest .net. I've also had a guy on another forum who can't run from my webpage, even though he's a VB user.

XML page that comes up when I hit 'Run' reads as follows.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <asmv1:assembly xsi:schemaLocation="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1 assembly.adaptive.xsd" manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns:asmv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3" xmlns:dsig="" xmlns:co.v1="urn:schemas-microsoft-


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Deployment Of .net Application?

Jun 22, 2010

i have developed a small application of vb forms in which i have use a service based sql server databas(.mdf)i want to make its msi installer last time i have made it and after installation application giving error for connecting?

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Deployment Other Than Click-once

May 14, 2011

does VB2010 express offer a different deployment than Click-Once?

On the MSDN help pages i did not see any of the items that were described when using File->Add-New Project.

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Deployment, Cannot Write To MDB

May 7, 2011

I have an app that gets installed into the Program Files folder (in its own folder of course). It has a small access mdb file to which I write some data. I'm able to read the data fine, but the app won't write to the db unless I run it as an administrator and always gives an error.

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How To Make Deployment

Apr 26, 2010

I have done application by the functionalities of export the word documet. Its working fine in the developemnt machine. During the developemnt , i have added the MICROSOFT.OFFIVE.WORD.INTEROP is added.

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IDE :: Click Once Deployment?

Jul 7, 2009

IDE :: Click Once Deployment

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IDE :: Deployment With Resources?

Feb 18, 2009

I have a VS 2008 Visual Basic program that uses rich text, jpegs and wav files. The program works when run from the IDE.

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IDE :: Fix ClickOnce Deployment?

Sep 2, 2009

After 18 years of experience developing in VB you have succesfully made this the most difficult deployment method possible

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Package And Deployment

Dec 10, 2010

how to package and deploy application.

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Sql - Deployment Of .Net Project?

Dec 1, 2011

I am working on a Project which uses SQL Server,Crystal Report. And the project is almost complete and i am going to publish it.Now I dont want to add the Prerequisites for the project as it will make the size of the exe to some 400mb but my application exe is just 4mb.

Now currently i have seen something in the Reference Section of Project Properties.That is the dll Control that i am using for Buttons has the Column called Copy Local with a value of True but for CrystalDecission.Shared its just False, so is this value changing to True helps me or not... that is i should not have to include as Prerequisites for crystal report..

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.net - ClickOnce Deployment Errors

Mar 30, 2009

I am trying to deploy a ClickOnce app. It had worked previously when the server was just sitting with .Net 2.0 installed (no SP). Recently the server had 3.5SP1 installed on it and now ClickOnce is failing with the error:Value does not fall within the expected range inside System.Deployment.

Here is the information posted on the MSDN forums (answers there are generally hit or miss for me) with the call stack:It was in VS 2005 w/SP1 and I tried changing the path I publish to, changing the installation URL, changing the assembly name, manually controlling versions, running mage -cc, manually removing all application data in %userprofile%AppDataLocalApps and even changing deployment servers completely but still get the same error:


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.net - Sharepoint + VSTO Deployment?

Jul 21, 2009

I've developed a Word template in VSTO. When published it consits of several files including a Setup.exe, several msi files etc.Due to the fact that my company's security policy won't allow me to store dlls and exes on the server I need an alternative way to provide all the necessary stuff to the end user. I thoght it would be enough if I:

1) execute the setup.exe file on each client machine (it says everything got properly installed)

2) upload the xxx.dotm file to sharepoint and register it

3) edit policy settings

but it doesn't. When a user creates a new Document inside sharepoint using "New"->"xxx" the requested document loads without any error message and show the document but Word won't load any extensions / ribbons etc.

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.NET 2010 Pro / Setup & Deployment?

Mar 7, 2011

I have three Setup and Deployment problems that are making me even more crazy than I have been accused of currently being.#1 - My project(heavy on text file streamreaders) installs as it should on the target machine but I can only run it on said machine as administrator(works great)... I have tried changing the permissions on the installed project and that did not seem to work. Error - blah blah cannot access [filepath]? ([filepath] is correct and verified. Ideas? Can I set permissions in the install itself? How so?

#2 - #3 (Basically the same questions)I have directed Setup to install a Program Menu and Desktop Icon and it does so. The problem is that the icons are non functioning. I dont see where I can set an actual filepath for them in the Setup menus?A good tutorial on VB 2010 Setup and Deployment wouldnt hurt if anyone has a link.

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2010 Deployment To 32 Bit Machine

Jul 20, 2011

If I develop a VB2010 Windows Forms application on a 64 bit machine, can I deploy it to a 32 bit machine?The 32 bit machine has .NET Framework 4 Extended on it.Or can I tell the 64 bit compiler to go 32 bit? I have VS Pro on the 64 bit machine.I don't want to leave any development package on the 32 bit machine, which will be transferred to a client.jeyoung

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App.config Setup And Deployment

Jan 31, 2011

how to setup my deployment project so that users can customize thier own settings in app.config? Which special folder in the File System browser should I add, Personal Data, Application Data, or Programs Menu? How do I add the app.config to the folder? What about the project output, should it also be in the same folder? If so, should the project output be taken out of the Application Folder, in other words, exist in one place? I tested my deployment and was shocked that the icon only opened on the test user's pc after installation. I have custom settings in the app.config file that have default values, but must be configurable for user specific settings.

View 3 Replies - Error With SQLXMLCommand And Deployment To IIS 6.0?

Jun 15, 2011

I am getting an error when trying to move my ASP.NET application from VS2010 to our IIS 6.0 webserver. The error happens on the first time the app tries to make a new SQLXMLCommand Object on the login page. When navigating to the login page and entering valid credentials I got an error saying a null reference exception was thrown. Investigating into the exception we were able to determine another exception was being thrown and caught, causing the null reference exception later in the code.

The Corresponding line of code throwing the exception:

New SqlXmlCommand(conn.ConnectionString & ";Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;")

The exception causing the problems below:

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {83D0FC3E-8B31-4B35-A1B2-346BA3954514} failed due to the following error: 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))."


Looking further into the problem, the exception is only thrown on the Web Server. No exception is thrown if I am using localhost. I though I may be missing a reference to Microsoft.Data.SqlXml.dll as it was working localhost and not on the webserver. I tried fixing this by included the dll reference in my deployment project and making sure it was added to the bin folder, but with no avail.

Edit:SQLXML 4.0 was not installed on our webserver, it was part of the baseline installation of my machine.

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Catastrophic Error During Deployment?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm using VS 2005 and have managed to get my application to run fairly robustly. Now it is time to deploy it and let the rest of the group use it.

New Project
Setup & Deployment
Setup Wizard

I double click Setup Wizard and I get: "Catastrophic failure (exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPCTED)" I've googled a lot of references and read through them but none of them seem to be applicable to my case.

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