Setting The Colour Of Pixels In A Picture Box?
Jul 21, 2009
I have been reading up on ways to write pixels, and the ways make sense, but i can't seem to do it, i would like to write just a singl pixel at cartesian coordinate (0,0) Do i need to declare the pixel first and then rite it? Or is there an equivilent function to Pset?Below is the vb6 way of doing it. do i need to declare Pset and then use an instance of Pset to do the same thing in .net?
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Sep 16, 2009
I'd like to replace all the white pixels in a bitmap image with pixels of the colour "Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.MenuHighlight)". Is there some method in the Image, Bitmap or Graphics classes I can use, or will I simply have to inspect each pixel in the image with GetPixel, check whether it is a white pixel, and then set it with SetPixel?Here is the code I am using now:
Private Shared Sub highlight(ByVal b As Bitmap)
Dim highlightColour As Color = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.MenuHighlight)
Dim whiteARGB As Long = Color.White.ToArgb
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Dec 4, 2011
I am trying to make a program that allows me to operate a program while I am not around (kind of like a bot) because I need to move alot of things and do the same motion over and over.
So in my program's settings I have made a form that is transparent that I want to set my working area with (i wont be resizing the form, it's size is "975, 575") and save the forms Top, Left, Bottom, Right positions so I can create a macro for my mouse to click.
how to save a forms position on the screen? So I can use it to set a working area?
I just want to save its current location to 4 variables
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Mar 30, 2011
I've been searching for quite a long time how to do this. I don't know how to set the colour of a row item in the GridView (WPF) using code I don't want an example in XAML. My data comes from me loading & pulling apart an XML file. I then put it into a small class with properties and those are bound to the column to populate the data. Later, it can begin some functions on the table's data. Because this takes at some times over 10 minutes it's on a thread & I would like to colour the rows I've completed parsing depending on the result. (IE: Red for HTTP error, Orange for XML parsing error ect...)This is the GridView's XAML:[code].....
I am then parsing the data using the url column. I am currently changing the selected item as I go through. I want to know if theres something I can do to change the specific item. Let's assume I'm on row 500: I use: setSelected(i) which uses Dispatcher to safely change the selected row. Is there anything I can do to change the colour as well?
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Jun 30, 2010
I have a dgv where every alternating row is a different colour to make it more readable, as you can see in my attachment.
I now want to recolour certain rows to another colour. Lets for example say all rows where column(7).value < 5 should be red or whatever.
I coloured 2 rows in the example to show you what i want.
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Nov 19, 2011
I am looking for some information on getting the colour of each pixel in a picture. The ide is to get the colour and then have my program draw a line along that colour itself. For example. If i have a black square on a white background, I want the software to be able the draw lines on the four edges of the black square, Is this possible?
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Jul 27, 2009
I'm trying to make a -what i thought would be simple app.My intention was to build program that:1) i'd provide a grayscale image2) the program would count the black pixels the grey pixels the more grey pixels etc. (the hue) and the white3) would make the percentage sum of all pixels, that is: 300.000 black pixels (rgb 0 0 0) etc. given that 0 is the black, 100 the white. e.g a simple grayscale image is 55.2 white
This was my way and i don't think that is useful:
First of a button to convert the image to greyscale:
Dim bm as new Bitmap(source.Width,source.Height)
Dim x
Dim y
Secondly, -and that's the stupid way- i did -or better i wanted to do- this: i put the code to dynamically create labels, each label having the colour of a pixel as background colour and as text the colour converted to rgb
The third step which i intended to do (i couldn't get pas two) was to sum up the labels etc.
View 6 Replies
May 7, 2010
Is there any way to change the colour (background colour or text colour) of just a certain item or item(s)?
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Mar 15, 2012
To .NET after getting tired of using VB6 due to the lack of functionality. I'm trying to create a log on method for a system which will involve users selecting a colour from a paint panel and then placing/drawing the colour in 1 or more tiles of a grid, basically a 3x3 grid in which for example they selected the blue colour and drew in the top left tile and the bottom left tile. The logon is selecting the correct colour and placing the colour in the appropriate tile. What i want them to be able to do is place even a single pixel of colour so it has a high accuracy. So far i have a timer which loops from the width of the grid to the height of the grid.
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim BMP As New Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1)
Dim GFX As System.Drawing.Graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(BMP)
GFX.CopyFromScreen(New Drawing.Point(MousePosition.X, MousePosition.Y), _
To start with i have just hard coded the colour i want it to detect. At present it produces an error. Parameter must be positive and < Width the error is on System.Drawing.Point(i,j). If i place the mouse over the colour then run the program it will say it has been found, but otherwise it wont find the colour. I believe i am not updating the location of the pixel or something to that effect.
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Nov 30, 2011
I've got a combobox which loads the system colour list, the selected colour is stored in the registry (i've tried storing the index number value aswell as the colour name - how can i get the combobox to display the stored colour as the default colour when the form loads? It always defaults to the first item in the colour list I've tried
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Apr 8, 2009
So I have got a program with a timer on, a few labels displaying coordinates, and two buttons. Here is my
It displays the color of the pixel at the coordinate typed into the text boxes.I have a video of a tennis ball which is bouncing on the spot, and the background in brown, so when the tennis ball comes into view there is a significant color change and i want it to start and stop a timer each time the colour changes significantly.So my question is, how do i get it to check whether the colour chas changed significantly?
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Apr 8, 2010
My VB2010 programme changes the background colour of a button (butExtra.BackColor = Color.Red). But how do I restore the colour to the default "Control" colour?
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May 30, 2011
i am looking to change the windows colour and colour intensity. These settings are accessable through Control PanelAppearance and PersonalizationPersonalizationWindow Color and Appearance But is there a way that i can remotely change these two settings through functions in my windows form application? Also is there any way of removing the slight blur on the window bars/taskbar when using an aero theme?
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Aug 24, 2011
Im using Visual studio 2005 and I want to push a button which opens either olderbrowserdialog or openfiledialog(which ever works better) and select a picture when I Push Ok the picture I selected becomes the backround image of the form does anybody have idea on how to do this
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Feb 28, 2009
i have a problem with the Size in VB.Net I think the Control Size in VB.Net Is Pixels so I want to enter this size cm/inch
I want To Convert Pixels to cm/inch or cm/inch to Pixels
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Oct 16, 2009
i`m trying to find in cm or mm the area of a frame (capture image).The picturebox has dimensions height:456 and width:553 PIXELS.So the total number of pixels are 456 x 553 = 252,168
If i compare image 1 with image 2 i can locate and draw a rectangle around that area of pixels that are different.i can get the width and the height of this rectangle in PIXELS.e.g Height:49 Width:33 PIXELS
How can i covert these into cm or mm. What i need to know for the conversion?
I know dpi: dots per inch but what`s the value for my rectangle?
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Aug 23, 2010
I need help and wondering if you can help me to get my first's a hobby and wondering if you can get me code for this so i can see how it does it* Evaluate( ) Prints the evaluation of the hand to the evaluation Label.
o If IsFlush( ), prints "flush; "
o calls SetPipArray( )
o Uses a For Loop to go through pipArray. For each element, uses a Select Case statement to
View 9 Replies
Feb 13, 2012
In our projects we use setting variables to store user setting for the applications. Moreover, with every latest version of the applications, we upgrade these variables to retain user settings.Normally, this works fine, but recently one of my end user reported an error i.e.Configuration System failed to initialize". The error is related to user.config file. Therefore we requested the user to send us his file.After received the folder, we noticed that it contains 3 files (3begfjb.newcfg,3begfjb.tmp and user. config). 3begfjb.tmp is an empty file, while 3begfjb.newcfg and user.config are identical files. We tried to open these files but the data in user.config isn't proper xml rather its unreadable formatted file.Do any you guys had experienced this sort of issue or any ideas how and what may have created these files and corrupted user.config file.
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May 25, 2010
I would like to believe that this code will display a horizontal line halfway across the PictureBox pbxData. In fact, what it does is create the BitMap and then blow up with a memory violation when trying to copy the BitMap into the PictureBox. The code that alters the array is commented out because I don't know how to address the elements of the array.
how to make this into useful code?
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class Form1
Private b1 As Bitmap
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Nov 11, 2011
How can we get the pixels of an image in a fast way?
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Aug 28, 2009
Was just wondering if there is a way to quickly clear all pixels in a bitmap without creating a new one?
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Mar 18, 2006
Is there a way of converting pixels to points? The dimensions in VB are in pixels, but Office COM such as WordApp.Resize are expressed in points. So trying to align app windows is a mess.I guess the ratio of pixels to points varies from one monitor to another(?), so this would need to be calculated at run time.I tried a nifty trick of doing Me.Font.SizeInPoints / Me.FontHeight but that doesnt seem to be quite right or a very sensible way of doing it.
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Feb 22, 2010
how can i get a full code or full information how to work with image and pixels i want to work with image by pixels as integer number not as color?
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Sep 16, 2009
Is there a "MOUSEEVENTF_Click"? Also,How would I change this code so that it will click when I move/click my mouse wheel?
Call mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Call mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0)
End If
EDIT: How would I move the mouse down? Like -10, -10 pixels? or something like that.
View 4 Replies
Feb 14, 2009
i made this class to get certain pixels from screen:
Now i have lets say and array of pixels Example: Pixel 1 position X:100 Y:200 Red: 200 Green: 30 Blue: 40 Now i need to search all the sreen to find that pixel witout knowing its position. I need to have an output of number of results found and their position tnx.
View 9 Replies
Mar 15, 2012
1- how I can put picture in tool strip and put it convert to split button without the picture go invisible when i click on it
2- how can I make tabs in the forms
3- I want to put pictures in the form in the same place For Example when the user check the radio button or when the user choose the name in the combo box a specific picture should be display?
View 8 Replies
Sep 16, 2009
I have a form that starts at a specific point (the right side of the left screen on an extended desktop). I am trying to work with users with different resolution. Insteadof changing the resolution to match the application, I want to try and get the size of the desktop (1280 x 2 for an extended desktop, 800 x 2 for a different resolution) and set the form to the same point... the inside (right side) of the left screen on an extended desktop. Is there a way to tell how long the desktop is from left to right and top to bottom?
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Jul 8, 2009
is it possible to choose different colors of different pixels on the background property of a form in
i would like to clarify that i do not want to use an image to color the form.
i have a transparent form that will need to detect all the black colors behind it
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Mar 10, 2009
This explains a lot why I was having much trouble determining the color of pixels. They are inverted!
Dim cursorpos As Point = Cursor.Position()
Dim hWnd As IntPtr = GetDesktopWindow()
Dim hDC As IntPtr = GetWindowDC(hWnd)
Dim i As Integer = GetPixel(hDC, cursorpos.x, cursorpos.Y)
Dim c As Color = Color.FromArgb(i)
ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC)
Label6.Text = c.ToString
Label8.ForeColor = c
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Jun 29, 2010
I am trying to determine the length of a string in pixels.
I created a little test program for myself and placed three labels on it, each with the same font in a different size. I set the width of the label to 1024, the screenwidth. I used the same test text for each label, cutting it off at the last character that shows, so there is not hidden text running off the label to be included in the string width count.
What I have found is that the width of the string is being reported as wider than the label, even though, as I just mentioned, there are no characters running off the edge of the label. So, something's awry. Does anyone know how to get an accurate width?
Here follows the whole test code. You can drop three labels on a form and run it to see what I mean.
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Class frmMain
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