VS 2010 Getting The Colour Of Each Pixel In A Picture
Nov 19, 2011
I am looking for some information on getting the colour of each pixel in a picture. The ide is to get the colour and then have my program draw a line along that colour itself. For example. If i have a black square on a white background, I want the software to be able the draw lines on the four edges of the black square, Is this possible?
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Apr 8, 2009
So I have got a program with a timer on, a few labels displaying coordinates, and two buttons. Here is my
It displays the color of the pixel at the coordinate typed into the text boxes.I have a video of a tennis ball which is bouncing on the spot, and the background in brown, so when the tennis ball comes into view there is a significant color change and i want it to start and stop a timer each time the colour changes significantly.So my question is, how do i get it to check whether the colour chas changed significantly?
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Apr 16, 2011
I have an empty picture box with the background colour set to the transparancy colour. How can i get the colour of the pixels within the transparant picture box so that i can create a bitmap of the transparant section of the form?
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Jul 5, 2010
I am running a program that is connected through the internet and i gets disconnected at times.I wanted to know how this would be to examine a color of a pixel , If the colour turns changes, my mouse will move to reconnect it.
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Dec 7, 2010
I am making an application which is capable of displaying a picture, and making adjustments to it. Unfortunately i'm stuck at this phase:The colour of each pixel in the image should be inspected and stored in one or more arrays.
My code so far
Public Class Form1
Dim OpenFileDalog1 As New OpenFileDialog
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Jul 6, 2011
I am running a program that is connected through the internet and i gets disconnected at times.wanted to know how this would be to examine a color of a pixel , If the colour turns changes, my mouse will move to reconnect
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Jun 3, 2012
Possible Duplicate: VB.NET replace pixel color of picturebox image i want to extract square from full picture full pic: [URL] i want only this: [URL]
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Jul 21, 2009
I have been reading up on ways to write pixels, and the ways make sense, but i can't seem to do it, i would like to write just a singl pixel at cartesian coordinate (0,0) Do i need to declare the pixel first and then rite it? Or is there an equivilent function to Pset?Below is the vb6 way of doing it. do i need to declare Pset and then use an instance of Pset to do the same thing in .net?
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Nov 11, 2010
I have a code found in Internet which does the job of displaying the contents of pixel data onto a picture box. The Code goes as given below:
Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
Dim myBMP As Image
Dim pal As System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette
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Feb 15, 2010
I am writing a program in VB 2010. My computer is an E Machines dual processor Intel Celeron running at 1.8 gb/sec with 2 GB of RAM. I have a 1680 X 1050 display and the graphics driver in the computer is fully capable of utilizing this display. I am running Vista Home Edition.
The purpose of the program is to analyze a large number of infrared and visible light images from the geostationary satellites GOES East and West. Note: These images are TIFF and range in size from 400 KB to 70 MB. The pixels are either 8 bit or 10 bit depending on the image type.
The program allows the user to select a series of images from a file folder. These images are then displayed in a picturebox. A map covering the same area is also available to the user. The user may then move the cursor, via the mouse, to a selected location on either the map or in a picture. With a left click that location in terms of image coordinates is used to compute the geographic coordinates of the selected location. These coordinates are then displayed for verification purposes. So far, all of this works properly.
The next thing I need to do is to determine the brightness value of selected pixels in the displayed image. Because brightness is related to temperature this permits a detailed examination of cloud temperature and density in each image. By making this measurement at several different wavelengths (provided by images taken at different wavelengths) the program will then compute the atmospheric extinction factor at each selected wavelength and from that derive the atmospheric transparency function.
Here is where I have run into problems. I cannot find a way to extract the pixel value from the selected X, Y values input either by cursor position or by direct entry. I have tried the various approaches described in the documentation but I either get errors or a pixel value that is unrelated to the image. The following is a section of code that I am currently trying.
View 3 Replies
Sep 30, 2009
i have a chart of images.. and i want to load individual images into picturebox from that chart..chart = big image, eg alphabet chart. (yes i am creating a game for my small nephew.. pictures and alphabet) now, i want to show different pieces of images into picture box. like the A box, b Box etc one option is to cut the chart into pieces, save each piece with different filename and load individual filename into picturebox.but i saw somewhere that we can use pixel location to load images into picturebox..as i recall it required two pixel location, 1 was upper left and other was lower right.. and passing that pixel locations would load the rectangular image between those pixel locations into picturebox?
View 9 Replies
Oct 4, 2009
I have a JPEG picture from my digital camera and I want to find the color of a given pixel, say x=10, y=10. How would I go about doing that? I have searched around on the form but nothing is working. I have loaded the picture into a picture box but dont know where to go from there. Also is it possable for it to give me a number corrosponding to each color instead of 3 numbers, one for red, one for green, and one for blue. I am eventually going to be using this to scan through many
View 18 Replies
May 7, 2010
Is there any way to change the colour (background colour or text colour) of just a certain item or item(s)?
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Mar 15, 2012
To .NET after getting tired of using VB6 due to the lack of functionality. I'm trying to create a log on method for a system which will involve users selecting a colour from a paint panel and then placing/drawing the colour in 1 or more tiles of a grid, basically a 3x3 grid in which for example they selected the blue colour and drew in the top left tile and the bottom left tile. The logon is selecting the correct colour and placing the colour in the appropriate tile. What i want them to be able to do is place even a single pixel of colour so it has a high accuracy. So far i have a timer which loops from the width of the grid to the height of the grid.
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim BMP As New Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1)
Dim GFX As System.Drawing.Graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(BMP)
GFX.CopyFromScreen(New Drawing.Point(MousePosition.X, MousePosition.Y), _
To start with i have just hard coded the colour i want it to detect. At present it produces an error. Parameter must be positive and < Width the error is on System.Drawing.Point(i,j). If i place the mouse over the colour then run the program it will say it has been found, but otherwise it wont find the colour. I believe i am not updating the location of the pixel or something to that effect.
View 10 Replies
Nov 30, 2011
I've got a combobox which loads the system colour list, the selected colour is stored in the registry (i've tried storing the index number value aswell as the colour name - how can i get the combobox to display the stored colour as the default colour when the form loads? It always defaults to the first item in the colour list I've tried
View 3 Replies
Mar 26, 2012
this is my very first posting and I must say I am desperate. I have a VB assignment due in 2 days and I am so lost. I have written a code to draw some graphic, just a basic house, tree, sun etc. I have also written a code to magnify said graphics which were all the specifications of my Assignment 1 part A. Now for Part B I am being asked to extend my program so that: A - My graphic can be drawn using different colour schemes designed by me but chosen by the user B - My graphic or an appropriate part of it can be animated around the picture box if the user chooses to do so. C - Error checking is included.
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Apr 8, 2010
My VB2010 programme changes the background colour of a button (butExtra.BackColor = Color.Red). But how do I restore the colour to the default "Control" colour?
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May 30, 2011
i am looking to change the windows colour and colour intensity. These settings are accessable through Control PanelAppearance and PersonalizationPersonalizationWindow Color and Appearance But is there a way that i can remotely change these two settings through functions in my windows form application? Also is there any way of removing the slight blur on the window bars/taskbar when using an aero theme?
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Jan 30, 2009
I would like to load a GIF file, and start with the first pixel and check to see if that pixel color is closer to Black, Red, Green or Yellow, then take what ever color it closest matched to and output that color as a number, 0, 1, 2 or 3. So just for a small example a 5x4 GIF would be converted to something like this: 0112223322220111332?
View 13 Replies
Jul 4, 2010
How do i determine the pixel width and pixel height of the largest image i can paint onto the graphics object of a printer while inside a printpage event?
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Sep 13, 2007
Is there a quick way to check the color of a pixel on the screen?
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Sep 16, 2009
I'd like to replace all the white pixels in a bitmap image with pixels of the colour "Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.MenuHighlight)". Is there some method in the Image, Bitmap or Graphics classes I can use, or will I simply have to inspect each pixel in the image with GetPixel, check whether it is a white pixel, and then set it with SetPixel?Here is the code I am using now:
Private Shared Sub highlight(ByVal b As Bitmap)
Dim highlightColour As Color = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.MenuHighlight)
Dim whiteARGB As Long = Color.White.ToArgb
View 8 Replies
Jul 20, 2009
during the development of my project, i've fall in the need to change the position of some forms, pixel by pixel using a timer.Now, i've checked that the movement is very fluid when form is not very heavy, when it contains few elements, but when it has a lot of elements inside, the movement becames nervous and not fluid, the movement becomes jerky.
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Mar 6, 2011
I am trying to set a pixel a particular color. The code below does not work and don't know why.
Dim myimage As New Bitmap(PictureBox1.Image)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 59
I also checked the Microsoft's sample code for setpixel which is below, does not work either. At least, I could not make it to work. I have used it within picturebox1_paint subroutine but got nothing.
Private Sub SetPixel_Example(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
' Create a Bitmap object from a file.
Dim myBitmap As New Bitmap("Grapes.jpg")
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May 28, 2012
I know this is a really noob question but in my program when my button is enabled true/false I change the colour so i was thinking if there is an easier way to do this? or is the following the best way?
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Aug 16, 2010
I am downloading a JPEG image from a site and then I need to find the darkest pixel of that image. It also needs to be very fast since speed DOES count here, majorly. (probably has to use an API)
View 4 Replies
Apr 14, 2012
This program using Visual Studio 2010, WIndows Form App I want to create a program which need RGB value from an picture in PictureBox But it has an error, NullReferenceException was not unhandled
The code Private Sub PictureBox1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
View 19 Replies
Apr 24, 2012
I'm loading a picture into a picturebox. How can I set the pixel width to a fixed number, ex 300?
The whole picture must fit the picturebox, even if the original resolution is higher.
Dim bmp As New Bitmap("c:Test.bmp")
bmp.SetResolution(300, 50)
PictureBox2.Image = bmp
View 22 Replies
Nov 1, 2009
im trying to make an ovalshape change colour when i click a button?
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If TextBox1.Text = "hello" Then
OvalShape1.FillColor = Color.Red
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Feb 12, 2012
How can I format the colour of a datagridview by code.I know I can do this:
frmName.dgvName.GridColor = Color.WhiteSmoke
but if I want refine this and color by numbers, as such, how can I do this:
frmName.dgvName.GridColor = 255, 255, 200 (because this does not work!)
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