Sharing On Face Book From Application?

Sep 17, 2011

How can I share something on Facebook, using my code.I donot want human intervention, I just want to supply my credentials to my application and it should automatically begin to share pictures etc. with my intervention.

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Make A Face-recognition Application?

Nov 26, 2010

What would i need to make a face-recognition application?Tutorials? DLL-download?

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VB Application Book - Entire Development Process Of An Application (Prefered: WPF ,LINQ ,ADO)

Apr 17, 2012

I am looking for a book that strings me through the entire development process of an application (Prefered: WPF ,LINQ ,ADO). I have read a few books on OOP and with small code samples demonstrating the specific idea of the chapter.I think it would be really helpful if there was a book that programmed an entire application that uses a sql database (Northwind , Adventureworks).

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Load Data (Book) To Text Box When User Just Enter The Book Code?

Oct 28, 2009

how to load data (Book) to text box when user just enter the book code?how to load data (student) to text box when user just enter the student id?how to write the code when user click the save button , the book quantity(Book) will reduce 1 and the all the data in textbox will save in database(Issue)the interface is like


the database is show at


the code is

Public Class frmIssue
Dim dt As New DataTable()
Dim rowIndex As Integer = 0
Dim rowIndex1 As Integer = 0


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Add Netmeeting Feature In Application Like Application Sharing Etc?

Dec 18, 2006

I would like to build an application in which is some what similar to old net meeting and one of main feature I would like to implement is application sharing. I tried the netmeeting sdk provided by microsoft but it is very complicated (I'm new to and samples are in c++). developing this application or whether there is any third party sdks available for the same.

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How To Build Application Sharing Server

Jun 12, 2011

i want to know what i need to build an application like terminal services or xenapp ( citrix server)

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Sharing Application Settings Across Many Applications?

Apr 28, 2011

I have several different applicaitons that were originally created with Visual Studio 2005 / .net framework 2.0 / Windows XP that got common settings from an App.Config file on a network share. Each of these applications has an app.config file with the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<appSettings file="\" >

I am now trying to make these applications work in a Windows 7 / .net framework 3.5 / Visual Studio 2008 environment and can't seem to access the settings in \ in the same way the old environment allowed. I'm wondering if there is some new way to do this. I need to have the applications read their settings from a common file on the network share (having the applications take their own copy is not accpetable).

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Address Book Application Using Typed Dataset & Bound Controls?

May 29, 2010

I am writing a simple Address Book Application using Typed Dataset & Bound Controls. 1<sup>st</sup> Form for Entering Addresses 2<sup>nd</sup> Form for Adding New 'CITY'. To select a city for address I am using a data bound combo box which shows a list of Cities.

While entering with a address if user found the required City Name is not found in the Combo list, he opens a 2<sup>nd</sup> Form to Add a City name to database & returns to Form1.

Here the expected newly added city doesn't appear in the combo list, so I tried to Refill the underlying table with following code


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Client Server Application That Uses File Sharing

Mar 3, 2009

I want to build an application(the client and server) that the clients would be able to see and modify only certain files on the server depending on their credentials. For example, a specific client can read/modify a word file, but another cannot. And the server should specify which client has which rights. After a client has made any change in a file, every other clients should be notified by email. I've read some articles about .Net Remoting but I still don't know how to make a client see/modify files on the server.

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Sharing Data Between Multiple Projects In Single Application?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a windows forms application with one exe and several dlls(Class libraries) in a single solution. The application uses common data that is used across all the dlls. I would like to load the data when the application is starting up and use the loaded data at various points in the dlls so that I do not have to load the common data again and again. How can I share the data loaded in main EXE across the DLLs?

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VS 2010 Unhandled Exception Has Occurred In Your Application.(sharing) ERROR

Nov 19, 2010

have anyone experience this error? I try to share my project to the other computer and i got this error:


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Face Recognition In .Net?

Feb 2, 2010

I need to do a face recognition using, Any lead or 3rd party controls or anything with this.

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Draw A Rectange Around A Face?

Mar 19, 2011

I'm trying to draw a red rectangle around a persons face in VB.NET, I've tried Luxand FaceSDK but, I need somethign free, I don't want info on the person or anything really, I just want it to draw a rectangle

If TextBox1.Text.StartsWith("http://") Or TextBox1.Text.StartsWith("https://") Then
PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(TextBox1.Text).GetResponse.GetResponseStream)


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Project On Attendance Using Face Recognition?

Jun 11, 2010

i am new to this ,now i am doing project on attendance using face recognition .any body has done this using i am using vb2005 .

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What To Download To Face An Interface Like Windows 07 In .net

Oct 12, 2009

what to download to face an interface like windows 07 in

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Sql Server - Face Database Limitation Issue In SQl Sever Express 2008?

Aug 4, 2011

im decide to develop Vb .net Application With Sql server Express 2008 ,but microsoft says they limit 4 GB Sze for per DB! So im developing my app for Single user Desktop pc , so what i do when the DB reached to the Maximum size? when the db size reached to maximum size , is it Good thing to create new DB and allow my application to work with both DB s ?

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Primary Monitors Says Command Line Inter Face Has Stoped Working When Try To Ope Catalyst Control Center?

Feb 15, 2010

catalsyt control center can not be open im monitor display, the warning says command line intrface has stoped working already try to downlowload new dr

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Project - Queuing Of Clients With Face Capture Feature And Text To Speech And Auto Generate Of Reports

Jun 26, 2011

Project about queuing of clients with face capture feature and text to speech and auto generate of reports.

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VS 2008 Sharing .NET 2008 Application EXE?

Jul 3, 2010

We are rewriting our VB6 application in VB.NET 2008. The application contains several VB.NET dlls and one COM OCX control.We want to keep our executable file in shared folder of Server and want to create a shortcut in all other PCs. (This is the way we deployed our VB6 application)We know that using .NET Code security option we can give permission for sharing exe of a VB.NET 2008 program and .NET Framework is necessary to install in Client and Server PCs.

1.In which place we need to change .NET Code security: Server or Client?

2.Our application has a COM OCX control. Will it affect our sharing?

3.Which resource will be used for running application: Server or Client?

4. We want to use local resource of client such as reading registry setting, INI file etc. Is it possible?

5.Where to put DLLs of the application: Server or Client?

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Program For "face Recognition" Using SQL Sever Database - Vb6 As GUI

Mar 17, 2010

I want to make program for "face recognition" using SQL sever Database, using ,vb6 as GUI

My system will make comparison with high performance with 500000 images stored in the database

If there is an OCX or SDK can i apply it with sample in or vb6 , and then i can buy License version.

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Linq To SQL Book?

Jan 27, 2011

I'm looking for a book that is pretty much A-Z for LINQ programming from Visual Basic. I am particularly interested in LINQ to SQL. I've found "Programming Microsoft LINQ in Microsoft .NET Framework 4" and while its description sounds interesting, there is no discussion on the book at all . Do any of you have any experience with this book? If so, what do you think of it?

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Looking For A Book On Hooking

Feb 16, 2010

I have been working on a project for some time now and I am stuck. I am trying to sense when a navigation software speaks so i can mute the volume of everything else on the computer.

my problem is that i cant properly sense the audio of the software. i am using windows 7 and i have done a good amount of research, but i have not come up with an answer.

i am almost positive that i need to intercept the win32api call of the software to trigger the mute that i will use. i dont know how to do this, all the information i can find that is even close to this subject is for 98, nt and 2k.

does anyone know of any books (or websites) that contain information on this subject?

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Propositions For .net Book?

Sep 30, 2009

I just wonder that somone can give me propositions for some good books to learn / VB2008.. I know the basics.. So I think of not a book like for dummies.. Just something more a step forward for new things to learn.

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VB Book Recommendations

Aug 2, 2009

I was wondering what books/items you guys would recommend to read in regards to VB programming and/or programming in general.

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What Is Best ADO.NET 4.0 Book For Beginners

Mar 2, 2011

i am searching a good book to learn ADO.NET 4.0,book should be excellent technical overview with practical examples,I want to learn ADO.NET Where should I start?

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C# Book Or Resource For .Net Developers?

Feb 16, 2010

What I'm Not looking for:Now, just to be clear, i'm not looking for VB6 to C#.Net content, as i know there are a few of those out there.Also, I know about that "syntaxconversion table" website, where it compares VB.Net to C# language features in a side by side table. I am not interested in this either, already know about it.I'm also not looking for a converter, which converts C# code to VB.Net and visa versa, i know there are a few websites which do this and already have the addresses.Finally, I'm not looking for a C# book or resource that caters to current programmers, but specifically to VB.Net programmers!

What I Am looking for:To learn C# (VS2008 or preferably VS2010 version) given that i already know VB.Net 10.0 (VS2010)... as there are many things related to .NET that i won't have to learn again if i can find something that will leap me from to c#, many bits of the CLR, how .NET works etc... since the languages are the same in what they do, and what they use to do them, i don't want to have to re-learn all this again. The only difference is really the syntax, but also how the C# language differs in dealing with certain things, what default expectations/behaviours are in various scenarios etc...

The set of differences and similarities between C# and VB.Net are so unique that neither of these languages likely could share this unique set/combination of differences and similarities with any other language. So my point is, it really needs to be C# for VB Developers oriented, otherwise it'll almost cetainly be inappropriate or a re-hashing!

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Getting Address Book Error

Aug 16, 2010

The problem is in the line that contains the part is underlined. When I backspace over the save, it gives me the options of what can go there and save isnt one of them. I am coping this out of a book.[code]...

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Good ASP / SQL Program Book?

Apr 21, 2010

I am starting off in the .NET world and wanted to know what a great beginner book would be that would explain how to use, vb and SQL.

I hear "Learning Visual Basic" is a good series but wanted to see if there were anymore out there.

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Run VB Dot Net Project On Apple (Mac) Book?

Oct 19, 2009

Is it possible to run vb dot net project on Apple (Mac) Book.

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Which Version/book To Start?

Nov 9, 2009

I have the vb books of 2005. Should I buy some new books ? Should I start with vb latest versions?

I'm starting as a self-learner and a little bid advanced learner. Few months later my university will start it.

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