Sql Data Into Textboxes?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a Sql table that has 3 columns and 3 records:

Firstname LastName SSN

joe smith ****
Kim smith ****
henry smith ****

I would like to put these records into textboxes. How would I do this? I tried Binding it, but it only does the first record.

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Create A Graph Where The User Can Input Data Into Textboxes And Then Plot The Data?

Jun 15, 2009

I'm just trying to create a graph where the user can input data into textboxes and then plot the data. I am attempting to use Zedgraph, but open to other suggestions. The program below creates a plot, but it won't update when the textboxes are updated.

Imports ZedGraph
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Add The Data From Textboxes To DataGrid?

Oct 27, 2009

I have bind the DataGridview with DB. To add the data from textboxes to DataGrid, I use the foll. code-

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim row0 As String() = {TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, TextBox3.Text}
row0 = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception


Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound

there is no any way to add data to the Gridview if we bound it to the Database.

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Listbox Data To Textboxes

Mar 2, 2011

I am currently working on a program, which needs to take data which is within a listbox and out put to three textboxes.I currently have a 2d array which populates the listbox with data.The array has 4 columns.when double clicking on a chosen entry within the list box i would like 3 textboxes to become populated with the last 3 columns data.i know i must use 'Mouse Double Click' within the listbox to activate this, but having a problem with how i could only have the columns 2,3 and 4.i have read so many different search results on this matter i now have the problem they are all marked as read and still cant get my head around it.

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Navigating Data Into Textboxes?

May 11, 2009

currently i get data from 2 different tables.....and i need to navigating them into sum textboxes....which mean i need to 2 functions to do so rite?ok i categorized them into 2 parts.....i can get part 1 data correct into textboxes but then part 2 did not show any result and dun hav any error too. ....here is my code.

CustId = TextBox1.Text
For c1 = 0 To (MaxRows - 1)
If CStr(ds2.Tables("test1").Rows(c1)(2)) = CustId Then


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Save Data From 2 Textboxes?

May 17, 2012

smilpy i want is to make a simple action of Brwoser Bookmark (but not menu i want it in listbox) like when i bookmark a websit it has the name and its URL , so when you click on the name it opens itsURL

how to save data from 2 textboxes , the textbox 1 is name and textbox 2 is url of that name (like when you bookmark a website ) i want it to save and then load it to Listbox and show only data of textbox 1 not the data of textbox2 so when you click on the name (witch is loaded from textbox1 into listbox1) in the listbox its shows it URL (textbox2 data ? )

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Add Data To Access (Multi-Textboxes)?

Oct 15, 2011

Have Two Text Boxes one for "user name" and the other for "password" and also have a MS Access database with three coloums "UserIdNum" which is an auto num, "UserName" and "password" i want it so when i click one button "create user" it adds the data from the two textboxes to the two coloums "UserName and Password". At the min got it working so it adds the "User name" textbox to the "UserName Coloum" but cant find soloution for password.[code]...

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Adding In Textboxes From Database Data

Jun 3, 2012

Im currently doing a small programme of a register system. I need to add a new group box filed with a few textboxes and a couple comboboxes for each entry in a access 2010 database. for example if i had someone called bob in my database with his details i would like the GUI of the VB app to add in a new textbox for the name, a textbox for the address ect in a set order, this needs to work for multiple entry's so the textboxes ect don't overlap but be placed neatly below the added textbox.

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After Add And Refresh Textboxes Hold No Data

Oct 13, 2011

I'm not sure if this is a simple problem or not but it's frustrating me to no end.

I'm using the following code to add my data to the database, and then this to refresh. [code]...

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Displaying Data In Textboxes Based On?

Nov 5, 2011

I'm not quite sure where to begin with this. This is basically how I'm trying to get it to work. I will enter the ID of a Hire Record in a textbox, hit the show hire record at which point it will materialise that hire records details in their associated textbox fields.I attached a screenshot of the form in question. I can also create a new record as you may be able to see by typing in the details and hitting create record (this is not a problem, i already understand how to do this), but I also want to be able to display an existing records details in the textboxes again

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Forms :: Data Validation In Textboxes?

Dec 7, 2009

I Have four textboxes, I want textbox1 to accept only char data.I want textbox2 to accept only numeric data.I want textbox3 to accept

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Forms :: Reading Data From Textboxes

Sep 7, 2010

I'm still at it.Have a new delima I have a form with 5 textboxes.1 thru 4 are read only ,and display various data recieved during my process. #5 is a user input,and accepts only numbers. Top Speed.bmp


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Getting Database Data To Show In Textboxes?

Nov 5, 2009

Alright it's been awhile since I messed with this project, so here goes. It's an appointment scheduler and everything works except two things: I can't edit existing appointments and it only records the current time, not the timeslot I click on.

If I try to edit an existing appointment it doesn't get the row data, just shows me blank text boxes. I assume I have to have those text boxes read the info from the database, but I don't know how to do that.

This is how it looks:

So, you double click a time slot and it looks like the second window. You can right click on an existing appointment to edit it, but when you do that all the text boxes remain blank like you're inserting a new one.

What code would I use to read whatever row's data I am trying to edit and insert it back into the boxes?

Here is the code I use to add new rows to the DB:

Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim NR As TestAppointmentDataBaseDataSet.AppointmentRow


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How To Display Search Data Into Textboxes

Jun 24, 2009

i was able to display a search data/record in my datagridview but my textboxes remains still and wont change to the corresponding row i have selected in my datagridview. other meaning of my doubt is how to bound a textbox with my datagridview so that it should display the details in the texbox of whichever row i'll be selecting from the datagridview

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IDE :: Data-bound Textboxes And Scrollbar?

Mar 2, 2009

I have some custom code in an extender that can be enabled on textboxes to determine whether or not to display scrollbars based on font, size, and textbox size. It works great, so long as the text box isn't data-bound. Once it is data-bound, I get some weird behavior. The text suddenly selects when the scrollbar is turned on. I am using VS 2005, VB.NET.


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Insert Data That Has Been Entered Into Textboxes?

Jun 22, 2010

i have written my code to to insert data that has been entered into my textboxes n my form into my access database. i am gettin an error message saying: OLEDBEXEPTION OCCURED...Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

i was wondering if someone could look over my code and tell me where im going wrong
the code is written for when the button on the form is pressed.

my code is...
OleDbInsertCommand1 = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand
OleDbConnection1 = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
OleDbInsertCommand1.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Admin,(Employee_Forename,


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Loading Data From SQL Server Row By Row To Textboxes

Mar 23, 2011

I am trying to retrieve data row by row from my SQL Server and load them into my respective textboxes, I was doing the below code but of course it doesn't work as the For Each loop will load every single textboxes with each data retrieved,


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Looping Through Textboxes To Insert SQL Data?

Aug 11, 2010

I am trying to find a way to loop through my textboxes to fill them with the appropriate data. As you can see, only the textboxes and rows change.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class ResultsForm
Private Sub SummaryCloseButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Retrieve Data From Textboxes And Save Them

Apr 2, 2009


how can I add a new row and save those records in the TextBoxes?

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Save Data From TextBoxes (and More) To Database?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm what you could call a beginner database coder, so this may seem like a simple issue to some :DI am using Visual Basic 2010 Express and a SQL Database.I have a series of TextBoxes, ComboBoxes, and CheckBoxes that I would like to save to different fields in a database

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Transfer Data From Textboxes To Excel?

Mar 23, 2010

is it possible to transfer data from my textboxes to excel within my programe but in the same book continiously just changing lines

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Transferring Data From The Textboxes Of 1 Page To Another?

Jan 17, 2010

How would I go about transfering data within textboxes on 1 page, to the same textboxes, but on another new page.

Basically, I already have coding that caluclates distance time, price per litre of petrol (it's a bus firm company application), and put's it into textboxes within a group box on my page. Basically I just want a bit of coding which will transfer this info, to different texboxes, but on a different new page, the idea is that I can then do fresh coding on that page without it interfering the coding on the current page.

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VS 2010 Save Data Textboxes

Mar 19, 2012

i am making a program with multiple textboxes (60). the user needs to fill in all the 60 textboxes and i want to save them so the user doesn't need to fill in all the 60 textboxes everytime he starts the program. make a combolist so the user can select his own 60 boxes after he filled it once and saved it

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Accessing Data From Dynamically Created Textboxes?

Feb 15, 2012

I wrote the following code to create dynamic controls-textboxes and labels.

ctlRow += 1
ctlRowLocation += 25
Dim new_ForceLabel As New Label


How can I access the data entered into these textboxes.

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Copy Data From Textboxes To A Text File?

Jun 21, 2010

I am using this code to copy data in a textbox to a text file. I have several forms to copy data from. Can this be done or do I need to do each form separately?[code]...

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Data Display - Using Tab Controls With Textboxes For Each Item

Oct 29, 2011

I am building an inventory program. One of my forms shows the store info. It will also have a section that shows all the equipment we keep track of at that store. I am currently trying to set it up by using tab controls with textboxes for each item. The code seems ugly and sloppy and I just don't like the interface. I am looking for ideas on a better way to do this. I know I could use a datagridview, but there is lots of data and I don't think there would be enough room for it.

Here is the code I have so far.
Private Sub GetTabData(ByVal StoreNumber As String)
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim DaAlrm As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection
[Code] .....

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DB/Reporting :: Link Data In A Datagridview To Textboxes?

May 27, 2009

How do I put a large amount of data (we are talking of a datatable with probably 50 columns and maybe 500 rows) from the access database that is bound to a datagridview in my program into textboxes depending on the row of the datagridview row I am clicking on.

What I have in the access database is countries and companies that are attached to several different dates to each company. these dates are supposed to be filled into the textboxes automatically when I click on the company row in the datagridview and also when i fill in a date in the textboxes it is to be written to the access database when I save the update.

I have used the below load code to fill my datagridview. Is there another way or can I use this?

Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub

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Display The Data From The Databas In Textboxes On Form?

Dec 23, 2009

Using the following code, I can display the data from the databas in textboxes on my form.Using the binding navigator, I can move through the records.Public Class Form1


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Forms :: Mine Data From Webbrowser To Textboxes?

Jan 26, 2010

I am trying to mine data from a webpage and use that data to populate textboxes (which will later be used to fill out and print a form).

For example, if the HTML source code looks like this...

<title>myGulf.com: Customer Login</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link href="gsstyles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

How would I mine or parse "myGulf.com" and place it into a textbox? I have tried using regex, but cannot get the code to work by viewing incomplete code snipets from other posts (I dont yet have enough understanding of regex).

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Get Data To Scroll Through A Datagridview And Textboxes Sequentially?

Mar 10, 2012

I am getting data from an SQL Server Database to display into text boxes.

However I also tried getting individual data or current data to display in the Gridview but not working. I am sure I am not doing it right.

I can get the data to display in the Grid view but not individually or scroll through as I hit the next button.[code....

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