SqlDependency Hangs When Setting Up Second Time?

Nov 8, 2010

What I am trying to do is allow for my objects to know when their data has changed on the database (so they are able to raise an event to let the user of the object know about the change).After following several tutorials on how to get SqlDependency working, I have finally managed to get it to let me know when something changes (although it also appears to let me know when I make the initial connection to it too, but that isn't a problem as I can work around that).The function that I have which sets up the SqlDependency is;

Public Function getMembers() As List(Of User)
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(_connectionString)
Dim sql As String = "SELECT UserGroupUserID, UserID, GroupID FROM dbo.xtblUserGroupUsers


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Asp.net - Website Hangs For A Long Time Then Displays Nothing

Mar 10, 2009

Occasionally, my website will stop functioning and anytime an ASP page is accessed, the browser will hang for many minutes before bringing up a correctly formatted HTML page with nothing in the tag. It seems to happen whenever more than one person attempts to access an ASP page, but I'm not positive it's isolated to those conditions.

Let me emphasize that the issue does not arise when accessing directories/HTML pages/other files. Only ASP pages are the problem. I am using lunarpages as a host.

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Serial Program Hangs After Short Time

Sep 9, 2011

I'm writing a simple program to retrieve data via the Serial Port. I have a piece of hardware that returns its 14 byte status every time vbCr is written to it. The program works fine except after a few hundred requests the program begins to hang, off and on. Some times for a second some times for longer. I need to update every 25 milliseconds so the hanging sets in quickly. This faster the interval the quicker the problem sets in but no mater how long the interval the problem eventually starts.[code]...

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VS 2008 My.Settings, Setting The Value At Run Time?

Mar 24, 2010

I have three settings Pleas,DocketSheets,AllTrays (strings). How to I set the value and save them for ever?

I've tried.

My.Settings.AllTrays = "Tray1;Tray2;Tray3;Tray4"

but it says that AllTrays is readOnly. Are the settings only retrievable and not settable or updatable?

View 17 Replies

Edit The Splash Setting Time From 1 Second To X# Seconds?

Feb 3, 2011

Basically, my app has the main form and a windows form "splash". Let me explain, this "Splash" is a WINDOWS FORM, not a splash form; its just named splash because I want to use it for that reason.In my project settings, my main form is my startup, and the splash form is my splash. This splash form has been coded on a timer for 10 seconds, but when I set the splash form as the splash setting, the form shows up for 1 second and goes to the main form.What I need is to edit the splash setting time from 1 second to x# seconds (preferebly 10)

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Setting Control Parent At Design Time?

May 18, 2012

I am using Visual Basic 2010 for a project.My project requires to place a TRANSPARENT button on top of an image (placed inside a picturebox). for that to work, i need to set the button's parent to the picturebox. Is there a way to do that in design time? I cannot find anything on the property tab. The reason i want to set it on design time is because my project will have a motherload of buttons and it will a pain to code the parent change....

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Setting Font Properties For Controls One At A Time?

Sep 25, 2011

In VB6 I would simply retrieve the user font setting from the .ini file, load into variables and then apply to the appropriate control.

text1.fontbold = userfontbold
text1.fontitalic = userfontitalic
text1.fontunderline = userfontunderline

I'm struggling to understand how to do this vb.net The following code works, but sets all three at one time

Text1.Font = New Font("Courier", 10, FontStyle.Bold Or FontStyle.Italic Or FontStyle.Underline)Since the user can have many different combinations of settings, I would like to be able to add just one of these properties at a time, but can't seem to figure out how to do it.

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Setting Type Dynamically At Run Time In Of Clause In .Net?

Oct 10, 2011

I'm using LINQ to Entities to generate typed result sets in VB.Net. I've got a generic Report class as follows:

Public Class Report
Public Property Name As String
Public Property SQL As String
Public Property Type As String
End Class

Then in the calling scope I want to have code that does something like:

' create my data context
Dim context As New MyAppEntities
' get a report object out of a dropdown list


So far I'm finding that .Net won't let me set the type in the (Of Type) clause on the fly at runtime.

Does anyone know how to do this?

I've tried changing the Type property of the Report class to an object of type Type, but that doesn't work either.

BTW, I know there are alternative ways to accomplish the same thing, but I'm working with external constraints that make this what I've got to work with right now.

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VS 2005 Setting Maximum Size @ Run Time?

May 7, 2009

If you can set the height of a panel at run time

Me.Panel1.Height = 3 What is the correct syntax for setting maximum size (height)? Tried this several ways and been searching. I know this is simple.

Me.Panel1.MaximumSize.Height = 512

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VS 2008 For Each In ListBox - Setting Time Interval?

Apr 22, 2012

I have this code in one button:
For Each x In ListBox1.Items
Label1.Text = "Status: Loading IMDB page..."
Dim str As String = x
Dim MOVIESNAME = str.Substring(str.IndexOf(""c) + 8)
[Code] .....

Is there an option to set a time interval between each check? Because it will load the page (it's not google, it's my personal website with some information needed) and it need to be fully loaded till it gets the information then it would do another check for another listbox1 item. Like.. maybe 5 to 10 seconds is enough..
Dim strCDRack() As String
Dim cdList As String
'Dim i As Integer
cdList = WebBrowser1.DocumentText.ToString
[Code] .....

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Wake Up Timer Using A Combobox For Setting Time?

Jan 12, 2012

I want to make a wake up timer using a combobox to select the time.I also want to make a label that display's how many minutes are remaining.

ComboBox1.Text = ("00:00"


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TabPage Schedule - Setting Time According To User Choice

Mar 4, 2010

How can I edit the time on my form. I have a one tabpage Schedule on which I want to set time according to user's choice. (I know how to display current time). If current time is 5.50.55 PM then user can set anything for eg. 6.45.12 AM according to he want to schedule.

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Setting Background Both At Design Time And Then Runtime - Program Just Closes

Aug 13, 2011

I'm using .net 2008 Trying to create a small graphic component, I have a problem setting background both at design time and then runtime. I derived a panel like this


But it isn't working! If I don't Overrides Property BackColor, this is working as expected but I really need to group in my custom tab.

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Setting Global Variables Within Web Project On Login And Set Expiry Time

Dec 1, 2011

I'm developing a revised version of a system I have been using for years, but with all the advantages of .NET features that were not around when I first made this. It's proving a steep learning curve! So, when a user logs in through my Login.aspx page which simply compares username/password to Database record, the system creates a session variable containing the user's Username and various other things. There are two type of variable which will be common to all elements of this system
User Specific data, Username, Permissions, etc

Setting variables, drawn from a database of pre-set facilities which are setup within the system, some will determine which facilities work, how they work, and some will be dependent upon the User's permission. Obviously, I could set everything within the Session data, but that'd be inefficient wouldn't it? If I were to set these globally available variables in my App_Code, how would I go about setting this up so that, for example, those variables which require a database call, are set for the duration of the Logged-In session and do not require constant Database lookups? Further to that, those variables which are dependent on the session state, would need clearing on each LogOut. I am using VB.NET.

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Setting Masked Textbox To Validate Time In 24hr Format

Jul 9, 2009

In Visual studio 2005 using VB, I've just started using a masked textbox to input time in the 24hr format.In the Input dialog box , I've set the mask to : Time(European/Military) and checked the : Use validating Type box.[code]Problem: The user can enter numbers which do not match the time format.Example:25:75 or 23:66 , etcI would just like to restrict user input to the numbers required for the 24hr format only.Also, if anyone can provide me with a link to some working examples of masked textboxes.

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Setting The Value Property Of A Date And Time Picker Control Programmatically

Jan 24, 2007

I have included a Date and Time Picker Control in oen of my MS Access Forms and want to set its value on the form open event. However, when I try to set the Value property I get the following error message :


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VS 2005 : Setting Item Properties With Values Of A Variable At Design Time?

Jul 7, 2009

is it possible to set a value of an item, for example: a textbox1.text = Empty.String at design time?

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Setting Short Function By Setting Poker Game Points?

Aug 23, 2010

I need help and wondering if you can help me to get my first project...it's a hobby and wondering if you can get me code for this so i can see how it does it* Evaluate( ) Prints the evaluation of the hand to the evaluation Label.

o If IsFlush( ), prints "flush; "
o calls SetPipArray( )
o Uses a For Loop to go through pipArray. For each element, uses a Select Case statement to


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Setting Variables To Store User Setting For Applications

Feb 13, 2012

In our projects we use setting variables to store user setting for the applications. Moreover, with every latest version of the applications, we upgrade these variables to retain user settings.Normally, this works fine, but recently one of my end user reported an error i.e.Configuration System failed to initialize". The error is related to user.config file. Therefore we requested the user to send us his file.After received the folder, we noticed that it contains 3 files (3begfjb.newcfg,3begfjb.tmp and user. config). 3begfjb.tmp is an empty file, while 3begfjb.newcfg and user.config are identical files. We tried to open these files but the data in user.config isn't proper xml rather its unreadable formatted file.Do any you guys had experienced this sort of issue or any ideas how and what may have created these files and corrupted user.config file.

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.Net BackgroundWorker Hangs Up?

Mar 21, 2011

I have limited experience in VB.net and have become stuck. I have tried to search for answers on other threads without success.I have an application that displays real time data.Queries are made to a MySQL database on another PC over the internet every 10 seconds to gather the most recent data.I have done the query within a BackgroundWorker so that the GUI is still responsive while the query is answered.What I've done works great for several hours or maybe for a couple of days but then the DoWork task appears to hang.

The code I'm using is to run the background worker is:

If Not(backgroundWorker1.IsBusy) Then Me.backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync() End If

The backgroundWorker runs just once and there's very little code in the DoWork routine:

Private Sub backgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles backgroundWorker1.DoWork rs = New


Is there anyway I can set up a timeout on the maximum allowed time that the DoWork task can be active for? And if so how would I then go on to stop the backgroundWorker?I understand that CancelAsync isn't going to help as my DoWork task is not repeating as it runs once only, then stops and 10 secs later I run it again.

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IDE :: Build Hangs In VB

Dec 6, 2011

When i try to build a project, vb hangs and displays this message in the notification area Microsoft Visual Basic Express 2010 is Busy. i have to end up using Task Manager to end the process i have been using VB Express for about a year and have never had this problem. i have tried to re-install VB 2010 express, no joy.

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OpenFileDialog Hangs Used Once?

May 26, 2012

ApplicationName has stopped workingA problem caused the program to stop working correctly.Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

Here is my code:
Private Sub OpenFile()
Dim OpenFileDialog As New OpenFileDialog


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.NET Application Hangs When Calling DLL

Dec 28, 2010

Its been running in production for over a year and this is the first time I saw this behaviour. The application is a VB.NET Console Application which is triggered by MQ server. This application uses a class library which is part of the same project(Say 'abc.dll'). In production around 40+ instances of this exe are running and all of them use the some of the functions from 'abc.dll'.

Last week, we noticed that all the 40 instances were shown to be running in the task manager but they were not doing any activity. There was no exception thrown or error logged in Application logs or System logs. To frantically debug the problem, I tried isolating the problem.

With all these 40+ exes hung up, I wrote a small aplication which would use a reference to this 'a.dll', create an object of one of the classes in that dll and execute a method in there. I was printing console.writelines in between to see to which point it gets to before erroring out.

To my surprise, I found that at the point where I was creating an object of a class in 'a.dll' this sample test application would also hang just like the others. No exceptions thrown. So I killed all those applications as a last resort and then when I restarted all of them, everything worked fine.

I couldn't find any explanation for this behaviour. Since it was a critical error affecting a production system(blanking out the application for 3+ hours), I have to give a very good explanation as to why this would occur. how it can be prevented in future.

(Side note: the servers running these appilcation do not have a maintenance schedule and are supposed to be up for couple of months together.

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Dataset Designer Hangs?

Nov 10, 2010

When using the Dataset Designer in VS 2010 I add a new query.It adds with no issue.Add another,starts to hang. Add another and now it can hang for hours.I use task manager to kill VS 2010 after 30 minutes.Go back into the same table adapter query, modify it, save it.Works in seconds.Add another query, hangs, hangs, hangs.I have seen posts about this going back to VS 2008.I have No Add-Ons loaded, what is causing this issue??

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FTP Upload Works But Hangs

Jan 12, 2011

I have this code to upload to a ftp server. It works but the problem is it freezes the program and sometimes you can end up waiting for long time and not even know its working.
Dim clsRequest As System.Net.FtpWebRequest = _
DirectCast(System.Net.WebRequest.Create("ftp://" + txt_ftp_username.Text + ":" + txt_ftp_password.Text + "@" + txt_ftp_server.Text + ":" + txt_ftp_port.Value.ToString + "/" + txt_ftp_dir.Text + "/" + txt_ftp_name.Text), System.Net.FtpWebRequest)
[Code] .....
Can this code be modified so that it will run without freezing the program and then just add a button labelled "STOP" to stop the ftp connection/upload?

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Hangs When I Switch To Design ?

Aug 21, 2009

I have downloaded SP1 and installed it,I have an applciation with 10 form and numerous classes and dialogs. When I right click a form in the soultion Explorer window and choose view Designer VS hangs for anything upto 10 mins. Is there anything that I can disable/ enable to stop this hapening. The only Language that I will be developing in is vb.net.

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IDE :: VS 2010 Debugger Hangs (VB)?

Oct 3, 2011

Im developing several applications under Visual Studio, and now have a real nightmare in hands. When i start to debug, VS hangs completely. Windows allows me to start task admin, and close the "devenv" process.I have serious problems here. I need to deliver my projects before the deadline!

Win 7 Pro 32 bits, VS 2010 SP1, running on HP computer based on Intel i5, 4gb ram. everything works as intended, except VS. When debug crashes, the devenv process uses about 25% of CPU and 250~400Mb of ram.

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Messagebox Hangs Program?

Mar 30, 2009

The messagebox shows properly but will not respond to mouse click and every is halted.. Comment out the messagebox event everything proceeds. No error is generated, things jest stop at themessagebox and willnot proceed. Code as follows:


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My Webbrowser Control Hangs

Jul 31, 2010

Using VB2005 I am trying to display several sites to my user. One of them being[url]... Ive laid down the very basic code just to navigate to the page but every time it tries to reach the site it just hangs. Strange is that Ive downloaded other examples of web browsers with very similar code and Im able to reach the site with no problems. Could the site be banning my specific app from reaching it and if so what mechanism would they use?

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Program Hangs On Loop

Jul 25, 2011

my program seems to just freeze whenever I press this button. I need to be able to use this because I'm reading values from a joystick as i'm making a human interface device.

Why is this freezing?[CODE...]

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