Starting A Process - Converting From .Net To VB6?

Oct 19, 2010

I need to convert the following VB.Net code into VB6:

Dim app1 As Process = New Process()
With app1.StartInfo
.FileName = msFilePath
.Arguments = "/log=" + logname


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VS 2008 Process.Start Error Starting Process?

Aug 8, 2010

Whats happening is I run the code below and get the following error "The system cannot find the file specified". I've read that with UseShellExecute set to false that you can't use WorkingDirectory.

Dim Password As String = "password"
Dim SecureStringPassword As New System.Security.SecureString
For Each c As Char In Password


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.net - Process.Start Not Starting?

May 24, 2011

I'm trying to execute a 3rd party application, called from a .cmd batch file, called from a self-hosted WCF service. Like this:

WCF --> .cmd --> 3rd party app

For whatever reason, using the Shell command doesn't work fully. It will call the .cmd file, but the 3rd party app won't kick off (I know the .cmd is firing because I have before/after ECHO statements populating a log file). If I double-click the .cmd file from explorer, the 3rd party app will start just fine. So, I figured, maybe try something besides the Shell command from my WCF service.

So I tried the following code, but it won't kick off the .cmd file at all (echo statements not firing). What am I missing here?

Dim psi As New ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", "/C " & System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ExStream_CMD_File_Path"))
Dim proc As New Process()
proc.StartInfo = psi

The path in the app.config file is valid (just double-checked). Is there anything wrong with the above code?

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Can't SetParent After Starting A Process?

Sep 14, 2011

Ok so I've been struggling for a few hours now,

Private tHandle As HandleRef
Private tPlacement As xWinPlacement
Private Sub Mainfrm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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Starting A New Process (EXE) From A .net Program?

Aug 14, 2010

I am trying to run a new process 9EXE) from a VB.NET program. Basically I am doing something similar to this:

Dim proc As New Process
Dim pi As New ProcessStartInfo
pi.FileName = CMD
pi.Arguments = ARG
pi.UseShellExecute = False


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Starting Process From Usb Numpad?

Mar 29, 2010

I have a user interface with pushbuttons, each starting a different process. Can I manage these pushbuttons via usb numpad? i.e. if 1 is pressed at numpad, pushbutton 1 will be clicked (so process 1 will start); if 2 is pressed at numpad pushbutton is 2 will be clicked and so on.

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2008 Remote Process Starting?

Mar 8, 2010

the below code starts the correct process but the windows form never displays on the remote machine. How do I get the application to actually load.

Private Sub RunRemoteProcess()
Dim sCmd As String = "C:Program FilesInternet ExplorerIEXPLORE.EXE " & txtData.Text.Trim
' add a reference to System.Management in Solution Explorer


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Forms :: Starting Process From Usb Numpad?

Mar 29, 2010

I have a user interface with pushbuttons, each starting a different process. Can I manage these pushbuttons via usb numpad? i.e. if 1 is pressed at numpad, pushbutton 1 will be clicked (so process 1 will start); if 2 is pressed at numpad pushbutton is 2 will be clicked and so on.

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Read Another Process's Memory Starting From Mbi?

Aug 22, 2010

I'm trying to read another process's memory starting from mbi.BaseAddress to mbi.RegionSize using the function ReadProcessMemory, however I only succedeed to read 1 address at a time and it takes like forever to finish, the result being stored into a byte() variable, calling the readaddressmemory 1 million times instead of only 1 for example.


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Starting A Control Panel Process?

May 21, 2009

I'm using an electronic signature pad for one of my applications. The pad has a Control Panel file which handles it's configuration (image display, etc). I would like to know if it is possible to open the pad's control panel from within VB.NET. I've tried using Process.Start() but can't get it to wok, and I'm not sure if it is a problem with what I'm typing in, or if Process.Start is not what I need to use here.

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Starting Multiple Documents In The Same Process

Apr 2, 2009

I am writing an application which needs to allow the user to select and open document files as a new process, edit them, then when they've finished backup the changed files automatically. For example, start a .doc file within Word or a .xls file with Excel What I wanted to do was use process.start to run the application and store the ProcessID returned in an array so that when the process finished, I could check all the files that were using that application for changes.


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VS 2010 Starting A Process With A Command?

Dec 15, 2011

I want to launch System Restore through my program. I figured out the destination of this feature in Win7 is: WindowsSystem32control.exe sysdm.cpl @0,4

So I wrote this

Dim p As New System.Diagnostics.Process
Private Sub CreateASystemRestorePointToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


Problem is that it will not work if I have anything behind .exe And "sysdm.cpl @0,4" is vital for this to work, otherwise I just launch Control Panel, which is pretty useless for what I want to achieve.

So how do I include commands like those in Visual Basic?

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Wait For Process To Finish Before Starting Another

Jan 19, 2011

I been trying to do loop until and while and even waitforexit nothing works as far as I did not really good with loops.[code]

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Starting A Process In The Current Command Window In .NET

Sep 22, 2010

I have this in a VB.NET console application:

Dim p As ProcessStartInfo
p = New ProcessStartInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory & "injavac.exe",ClassName & ".java")
Dim ps As Process = Process.Start(p)

This does run the java compiler on the file, but it does so in a new window. I want the output from javac to appear in the same console that is running my application. How can I do this? Perhaps there is another method for running commands in the current console? Or maybe I can supress the second console window from opening and redirect its output to the current console?

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Starting A Process With Credentials Vs RunAs Command?

Sep 14, 2011

I am trying to parse data from netsh dhcp commands from my application which will run from remote client systems running windows xp/7. In order to do this, credentials must be passedSo I can currently get the correct data using the RunAs command. However when trying to do it programatically from it returns data as tho there were no credentials passed.

p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = True
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = True


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Win32 Exception When Starting A Process From An Application?

Dec 9, 2009

I have an application that starts one of two external CAD applications depending upon the extension of a file in a ListView. I have been able to start up the application to view the file selected without a problem. I also have a seperate print click event for printing the file that opens the viewer application in the background and prints the file. This works perfectly for one of the CAD viewers but when I select a file that requires the other viewer application to print I get a Win32 exception and an error message stating that the file is not associated with any application and it cannot be opened. This of course is rediculous as it opens fine in the "View File" click event that opens the viewer to check the drawing.

One rather strange observation is that the CAD viewer that does print the associated file will launch the other CAD viewer application (that is associated with the other file extensions) when the "View" click event is handled even though I had not incuded the code to execute the process to start the viewer for that type of file. I realize this rather convoluted and may lie in the ProcessStartInfo arguments that I pass to the application.

Here's a code snippet:

Private Sub PrintFinGoods_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PrintFinGoods.Click
Dim message As String = "No application is associated with file"
Dim source_exception As New Exception


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Can't Get The ID Of Execution Starting More Than One Excel Document Using Process.Start?

Jun 7, 2011

This is simple to explain, i need to track the process id from the files I execute. So lets look at the code.For this example just create 2 files in the C: and call it 1.xlsx and 2.xlsxNow open the firts file ...

Dim objFileExecute As New System.Diagnostics.Process
objFileExecute = Process.Start("C:1.xlsx")


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Starting A Process Hidden (execute Something But Don't Show Window)?

Jun 10, 2009

I am using the code below, but it still shows the program.For example, if I pass in CALCIt will start the calculator but show it.

Code: Public Function ExecuteFileHidden(ByVal lFile As String, ByVal largs() As String) As String Dim oSTR As String = "" oSTR += "Attempting to execute " & lFile & vbCrLf Try Dim p As New System.Diagnostics.Process p.StartInfo.FileName = lFile Dim a As String = "" For Each l In


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Starting A Process - Select A Node In Tree And Then Pass The Path To The Associated Folder

May 20, 2009

I am working in VB2008. I don't know what process is started when a user double clicks on a folder to display its contents. I am working on an application where I store paths to various folders in a database that is displayed in a treeview. I would like to be able to select a node in my tree and then pass the path to the associated folder to the application which can display the contents of the folder. I need to know the name of the application or process that I am trying to startup to display my folder contents.

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System Process... Converting From VB6?

Feb 5, 2010

I noticed when you kill winlongon.exe, you get a BSOD and your computer crashes. I have also noticed that a number of antiviruses including Norton and Kaspersky make their processes access denied, even to administrators! Even if you use a tool like PSKill or Process Explorer, you still can't kill them. For anyone who wants to see this for themselves, get Kaspersky antivirus and then try killing AVP.EXE from any task killing utility. It doesn't work!

I'm making an application which will limit certain processes from running on my computer until a master password has been entered, where upon the access to these processes will be unlocked. I don't want the user to be able to kill the process, but I want them to be able to use other programs (including task manger, etc). I have thought of many solutions to this, including having another process which will restart my main process whenever it is not present, but this brings forth the problem of a user simultaneously killing and then deleting both of the processes, possibly with a tool like Unlocker. I have also thought about disabling task manager, CMD and taskkill, but then I fear my program will become more like a virus than a legitimate piece of software, and also other utilities can be used which will kill processes.

My problem is that I don't want to be too constraining to the user of my application so that they are not able to use every day applications, but I don't want my application to be easy to circumvent, and thus become pointless.

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Process Of Converting 6 Pages Of Java To .net?

Sep 26, 2011

I'm in the process of converting 6 pages of java to and today I encountered a line of code that uses "HashSet". I'm currently working in visual studio 2005 and so after googling it, I realized that HashSet is not available for this framework and I would need to use Dictionary.

I'm trying to decide if I should upgrade or not. Performace is going to be a key issue in working with this new application. I suppose it may depend on what use they make of this HashSet in the pages I'm converting. Here's the function I'm currently working on converting:

Public Shared Function locate(ByVal Pnt) As Triangle
Dim triangle As Triangle = mostRecent
If Not contains(triangle) Then
triangle = Nothing
End If


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VS 2005 Windows Services - Process Is Listed As A SYSTEM Process Rather Than A Process Under User Name

Jun 4, 2009

I have written a windows service that is meant to launch a notepad when a specific action happens. The problem i have is that even though the service launches notepad, the actual notepad it self is NOT visible. I know that it has been launced because i can see the process in the task manager. By the way the process is listed as a SYSTEM process rather than a process under my user name (i believe that is because my process is a "LocalSystem" one).

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Converting File Into Bytes And Then Converting Those Files Back Into Its Original Form?

Aug 22, 2011

my goal is to

1.Take an file(exe,dll,etc)

2.Convert it into hex that hex values in a stack

4.Execute the values inside the stack to its original form(i.e. take the elements out of stack and then convert it to a compile format)

Imports System.IO
Sub Main()
Dim fileName As String = "ABC.exe"


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C++ - In What Form An Void Pointer Can Be Sent Via Pipe To Another Process In A Different Process Address Space

Mar 23, 2012

I want my dll to get the data sent from c++ project(exe).Can any body help on in what form this void pointer can be sent via pipe. The void pointer corresponds to enums or structures. I have to get this structures/enums on the dll end. I have mentioned about using pipe. My question is as what type the pointed to data can be send over the pipe so that I can easily handle the received data at the dll end.

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Write A Little Program That Checks For A Process - ,,Cheat Engine" Is Running The Process Is Getting Killed?

Oct 13, 2009

i am trying to write a little program that checks for a process and kills is the

Dim p As Process = Process.GetProcessesByName("Cheat Engine")(0)

My problem is it�s woking ,yes if the programm ,,Cheat Engine" is running the process is getting killed.But if the program is not running my program crashes.

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C# - System.Diagnostics.Process From ManagementBaseObject - Executing A Remote Process Using WMI

Sep 9, 2011

I'm executing a remote process using WMI and would like to redirect the StandardOutput of that process back to my program. I have found these code examples:


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Error - The Process Cannot Access The File 'C:UsersdavidDesktopTest Folderdavid 2.xml' Because It Is Being Used By Another Process

Sep 1, 2009

I am getting an error with this code.

The process cannot access the file 'C:UsersdavidDesktopTest Folderdavid 2.xml' because it is being used by another process.

how do i end the prosess after I create the file? Or am I creating it in the wrong manner.The underlined line is where the error ocures.

Public Sub AddDTData(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String, ByVal filename As String)
dtUser.Rows.Add(value1, value2, Now.Date)
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(filename) Then


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Get Full Path Of Current Directory Of Process From Where Process Starts?

Sep 27, 2010

How to get full path of current directory of process from where process starts Like if i use my software to start somefile then I want my software to know where she started it from ( files path) What I mean is the file I opend using my softwares location.

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OSK Process Start/stop - PID.Kill() Fails Because It Says The Process Already Exited

Sep 28, 2010

My app starts an On-Screen Keyboard process like this:

Dim PID as System.Diagnostics.Process
PID = Process.Start("C:WindowsSystem32osk.exe")


It seems to work 90% of the time. However, sometimes the PID.Kill() fails because it says the process already exited. At this point the OSK is always still there on screen. Yes, I know my code should be testing to see if the process is still running before trying to kill it, but given that the OSK is still on screen..

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Process.start() Freezes Main Program Until Process Finishes?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a program that starts another program after setting the regkeys basically the program continually syncs the calandar of outlook and another application.I set the regkeys than launch the c:sync.exe app. I have tried a simple process.start and launching the process as a thread and they both do the same thing: The other process starts and works as it should but my main program goes "White screen" or "not responding" until the process.start has exited.

I want the process.start to run in the background so if users click in my main app it responds and truly that they can access the context menu of my main app from the taskbar while the process.start is running.

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