Store DataGridView Value Changes

Apr 9, 2012

I have a datagridview that is populated from a collection of queries. This collection is fed from a xml file. I have the datagrid populating fine with new rows and correctly displaying the parameters of each query based on which query is selected. My next goal is to make it where when the user edits values of existing rows, when the save button is pressed those changes will simply go and update those values in the xml file from which they are originally pulled from.[code]

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InputBox Function - Program - Allow User To Input 5 Payrolls For Store 1, Store 2, And Store 3

Mar 22, 2012

I am coding a program that will allow the user to input 5 payrolls for Store 1, Store 2, and Store 3. The total of the 5 payrolls are then added together and shown in the respective Store's labels. A total label is also there to add up all the totals into one number. The numbers in the label must be in currency form. My problem is the numbers don't add correctly when I hit calculate. The first two numbers add together, but then after that the number just seems to subtract a random amount.

So far I have this --

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub


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Store The DATAGRIDVIEW Data Into The MSAcces?

Jul 31, 2011

How to store the DATAGRIDVIEW data into the MSAccess.

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Search Form Store Result In DataGridView?

Nov 24, 2009

I experience some difficulties with property Item of DataGridView component.

The application is made in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition and I'm using Sql Server Management Studio as DBMS.

I have made a query starting from my tables and I want to add the result of query in a datagridview in reference with what the user selects: (I have 3 textboxes and 2 datetimepickers).

Here's the code in button search:

(don't know how to add the 5 components in the dategridview and integrate the query in datagridview).

My form is this:

Here's the full code of search button:(where I have problems) (I made a reader to read my query and I need to store the result of query in a datagridview related with what user types in the 3 textboxes and selects from the 2 datetimepickers.)

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim conexiune As SqlConnection 'for connection with sql server


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Store DataGridView Content Into A String Array?

Feb 26, 2012

I have a datagridview on my form named DG1 I fill the datagridview cells, now I want to store the content of the datagrdview into a string array.

Dim output As String()
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DG1.Rows


it is giving me a NulReferenceException at: output(i) = cell.Valuehow to store my datagridview content into a string array?

View 4 Replies

Search From 2tables Store Query Result In Datagridview?

Nov 24, 2009

I want to make a search form the user completes the 3 textboxes and 2 datetimepickers. (so five components).

Also I have a button called search and a datagridview.

When the user presses the search button it searches into those 2 tables (depending on what user typed in the 3 textboxes and selected on 2 datetimepickers).

Example of search:

The user searches like this:

When it presses the search button the results will be stored in datagridview(first textbox is the field DB-20-RTS from table PatrimoniuMasini and the rest are fields from the specified columns (name of labels) from the second table FoaieParcursMasina -is the second row from this second table).

Here's the code in my search button (don't know how I can store the 5 things(2 datetimepickers and 3 textboxes in the DataGridView) . My problem is in understanding the property item of DataGridView(DataGridView1):

DataGridView1.Item(row_index,column_index) -general syntax

Here's the full code of button search:

Dim conexiune As SqlConnection 'conexiune cu sql server
Dim comandasql As SqlCommand 'cerere -interogare sql
Dim msg As String ' msg- variabila dk suntem conectati sau nu


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Store Datagridview Items To The Database Without Linking Any Other Boxes?

Nov 15, 2011

i had created a form with datagrid view , in that a table is linked with MS Access database , i need the coding steps in

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DB/Reporting :: Make A Search Form And Store Results In A Datagridview?

Nov 25, 2009

I performed a search by completing this information in my form:

TextBox1: the user types DB-20-RTS
DateTimePicker1: selects 7 april 2004
DateTimePicker2: selects 7 april 2004


I don't have errors of syntax in my code the only problem is when I press the search button (it doesn't store me in the columns of datagridview the 5 things I want).

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Store Whole Numbers And That A String Is A Varialbe Used To Store Any Text?

Feb 19, 2009

i know that integer is a variable to store whole numbers and that a string is a varialbe used to store any text, but what variable type would you use to store a number that has decimals?

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Error - Create A Class Called Invoice - Hardware Store Use To Represent An Invoice For An Item Sold At Store

Apr 15, 2012

"Create a class called Invoice that a hardware store might use to represent an invoice for an item sold at the store. An Invoice should include four pieces of information as instance variables--a part number (type String), a part description (type String), a quantity of the item being purchased (type Integer) and a price per item (Type Integer). Your class should have a constructor that initialize for each of the four instance variables. Provide a property for each instance variable. If the quantity is not positive it should be set to zero. If the price per item is not positive it should be set to zero."

I attached the code I have. obj is underlined and says "Argument not specified for parameter 'Invoice4' of the 'Public Sub New (Invoice1 As Object, Invoice2 As Object, Invoice3 As Object, Invoice4 As Object)' and so the program won't run. What am I doing wrong?

Public Class Form1

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim obj1 As New Invoice(Val(TextBox1.Text))
TextBox1.Text &= obj1.Invoice1 & vbNewLine
TextBox1.Text &= obj1.Invoice2 & vbNewLine
TextBox1.Text &= obj1.Invoice3 & vbNewLine
TextBox1.Text &= obj1.Invoice4 & vbNewLine


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Best Way To Store Data

Jul 31, 2011

I hope this is the correct place to obtain a little bit of advice for a program I am looking to produce in visual basic 2010.

I currently work as a design engineer designing press tools and a lot of our designs are similer just maybe a feature, length, diameter change etc. So the design principles are the same for each product.

What I am aiming to do is program the 3D design package so that 80% of the tool design can be done using the program etc.

Now the enquiry I have is where would the best place to hold the standard data be?

For instance each press has a maximum blank diameter, shutt height, bores diameters in the bed and likewise each product type has design features with the same calculations such as length, pierce etc.

I have done a bit of reading and I have found that data can be stored into text files, xml files and databases etc or hard coded into the program.

I am looking to allow new presses to be added so the user would need to add new shutt heuights, blank size etc but the tooling would have to be unqiue dependent on the typs of stage. So I am wondering to store this information would a database be the best option even though the data will not be continually updated more a place for it to be retrived from excpet under failry rare circumstances.

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C# :: Where To Store Defaults

Aug 24, 2011

I have bunch of default strings and ints throughout the app. like default names, etc,etcThose are all constants. I just want to access them in different pages in my app. What is the best place to place them? I was thinking about Enum or something similar. What is the best approach?

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Get Store Name/ID Pairs Via The API?

Apr 30, 2011

1) Is it possible to filter sale orders by full customer name? I need to do this instead of against first/last name

2) Is it possible to get store name/ID pairs via the API?

3) Is it possible to filter orders by shipping_country?

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How To Store Data

Jul 24, 2009

I was thinking about using an access database to store the data but I would like to know if there is a better way of storing data?

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How To Store Passwords

Oct 20, 2009

I know its a very basic problem but what is the best way to store passwords and usernames in visual basic 2008? I need to be able to add them whist in runtime and I also need to be able to obviosly get the program to check wether inputted username and passwords are correct.I am VERY new to programming so please explain your answeres in dummy language

View 8 Replies

How To Store The AddressOf

May 2, 2012

How can I store the address of a function so I can use this later in my code? I want to do something like this:vb

checkStatusWorker As addressof function= addressof functionName

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How To Store Value In Array

Apr 13, 2011

I want to store value in array, from my database. I am using following code but it return error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."[code...]

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How To Store X / Y Coordinates

Aug 15, 2011

I am using the following to store the X Y cords
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
MyX = Me.Location.X
MyY = Me.Location.Y
End Sub
But the Me.Location.X or .Y are not detecting the forms position when I move it?

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Store 23:23:30 In A Variable?

Apr 14, 2009

i have 23:23:30 in a texbox and i like to store this in a variable ,if i put a variable m1 as decimal, i have a message error,if i put string , i have 0 and not 23:23:30,why?

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Store A Very Little Number?

Jul 30, 2011

I have a problem, in my app I want to calculate 0.02453166 * 13.39. But I need to store those values in a variable first.

Dim Number1 As [Type] = 0.02453166
Dim Number2 As [Type] = 13.39
Dim Number3 As [Type]
Number3 = Number1 * Number2

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Store An Access DB In A .Net App?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a VB.Net app that uses an MS Access 2003 Database. In my connection string, I'm utilizing the "|DATADIRECTORY|" construct (see code). cnn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DATADIRECTORY|MyDB.mdb;User Id=;Password=;"When I run my program, I'm getting the following error message:"Could not find file 'C:indebugMyDB.mdb'"

In order to use the "|DATADIRECTORY|", where do I need to put it within my Project. I basically want to deploy this app on stand-alone PC's. I guess a more simpler question would be: How do I deploy a single user application that uses an Access Database where the database location will go wherever the user specifies when installing the application?

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Store Files Into VB?

Jan 18, 2009

yes Is there a way to store Files in to VB app.?

Becasue im planing to go somewere and i dont have a flash drive and i was wondering if there is a i dont have to download many files...

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Store Id Value In Combobox?

Dec 11, 2010

I am creating combobox but ,I am able to add value in such a way documentcategory.Items.Add("Hi") But I want to add ID and value suppose ID is =1 and value="Hi" Then how can I add

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Store The Encrypted Value In The Dll?

Jun 7, 2010

I would like to know how I could encrypt the url and store the encrypted value in the dll?

And I would also like to decrypt it from the dll when I need it for later?

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Store Value From One Variable To Another?

Mar 11, 2010

How can I store the value of a variable into another variable that wont be changed unless it meets certain criteria

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What Is Store Procedure

May 7, 2011

what is store procedure and why we use it?

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Where And How To Store Functions In

Mar 16, 2010

I am using visual studio 2008, have various functions; 1 that calculates totals, 1 that calculates averages, 1 that calculates percentages etc. The data they act upon is different depending on the particular web page, but all my pages use these functions. So I want to know how I can store these functions in a single place so that all of my web pages can access the routines. At the moment all I know how to do is to write seperate functions in the code-behind for each individual web page.

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Where Should Store Resources

Dec 17, 2011

If I have resources for my application, such as images, sounds, videos, etc.Should I just copy them into the project folder or do they need specific placement somewhere within the application?

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Store All My Files Into One File?

Dec 10, 2010

I'm trying to store all my files into one file. I have quote huge file but the file stops at 194,000 KB and it doesn't save beyond that but the problem I've built says that the file has been saved. I would like to know if there is a way to go beyond this limit? And for the file to just keep getting bigger.

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.net - How To Store Directory In Varaibles

Sep 2, 2010

I am using following code to search a specific file with .doc extension.How can I get this info into a variable to be used later.

Dim di As New DirectoryInfo("d:")Dim files() As FileInfo = di.GetFiles("*.doc", SearchOption.AllDirectories)

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