Store All My Files Into One File?

Dec 10, 2010

I'm trying to store all my files into one file. I have quote huge file but the file stops at 194,000 KB and it doesn't save beyond that but the problem I've built says that the file has been saved. I would like to know if there is a way to go beyond this limit? And for the file to just keep getting bigger.

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Store Bunch Of Jpeg Files From A Folder In Local File System To A Column In Database With Datatype Image?

Jan 5, 2012

I Need to Store bunch of Jpeg files from local file system to a column with image datatype in databse.Can any one please provide me some code to do it?

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VS 2008 Scan DriveFolder For Files And Store Folder Name And Files?

Apr 1, 2009

I need to scan either a drive are folder and search for .theme .VStyle and shellstyle.dll and there folder/subfolder names.The code scans for all .Theme files on the drive or in a folder, when it finds it it stores the folder name that file is in and also the name of the .theme .

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What Is The Number Of Files Over Which It Is Better To Store Additional Files In A New Folder

Feb 13, 2011

To improve performance, when one has many files to readwrite it is better to save them in smallergroup in different folders. Is there a magic number over which it is better to start splitting the folder? for example below "10.000" (invented number) files can be stored in one single folder, while above that it is better to start storing files in multiple folders.

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Store All These Files On The Server As Text Files?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm doing a project where we are re-creating a very old system.The client wants the same base functionality and some improvements.One of the things I'm currently working on is the note-system. These are used as flags of some sort, but are also used as a comment field for some products or client profiles.In the old system you could write the text and save it like you would get in a .txt file. They want the new one to be able to do word formatting such as:

Different font sizes (Only some parts of the text)
Different font colours (Only some parts of the text)
Underlining of words

Those are the specs they want. What I need to know is the following:

1) How do I do that?

2) Currently they store all these files on the server as text files and the database have paths that refers to each file. I want to be able to save a text file with that formatting to the HDD of the server like in the old system.

3) If possible I would like to save that text to the database with the formatting.

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Store Files Into VB?

Jan 18, 2009

yes Is there a way to store Files in to VB app.?

Becasue im planing to go somewere and i dont have a flash drive and i was wondering if there is a i dont have to download many files...

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InputBox Function - Program - Allow User To Input 5 Payrolls For Store 1, Store 2, And Store 3

Mar 22, 2012

I am coding a program that will allow the user to input 5 payrolls for Store 1, Store 2, and Store 3. The total of the 5 payrolls are then added together and shown in the respective Store's labels. A total label is also there to add up all the totals into one number. The numbers in the label must be in currency form. My problem is the numbers don't add correctly when I hit calculate. The first two numbers add together, but then after that the number just seems to subtract a random amount.

So far I have this --

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub


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Store All The Text Files In The DB?

Oct 13, 2009

Some time ago in VB6, I wrote a recipe program that basically stores all the recipes as text files. I was going to rewrite it in .NET and use an Access DB. I figured this would help in searching and other things, ratings, etc. But I'm a little stuck. I don't know if:

a) I can or should store all the text files in the DB

b) convert the text files to some other file format

I can already use GetFiles with a mask to search the filenames, not sure if I need or want full text search. So, should I flush the DB idea or how to move forward? I really don't want to use SQL, but if that's the way to go then...

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Where To Store Config Files

Sep 4, 2010

I'm writing an application that will be used to generate reports from a database and I want to have several predefined reports/queries built in but also offer the user the option to create their own query and be able to save it and run it whenever they want without having to set the query up again each time.

So I figured I would just store the query parameters in an XML file for the ones that a user has created themselves and I would store these XML files (one for each query) in the user's Application Data folder.

I'm wondering what I should do with the built in queries though (bear in mind that the parameters of these built in queries should not be configurable). As I see it, these are my options:

1. Have the query parameters hard coded in the application
2. Store the query parameters in XML files in the location where the app is stored (ie Program Files) - the installer would create these files when the app is installed
3. Store the query parameters in XML files in the user's Application Data folder with any queries they have created themselves.

I'm leaning towards option 2 for the following reasons: All queries (user defined or predefined) would then be in the exact same format and the program could then run them all in the exact same way. Option 1 would mean I would have to release a new version of the application if I ever wanted to change these parameters. Option 3 would mean that the program would have to create the XML files each time it was launched by a new user so it would be a bit pointless and the values for the parameters would still have to be hard coded in the application so that it could create the files correctly.

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.net - Store The Files In A Local Folder?

Apr 22, 2012

I want to store large files(over 100mb) in a sqlite database. I noticed, that its not good in performance.Do I have to store the files in a local folder, or do i have to rewrite my code?

Shared Sub BlobToFile(ByVal Blob As Byte(), ByVal file As String)
Dim MyData() As Byte = Blob
Dim K As Long[code].....

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Keep Files Open Or Store In An Array?

Aug 25, 2009

I'm writing a program that reads randomized test questions from a text file. The text file includes information about how to set up the screen including which pictures, videos or buttons etc. to show for each question. The user responds to the questions and another text file is created logging the results. would it be better to read in all the data from the text file into an array to work with during the test, or should I just read the questions one at a time keeping the text file open while the user responds. The amount of data that would be read into an array for an average test would be about 200 lines which range from a single character to 20 sentences (whose length would of course vary).

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Store TIFF Files In Oracle?

Nov 11, 2009

I have an ASP.NET application ( codebehind) that has serious performance problems because of its storage of TIFF files in one server share. There are over a million .TIF files there now! The application tracks the scanned images of property with a corresponding row in an Oracle database table. We have this idea that it might be better to store the images themselves in a new Oracle table.

The alternative solution we are thinking of is to split up the server share into multiple folders by State (an OH folder, a WV folder, a VA folder, etc.) Seems like the database option might make more sense long-term, but how do we do it? Can a TIFF be stored in a BLOB column and then extracted back into TIFF format using .NET?

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VS 2010 Where To Store The Resource Files

Apr 12, 2011

As I'm working with some image files for my project, where should I store it ?I mean, they will be displayed frequently to the user. What I do currently is store in the app directory and when needed, I use:
PictureBox1.Image=New Bitmap(Application.StartupPath & "ImageName.png"

For some background images, I used to set it at design time. That is, selecting the image needed using the Image property and never changes it at runtime.So, what will be best place to store it efficiently.

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Create A Cabinet Application Which Will Store My Files?

Sep 29, 2011

I want to create an application which acts like a file cabinet, where in i can store all my files viz. xls,doc,msg. So that i do not have to look for my files in hard drive, i can open an application and retrieve it from there.My application will be a standalone application whose data is stored on the location i mention in the application.Is it possible to build an application like this.

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Create A Database To Store The Files To Be Organized?

Oct 6, 2009

We're making a project named personal digital library. It works like an automatic file organizer, which organizes files accdg to different topics, which falls under document categorization. The problem is we don't know what algorithm will be used in our project, we're using VB.NET 2008. Another is do we need to create a database to store the files to be organized?

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Store Data To The Program Files Directory?

Jul 31, 2010

how i need to store data to the program files directory, but i couldnt becuase it required adminstrator privileges. After searching around i found an appdata folder with the path "C:UsersCristian RiveraAppDataLocalVirtualStoreProgram


how to download folders and i know how to search for folders but how can i download a folder into the above directories without knowing the name of the user account.

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Folder To Store Application's Temporary Updated Files?

Aug 18, 2009

I have created an updater for our clients application. The way the updater works is to download all the updated files and store them in a temporary folder then check the file hashes. If everything is ok it will copy the files to the applications installation folder. Once this is been completed it will delete all the updated files in the temporary directory.

My problem: I am looking for a directory that will be available for XP, Vista, and Win7. I was thinking about the 'temp' directory.

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How To Build System For Store Office Files In Access

Jan 14, 2011

i want to built application for managing office document in database. My decision using VB.NET and access database. Using available tool Visual Studio 2010(VB.NET) and Access 2007.

1)what suitable table for access to store office document?Included time,id,office files and what again?

2)how use 2010 for insert,update,delete in access?

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Store And Retrieve PDF Files Using SQL Server 2008 And VB 2010?

Feb 14, 2012

I'm trying to store and retrieve PDF files using SQL server 2008 and Visual Basic 2010.The Issue:i need to lookup a PDF file and store it to the DB using filestream and display it in Adobe Acrobat COM Control on VB Form?

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VS 2010 Store And Open Files To And From SQL Server 2005?

Jul 18, 2011

Is it possible to store excel, word, pdf, .rar .zip files to a column in a table of a SQL Server 2005 DB.And also open the fie with excel, word, acrobat reader, etc????My other sollution would be to store the file on a location on a server and only sory the filename and location in my db and then open them with "Process.Start("filename")".My main problem with solution 2 is this:Lets say I install the programm on a pc called "manager". When I use the savefiledialog and I am on the manager pc the string C:/myfiles/test.xls will be stored

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Store/retrieve Millions Of Files When Their Meta-data Is In A SQL Database?

Aug 10, 2009

I have a process that's going to initially generate 3-4 million PDF files, and continue at the rate of 80K/day. They'll be pretty small (50K) each, but what I'm worried about is how to manage the total mass of files I'm generating for easy lookup. Some details:

I'll have some other steps to run once a file have been generated, and there will be a few servers participating, so I'll need to watch for files as they're generated.Once generated, the files will be available though a lookup process I've written. Essentially, I'll need to pull them based on an order number, which is unique per file.At any time, an existing order number may be resubmitted, and the generated file will need to overwrite the original copy.

Originally, I had planned to write these files all to a single directory on a NAS, but I realize this might not be a good idea, since there are millions of them and Windows might not handle a million-file-lookup very gracefully. I'm looking for some advice:

Is a single folder okay? The files will never be listed - they'll only be retrieved using a System.IO.File with a filename I've already determined.If I do a folder, can I watch for new files with a System.IO.DirectoryWatcher, even with that many files, or will it start to become sluggish with that many files?Should they be stored as BLOBs in a SQL Server database instead? Since I'll need to retrieve them by a reference value, maybe this makes more sense.

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VS 2010 How To Store Unlimited Multi-row Strings Without Need Of Extra Files

Dec 9, 2009

How can i store unlimited multi-row strings without the need of extra files?Example: the user enter a multi-row string into a textbox and clicks save. Then the program should save that somewhere. And then the user enters another string and clicks save. And then there is a combobox where it can choose between those 2 strings to load.Can i save them in some sort of collection like My.Settings.Collection? Where each text also has a header.

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PST Files - Outlook Has To Be Original And Have Its Own Files In A File (file System)

Sep 30, 2010

I am currently working on file carving techniques and found that outlook has to be original and have its own files in a file (file system) going on. You guessed it the wonderful PST file. right direction on opening PST files without outlook if possible.

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Debugging - Store Text Data In Text Files

Jan 23, 2012

i am using visual basic 2010 and i am making a program that stores text data in text files and when i go to debug the program it doesnt let me.

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Combining Image Files - Take Multiple Picture Files And Compact Them Into One File

Dec 10, 2009

I know this is out there and probably illogical but I was wondering if it was possible to take multiple picture files and compact them into one file.... and then retrieve them from the program later? Way to combine any amount of image files into one file

Module Module1
Sub combine()
Dim img1 As New Bitmap("i1.jpg")


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VS 2010 Make A Code That Unzips Files And Then Move Those Files Into Another Zip File?

Feb 23, 2012

How do i make a code that unzips files and then move those files into another zip file?

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Retrieve File Details From Files In The Program Files Folder?

Dec 26, 2009

I am trying to retrieve file details from files in the Program Files folder. I receive an error while trying to retrieve file details.

Dim sFileName As String = ("%ProgramFiles%Windows DefenderMSASCui.exe")
Dim Info As FileVersionInfo
Info = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(sFileName)

I receive file not found error at 3rd line. But if I change the path from "%ProgramFiles%Windows DefenderMSASCui.exe" to "c:Program FilesWindows DefenderMSASCui.exe" it works fine.

What should I do if I want to retrieve file details from the path which includes a "%" character?

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Store The .jpg, .bmp Or .raw File Into Clipboard?

Feb 6, 2009

how to store the .jpg, .bmp or .raw file into clipboard? here is the cope of VB code I need to make it work

Clipboard.SetImage(CType("C:asdf.jpg", System.Drawing.Image))

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Using An .ini File To Store Settings?

Feb 26, 2009

I am using an .ini file to store my settings, so they are editable. But the thing is, it wont redirect? I had it working some minutes ago, but now, it just gives me a white page.. It didnt do that some minutes ago Here is my whole code, as it would take time to split it all that has with .Ini file to do.


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Using Custom File To Store

Mar 29, 2012

I made a custom file extension (.varia) and made the value notepad ++. Then I went into notepad++ and added it. Next I saved it as test.varia. But now I don't know how to make the program read it and store text inside of it.[code]

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