.net - Store The Files In A Local Folder?

Apr 22, 2012

I want to store large files(over 100mb) in a sqlite database. I noticed, that its not good in performance.Do I have to store the files in a local folder, or do i have to rewrite my code?

Shared Sub BlobToFile(ByVal Blob As Byte(), ByVal file As String)
Dim MyData() As Byte = Blob
Dim K As Long[code].....

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Store Bunch Of Jpeg Files From A Folder In Local File System To A Column In Database With Datatype Image?

Jan 5, 2012

I Need to Store bunch of Jpeg files from local file system to a column with image datatype in databse.Can any one please provide me some code to do it?

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VS 2008 Scan DriveFolder For Files And Store Folder Name And Files?

Apr 1, 2009

I need to scan either a drive are folder and search for .theme .VStyle and shellstyle.dll and there folder/subfolder names.The code scans for all .Theme files on the drive or in a folder, when it finds it it stores the folder name that file is in and also the name of the .theme .

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What Is The Number Of Files Over Which It Is Better To Store Additional Files In A New Folder

Feb 13, 2011

To improve performance, when one has many files to readwrite it is better to save them in smallergroup in different folders. Is there a magic number over which it is better to start splitting the folder? for example below "10.000" (invented number) files can be stored in one single folder, while above that it is better to start storing files in multiple folders.

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Upload Files From A Local Folder To A Ftp?

Feb 12, 2011

I am trying to upload files from a local folder to a ftp server folder which works fine when doing it with filezilla. I keep getting this error:


the remote server returned an error: (550) file unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access).

'....ftppath = "tp://192.xxx.xx.xx/%2f/feedb/gnip/
Public Sub uploadFTP(ByVal ftpPath As String, ByVal localPath As String, ByVal username As String, ByVal psswd As String)


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Folder To Store Application's Temporary Updated Files?

Aug 18, 2009

I have created an updater for our clients application. The way the updater works is to download all the updated files and store them in a temporary folder then check the file hashes. If everything is ok it will copy the files to the applications installation folder. Once this is been completed it will delete all the updated files in the temporary directory.

My problem: I am looking for a directory that will be available for XP, Vista, and Win7. I was thinking about the 'temp' directory.

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VS 2010 Sync An Online Folder With A Local Folder

May 5, 2011

Well guyz its been a long time since my last post here but i got some troubles with a new project i am on and the members of vbforums always had the solution So as the title says i want to make a launcher that will sync 2 folders and some files from my Website to my local HDD. Something like that with Api s


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VS 2008 Obtain CRC32 Checksum Of Files Within A Folder Then Rename Files And Folder

Mar 4, 2010

in the current project im making i've decided to add in some tools, 1 of which is a renamer based of a renamer app that already exists (called scdtoolz), i want to build my own version of it so i can learn some new things, and build a nice GUI version of it.[code]So what i have managed to determine is that the current app scans the folders contents for the CRC32 Checksum, and renames based of that, since the 456.bin's CRC32 Checksum was 2274F80B, and in the text file 2274F80B is found here 'WWF - Rage in the Cage (T-81015)(U)#2274F80B#'So now i have determined game identification is based of the CRC32 checksums, how would i go about coding a similar ap in vb.net?first i need to make the app scan a folder, but how to return crcchecksum? and then rename if check = XXXX? If MD4 sums are easier/simpler i can use those instead, im lookin at a few hash app sources now, so i think i can see how to get the md5 but not the crc32 yet, or how to rename the 2 files and folder based of the text file.

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Copies Files From Folder(A) Into Folder (B) First It Checks If The Files Exists If Yes It Will Copy Them

Nov 3, 2011

I wrote an application that copies files from Folder(A) into Folder (B) First it checks if the files exists if yes it will copy them and it will over write the them in fodler (B) and is working great , but if I have a file in Folder(B)that is located in a subfolder the file inFolder (A) will not be copied to the new location.

belwo is the code to copy the files if they exist :[code..]

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How To Store Data In Local Memory

Jul 4, 2011

I need some informations to do my project. From webservice I get mye data as a List and this is stored in my application in bindingsource.datasource. The list do have many properties which displays as columns in the datagrid successfully.But my problem is how do I store the data in my local memory? You might say just make some local dataset or datatable....,but how do I convert the list to datatable? Or how do I convert bindingsource.datasource to datatable?

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Local Machine To Store Names/addresses?

May 10, 2012

good database that I can use on a local machine to store names/addresses etc. and that integrates easily into .Net 2.0.I have used MySQL a fair bit, so something along that route would be great but without the need to install additional software on the computer or connect externally to a server.

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How To Create A Local Data Store For A Login Form

Oct 3, 2009

I want to create a local data store for a login form and but I dont want to use MS access or SQL so what should I use? I thought about using induivual files like config files except they get kinda dificult after a while so then I thought about using XML which may work but I have found no really useful tutorials on this, if someone has a good tutorial?[code...]

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Script That Will Check Files In Certain Folder Against Files In Another Folder

Jul 20, 2009

I need a script that will check files in a certain folder (lets call it folder1) against files in another folder (folder2), if there are any new files, or changed files it updates them in folder2.

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C# - Sync Local Files With Server Files?

May 11, 2012

Scenario: I want to develop an application.The application should be able to connect to my remote server and download data to the local disk , while downloading it should check for new files and only download the new ones simultaneously creating the required(new) folders.

Problem: I have no idea how to compare the files in the server with the ones in the local disk.How to download only the new files from the server to the local disk?

What am thinking?: I want to sync the files in the local machine with the ones in the server. I am planning to use rsync for syncing but i have no idea how to use it with ASP.NET.

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IDE :: VS 2008 - Setup Project : Adding Folder Structure To The Program Files Folder?

May 13, 2009

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Setup project. I need to copy one folder and the sub folders into the program files but when I tried to copy or add the folder to "Application Folder" in File System editor, I am able to add only files and not folders.

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Clearing The Local File Folder?

Apr 12, 2010

I have a program that saves settings to C:\Users\*User Name*\AppData\Local\*Program Folder* on the appropriate Operating Systems. Some users report that the settings file clears on reboot. This seems to be related to Windows 7.Does anyone know of a function in Windows that clears these files, a program that does it... or is there a better place to save these files?

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How To Get Contents Of Local Folder In JavaScript

Mar 21, 2010

Is it possible for a webpage to popup a open folder dialog, ask the user to select a folder, then show the contents of that folder in a list(or something) in the webpage. It won't write to the files, only read them. The webpage is hosted remotely.

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Change Appliaction Folder Path From Program Files To Public Folder

Sep 27, 2011

how to change the install folder path in a setup and deployment project/Installer class from program files to C:usersPublic in windows 7 and allusers folder in xp.Want to add MVP with my name.

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Add All Files From A List To Programs Resource.folder Instead Of A Seperate Folder

Apr 14, 2009

I have made this installation program and everything work just fine, but I wish to improve it a little. Atm. all the files being installed is in a seperate folder, and the installation program simply move them to the right location.There is a builder program too.I would like it to add all files from a list to the programs resource.folder instead of a seperate folder.Atm I add the installation file to the destination folder with the following line. [code]

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Add All The Files From The Selected Folder In A Folder Browser Dialog To A List Box?

Feb 6, 2010

Code so far:

Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
If FolderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub

I have managed to get drag and drop working if this is any help:

Private Sub ListBox1_DragEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _
System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.DragEnter
If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop) Then


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Get A Complete File/folder Listing And Then Copy These Files To Another Folder?

Feb 3, 2012

I am wanting to get a complete file/folder listing and then copy these files to another folder.

Here is my


This happens on many folders. How can I get a listing of these folders and also copy these files?

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Searching A Folder For Audio Files And Adding That Folder To An Array?

Aug 23, 2010

So I've been using some code to generate directories and such in a custom treeview, but am looking to expand upon this idea. While it's not using recursive functions, and only calls functions when expanding levels, I'm not quite sure how to put some of these together.find a way to just search through all folders on the PC. If the folder contains audio files, that folder is than added to an array (searching a folder for audio files and adding that folder to an array is done). It's just recursivly searching all folders on the PC.Here is the code I've been using for the treeview (I'm not sure if it can be adapted):

Public Function ListAllDrives() As String()
Dim arDrives() As String
arDrives = Directory.GetLogicalDrives()[code].....

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Folder Selection - Enable The User The Ability To Select A Folder And The Folders Music Files Populate A List Box

Jan 6, 2009

Basically I am trying to enable the user the ability to select a folder and the folders music files populate a list box. I want two list boxes on the page, one with all the contents of the folder and then the other one for files selected from the first box. I have no clue on how to do this at all...

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Store All These Files On The Server As Text Files?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm doing a project where we are re-creating a very old system.The client wants the same base functionality and some improvements.One of the things I'm currently working on is the note-system. These are used as flags of some sort, but are also used as a comment field for some products or client profiles.In the old system you could write the text and save it like you would get in a .txt file. They want the new one to be able to do word formatting such as:

Different font sizes (Only some parts of the text)
Different font colours (Only some parts of the text)
Underlining of words

Those are the specs they want. What I need to know is the following:

1) How do I do that?

2) Currently they store all these files on the server as text files and the database have paths that refers to each file. I want to be able to save a text file with that formatting to the HDD of the server like in the old system.

3) If possible I would like to save that text to the database with the formatting.

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C# - Copy Image File From Web Url To Local Folder?

Apr 28, 2011

I have a web url for the image. per example [URL]. I want copy that url in my local folder in "c:images" and also when I copy that file into folde I have rename the image to "c:imagesxyz.jpg".

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Crystal Report With Images In Local Folder

May 17, 2012

I have created a project in which i am printing Hall ticket for an examination. i am using visual studie 2008 as front end and sql2008 as backend. I have created a report in crystal reprot. I have photographs of students in a local folder. how do i access or call each of the photo in the report. i m not getting anything how to go about.

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Forms :: Navigate To A Local Folder Using Webbrowser?

Oct 22, 2009

I'm guessing there is a really simple answer to this but i've spent the best part of 2 days trying to get it to work and cannot figure it out.Basically, I want is the webbrowser to point to a local folder on a machine. A different one depending on who is logged on. The code I have so far is as follows.

Imports System.IO
Public Class frmFav
Private Sub frmFav_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim username As String


I cannot get the URL value of the webbrowser (FavProgs) to take the value of directoryname. If I set the URL value in the properties for FavProgs it does what I want it to do perfectly.

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Inserting Image Into Local Folder Using Filedialog?

Mar 15, 2012

Frnds i want to insert image into picture box using the file dialog and that image should get stored into a local folder.....But the problem is the image is not getting saved n the below line is throwing an exception.

dim rollno as string


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Setup & Local Application Data Folder

Jun 24, 2009

I have set paths in my program to look for files in the "c:/Documents and Settings/User/ Local Settings/Application Data/".How do I add the "Documents and Settings/User/Local Settings/Application Data/" folder in the setup program? Everyone tells me to use the Local Settings path for my application data but I can't add this folder in the File System Editor. I have read many different help files concerning special folders but none of them explain how to add the local application data folder.

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Move One File In A Folder To Another Folder With Tons Of Files In It?

May 6, 2010

Ok so i have a program that pulls up all the video files in a video folder. I need a code that will move one of the files in the listbox to a recycle bin i made. But i dont want to replace any of the files in the recycle bin i just want a code to move one file out of one folder and into another. So if there is a code for this then great.

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