How To Store Data In Local Memory

Jul 4, 2011

I need some informations to do my project. From webservice I get mye data as a List and this is stored in my application in bindingsource.datasource. The list do have many properties which displays as columns in the datagrid successfully.But my problem is how do I store the data in my local memory? You might say just make some local dataset or datatable....,but how do I convert the list to datatable? Or how do I convert bindingsource.datasource to datatable?

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How To Store Data In Memory

Apr 21, 2011

I am reading data from wordpad one by one which records the sale of grocery item by barcode. I want to store it in memory so that after reading the whole file I can calculate the total number of the same items sold by comparing the bar code.

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Store Data In Memory?

Feb 23, 2009

Is it possible to store data in memory or a temp file so that if my application crashes information such as text boxes can be restored?

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How To Create A Local Data Store For A Login Form

Oct 3, 2009

I want to create a local data store for a login form and but I dont want to use MS access or SQL so what should I use? I thought about using induivual files like config files except they get kinda dificult after a while so then I thought about using XML which may work but I have found no really useful tutorials on this, if someone has a good tutorial?[code...]

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.net - Store The Files In A Local Folder?

Apr 22, 2012

I want to store large files(over 100mb) in a sqlite database. I noticed, that its not good in performance.Do I have to store the files in a local folder, or do i have to rewrite my code?

Shared Sub BlobToFile(ByVal Blob As Byte(), ByVal file As String)
Dim MyData() As Byte = Blob
Dim K As Long[code].....

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Local Machine To Store Names/addresses?

May 10, 2012

good database that I can use on a local machine to store names/addresses etc. and that integrates easily into .Net 2.0.I have used MySQL a fair bit, so something along that route would be great but without the need to install additional software on the computer or connect externally to a server.

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Store A Single String Into Memory For Later Use On Different Pages

Jun 12, 2011

I need to store a single string into Memory for later use on different pages to be able to create a log file for my app.

so on my 1st form(Login Form) i need to pass the Username to Memory and then read it from the memory later on on different pages.

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Do All Programming Languages Use Static / HEAP & Stack Areas To Store Memory

Apr 9, 2012

Do all programming languages use the Static, HEAP, & Stack areas to store memory? Does understanding this help me with debugging in any way? How do I query or access the memory in .NET would I ever need to do that? Or the memory addresses?What keywords would I type into Google to get more on how the .NET CLR uses memory?I'm learning Java and am trying to compare .NET and Java and how memory management differs and is similiar.

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Store Bunch Of Jpeg Files From A Folder In Local File System To A Column In Database With Datatype Image?

Jan 5, 2012

I Need to Store bunch of Jpeg files from local file system to a column with image datatype in databse.Can any one please provide me some code to do it?

View 6 Replies

InputBox Function - Program - Allow User To Input 5 Payrolls For Store 1, Store 2, And Store 3

Mar 22, 2012

I am coding a program that will allow the user to input 5 payrolls for Store 1, Store 2, and Store 3. The total of the 5 payrolls are then added together and shown in the respective Store's labels. A total label is also there to add up all the totals into one number. The numbers in the label must be in currency form. My problem is the numbers don't add correctly when I hit calculate. The first two numbers add together, but then after that the number just seems to subtract a random amount.

So far I have this --

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub


View 14 Replies

Code That Reads An Input File And Store Data In SQL Server Data?

Sep 11, 2009

I am new to I want to read and input file and store that data to an SQL Server database. Do you have an sample code that do such?

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Continously Reading Data From A Modbus TCP Device And Store Data In A Textfile?

Mar 2, 2012

I have a modbus TCP device that I have managed to connected to through my VB source code.

I want to poll (continueously read) data from certain registers of the device, and store the polled data in a file (text,csv, excel).

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XML 6.0 SP2 - Create A Small Backup Before Data Is Syncronized To A Data Store?

Feb 14, 2011

I have an application that uses Dataset.WriteXML to create a small backup before data is syncronized to a data store (less than a meg).This application has worked well for 5 years now, and all of a sudden with the installation of XML 6.0 SP2 the XML document is not working correctly.I have multiple tables within a Dataset (Company, Contact, Notes, etc...)When WriteXML is called, the first table should be Company, however, the first table is being named Contact with the Company Data in it. The Notes table is being called Contact and so forth. In other words it's not giving the correct names to the tables in the XML File.This appears to be a bug, which is causing great distress on all the companies who have been using this program.

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VS 2010 How To Get A Template And Store It In Data Base Without Using Data Set

Dec 12, 2011

i just want to know how to get a template and store it in a data base without using data set

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Displaying Data From A Local Database?

Oct 27, 2009

i have managed to add a database to my project its kind of a client database tells me their first, second name, email, date they last called etc etc anyway everything works fine it allows me to add, delete edit etc no problems.What i wanna do is on my main form i have a DateTimePicker1 if i select a date on the DateTimePicker1 how can i make it display last client calls in a RichTextBox?


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IDE :: Add A New Table To A Local Data Cache?

Mar 25, 2010

I'm creating an occasionally connected application with a local (client) .sdf data cache. I added a new table to my server database and want to include this table in my local data cache and synchronization. Is there an easy way to do this?

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Insert Data From Local To Remote?

Apr 15, 2010

How to insert data from local SQL server to remote SQL server (without using linked server) like below?

insert * into [remote server].[northwind].orders
from [local server].[northwind].orders

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Loading Data Into Memory

Oct 2, 2009

I have a small VB program written using VB Express 2008Part of it uses an Access database this all works fine using the custom classes.I want to extend it to use some parameterised settings which I have stored in a table in the same Access database .I want to load these parameters from the table at program startup, then use them later in the code as needed.In SQL I want to execute :-select parameter, parameter_value from system_ parametersthen store this in an array which I want to index on the parameter column/elementAny suggestions on how I can load this data into the array ?

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DB/Reporting :: Use DataSet For Local Data Storage?

Mar 22, 2009

I need a simple method for a user to enter as many rows of data as they wish (probably won't exceed 50 in most cases and that's pushing it) and then store that data for retrieving the next time they want to reuse that list. I will also need to read the rows in for manipulating text in a file with those entries.

Would the best method to be to use the DataSet in VB Express 2008 and then use the DataGridView for allowing the display and entry of the data?

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Local Database Connection/Data Extraction?

Mar 23, 2012

I've been looking over a bunch of code snippets and I'm just not understanding what is going on there.anding the connection, reading/manipulation, and closing pI keep reading all about these DataAdapters, Ole and Sql and Sqlce and I don't know which to use or whatever.I made a database in VB.NET 2010 that came out as database.sdf and I selected the Local Database option (I assume this is relevant?). I then populated the database with a row of data with column titles and a primary key. The table contains many different columns, but for test purposes, the following is relevant:

DB Name: db_test
Table Name: Locations
Primary Key Column Header: CITY


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Respond To Data From A Local Network Port?

Nov 27, 2009

I am writing some software that should respond to commands from a port.

How do I set up a handler to respond when data is recieved at that port.

Do I need to do anything special, like respond or set up the port in the first place.

I don't have any experience doing anything like this!

CheersGuy Joseph - Intel Quad Q9450, 4Gb Ram, 3x500GB Hard Drives, NVidia 8800GT, Marian Marc 8, VB Express 2008

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Setup & Local Application Data Folder

Jun 24, 2009

I have set paths in my program to look for files in the "c:/Documents and Settings/User/ Local Settings/Application Data/".How do I add the "Documents and Settings/User/Local Settings/Application Data/" folder in the setup program? Everyone tells me to use the Local Settings path for my application data but I can't add this folder in the File System Editor. I have read many different help files concerning special folders but none of them explain how to add the local application data folder.

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Storing Data In Local Database Embedded To App

Aug 9, 2011

I am about to develop an application in 2010, until now I used to connect to database server to manage my data . Now i need to develope an .exe which could run in any pc, so I need somehow to store the data in a local database which is embedded to my application, I see .NET has a local database. My question is a right choice to use a local database for these kind of solutions?

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Add Domain User To Local Group While Logged In As Local Account?

Sep 15, 2010

Does anyone know how this can be done? The problem is that when you run the script to add a domain user to the local group as a local user you have no permissions to query the domain. Is there a way to pass a user name and password when doing this? [code]...

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Best Way To Store Data

Jul 31, 2011

I hope this is the correct place to obtain a little bit of advice for a program I am looking to produce in visual basic 2010.

I currently work as a design engineer designing press tools and a lot of our designs are similer just maybe a feature, length, diameter change etc. So the design principles are the same for each product.

What I am aiming to do is program the 3D design package so that 80% of the tool design can be done using the program etc.

Now the enquiry I have is where would the best place to hold the standard data be?

For instance each press has a maximum blank diameter, shutt height, bores diameters in the bed and likewise each product type has design features with the same calculations such as length, pierce etc.

I have done a bit of reading and I have found that data can be stored into text files, xml files and databases etc or hard coded into the program.

I am looking to allow new presses to be added so the user would need to add new shutt heuights, blank size etc but the tooling would have to be unqiue dependent on the typs of stage. So I am wondering to store this information would a database be the best option even though the data will not be continually updated more a place for it to be retrived from excpet under failry rare circumstances.

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How To Store Data

Jul 24, 2009

I was thinking about using an access database to store the data but I would like to know if there is a better way of storing data?

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Use A Datagrid For Strictly In-memory Data?

Sep 2, 2009

I want to create an app that does NOT use a database or XML files, just in-memory data. On loading, it will populate one in-memory table with standard data. During operation, it will extract subsets of the data, change it, store it in a different table and display it in a datagrid. how this could be accomplished?

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Why Is The MemoryStream Data Not Released From Memory

May 19, 2009

Is there something that needs to be done with the following code to release the memory it uses?

Dim objImage As MemoryStream
Dim objwebClient As WebClient
Dim sURL As String = Trim(m_StationInterface.PicLocation)


The code is on a popup form that shouldn't ever get disposed. A new image is loaded onto the form every time it pops up. However, the process size for the application continues to grow each time it makes it through that code block.

I've tried objImage.Close() and .Flush(), objWebClient.Dispose(). The process size still grows by a good 4mb after every call. It's like the old image is kept in memory.

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Local Data Base On 2nd Hard Drive Not Updating?

Oct 24, 2011

I found something very strange, in the data base explorer I modify the conection to the location of the data base(F:My DocumentsMy ResepteResepte.sdf) , but after raning the app. the path is back to what it was in the project folder and so the same in the selution window. It is set to Do Not Copy. How can I change this so that the IDE looks at the propper data all the time.

Hendri Bissolati

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Visual Basic Saving Data Into Local Database *.MDF Or *.SDF?

Feb 22, 2012

I am trying to Save my data into Local Database (*.SDF or *.MDF) but i due to some reasons i can not do it. I have seen 100s of Video on it and tried all possiable ways, but still my data is not saving into Local Database. and i do not get any error messages. However i can save my data into SQLEXPRESS database. i am using Visual Stodio 2008.

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