Store String For Color In Form Designer?

Dec 16, 2010

I am working in 2010 framework 2.0I am using a custom panel and painting it. For this i am using the gradientbegincolor and gradientendcolor (as color) properties in custom panelWhat i want is gradientbegincolor and gradientendcolor in form designer should not store any color instead it should store the name for these color

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.net - Show Constant String For The Color In Form Designer

Dec 16, 2010

I am working in .Net 2010 framework 2.0 I want to place the constant string for a color property in form designer like GradientBeginColor = MyColor in form designer.

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Modify Designer.vb (form Designer) To Remove A DataSet Control From Winforms Windows?

Jan 27, 2011

I am attempting to update an existing winforms application, that was created with a dataset control on all the winforms pages. I have ported it from VS 2008 to VS 2010 and I need to update the database section and connect it to the SQL backend using traditional code method.In the Solution explorer, when I click on the Dataset files, and click "Exclude From project" I am unable to build the project.Is it advisable to comment out the code lines that refer to the dataset in the .designer.vb files?

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IDE :: VS 2008 IDE Form Designer Will Not Render Form In The Designer?

Mar 30, 2011

My self and most everyone else on our team is having the same issue with VS2008. The designer will not render many forms in designer mode. Currently I am getting this error "The type 'Team.CAD.UI.My.Resources.Resources' has not property named 'view_16'" Well veiw_16 is in the resouces file.

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Control Properties Automatically Assigned Random Resource String Instead Of "" In Form Designer File?

Feb 8, 2011

The company has a Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate project that is written in Visual Basic. The project has several strings in the resources file (Resources.resx). One of those strings (VersionSuffix) contains "" when we are distributing a normal version of our product and "BETA" when we are distributing a beta version of our product. Most of the time we distribute a normal version of our product. Therefore, most of the time the resource string VersionSuffix contains "".

Recently, we attempted to distribute a beta version of our product. Therefore, we changed resource string VersionSuffix from "" to "BETA". However, it quickly became apparent that the resource string VersionSuffix was being used as the default value for several control properties in the form designer. For example, if I draw a rich textbox on a form then file FORMNAME.Designer.vb will contain the following.

Me.RichTextBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(286, 306)

Me.RichTextBox1.Name = "RichTextBox1"

Me.RichTextBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(134, 33)

Me.RichTextBox1.TabIndex = 32

Me.RichTextBox1.Text = Global.PROJECTNAME.My.Resources.Resources.VersionSuffix

We are unable to find anything anywhere that indicates that this resource string should be used as the default value for control properties. Therefore, we have no idea why this resource string is being used for this purpose. We would like to change the control property assignments in the designer from Me.RichTextBox1.Text = Global.PROJECTNAME.My.Resources.Resources.VersionSuffix

Me.RichTextBox1.Text = "" However, we don't know why these strange assignments are being made. Therefore, as soon as someone adds another control the problem will most likely return. Does anyone know why this is happening and how to prevent it from happening again?

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Store Whole Numbers And That A String Is A Varialbe Used To Store Any Text?

Feb 19, 2009

i know that integer is a variable to store whole numbers and that a string is a varialbe used to store any text, but what variable type would you use to store a number that has decimals?

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Color.FromName To Return A Solid Black Color When The Function Doesn't Recognize Any Text In The String Passed To It?

Jan 29, 2012

[URL] That way if the string that is not recognised that is passed to Color.FromName it returns a SolidColor of

Color.Black = Color.FromARGB(255,0,0,0)

That way, Forms and controls that only support SolidColors are supported.Installing VB6 on Windows 7?

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String To Color - Apply That Color To A Control?

Oct 28, 2009

I currently have a function that saves a control.forecolor to a file.

The file looks like this:


Now, I have another function which retrieves the string "Color [ControlDarkDark]" from the file...But how Can I Apply that color to a control?

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Use Color Dialog To Return Color As String?

Jun 11, 2011

How can i use the color dialogue to return the color selected as a string? So if i was to select red i would like the return to be "Red" and so on so fourth.Another thing i would like to ask is if it is possible to return the color selected as a string in hex color code form (like what is used in HTML for example #FFFFFF, #000000 and so on so fourth).I have a feeling though that it can only be returned as R G B integers but maybe there is a way of converting these to hex color codes?

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VS 2008 Background Of Form To Be The Same Color As The Window Frame Color That The User Selects

Jun 19, 2009

I want the background of my form to be the same color as the window frame color that the user selects, even if that changes. I selected System->WindowFrame as my background color, but it always remains a dark grey, regardless of what I have my window color set to. How else would I achieve what I want? I assumed I was doing it the correct way. Do I actually need code that gets the system window color and then apply it?

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Change Color Or Put A Gradient Color Of Their Top Of Form?

Apr 4, 2009

How can i change the color or put a gradient color of their top of Form?

I'll try to change it a Formstyle to None and put a image on it....

But i want to know what the other ways to change the color of Top Form....?

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InputBox Function - Program - Allow User To Input 5 Payrolls For Store 1, Store 2, And Store 3

Mar 22, 2012

I am coding a program that will allow the user to input 5 payrolls for Store 1, Store 2, and Store 3. The total of the 5 payrolls are then added together and shown in the respective Store's labels. A total label is also there to add up all the totals into one number. The numbers in the label must be in currency form. My problem is the numbers don't add correctly when I hit calculate. The first two numbers add together, but then after that the number just seems to subtract a random amount.

So far I have this --

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub


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Can't Open Designer In Form?

Jan 22, 2010

I was busy with a project, i'd thought I take a pauze of an hour I closed my computer. Now I open my project I have my wirtten codes but I can't see the designer anymore.. what can be the problem and how to get it back?

Edit: I can debbug :S But I can't design

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Cannot View The Form Designer

Jun 23, 2011

I use MS visual studio 2010. I did open designer and view the form for the same file A before. But after some small changes, I can no longer view the form designer.vb, but can only view code in designer.vb. Even if I go back to the original source, I still can not open designer!!

The error is: The designer could not be shown for this file because none of the classes within it can be designed. The designer inspected the following clsses in the file A-The base class BaseClass could not be loaded. Ensure the assembly has been referenced and all that projects have been built.


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Form Designer Error?

Aug 15, 2011

i have a control dll and i use this control in my project then i change this controls codes after i do it . appears some error on this lines in form1[designer]

Me.Dentisyon1 = New WindowsControlLibrary1.dentisyon
Friend WithEvents Dentisyon1 As WindowsControlLibrary1.dentisyon
what should i do?


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IDE :: View The Designer Of Form In VB?

Dec 7, 2009

if i click the designer tab i can only see a white form and the text say "Me.Database1DataSet.DataSetName = "Database1DataSet" and "The code within the method 'InitializeComponent' is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try opening the designer again"?

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Lost Form Designer

Jul 21, 2010

During my project I have suddenly lost my form design, all the designer code is still there but when I try and view the design layout it gives me an error saying 'navigation to webpage has been cancelled', does anyone know how to get around this extremely annoying bug ??

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.NET 2010 Custom Control, Multiline String Property To Be Edited In The Designer?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm writing a custom control and I want to add a "MessageText" property of type String:



The MessageText property is a multiline text, and the user must be able to set the text using the designer. The problem is that the designer doesn't allow to enter a newline directly for a string property.I want the same behaviour as the system TextBox's Text property, where you can click on the down arrow and write lines in the small text-editor that appears:How do I do that?

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Cannot Find Windows Form Designer

Sep 21, 2010

I lost my Form. All I see is the underling code I can't find the tab that alow me to draw objects and labels to my form.

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Controls Not Showing In Form Designer?

Mar 1, 2009

Yesterday I installed vs2008, installed SP1 all seems well.I have converted a project (from VS2005), it works fine but....When I try and modify any of the forms none of the controls aer displayed on the form.Additionally I have noticed that each form has a formname.designer.vb file, the top few lines of the code in the designer.vb files are;

<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _
Partial Class frmFullMarketView
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form


Then my controls are listed. Do I have to copy the code held in the seperate designer.vb file back to the 'formname.vb' file for all my forms?If so, why does VS2008 create all this extra work when converting forms from vs2005?

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IDE :: Cannot Open Existing Form In Designer

Sep 30, 2005

Using the new Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Beta.Created a project, form, controls, etc. Worked great. Love it, compiled perfectly.Saved everything, closed the program, went to bed. Woke up, opened the project, but now CAN NOT open the form (form1.vb) in Designer mode!! I can open the code, it's all there, exactly as I left it, but cannot get back to the designer mode to (easily) add more controls to it!F7 just opens the code, right-click just gives me code option, not designer option.This is amazingly frustrating..

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Lost Form In Designer Mode

Jun 10, 2010

I have a project in MS Visual Studio 2008 - VB.NET. I have opened and closed my project which consists of two forms multiple times.Today when I open my project I cannot find one of my forms in designer mode.If I run my application the form displays correctly but I cannot view in designer mode to make changes.

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Use The Variable Instead Of Value For A Property In Form Designer

Dec 14, 2010

I am working in VB.Net 2010 framework 2.0. Suppose i declares a property


In the form designer, the property "MyColor" will be seen the value as 150, 145, 145. I want to see this value as "NewColor" in form designer. This is the same like ControlDark, ActiveBorder etc. system colors. I want that instead of the color value, designer should show the variable name. The .Net framework also use the above implementation for System Colors and same i want to do.

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VS 2008 How To Clean Form.designer.vb

Aug 6, 2010

I copy/paste controls in the projects, then I noticed that there are many controls are listed in designer.vb which actually are not being used. how can I clean these? will it affect the UI performance? or, it does nto matter at all

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.net - Hide A Property From Going Into The Form Designer File?

Dec 17, 2010

I am working in VB.NET 2010 Framework 2.0.

I don't want to allow some properties from going into form's designer file but the those properties will present on the form(property grid). The behavior of these properties will be same always.

I used the following code:

Public Property GradientBegin() As Color = Color.Red

But the problem I am facing is that -> on the property grid after changing the "GradientBegin" color to other than RED and compiling the program, it is replacing the new changed value to RED again. So I am not able to change the color actually.

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Can't Find Windows Form Designer Code

Aug 25, 2010

On a recent project I stumbled across a page of code that looked unfamiliar, but which evidently was the code behind my form design. I'll copy and paste an excerpt to show you what I mean:

'Required by the Windows Form Designer
Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer
'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer


I thought this was a useful way to back up my project via email because it's in text form. But now I can't find the same information. I've looked in the Object Browser but couldn't find it anywhere. I think I stumbled on it the first time by right clicking Go to definition, but now that doesn't take me anywhere if I click on say form1. So where will I find this mysterious page that has all the form items information in text, not graphic form? Can't find it anywhere.

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Cannot Find Or View My Form In Designer Mode

Apr 6, 2011

i have recently tried to copy my project between two acciunts, one which i access the project on a network drive and one which i will run programs from on the C:/ drive... when i tried to copy the project between accounts i began to receive the error message shown below


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Convert Designer Code Into A Form In VB 2010

Feb 26, 2012

Just wanted to know if you had some design code which was created, and that is all you have. Can you open this designer code and create the actual working main Form from this? I don't need this designer code for any specific task, just wanted to know if there is a command within VB Studio 2010 that creates the actual Form from the design code. For example; The following piece of designer code is for a simple program that finds the Circumference of a Circle.


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Designer Window Only Shows Code And No Form

Dec 15, 2010

When I try to open up a form designer, all I see is code and no form! How can I open up the designer, since the code says to modify using the designer and not the code editor?[code]....

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Drag And Drop Like Program Form Designer?

May 16, 2009

Today there are many programs witch use drag and drop

what i want is :

I want to know how i can do what visual studio .net 2008 do and next points shows what i want:

1- I want to do like the toolbox in visual studio also I want to drag controls from the toolbox to the grid which is can't see

2- and i want my program show tow or more lines before i drop the control on the form

the tow points it is same what visual studio form designer do

this picture of program show also what i want on the lift the objects witch you can drag it and drop it in a grid on the right side.

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