Lost Form In Designer Mode

Jun 10, 2010

I have a project in MS Visual Studio 2008 - VB.NET. I have opened and closed my project which consists of two forms multiple times.Today when I open my project I cannot find one of my forms in designer mode.If I run my application the form displays correctly but I cannot view in designer mode to make changes.

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Lost Form Designer

Jul 21, 2010

During my project I have suddenly lost my form design, all the designer code is still there but when I try and view the design layout it gives me an error saying 'navigation to webpage has been cancelled', does anyone know how to get around this extremely annoying bug ??

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Cannot Find Or View My Form In Designer Mode

Apr 6, 2011

i have recently tried to copy my project between two acciunts, one which i access the project on a network drive and one which i will run programs from on the C:/ drive... when i tried to copy the project between accounts i began to receive the error message shown below


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IDE :: View Code Alongside Form/xml Designer (e.g. Switch From Tabbed To MDI Mode)?

Aug 20, 2010

Is it possible to switch Visual Basic 2010 Express to MDI mode so I can view the code behind alongside the form design?

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XML Database - Binding Controls In Designer Mode?

Feb 26, 2011

Is it possible to connect ado.net to an xml file and then make the xml file a data source on my project where I can bind controls to it in designer mode?

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Modify Designer.vb (form Designer) To Remove A DataSet Control From Winforms Windows?

Jan 27, 2011

I am attempting to update an existing winforms application, that was created with a dataset control on all the winforms pages. I have ported it from VS 2008 to VS 2010 and I need to update the database section and connect it to the SQL backend using traditional code method.In the Solution explorer, when I click on the Dataset files, and click "Exclude From project" I am unable to build the project.Is it advisable to comment out the code lines that refer to the dataset in the .designer.vb files?

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What Is Real Mode / Protected Mode / Supervisor Mode And Hypervisor Mode

Sep 16, 2010

What is the real mode , protected mode , supervisor mode and the hypervisor mode ?

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Console Mode And Form (GUI) Mode In One Project?

Dec 8, 2009

This is applicable to C# and VB.Net. I am writing a console application, but one aspect of it I want to make representable in a GUI (that being downloads running, with progress bars). is it possible to write a console mode application that can also have a form in it that can be called from code inside the console component?

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IDE :: VS 2008 IDE Form Designer Will Not Render Form In The Designer?

Mar 30, 2011

My self and most everyone else on our team is having the same issue with VS2008. The designer will not render many forms in designer mode. Currently I am getting this error "The type 'Team.CAD.UI.My.Resources.Resources' has not property named 'view_16'" Well veiw_16 is in the resouces file.

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VS 2005 Event Is Lost When A Second Form Is Called From The First Form

Dec 31, 2009

I have two forms. Form1 and Form2. The user is supposed to fill out some information in form2 which then will be used to compute some data in form1. However when I used the code, Form2.Show, within a function in form1, the form2 is diplayed but when the user fills the data and submits them using the ok button, the code does not return back to the function in Form1.

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Lost Textboxes From Design View Of The Form?

Jun 15, 2012

I have created a form in vb.net.Suddenly I lost three textboxes from the design view of the form.Can recover my original form?

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VS 2010 : DGV Formatting Lost On Form Load?

Feb 23, 2011

I have set up a form that will act as my parent (this hasnt been set up as an MDI).On this form I have a Panel that I will be loading forms into. I have a form that contains a DGV. On the load of the parent form, I then load this "child" form into the Panel. In the onLoad event of the "child" I go off to the database and populate my DGV. Then I run through the rows in the DGV and add in a logo image in the first column and change some cell colors based on values in those cells.

This all works great, however, when the child form finishes loading all the changes are lost. eg The logo images go back to the red cross and the cell coloring is gone.If I call Me.Refresh() in the child window as the last line in its Form_load event I can see the logo and cell colors update to what I want, but as soon as it has updated, its like it immediately refreshes again and all the changes are gone.

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Create A Fading Form On Focus Lost &got Event?

Jan 3, 2012

I am doing project in vb.net.When i click on button open I opened form with no control box(minimize,maximize etc).set borderStyle to FixedToolWindow.I want to change the opacity of form on got focus & lost focus event..I also used activated & deactivated event but doesnt working[code]...

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Forms :: Restore A Windows Form Which Is Minimized And Has Lost Focus?

Dec 2, 2009

I have created an app which has a timer control which, when activated and meets a certain criteria, launches a second form with an alert for the user to review and action. this works just fine. Except.... when the main app is minimised and has lost focus, instead of launching the second form to a normal windows state it opens and sits in a minimized state itself and just flashes. How can I get the the second form to restore to a normal windows state?I have tried form2.focus and tried the windowsstate=normal etc but I'm still barking up the wrong tree.

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IDE :: Lost Menubar - When The Controlbox Is Set To False For The Form And I Could Not Access The Menu?

Aug 17, 2010

In VB 2010 after working on a form in design mode which has a menustrip and the form is taller than the IDE [Design] window and not returning to the top of the window before running in debug mode, the menu is eliminated from the menubar on the running form when the controlbox is set to False for the form and I could not access the menu.After returning to design mode and scrolling to the top of the form and running debug, the menu returned.Is this a bug in the IDE or what?

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Determining Windows Startup Mode (Safe Mode, Normal)

Jun 21, 2010

I'm wondering if there is any code that I could use in VB.net so it can determine the computer's startup mode (such as safe mode or safe mode with networking).

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VB 2005 Win Application Can Run In Debug Mode But Cannot Run In Compiled / Release Mode

Oct 14, 2010

i am using visual studio 2005 on win 7 with office 2007. i have developed win application. i am using microsoft activex spreadsheet component in my program. so it automatically creates reference to AxInterop.OWC11.dll When i run program in debug mode (open program and click RUN in toolbar it works) but if i run directly .exe (go to bin elease doubleclick .exe) it give error at loading point of that component. It says "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted." An unhandled exception occurrs.


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C# - Deploying App To Production Using Debug Mode Rather Than Release Mode?

Oct 28, 2010

I work for a shop that maintains a fairly new app. The app still has its fair share of bugs, with numerous tickets coming in daily. The error information we're given with those tickets is not as useful as it might be because the application was compiled in Release mode, which I read is smaller and faster (makes sense).

Are there any ramifications to deploying a .NET application to production that was compiled in Debug mode? I would expect it would be a bit slower, but I've read the difference is nominal. This would assure us that when we get errors on tickets we have line number associated with those errors and this, of course, makes debugging much easier. major red flags that would prevent you from doing this? I'm tasked with researching the possibility.

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Can't Open Designer In Form?

Jan 22, 2010

I was busy with a project, i'd thought I take a pauze of an hour I closed my computer. Now I open my project I have my wirtten codes but I can't see the designer anymore.. what can be the problem and how to get it back?

Edit: I can debbug :S But I can't design

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Cannot View The Form Designer

Jun 23, 2011

I use MS visual studio 2010. I did open designer and view the form for the same file A before. But after some small changes, I can no longer view the form designer.vb, but can only view code in designer.vb. Even if I go back to the original source, I still can not open designer!!

The error is: The designer could not be shown for this file because none of the classes within it can be designed. The designer inspected the following clsses in the file A-The base class BaseClass could not be loaded. Ensure the assembly has been referenced and all that projects have been built.


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Form Designer Error?

Aug 15, 2011

i have a control dll and i use this control in my project then i change this controls codes after i do it . appears some error on this lines in form1[designer]

Me.Dentisyon1 = New WindowsControlLibrary1.dentisyon
Friend WithEvents Dentisyon1 As WindowsControlLibrary1.dentisyon
what should i do?


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IDE :: View The Designer Of Form In VB?

Dec 7, 2009

if i click the designer tab i can only see a white form and the text say "Me.Database1DataSet.DataSetName = "Database1DataSet" and "The code within the method 'InitializeComponent' is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try opening the designer again"?

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Cannot Find Windows Form Designer

Sep 21, 2010

I lost my Form. All I see is the underling code I can't find the tab that alow me to draw objects and labels to my form.

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Controls Not Showing In Form Designer?

Mar 1, 2009

Yesterday I installed vs2008, installed SP1 all seems well.I have converted a project (from VS2005), it works fine but....When I try and modify any of the forms none of the controls aer displayed on the form.Additionally I have noticed that each form has a formname.designer.vb file, the top few lines of the code in the designer.vb files are;

<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _
Partial Class frmFullMarketView
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form


Then my controls are listed. Do I have to copy the code held in the seperate designer.vb file back to the 'formname.vb' file for all my forms?If so, why does VS2008 create all this extra work when converting forms from vs2005?

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IDE :: Cannot Open Existing Form In Designer

Sep 30, 2005

Using the new Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Beta.Created a project, form, controls, etc. Worked great. Love it, compiled perfectly.Saved everything, closed the program, went to bed. Woke up, opened the project, but now CAN NOT open the form (form1.vb) in Designer mode!! I can open the code, it's all there, exactly as I left it, but cannot get back to the designer mode to (easily) add more controls to it!F7 just opens the code, right-click just gives me code option, not designer option.This is amazingly frustrating..

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Use The Variable Instead Of Value For A Property In Form Designer

Dec 14, 2010

I am working in VB.Net 2010 framework 2.0. Suppose i declares a property


In the form designer, the property "MyColor" will be seen the value as 150, 145, 145. I want to see this value as "NewColor" in form designer. This is the same like ControlDark, ActiveBorder etc. system colors. I want that instead of the color value, designer should show the variable name. The .Net framework also use the above implementation for System Colors and same i want to do.

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VS 2008 How To Clean Form.designer.vb

Aug 6, 2010

I copy/paste controls in the projects, then I noticed that there are many controls are listed in designer.vb which actually are not being used. how can I clean these? will it affect the UI performance? or, it does nto matter at all

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How To Print Form In Landscape Mode

Jun 2, 2009

Basically I have a form I am trying to print and it cuts off half of the form. I need to turn the image 90 degrees and fit the image to the page.

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.net - Hide A Property From Going Into The Form Designer File?

Dec 17, 2010

I am working in VB.NET 2010 Framework 2.0.

I don't want to allow some properties from going into form's designer file but the those properties will present on the form(property grid). The behavior of these properties will be same always.

I used the following code:

Public Property GradientBegin() As Color = Color.Red

But the problem I am facing is that -> on the property grid after changing the "GradientBegin" color to other than RED and compiling the program, it is replacing the new changed value to RED again. So I am not able to change the color actually.

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Can't Find Windows Form Designer Code

Aug 25, 2010

On a recent project I stumbled across a page of code that looked unfamiliar, but which evidently was the code behind my form design. I'll copy and paste an excerpt to show you what I mean:

'Required by the Windows Form Designer
Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer
'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer


I thought this was a useful way to back up my project via email because it's in text form. But now I can't find the same information. I've looked in the Object Browser but couldn't find it anywhere. I think I stumbled on it the first time by right clicking Go to definition, but now that doesn't take me anywhere if I click on say form1. So where will I find this mysterious page that has all the form items information in text, not graphic form? Can't find it anywhere.

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