Structured Array - Lookup Button Match Abbreviation To Name

May 12, 2011

I am trying to make the lookup button match abbreviation to name or vice versa. here is what I have so far.

Public Class FrmState
Structure State
Dim stateNameString As String
End Structure
Structure Abbreviation
[Code] .....

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Reading From File Into A Structured Array?

May 22, 2012

I need some input on what I'm doing wrong. What I have so far is an order form program where customers input their information and what they want to buy. Now, what I'm trying to do is take the customer information, store it in an array, write the customer information to a file, and then when I open the order form, it loads the customer information file and automatically fill in a display box on another form with all the customers and the information.I want each customer in a file to be stored on one line. Like so: (Name, address, city, state, zip)

Mike-123 E Dream Rd-Denver-CO-99558
Jane-234 E Code Rd-Seattle-WA-99458

Then when the file is read, to read it, and add each name to a structured array (customers(NumberOfCustomers).Name, customers(NumberOfCustomers).Address, customers(NumberOfCustomers).City, customers(NumberOfCustomers).State, customers(NumberOfCustomers).zip).

After it has all been added to the array, all customers in the file, I want to loop through the array and display each customer on a new line in a listbox, which opens in another form.So far, everything works IF I don't write to a fail. If I store the customers in an array and use a loop to display the customers in the listbox, all is well. However, when writing to a file and trying to read it back into the array is where I've hit a problem. The following code seems to work well, however, it just reads the first line over and over as many times as there are lines in the file, and displays all those using the loop. I just need a way to loop through the lines and store each line into each structured array for each customer, instead of read the first line 12 times over into 12 different places in the array.


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VS 2010 Reading A File Into A Structured Array?

Nov 12, 2011

how to read this file into my structured array. it's a 'quiz generator' program. i have a .dat file with a set of 10 questions, and i need to load it into my structured array:

Structure testQuestion
<VBFixedString(100)> Public question As String
<VBFixedString(30)> Public choiceA As String


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Passing Structured Array To User Control ASCX Is

Jan 12, 2009

Code:I have this issue 2.0 MSVS 2005 ' I said user control, I mean web control ascx page in

2 X as Integer
3 M as double
4 Z as string


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Compare Two Array And Save The Miss Match Character Into 3rd Array?

Apr 9, 2010

I want to compare two array and save the miss match character into 3rd array.

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Match A List Item To An Array?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm having trouble trying to match a selected list item to a space in an array.

I'm trying to get the program to loop through the array and each time check if the contents of the array space match the selected list item, but I get errors when I try. I know I have the code wrong but I don't know how to fix it.

Private Sub lstMembers_SelectedValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstMembers.SelectedValueChanged
Dim index As Integer = 0


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Match An Array Of 3 Sentences Agasint A String (LINQ)

Apr 18, 2011

I have been trying to solve this with no luck. If i have an array Private _msg() As String = {"You have been successfully logged in.", "This message has been sent successfully.", "This message has been posted successfully."} And a string (page source) can LINQ try to find any of the Three elements in the array with out having to use a loop?

View 11 Replies

VS 2005 Match Characters Of Combination Using RegEx.match?

May 29, 2010

Am trying to match characters or combination of the characters i specify in any order they appears

Regex.IsMatch(teststring "[nuls]")

what i want matched is either any single character, or combination of any of them in any oder. this means that it should not match any character not specified in the pattern.

For example

it should match

n,u,l,s,nu,un,lun, sl etc


ny, nx so etc or any other

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Solution For Structured Storage In Wpf?

May 30, 2009

what is the best solution to save data in structured storage?

i need this for a wpf application

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Structured Text In VB XML Documentation?

Apr 7, 2008

I am trying to add structure (line breaks, paragraphs and code) to the Remarks Tag of XML documentation in VB2005. I have tried many examples from "Recommended XML Tags for Documentation Comments (Visual Basic)" [URL], but all of the examples seem to compile to one continuous line when viewed in the VS2005 Object browser.

Below is an Example:


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Use Of Exit Sub For Structured Programming ?

Feb 22, 2010

I have a pesky (i.e. A.R.) code reviewer where I work that says that Exit Sub is equivalent to the Go To statment in COBOL and is not structured code. I see nothing wrong with the Exit Sub statment as it eliminates messy If statements.

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Strip Out Part Of A Datafield Namely Column Name "City" The Data Provider Adds An Abbreviation To The End Of The City Name?

Jan 16, 2010

I need to strip out part of a datafield namely Column name "City" the data provider adds an abbreviation to the end of the City name Example: Houston[HST] I need /want to strip out the [HST]been trying to modify my statement with no luckI am using Jet 4.o and database is a .txt or .csv file

OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select *, (([AddressDisplay])&',' &([City])&',' &([State])&',' &([ZipCode])) AS Address, IIf(IsNull([BathsQuarter]),0,[BathsQuarter]*.25)+ IIF(IsNull([Bathshalf]),0,[Bathshalf]*.5)+ IIf(IsNull([Bathsthreequarter]),0,[Bathsthreequarter]*.75)+ IIf(IsNull([BathsFull]),[BathsTotal],[BathsFull]) AS BATH From " & Me.OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName & " Where ListStatus <> 'Closed Sale'", con)

View 13 Replies

Anternative Way To Store Structured Data?

Nov 27, 2010

A convenient way to store structured data is to use classes.While classses offer a very good flexibility they have a big drawback that they increases the quantity of disk space

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IDE :: Class Description Structured Documentation?

Sep 25, 2011

I once was able to insert a Class-Header type XML comment section which structured the describing of a class; I now cannot remember how I did it. I think I either used a snippet or some macro-type character combination that inserted some XML documentation fields which made commenting a class well structured. It may have even been an extension.

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Structured Exception Handling 2010

May 10, 2011

Anyone out there who happens to have an exhaustive code snippet for SEH (including all possible exceptions) for VS 2008 or VS 2010 (.NET 3.5 or 4.0) ?

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VS 2005 Read And Process Different Structured Xml File?

Sep 1, 2011

i'm having trouble reading a slightly different structured xml file , it looks like :


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<vessel MMSI="205416000" TIME="2011-09-01 09:31:16 GMT" LONGITUDE="3.19722"


I do need the different fields like time / lontitude e.d.

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.NET Custom UserControl With Structured/Multi-level Properties?

Aug 13, 2011

I can create a Custom UserControl with simple properties (Integer, String, etc) and have those properties show up in the Property Panel. I can also create a Custom UserControl with properties like Size, Rectangle, etc and the properties will show up as an expandable item in the Property Panel (click on the '+' and the Size expands to Width & Height).

Is it possible to create properties with my own custom structure? e.g. Property 'Message' expands to Text, ForeColor, BackColor, Blink etc. I have tried creating a property that references a simple class or structure with containing the properties representing my custom structure but in the Property Panel the property is greyed out and cannot be expanded or modified.

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C# - Get A Tooltip To Display An Image And A More Structured Set Of Details Then Just Plain Text?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a DataGridView in a Winforms application containing a collection of items. Each item has an image and various other details. I know it is possible in WPF, but can you get a tooltip to display an image and a more structured set of details then just plain text?

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2010 - SQL Data Manipulation - Display Each Element On A Page In A Structured Format

Jun 15, 2010

I'm currently learning and can confidently connect to databases and return results to comboboxes run stored procedures ect to datagrids, However I'm wanting to find an online tutorial for doing loops with data so for example

I return the following data into a dataset

Orderno Orderitem Price GUID
111 Pies 1.50 xxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx
111 orangutang 2.00 xxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx

I want to display each element on a page in a structured format so as to make a visual representation in seperate entities (labels maybe) of the data like so:

Order number

line 1 (includes item and price in plain text on a page i guess using a label)
line 2 (same goes)

Subtotal( )

The results and formulae i can do but it's simply how to split off the data from my dataset and display elements as seperates (also how will i dynamically create the lables as obviously i'm not going to know in advance how many order item rows will return )

Obviously this is not urgent but if anyone could point me at a tutorial or even better a few lines of code that will do this for the microsoft northwind data so i can mess about with it and play.

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MS Excel - Appealing, Structured And Neat Appearance For Ease Of Usage By People With Limited IT Abilities?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm currently working on my (business) master's thesis... the topic is capital budgeting tools to manage major investments for a European energy supplier.So far the company has used MS Excel for calculating relevant data to make decisions on whether to invest money in new projects or abandon them. There usually is a host of input data, lots of basic calculations and just two or three outputs (such as Net Present Value, Return on Investment etc) .It is my task to develop a new excel template or decide on buying a completely new software license, if excel proves unable to provide the functionality the company needs.

So far I have only very limited programming knowledge, stretching to Java basics, some HTML code and SQL Databases.However, a colleague hinted at the fact that the programming language can be easily learned and used to improve excel considerably. Ideally I would need excel to be able to:

- make sure people putting data into our template don't mess with it

- be able to communicate with a database

- have an appealing, structured and neat appearance for ease of usage by people with limited IT abilities

- provide all output, including sensitivity analysis charts, in a structured, printable overview

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Datagridviewcomboboxcolumn Lookup?

Feb 19, 2009

I have a datagridviewcomboboxcolumn which has its .DataPropertyName set to a int field, its .DisplayMember set to a nvarchar field and its .ValueMember set to a int field on a lookup table. I have captured a dataerror which states that the control is trying to push the .DisplayMember(nvarchar) to the .DataPropertyName(int) field. When I load existing data it works fine. When I try to leave the datagridviewcomboboxcolumn after selecting a different value in it or leave it when I add a new row, I get the error. What am I doing wrong?

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Lookup To Get Description

Jan 12, 2011

Simple Code lookup to get Description I have a static list of Street Type Abbreviations and their associated Street Type Descriptions: RD to Road. I have the complete list needed. There are 37 elements in the list - 37 Street Type Abbreviations with their associated Descriptions. The lookup will only happen once. The input lookup field is in a single field: stType.


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How Can Is See What Button Is Pressed In A Button Array

Jun 22, 2010

I got a button array of 40 buttons And i handle all the button events in 1 sub .But i need to know what button is pressed.[code...]

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Handling The Lookup Values?

Mar 14, 2012

i am using the LookupEdit control from DevExpress fairly heavily in my projects. It is like a combobox, but it is bound to a datasource and can display multiple columns from the datasource. A single column is identified as the "value" column and a single column is identified as the "Display" column.

I use the LookupEdit control on my forms to give users a pick-list of appropriate values for a particulat database field. Each field has its own table in the database holding said values, commonly referred to as a lookup table, and each lookup table is used as the datasource for each paired LookupEdit control. Of course when a form is being filled-in by the user this works great. And it works good when the user opens a saved record into the form and I set the EditValue of the LookupEdit based on the value stored in the database. Pretty basic stuff right?

Now here is the problem... Let's say a lookup value is no longer an appropriate entry and so it is removed from the lookup table. Say I sell cars and one of the fields in the Cars table is Color. And I have a lookup table called CarColors and the selections are: Black, White, Red, and Silver. Now let's say we sold some Red cars in the past, but now we no longer carry Red as an option and we probably never will. So I remove "Red" from my lookup table, and now when I load an old Order into my form the LookupEdit for Car Color value now shows NULL. What is the best way to handle this situation? ProcessNewValue? Set NullText property? Use a bit field in my lookup table for IsActive, and set to FALSE for Red instead of deleting it?

Obviuosly I want to retain the historical values while maintaining a currently valid lookup list. And I know this question goes deeper as there are probably database design considerations like whether or not to put a constraint on the foreign key relationship between the lookup and child table, etc... I should also mentioin I am using LookupEdit control rather than a ComboBox becasue a lot of my lookups have other information like Description, Sort Order, or are coded and thus require a multiple column display.

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Lookup Column In Datagridview?

Feb 20, 2012

I have a datagridview control on a form that is filled programatically (dataadapter, dataset ) from a database table (access).

Some of the columns in this table are foreign keys to other tables. Is it possible to have these

columns as combo box columns so the values can be selected directly from the other tables?

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NetBios Name Resolution / DNS Lookup In VBA

Jul 16, 2009

I have an Access 2003/2007 application that pulls computer names from my network along with their last know TCPIP address. This data is created by another application. I am trying to use the IP Adresses to install software via a push application that accepts a list of IP Addresses.My app has a history table of every comuter that has been checked to see if the software is installed. I use the Fully Qualified Domain Name to make this verification. I then populate my text file with the IP address of the computers that have not been installed.This all works well if the last know IP address is still valid for that computer.What I am trying to find is a function that I can pass the FQDN to and have it do a NetBios lookup to return the current IP Address from our DNS Servers so I can be sure that the IP addresses I am populating the text file with match the FQDNs of the computers I am trying to push the software to.I found some info on System.Managment.dll. For some reason Access will not let me add it to my library references.Does anyone know of a standard library function I can use to achive this.[code]

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Setup A Macro To Lookup A Value?

Oct 19, 2009

I am trying to setup a macro to lookup a value. Its very basic, I am trying setup a sheet to build tariff requests for mobile phone deals. so on sheet i will have lots of macro boxes that simply pubulate a table with a value on sheet 2.

Its basically so a sales person can go onto the excel sheet click click click and it will produce a table of all the product on each mobile number connection.

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Sql - Ssis Lookup With Sum - Can't Map Parameters

Dec 4, 2009

I have a sql query that looks like this

SELECT SUM(A) AS expr1 FROM TREES WHERE (b = ?) AND (c = ?) and (d = ?)

How do I map the parameters? Since its a sum, I cant select multiple rows.

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Sql - SSIS Lookup With Update Possible?

Sep 16, 2011

I am converting a DTS update lookup to an SSIS lookup with an update query. So far it doesn't seem to work.

value = DTSLookups("apple").Execute(DTSSource("ID2"))
SQL Query in DTS:

Create a lookup, use same above query, and I get an error if I click on column: "Parameter information cannot be derived from SQL statements. Set parameter information before preparing command"

IS there anyway to accomplish this in SSIS with a lookup? Or is there a better way?

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VS 2008 DataGridview Lookup?

Aug 11, 2010

in item Search form i can search the item that i want, if i found the item that i need i will select the entire row and fill this row in DataGridView in frmSWSfromGrid.i been able to achieved this same scenario but it uses textboxes.the ff. COde

frm Dialog code
Public Property DepartmentID() As String


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