System.OutOfMemory After Release 4 Large Array - Why

Oct 22, 2010


(Attempting managed execution inside OS Loader lock. Do not attempt to run managed code inside a DllMain or image initialization function since doing so can cause the application to hang .) in this code. Could anybody tell me, why I have System.outofmemory exception when i release arrays? There is no exception while large arrays exist so why after their realesing??


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Large Array = System.OutOfMemoryException Workaround?

Jan 23, 2009

I'm downloading a bunch of files from a URI but when they get big, I get an utOfMemoryException. I thought at first it was MemoryStream error but I'm pretty sure now that the error is rooted in the declaration of an array of Bytes that's too large. (Half a gig is fine, 1.7 gig is not.)

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System.OutofMemory Exception In Application

Mar 5, 2010

I have a 3.5 web application developed in I am using iTextsharp component to generate PDF document from the page.

I am retreving the PDF documents stored in the db and merging them into one PDF. using the memorystream.

But when I try to merge around 1000 pdfs with each containing 2 pages, I am getting Outofmemory exception.

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Large Multidimensial Array - Write A Program To Do Markov Chain But States Are Quite Large

Jun 9, 2011

I want to write a program to do Markov chain, but my states are quite large. First of all I calculate all the transition probabilities and revenues for all states(1381860 total states), and store in a multidimensional array. Public RevArr(0 To 9, 0 To 750, 0 To 282) As Long

After that the iteration of markov chain should use these as inputs to calculate the steady-state probabilities. But when I try to run the main code I got this error.Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

The following is the declaration of second array I add just another dimension for storing all the iterations, but I get this error. Dim stateprob(IT + 1, 0 To 9, 0 To 750, 0 To 282) As single

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Declare A Large Array?

Sep 1, 2009

Is there a better (more compact or elegant) way of declaring a large array such as this?[code]...

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System.OutOfMemoryException While Adding A Large File To Resources

Sep 21, 2009

i am trying to add a mpg file to resources. at the time of compiling it throws following exception.the size of file is 200mb. [code]how is it possible to add a large size file to exe resources?

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Interface And Graphics :: Menu Navigation For Large System?

May 26, 2010

We are in the final stages of releasing a new in-house written system within our company. We have opted to create a single system/project containing multiple programs (like a mini ERP system).We are stuck on the navigation mechanism which will allow the user to load the appropriate forms. I am personally not a fan of the Tree View control because I think it is unfriendly to users. I have been looking on the web for some inspiration and I am interested in the design of the OPEN BRAVO ERP system. Before we dive in though, I wanted to get other programmers opinions. What do you find works best in VB 2008?

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Local Storage System For Relative Large Information

Nov 10, 2011

I've been reading a lot of articles here and there, really, for the past two days, searching for a good local storage system. I have no immediate use for now, so I am just exploring my choices. By saying 'local storage system,' I'm talking about some sort of database used for applications that let users manage and organize personal accounts (bank accounts, web site accounts, application licenses...). I do use XML to store user settings. But if you have to manage lots of information locally, XML won't probably be good enough, I'm afraid.

So what are choices Visua Basic users? Well, as I often mention, I develop Mac software products. And I use SQLite. In fact, every one of some 40 apps sold at Mac App Store uses SQLite for good reasons. I know that you can use SQLite with Visual Studio after installing a package from But I don't know if your application can reproduce a database file when necessary. That being said, I'm looking for a system that I can use to create a file programmatically especially when the user launches it for the first time. So what do you use to locally manage large information? SQL Express? SQLite? XML?

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Memory Leak In Large Array?

Feb 12, 2010

I need to improve memory performance on my application and I could see that I have problems with memory fragmentation.I've read an interesting article on large objects from Andrew Hunter of Red Gate, and one of the solutions he recommends isow do I implement his suggestion in my code?My program has a very complex form (with an object that leaves residual memory every time it opens. I found a complex list that may be the culprit, and I'd like to implement his suggestion to see if it fixes the issue.

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VB 2010 - Interpolation Large Array

Jun 18, 2012

I need to write code to interpolate the values shown in the image below. By "interpolate" I mean that if you were given a value of [Code]. I have working in Excel but I can't figure out how to make it work in VB 2010. Should I set my data up as an array or as 6 lists? If the user inputs a certain number how do I code it to look for the next highest number and next lowest number?

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.net - Insert Large Blobs Into Oracle 10G Using System.Data.OracleClient?

Mar 26, 2010

Trying to insert 315K Gif files into an Oracle 10g database. Everytime I get this error "ora-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested" whe I run the stored procedure. It appears that there is a 32K limit if I use a stored procedure. I read online that this does not apply if you are doing a direct insert, but I do not know how to create the insert string for a Byte Array. This is a thick client running on the server so not worried about SQL Injection attacks.

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Keep Getting OutOfMemory Exception While Running It?

Jan 14, 2011

One of my VB programs has to deal with loads of data. I keep getting OutOfMemory exception while running it.I monitored the memory usage from task manager Private=495M and CommitSize=521M.

1) What is the max memory I can have per process?

2) How do I allow more memory for my this program?

I am using Windows 2008 Standard 32 bit and .NET Framework is 3.5

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OutofMemory Exception On New Bitmap(?

May 26, 2011

I have to draw something on a Image wich is captured by the Camera. This works on many Devices, but sometimes the RAM is too small or the pictures too big and the function crashed with a OutOfMemory Exception.How am I able to:a) optimize the code to prevent this Exceptionsb) Handle this Exceptions (making pictures smaller, free Ram is the code:

Dim from_bmp As Bitmap
Dim bmp As Bitmap
from_bmp = New Bitmap(picname)


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Outofmemory Exception With FILL?

Apr 9, 2011

I am reading an XLSX that is about 100MB in size using the following (on XP 32bit):

connS = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;"
connS &= "Data Source=inwaredata" & frmConversion.DBCompany & "" & in_file & ";"
connS &= "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=No;"""


On the FILL command the memory in the task manager gets up to about 1.3GB and then gets an outofmemory exception. Is there a way i can specify this is read-only and read-forward since i am just reading through the XLSX and not moving backwards/forwards or doing any updates? Or, is there a better way to read the XLSX so i don't have to do a file.I do not want to use the excel add-on - i just want to read straight through the XLSX file, massage the data i read and then write it to an SQL database.

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Comparing Large Array Lists - Matching Strings?

Apr 26, 2011

I have two array list same size, depending on the information gathered by previous functions. The size of the arrays range from 2 - 45 in length, both arrays always have the same length. I am trying to match one string in one array to another string in the second array. When they match then add Item to List.

Here is my
Do Until i = Arraylenght
info = Replace(myAL(s), " ", "")
SortedArrayList(m) = Replace(SortedArrayList(m), " ", "")
SortedLine = Split(SortedArrayList(m), "Price=")
If myAL(s).Contains(SortedLine(1)) Then
[Code] .....

This code works up to an array of not more then 4 in lenght, when working larger size array then 4, the minute it get to 5 I get this Error:
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index

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Create 2-Dimesional Dynamic Array Large Size

Aug 22, 2009

i have a problem with the size of array i want to make a 2-Dimensional array with large size such as


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OutOfMemory - Still Alot Of Memory Left?

Jan 3, 2011

I got a function that reads memory of another process and then uses it in different ways. To prevent the GUI from lagging, I start a new thread and executes the code in it. It runs fine, but after a while, aprox. 20 minutes, the applications stops to work and an OutOfMemory exception pops up. The thing is that the memory use of the application isn't higher that 10mb and I can't notice any high increaments either. I have tried everything to find out what is wrong, but it seems to be impossible.

View 11 Replies - OutofMemory Exception Dropdownlist When Autopostback=true

Apr 19, 2010

I have a master page than contains my ScriptManager. On a child page i have an updated panel. Inside the update panel there is a dropdowlist. When i set the autopostback=true i get OutofMemory Exceptions. All the time. also note that I have AjaxControlToolkit set on my web.config.

Here is parts of my Code.

<ajax:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true" ></ajax:ToolkitScriptManager>
Child Page


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Pass An Array Of String When A System.Array Is Expected?

Feb 24, 2009

I am writing an OPC Client in VB.NET (2008) and I am using an OPC wrapper from Graybox. I am having some problems with the data types. I have an Array of String that contains all of the OPC Items that I wish to read from the OPC Server. When I attempt to use the Array of String, Option Strict causes the following compile error message:Error 5 Option Strict On disallows narrowing from type 'System.Array' to type '1-dimensional array of String' in copying the value of 'ByRef' parameter 'ItemIDs' back to the matching argument. How do I pass the Item ID's (all strings) in an array?

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Converting System.array To Double() Array?

Jun 12, 2012

just hoping that someone may be able to assist me to convert system.array to double() array.

Declarations are as follows:

Private f_Data As System.Array

Private f_Measures() As Double

Private f_NumberOfObservations As Integer

I then 'fill' f_Data from a range in an Excel worksheet as follows:

f_Data = wsXLSData.Range(wsXLSData.Cells(1,1), wsXLSData.Cells(8, 1)).Value

This seems to work OK. Upon checking f_Data is indeed filled with 8 double type numbers.

I then try to convert this system.array to a double array as follows:

For i As Integer = 0 To f_NumberOfObservations - 1

f_Measures(i) = f_Data(i + 1, 1).value
I then get an error pointing to the line ' f_Measures(i) = f_Data(i + 1, 1).value' of type MissingMemberException was unhandled by user code'

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Large String Concatination Error "system.memoryoverflowException"

Feb 2, 2012

I have developed software which can upload and download a large amount of data.

I am using language = .net 2005 ,OS = XP (32bit) , processor = duo core (3.00 GHz), RAM = 2GB. I have read a file up to 50 mb and then split it 2mb each. So no of pieces of the total 50 mb file will be 25. This split 2mb file will upload 25 times. But in this case I always get the exception "The operation has timed out" . I don't know why this is happened. Is it the fault of Internet connection speed or else ? Except this upload when I download the 2mb each, up to 50mb then I got 'System.OutOfMemoryException' .

Actually I have download 2mb file at a time and concat it in a stringbuilder object. This will do up to 25 times. But suddenly when it concat the string it get the exception 'System.OutOfMemoryException'.

I don't know why this happened. If I used up to 14mb file. It properly uploads and downloads but if I used the large file like 50mb then it get error. I have given you a sample code, so that you can understand the problem.

Private s_ReceiveMessage As New StringBuilder()
Dim data as string = ""
data = "2mb DATA"


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Optimise Text File Ascii Writing From Large Array (3000 X 3000)?

Jul 28, 2010

I am writing a 2D array to a text file.Is it digital map data, so I write each row at a time, and the format is readable by my map application.I have pasted the code below. The array is called edgegridArray. Everything else is pretty obvious. I don't know if streamwriter is the best way to do things,

Dim swr As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter("D:edgeoutput.txt")
swr.WriteLine("ncols " & cols - 2)
swr.WriteLine("nrows " & rows - 1)


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Assigning Values To An Array Error "Value Of Type MemberFocal.Member Cannot Be Converted To System.Array"

Dec 9, 2011

I'm having trouble assigning values to an array and am getting the error, "Value of type MemberFocal.Member cannot be converted to System.Array" - MemberFocal.Member is part of a custom class and I am attempting to create an array of these objects. Here is the code:


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IDE - Add Is Not Member Of System Array

Jul 21, 2010

The following code get an error in IDE when ADD method is used on Methods4Cost. Generic List of should work fine but IDE complains "'Add' is not a member of 'System.Array'".

Dim Methods4Cost() As List(Of CostMethods)
Dim values As String()
Dim costmethod As CostMethods
[Code] .....

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Jan 15, 2010

ok i'm just curious about what's the use of this function. is there any hidden meaning in it or does it just do the same thing as this:

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'Images' Is Not A Member Of System.Array?

Mar 30, 2012

I got this error within my code and haven't been able to figure out what is wrong with it,im not sure if im doing this Array Correct that could be the reason just looking for some guidance.

Dim imgPictures() As Image


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'Select' Is Not A Member Of 'System.Array'?

Jun 14, 2010

why the following code

Dim myStrings(My.Settings.test.Count - 1) As String
My.Settings.test.CopyTo(myStrings, 0)
DataGridView1.DataSource = myStrings.Select(Function(s) New With {.Value = s}).tolist

would be giving me grief in an existing app but work fine when i put it a new project starting from scratch. I'm getting the following error:

Error 6 'Select' is not a member of 'System.Array'. C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorMy DocumentsMy ECUCSG3303Citation Browser v2.6Citation BrowserfrmCitation.vb 43 36 Citation Browser

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C# - CopyToDataTable Is Not A Member Of System.array

Jun 27, 2012

I have a function in a VB.Net script file, but it produces the error 'CopyToDataTable' is not a member of 'system.array'.

Public Function CollectionFromTable(tableName As String, sql As String, sortOrder As String) As DataTable
Dim foundRows() As DataRow


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Get An Error Saying 'Next' Is Not A Member Of System.array

Jul 15, 2011

I haven't had this problem before. For some reason, when I declare a variable,I.E.rand as a new random(), and try to use rand.Next, i get an error saying 'Next' is not a member of system.array. Not sure why this is happening.


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How To Fix 'add Is Not A Member Of System.array' Error

Feb 10, 2011

I'm having trouble understanding why i'm getting the error 'add is not a member of system.array'I'm using an arraylist and when I hover over my declaration of memberarray As ArrayList() the tooltip states 'Dim memberarray as System.Collections.ArrayList()[code]

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