Telerik Control - Unable To Get The Text Typed In That Text Box?

May 23, 2009

I am using telerik Rad Grid in my applilcation.I have placed a text box in the header of one column of this rad grid.I am able to find the control of header and text box but my problem is that I am not able to get the text typed in that text box.Here I am typing the code how I am finding the control of header and text box.


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ADVERTISEMENT Telerik Text Selection

Mar 23, 2012

I have a telerik radgrid, like shown underneath [code]When I click one of the rows, it will display the password of the clicked row, like so:[code]That works fine. I am proceeding this way because the decryption of the password is a rather complicated and long process, so decrypting one password at a time is less time consuming, especially when the user doesn't need all the passwords.When I have the password displayed, I'd like to be able to select the password in the grid to copy it. Unfortunately, the radgrid will fire the "RowClick" item command once more, and the row gets de-selected. Therefore, I cannot copy the passwords. My question is: Is there a way to cancel the itemcommand of a radgrid under certain circumstances? I'd like to be able to disable the itemcommand event when the password is already decrypted.[code]

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Telerik Text Selection?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a telerik radgrid, like shown underneath

| Username | Password |
| A_user | ***** |


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Combobox Bug - Text Typed In Combobox Appears In Another Control (textbox) On The Form?

Feb 20, 2012

I have a tab control application, each tab loads a particular user control and each of those user controls will then add other user controls that are used amongst other the user controls. For example, I have an "ucQuotes" page and an "ucInventory" page, when the specific tab is selected, the "uc****" user control is loaded on that page, and in the case of "ucQuotes" and "ucInventory" they both use a control called "ucPartNumber"; a user control consisting of a combobox, textbox, and button. I have no issues reusing the shared user controls, in this case. My problem arises with my "ucQuickPrice" control, as it is always present at the bottom of the tab control form (separate from the tabcontrol, but on the same form), and it too uses ucPartnumber.

Here's my issue, as I type into the ucPartnumber combobox, the text I type does not appear in the combobox, it appears in the textbox of the ucPartnumber control that is being used on the tabcontrol page. There are no shared instances of ucPartNumber, nor do I have this issue between typing on one tab page and the text showing on the user control of another tab page.I tried just creating the ucPartNumber controls on the ucQuickPrice control, not adding a new instance of ucPartnumber on the .Load event, and the issue persists.

The combobox(s) in question are bound programmatically with about 40,000 items, ".datasource = dataset.tablename" not to a bindingsource. Autocomplete is set to none, I added code to utilize tool tips and the basic combobox filtering functionality. Is this a bug, or is there something I'm neglecting? I'm about 95% complete with this application, and this just happened today. I made the decision, to just reuse the ucPartNumber control on the ucQuickPrice control (originallly it's size and orientation would not fit, but I added some coding to detect what parent is adding ucPartNumber and to change its appearance accordingly). Before, I made this change, I did not have this problem. And, in trying to go back to how I had things set up before the change, the problem will not go away. if the whole control within a control verbage I used is a bit confusing, let me know and I'll try to better explain what is happening. At this point, I'm going to close and reopen vbexpress, as when I started this ordeal, vb started acting weird and wanted me to save all my work, it usually does this before locking up.

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.net - Telerik Version Of Code?

Jun 8, 2012

I want to have a partial class to manage my focus between radtextboxes when a user presses the enter key and I am looking for the telerik interpretation of this line of code tbs(i).KeyDown += New KeyEventHandler(AddressOf textBoxes_KeyDown)?

Partial Public Class MstFileTruck Inherits Form
Private tbs() As Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadTextBox
Public Sub New()


View 1 Replies - Unable To Add Text Along With <%# Container.DataItem %> In Repeater In User Control

Nov 26, 2011

I have a User Control which is dynamically placed by CodeBehind as follows:

Dim myControl As Control = CType(Page.LoadControl("~/Controls/mainMenu.ascx"), Control)
If InStr(Request.ServerVariables("url"), "/Login.aspx") <= 0 Then
End If

As per an example from my previous question on here.

Within this Control is a repeater which calls a database to generate values.

My Repeater mark-up is as follows

<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="locationRepeater" OnItemDataBound="getQuestionCount">


The example above works fine, but I want to be able to prepend text to <%# Container.DataItem %> in the title attribute of that <p> to print to the browser like this is some text DATA_ITEM_OUTPUT

When I try to do that though, it prints this is some text <%# Container.DataItem %> exactly like that, ie, turning <%# Container.DataItem %> into text, NOT the value from the repeater code.

It was working fine before I made it into a dynamically inserted control, so I am thinking I might have something being generated in the wrong order, but given that it works without any prepended text

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Javascript - Unable To Open Text File From WebBrowser Control

Mar 1, 2010

I have a sample application, in which I am trying to load a text file in WebBrowser control. I have a html file through which I am calling Javascript function to open text file. But it is showing me error like; Cannot find 'file:///C:/temp/test%2520page.txt'. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct. File exist at this location and its name is; test page.txt. I am not getting what is happening.

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Get Text What Typed In A Textbox?

Sep 28, 2009

Name: RyDeR (RyDeR is what I typed in the Textbox) Age: 17 (17 is what I typed in the Textbox) But now I have another Textbox but I want that this textbox automatic changes with what I type in the first boxes. Example:

His name is 'RyDeR' He's '17' years old

.. Like this and if I type something else, it must change to in last textbox.

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Resizing A TextBox As Text Is Typed In?

Nov 12, 2011

How can I have a textbox resizing as text is being enterd by the user? Here is the textbox properties.

With InputTextBox
.Location = New Point(10, 10)
.AutoSize = True


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Display Text In A Listbox When Typed In A Textbox?

Oct 20, 2009

I know this is a very simple question. But somehow I cannot solve this problem. I have a listbox and a textbox. I want to display the text in the Listbox when typed in a textbox.

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Save The Data Typed Into The Text Box To The Sql Database?

Jul 13, 2011

I have 1 text box and 1 button. I want to save the data typed into the text box to the sql database I have connected to my software. How do I code it it?Mick

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Comparing The Input Of Two Textboxes And The Number Of Error In Typed Text?

Dec 15, 2011

how to comparing the input of the textbox with respect to the given text and the number of error in typed textbox?

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Grid Data Not Updating Based On Text Typed In TextBox?

Dec 11, 2009

I have this lambda expression Me.SubcriperGrd.ItemsSource source.Where(Function(p As subscripers) p.Navn Like navn)

where i should filter the grid data based on the typed input in a txtbox

It returns the result when i type the full name but it doesn't filter the data as i type along in the txt field

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Math.min - Find Smallest Number Typed By User In Text Box 1

May 3, 2011

I have two text boxes on my form. text box 1 allows a user to type in a number (decimal) and text box 2 will display the smallest number typed in so far. The idea is to find the smallest number typed in by the user in text box 1, by using the Math.min method to compare each number typed in by the user to a variable that contains the smallest number to the point. Then replace the variable value with the smaller of the two numbers. To make it work for the first number. I have to initialize the variable to 99999. (no if else statements should be used).

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Text Box Control - Allow The User Of My Application, To Enter The Text "unemployed" Into A Text Box

Jan 27, 2010

A piece of code that will allow the user of my application, to enter the text "unemployed" into a text box and also allow them to enter numbers for how many years the person had been employed for.

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Telling The Program How To Check If User Typed The Text Article Shown Correctly?

Jul 31, 2011

I need some help on telling the program how to check if user typed the text article shown correctly word by word as they are typing. I've tried

Usertypehere.Text = Articleshown.text

But the program only consider the user to type correctly if they finished typing the whole article.

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Automatic Internal Padding Is Pushing My Text 60 Pixels From The Top Of The Control To The Top Of The Text?

May 18, 2012

I am writing a kiosk type application, in winforms (I know WPF would be better, this is just to be a rough and ready solution until I've learnt WPF), using VB.Net (VS2008).I have a label on my form with the font set to Segoe UI, and at 120pt size (yes it's large, it's designed to be read from a distance on a 42" screen).The problem I have is that the automatic internal padding is pushing my text 60 pixels from the top of the control to the top of the text and 40 pixels from the left of the control to the left of the text - the label1.padding property is all at 0, so this is the default spacing of the control - it seems to be particularly bad with this font (but it's the font I want to use) and if I increase the font size, this issue gets even worse.

I want my text to fit tightly into the boundaries of my control top, bottom and left (I want the right to expand depending on the length of the string in it, though). How can I achieve this (so that I can control all of the paddding myself using the label.padding property) and get rid of this automatic padding?

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Write Text From Textbox Control To Text File .txt At Specific Location?

Mar 10, 2011

Is it Possible for me to read text from textbox control and write it to .txt file at specific location.

for an instance.... say below with quote is my Text in .txt file:


and with programming code I want to change some text in the same sentance become....(see below)


so you can see the word BROWN change to GREY and word DOG change to CAT

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Pan/change/move The Text Appended To A Richtextbox Control So The Text Itself Scrolls In Addition To The Scrollbars?

Jul 11, 2011

My application appends incoming report data onto a RichTextbox control. As more text arrives from an external device, the thumb initially fills the trough and as times goes on, the thumb diminishes in size. This is expected behavior.A modal dialog box allows the user to cancel the file download but since it's modal, the user can't scroll down to see what the last text that was appended.Is there a property/event/method that will show the most recent/last text in the RichTextBox control, rather than the initial text as I have it displayed now? The user would be able to see the text drawn real time without having to use the thumb to accomplish

View 2 Replies - Telerik Upload Control In DNN Just Posts Back Without Uploading?

Jul 13, 2011

Ultimately, what I would like to do is upload files directly into the database, so I updated this question with the code I'm using to write to the database. I am developing a module in DotNetNuke using Telerik controls. I need to upload files to the server in the user interface, so I am using the RadUpload control and the RadProgressArea/RadProgressManager.

Here is my ASP:

<telerik:RadUpload ID="RadUpload1" runat="server" ControlObjectsVisibility="CheckBoxes, RemoveButtons, ClearButtons"
AllowedFileExtensions=".doc,.docx,.pdf,.tiff,.gif,.jpg,.jpeg,.xls,.xlsx" MaxFileInputsCount="2"
MaxFileSize="10000000" InitialFileInputsCount="2">


When I hit the button, it does a postback to the page, but the files do not get uploaded. I tried using the autoupload functions and specifying pysical and virtual paths but that didn't work. I did it exactly like they said. I manually registered the controls in my web.config, then removed them and used the auto-register feature to re-register thinking maybe I did something wrong, but I'm still at a loss.

Here's where I spent the last couple hours:
[Upload Overview][3]
[Files are not uploaded][4]

get this upload control and progress indicator working?

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Output Formatted RTF Text To A Rich Text Box Control?

Feb 24, 2012

Okay, so what I want to do is directly output formatted RTF text to a Rich Text Box control in VB.NET. I don't want to find the text, select it and color it as it is not practical for what I'm doing. I've tried outputting RTF code but that isn't working either. Can I actually do this or will I have to write a dll?

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User Control - ProgressBar With Text - Text Not Being Shown

Mar 23, 2012

I have a User Control that is a ProgressBar with Dock set to Fill. The code is as below. Unfortunately it simply doesn't show the text in the progress bar and why is beyond me skill.


The If Not... conditional code in the set method is there to prevent the SetProgressText procedure running every time the property is set. The Value property of a ProgresBar is an Integer and if the code that is setting it runs through thousands of loops (>600,000 in my case) then there's no point updating the text every time since it can only actually change 100 times for a 0-100 ProgressBar. The 600k looping takes about 2 seconds usually, without that conditional code it takes at least 2 minutes!

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Unable To Load Rich Text Files Into Rich Text Box?

Jan 12, 2009

I am unable to load rich text files into my rich text box. It worked fine yesterday, would there have been anything I could have changed by accident?

With OpenFileDialog
.Filter = "Text format (*.txt)|*.txt|Rich Text Format (*.rtf)|*.rtf|All files (*.*)|*.*"


but I am getting the error File format is not valid when i attempt to open any Rich Text file

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MS Speech SDK - Highlight Text On A Richtextbox Control While Reading The Text Using Speech Sdk Control

May 26, 2011

I just want to know that how can i highlight text on a richtextbox control while reading the text using speech sdk control. I mean the word currently speak automatically selected in the RichTextBox.

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Retrieve The Text From An External Text Control?

Mar 29, 2012

I'm trying to retrieve the text from an external text control. I'm able to do this successfully in vb6, but now that I'm trying to make a go of .net I'm having trouble writing this particular piece of code in .net without errors.

My code is thus:

Dim TheText As String, TxtLen As Long
TxtLen = SendMessageLong(txtcontrolclass, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0&, 0&)
TheText = String(TxtLen + 1, " ")


I also noticed that my use of String( and Left( in the above code are also underlined and telling me that they cant be used as written.

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VS 2010 : Change Colour Of Text Letter By Letter When Typed?

Jul 5, 2011

Is it possible to change to colour of letters as they are typed.I.e

Piece of text says
"Hello World"

when user types "H". The "H" in the original would change if matched and then so on and then when "Hello" is matched it would change to another colour.

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Changing Text Of Custom Control Based On Text Of Another Custom Control

Jan 11, 2010

I am using custom textboxes and I need to be able to set the Text on txb1 based on the Text of txb2. I have simplied my code to the following:

Public Class customtextbox
Inherits TextBox
Public Event ControlReset()


So, when txb1 looses focus, if its Text is "fried", then it sets off txb2's ProcessAlert function. I had tried to change the value of txb2 Text in ProcessAlert function, but didnt work, so I tried to get it to raise an event instead, which then tries to set the Text property. However I still cant set txb2's Text property. The Text property seems to be set for the duration of the "life" of the Event handler. When I step through the forms controls within the Event handler, the changed Text value is there, but not outside of the Event handler.

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Unable To Flip Through The Records In That One Text Box?

Nov 7, 2009

I have a blank form, and I've added a really simple Access database with two tables with two columns each. If I click and drag the name of one of the columns, and drop it on the form, I get a label and a textbox.

I was assuming that since the load procedure already had Me.WhateverTableAdapter.Fill in there, that when I pressed the green arrow to run the program, I'd be able to flip through the records in the column.

When I click "preview data", I do see the data is there, but when I run the program, it says 0 records and none load. Is there something else I have to do to be able to flip through the records in that one text box?

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Unable To Parse Query Text

Jun 26, 2011

my database is access, i try to Configure dataset as below i get some Error, it say Error in where clause near .unable to parse query text.

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Unable To Display Rtf File In Rich Text Box?

Aug 24, 2010

While displaying the .RTF file in rich text box control. It displays all the rtf formatting strings. how to display rich text in rich text box control.

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